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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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(but otherwise t-rex. it is a popular answer, but that is because it is the correct answer.)

What's the difference?

But yes, definitely the T-Rex.

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Was gonna answer pterodactyl but then I remembered dinosaurs with real feathers.



This all being a very long-winded way to say "velociraptor."

also y'all people answering "Nightmare" are misspelling "SupremeRulerDragon" smh

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QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY: What do you do to keep yourself awake?

when you need to pick your mate up from the airport at like 3 am

what do you do

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Q759: Velociraptor

Q760: Game until the time comes, eat, and drink one of those energy drinks or a coffee. Or it it's 8 hours away, like the given example, like it is currently for me, go to sleep for about 5 hours and defy the qotd.

Edited by Soledai
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