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Good units you avoid using


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Because shut up

Its the eugenics that make it hard, which I don't waste time for and pick favorites. Other than that its nice enough. Perhaps I worded what I was trying to say wrong, which is more of not liking why pairings affect them so much. But I suppose it doesn't matter in the end

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No Jeigans, and almost none of the pre-promotes. Sometimes I try to use them for a bit, but bench them sooner or later.

I was satisfied with Saleh and Pent. And RD Elincia, if she counts. Perceval and Niime suck though.

percival and niime are among fe6's best lategame joiners lol.

Percival's got wtf bases in hm, and niime has high magic and ok everything else except hp.

and warp at base.

What's so hard about pairing people if you aren't going to use their children anyways?

By not putting units which by your own definition are bad? Seriously, how hard is it to understand what good means.

hey don't let it erk you.

on topic:

fe1-3- don't count for me.

fe4- Levin!Artur makes the game tooo easy.

fe5: the dimethunder chick and the girl with that ridiculous sword. They're good, but they kinda rely on their unique weapons early on. it's no fun ramming fe5 with A BRAVE MAGIC TOME.

FE6- can't think of any. i guess i tend to try to not use rutger after the chapter you get zealot.

fe7- Kent- screwy growths and has to compete with Sain and Lowen who have better growths/ waaaayy more time to grow.

also add Isadora, Harken, Louise, Dart, Renault, Vaida, Jaffar, and Karel. I usually have no room on my team by then. and I absolutely love using Hawkeye/Legault over Jaffar/Dart. Can't say much about Isadora and Harken though. They're good, but I never have the slots to use ISadora unless i plan things ahead. Harken's also just really good and solid, but I usually have Raven eclipsing him by then

I would put Geitz on here, but then i remember that I like him as my reinflieche user and usually get Eliwood+Hector to lvl 20 and Lyn to lvl 10 to make the requirement.


Dozla, Gerik, Joshua, Rennac, Syrene, Innes, and Saleh.

Dozla's ok, but I tend to have ross trained as a zerker if i need one.

Gerik gets dumped because Hero!Garcia performs similarly with a speedwing and has more con for axes.

Joshua is dumped because he's a 1 range locked unit in an easy game.

Rennac, Syrene, Innes, and Saleh are solid, but i usually have better options by then.

fe9- Idk. I guess Largo, Illyana, Gaytree, and Makalov because I have better options.

fe10- Edward, Marcia, Sigrun, most non-heron/volug laguz, most p4 dudes because i have units trained up.

fe11- Gaggles.

fe12- i don't remember 70% of the cast.

The Last Promise- lategame joiners bar Alice aren't on my team because i have trained options or no slots lol.

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I usually don't use FE7!Marcus because he sucks.Kyle and Dussel never get to see much action outside their first chapter.I do use Seth and Innes,though.Seth because I have horrible strategy and sometime I will fuck up and he will need to rescue someone.He never sees much fighting,and is usually level 10 by endgame.Innes I use a lot because I dislike Neimi and never train her.I also fangirl over him but that's neither here or there.

If someone starts calling me out for my opinion I swear I will go nuts.

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By the way, I didn't answer the topic because I can't really think of any good units that I refuse to use. Closest to that is...FE13 children, heh.

Because shut up

Its the eugenics that make it hard, which I don't waste time for and pick favorites. Other than that its nice enough. Perhaps I worded what I was trying to say wrong, which is more of not liking why pairings affect them so much. But I suppose it doesn't matter in the end

Yeah, fair enough.

Edited by Refa
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Gerik gets dumped because Hero!Garcia performs similarly with a speedwing and has more con for axes.

Hero Gerik actually has more Con than Hero Garcia

I forgot Raven in my list too. And Lucina too.

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After too many failed attempts at using Sain, I've given up on him

Motherfucker fails to get speed like 10 times in a row; HHM speed threshold is low but not THAT low

I don't even like you as a character anyway

Generally being really good can override personality to an extent for being on my team but not when you're theoretically good but doesn't actually perform

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FE7 Marcus, FE9 Titania, and Seth are the big ones, but I tend to avoid prepromotes simply to say all my units were raised. Except thieves, since I rarely put them into combat I use the highest stats one if I get a new one.

If he wasn't a lord, Ike would get benched asap, but he unfortunately is.

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Literally every prepromote ever. I'm actually not kidding. Especially Seth though. Literally my only exception to the prepromote thing is Gotohs and FE9!Stefan.

FE6: Alen, Clarine, all Knights

FE7: Sain, every Peg Knight, Erk, Wallace, Lowen, all Fighters/Warriors, Heath [:c]

FE8: Gilliam, Vanessa, Garcia, Neimi, Forde, Kyle, Tana, L'Arachel

FE9: Rhys, Shinon, every Laguz, all Peg Knights, Kieran, Brom, Nephenee, Jill, Makalov

FE10: Naesala, Skrimir, all Peg Knights, Zihark

FE11: Literally everyone but Merric, Beck, Lena, Marth, Radd, and Gotoh

FE13: Everyone but a small handful

Bold: I'm unsure why you listed all those, since I wouldn't even consider them good (other than Geitz in FE7)...

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Neimi is the only archer in FE8 and she has pretty good growths (highest strength of all females besides Tana). Though she requires a little bit babying in the beginning.

Garcia has shitty speed, but it's FE8 so it doesn't matter.

The other ones aren't really that good, I agree.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Bold: I'm unsure why you listed all those, since I wouldn't even consider them good (other than Geitz in FE7)...

See, like with Peg Knights, I know a lot of people consider Florina to be good. But, thing is, I don't use her. Then I realized I don't use her sisters either, so I included them too.

I felt like at least 1 of the fighters were good but I never use the fighters.

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Neimi is the only archer in FE8 and she has pretty good growths (highest strength of all females besides Tana). Though she requires a little bit babying in the beginning.

Garcia has shitty speed, but it's FE8 so it doesn't matter.

The other ones aren't really that good, I agree.

Garcia also can't really hope to double anything that isn't either severely weighed down or a joke enemy.

See, like with Peg Knights, I know a lot of people consider Florina to be good. But, thing is, I don't use her. Then I realized I don't use her sisters either, so I included them too.

I felt like at least 1 of the fighters were good but I never use the fighters.

Well, Geitz is the only one that is good, since Bartre has a speed base that makes me wanna puke, and Dorcas (and by extension, Garcia) has an awful speed growth.

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About Kent and Sain, I tend to have the opposite thing happen instead of what most people have expressed; even though Kent is a good unit, I almost never use him because Sain turns out good enough that Kent basically becomes a less useful version of him, and I like to have more variety in the types of units I use.

Other than that there aren't many good units that I outright avoid using. Seth is the only other big one I can think of. On my first (unfinished) playthrough of FE9 I avoided using Marcia for some reason (I think because her dialogue annoyed me), but on my second one she was the team MVP and I ended up liking her in general, so. :I

Edited by TheCosmicDude
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percival and niime are among fe6's best lategame joiners lol.

Percival's got wtf bases in hm, and niime has high magic and ok everything else except hp.

and warp at base.

I had Perceval join midgame. At that point my Allen beat him in every stat except a few points in Resistance, and Lance would've too after the promotion gains.

Sophia and Raigh both utterly scoff at Niime, especially the former, who had better stats in literally everything and an S-Rank in Dark Magic, and still with over 15 more levels of growing room.


Dozla, Gerik, Joshua, Rennac, Syrene, Innes, and Saleh.

Dozla's ok, but I tend to have ross trained as a zerker if i need one.

Gerik gets dumped because Hero!Garcia performs similarly with a speedwing and has more con for axes.

Joshua is dumped because he's a 1 range locked unit in an easy game.

Rennac, Syrene, Innes, and Saleh are solid, but i usually have better options by then.

Dozla, Rennac, and Syrene are all bad. You're right about Ross outclassing Dozla as a Berserker, and Tana outclasses Syrene, although the optimal class for her would be Wyvern Knight. Rennac is not good for anything besides being a typical FE Thief - running around stealing and opening chests. I guess he gets points for being the only unit that can do that if you promote Colm into an Assassin, which is what everybody should do.

Joshua is the resident FE critmaster. You don't know what you're missing out on, I highly recommend training him if you can. (It shouldn't be too hard to either, I mean the chapter he joins in has an Arena.)

Neimi is the only archer in FE8 and she has pretty good growths (highest strength of all females besides Tana). Though she requires a little bit babying in the beginning.

Too much babying to be worth it. Especially when you have Innes and his amazing bases.
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I had Perceval join midgame. At that point my Allen beat him in every stat except a few points in Resistance, and Lance would've too after the promotion gains.

Sophia and Raigh both utterly scoff at Niime, especially the former, who had better stats in literally everything and an S-Rank in Dark Magic, and still with over 15 more levels of growing room.

Dozla, Rennac, and Syrene are all bad. You're right about Ross outclassing Dozla as a Berserker, and Tana outclasses Syrene, although the optimal class for her would be Wyvern Knight. Rennac is not good for anything besides being a typical FE Thief - running around stealing and opening chests. I guess he gets points for being the only unit that can do that if you promote Colm into an Assassin, which is what everybody should do.

Joshua is the resident FE critmaster. You don't know what you're missing out on, I highly recommend training him if you can. (It shouldn't be too hard to either, I mean the chapter he joins in has an Arena.)

You do realize there's a reason why people say "Personal experience means nothing", don't you?

Sophia's also too much effort to be worth it.

As to the whole" everyone should promote Colm to an Assassin" thing: No. Just... NO. I'm not going to settle for some third-rate thief.

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@Tragonight can't tell if serious or not

Percival performs similarly to or better than Alan/Lance. Their Spd is equal in practice, Percival wins in HP, wins easily in weapon ranks, Str is roughly equal (better than Lance's on average I think), defenses are practically equal (Can Percy dodge status staves with the extra res? don't recall) and he just comes without needing any training and does extremely well for half of the game. The fact that some of the top growth units in the game will catch up to his bases doesn't devalue him. The amount of training they need for that feat just shows that he's an excellent unit.

The same goes for Niime. Getting Raigh or Sophia to A staves (or even B) takes a ridiculously long time, whereas Niime hitting S Dark by C23-C24 is quite reasonable regardless of your pace. Niime doesn't need training, can warp over a big range, do other staff duties, kill things on forest tiles and apoblick Dragons. That's extremely good and she practically outclasses Sophia and Raigh, not the opposite.

I don't see how you think that either of them sucks.

Edited by Gradivus.
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I only use units I like personality-wise for the most part, so I never touch Raven, Priscilla, or Kent ever.

Especially Pent, who is as interesting as a piece of paper to me, and I refuse to touch him with a ten-foot pole.

I would also say the same for Makalov, but I also don't consider him a good unit, so...

Otherwise I usually avoid Alan, because he usually likes to fuck with me and not get stats whenever I use him, and Cormag, because I don't really like him, or something.

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Lucina, because I hate her, mainly. Although, I really dislike Soren as well, yet I still use him because he's like the only really good mage in either Tellius game. The others are either bad or just too hard to train.

Anyway, I like Seth, but I kinda avoid using him so other units can gain experience. Same with Titania.

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Perceval has lower stats when recruited earlier.

... Fine. He might not suck, but Allen and Lance are way better than him, and being capable early-game units, no one should be complaining about training them. I had Clarine for Staves, so I didn't really need Niime, although her A-rank is a good thing for those that didn't train any healers until that point. Sophia basically becomes Lilina 2.0, with higher Skill. And with Flux's Might, she can actually OHKO more than Lilina with a Fire tome, it's just that Fire is cheaper. Dark Magic is great for the Magic Trinity too.

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I don't really avoid anyone.I tend to use everyone for a bit(I always try to get everyone promoted)and then I use my favorites and those who turned out well.I mean in FEA I used everyone pretty consistently same with FE8.

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Perceval has lower stats when recruited earlier.

... Fine. He might not suck, but Allen and Lance are way better than him, and being capable early-game units, no one should be complaining about training them. I had Clarine for Staves, so I didn't really need Niime, although her A-rank is a good thing for those that didn't train any healers until that point. Sophia basically becomes Lilina 2.0, with higher Skill. And with Flux's Might, she can actually OHKO more than Lilina with a Fire tome, it's just that Fire is cheaper. Dark Magic is great for the Magic Trinity too.

alright but you might want to consider that most people don't want to train a shitty mage who is about as strong and accurate as a struggling puppy

there's a reason Sophia is often considered the worst unit ever

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Perceval has lower stats when recruited earlier.

... Fine. He might not suck, but Allen and Lance are way better than him, and being capable early-game units, no one should be complaining about training them. I had Clarine for Staves, so I didn't really need Niime, although her A-rank is a good thing for those that didn't train any healers until that point. Sophia basically becomes Lilina 2.0, with higher Skill. And with Flux's Might, she can actually OHKO more than Lilina with a Fire tome, it's just that Fire is cheaper. Dark Magic is great for the Magic Trinity too.

Perceval also has HM bonuses, Allen and Lance struggle to get that good on HM without some bias put into them.

alright but you might want to consider that most people don't want to train a shitty mage who is about as strong and accurate as a struggling puppy

there's a reason Sophia is often considered the worst unit ever

I'd say Wendy struggles more lol. Like at least in the case of people who start weaker like Lilina can become a Nuke.

Wendy and Sophia just struggle so much even in NM, I mean I've used em both in HM before, wasn't fun but it isn't impossible. It's soul draining though.

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Oh, I said "often considered" for a reason, I think Wendy is much worse. I mean, she can be killed by an archer the turn she joins.

My bad, I missed your wording good sir.

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