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Skinship is out, says kotaku (new info on page 71)


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Now you know how I felt when I decided to left this discussion for most of today and come back many hours later(...somewhat)!I've been on here since last year in the beginning of summer, although I didn't really come on a lot more until these past few months. It's surprising how heated discussions get sometimes. Then again, I haven't really been in any heated discussions until Corrin and Bayonetta because Smash 4 DLC and I didn't really get into the mix of a REALLY heated discussion until...well...this one. I'm happy that people don't go extremely bonkers when trying to get a point across like some other sites (who start to go WAAAY over board when thing get too hot). They try to keep a leveled head here from what I've seen. Also, it's nice to have a place I can go to where everyone at least somewhat understands and likes what I love, which is Fire Emblem (because it sucks when you know only one other person in your personal life that actually even likes Fire Emblem, not that I can really go into deep discussion with them though...oh well...)!Kotaku is gonna get it BAD if this is all wrong! They're gonna get burned...Dying Blaze burned!

Man, don't worry about it. A bit of salt won't ever bother me. I know everyone on this forum is just as passionate, if not more so, about fire emblem as I am. It's something that makes me feel at home, I can appreciate people getting heated. I get that way to, two days ago I was super salty, now I've calmed down though :P.

Regardless it's nice to be in the forest. I've visited this site plenty of times before (for tier listings, cool FE games made by players, etc.). I don't know why it took me so long to join. I should've joined sooner XD.

Also good morning all.

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More hate? If this is a stunt by Kotaku, I'm putting them on the same level as Fox News in terms of credibility.

As somebody who has no real political leanings, it seems like half the shit Fox News catches is because they're conservative. Some of it is definitely real and deserving of course, but on a whole they massive amount of hate and dismissal is because they go against the crowd (though the occasional "wacky female reporter reports Obama is Muslim" stuff is really stupid; as for their internet polls being flawed, every internet poll is flawed).

But what do I know. People shit all over American Sniper because of the fake baby and a "political agenda", despite doing reasonably well critically and (when looking at the whole story) painting a tragic image of a man who metaphorically lost his life to war.

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As somebody who has no real political leanings, it seems like half the shit Fox News catches is because they're conservative. Some of it is definitely real and deserving of course, but on a whole they massive amount of hate and dismissal is because they go against the crowd (though the occasional "wacky female reporter reports Obama is Muslim" stuff is really stupid; as for their internet polls being flawed, every internet poll is flawed).

But what do I know. People shit all over American Sniper because of the fake baby and a "political agenda", despite doing reasonably well critically and (when looking at the whole story) painting a tragic image of a man who metaphorically lost his life to war.

The joke is more about them claiming to be 'fair and balanced' despite being very obviously Conservative than it is taking a shot at Conservatives themselves. Just like how going to Fox News for a 'fair and balanced' assessment of a political issue is an exercise in futility (as would going to a Liberal-bias media outlet), going to Kotaku for good video gaming journalism will also be futile since if they're wrong, they'll have outed themselves as liars/controversy-mongers/click-baiters/attention whores without a shred of journalistic integrity/a hive of scum and villainy misinformation/some combination of those.

Edited by Phillius
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So,... I don't suppose there's anybody who could possibly be reading this that is actually considering the game because of the probable lack of skinship?

After the storm that happened over here when it was released, I'm a bit surprised only one guy has said anything in this thread along those lines.

Edited by The DanMan
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I once called my family out on watching FOX because it was absurdly biased. The lot of them immediately lashed at me claiming it was the least biased news network. Then I groaned, facepalmed, and walked the dog just to get out of the room containing their lack of proper definition for bias.

Ahem. On topic.

Right now, the whole thing seems believable enough to me. I personally wasn't planning on buying the game anyway, since I dislike the low FE has sunk to, and lacking skinship wouldn't really change my opinion on that.

Skinship was partially responsible for that opinion though

I've been watching the thread like a hawk though, simply because I thought it would be amusing. It kinda is.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Even if Skinship is out, I still intend to get the game. Skinship, to me, is mostly just as quirky bonus, though I will be disappointed if it is removed without proper replacement. I don't want a game I purchase to be inferior by lack of an equal amount of content.

Edited by Dai
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So,... I don't suppose there's anybody who could possibly be reading this that is actually considering the game because of the probable lack of skinship?

After the storm that happened over here when it was released, I'm a bit surprised only guy has said anything in this thread along those lines.

Well like people have said, SF is one of the more reasonable forums. Try going to say...GameFAQ's or Youtube or somewhere similar and you'll probably see some more.

I once called my family out on watching FOX because it was absurdly biased. The lot of them immediately lashed at me claiming it was the least biased news network. Then I groaned, facepalmed, and walked the dog just to get out of the room containing their lack of proper definition for bias.

Ahem. On topic.

Right now, the whole thing seems believable enough to me. I personally wasn't planning on buying the game anyway, since I dislike the low FE has sunk to, and lacking skinship wouldn't really change my opinion on that.

I've been watching the thread like a hawk though, simply because I thought it would be amusing. It kinda is.

It depends on how you interpret them using the phrase 'fair and balanced'. The most obvious definition is clearly a lie, but it could also be them seeing the news as being Liberal biased and leaning heavily towards the Right in an attempt to give Conservatives a media outlet. Hence, 'fair and balanced' through equal representation. Wait, I'm Australian, why do I care about this?

Anyway, here's hoping that IS can get back on the right track after this. The support system and plot are the only things dragging it down for me while everything else (music, gameplay, characters ETC) are all really good.

Edited by Phillius
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I don't want a game I purchase to be inferior by lack of an equal amount of content.

Which is precisely why I won't be getting it if skinship is indeed removed. I have plenty of things to spend my money on, why would I choose to spend it on a product that has had features removed for reasons I don't agree with?

Edited by capmalachi
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You know, I really hope that the next FE game after Fates isn't so controversial! I know taking risks are good ideas sometimes, but this gives quite a headace at times with all this craziness! Even SMT X FE doesn't seem as controversial(even as divided as some people are on it)!

Man, don't worry about it. A bit of salt won't ever bother me. I know everyone on this forum is just as passionate, if not more so, about fire emblem as I am. It's something that makes me feel at home, I can appreciate people getting heated. I get that way to, two days ago I was super salty, now I've calmed down though :P.

Regardless it's nice to be in the forest. I've visited this site plenty of times before (for tier listings, cool FE games made by players, etc.). I don't know why it took me so long to join. I should've joined sooner XD.

Also good morning all.

Good morning to you too, my good sir! :3

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You know, I really hope that the next FE game after Fates isn't so controversial! I know taking risks are good ideas sometimes, but this gives quite a headace at times with all this craziness! Even SMT X FE doesn't seem as controversial(even as divided as some people are on it)!

I've got a crack theory that since the localizers are going with Team A, it's going to be used as an excuse for another re-shuffling within IS.

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I've got a crack theory that since the localizers are going with Team A, it's going to be used as an excuse for another re-shuffling within IS.

A definite possibility. Between the shoddy-plot, skinship, the Soleil controversy and everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if they re-shuffled. At the very least, the negative aspects of Fates will be the kick up the arse they need to improve in these areas.

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I don't like localisation changes like this. But these days, the brand "Fire Emblem" stands for sooo many things I don't agree with, that we are way past the point were I would let such trivial changes affect my purchasing decision. Personally I ran out of fucks to give around the time when I read that TharjaxRobin A support.

Edited by BrightBow
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I'm still super hyped for the games no matter what. I have a friend who's interested in Fates since he really liked Awakening but he doesn't feel interested enough to get the games on launch date. He's somewhat heard about the controversies and some aspects of the game that might be removed, but he wasn't all that fazed or shocked that skinships would be removed, probably because he hasn't seen enough of it to care.

But when I mentioned My Castle and the customization involved, that pretty much sold him for sure.

So it all boils down to how much research and exposure you have towards these games that I feel like if I did find out things would be removed without knowing much about the game, I wouldn't care even more about the removal. Like I had to record everyone's skinship lines and upload it to my youtube in order to somewhat enjoy the experience.

I guess I'm a bit more optimistic in that there are still plenty of resources and footage online that I can check those out and just dream for what could have been. Of course, that isn't the same as experiencing it with the game in front of you, but at least there's that.

Edited by carefreejules
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A definite possibility. Between the shoddy-plot, skinship, the Soleil controversy and everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if they re-shuffled. At the very least, the negative aspects of Fates will be the kick up the arse they need to improve in these areas.

Taking a step back, looking at what previously worked before, and building off that would be ideal at this point. Heck, taking some stuff from older games would kinda help! Keep things interesting, but also kinda simple.

I don't like localisation changes like this. But these days, the brand "Fire Emblem" stands for sooo many things I don't agree with, that we are way past the point were I would let such trivial changes affect my purchasing decision. Personally I ran out of fucks to give around the time when I read that TharjaxRobin A support.

Oh God......now I'm curious! Not sure how it will go since the only Tharja support I always remember is TharjaxGauis B support (since it's quite funny. For the support itself and the timing of me reading/seeing it )!

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Oh God......now I'm curious! Not sure how it will go since the only Tharja support I always remember is TharjaxGauis B support (since it's quite funny. For the support itself and the timing of me reading/seeing it )!

Well, the last line of the support is this:

Tharja: Aw, how sweet. S/he's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

Full support here: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Tharja_Avatar%28M%29

Personally I don't care if Tharja did anything to Robin as long as IS deliberately implied that she might have raped her just for the sake of fetish pandering. And there are other lines that show that Tharja is trying to find ways to overwrite Robin's consent, like this one if she gains exp from a sparkly tile, so IS knew perfectly well what the above line implied:

Tharja: Ah, finally, a perfect voodoo doll. Robin will have eyes only for me…

Edited by BrightBow
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So uh... some news about this topic.

http://nintendoeverything.com/removal-of-fire-emblem-fates-petting-mini-game-in-the-west-reconfirmed/ (found this link on reddit btw)

I don't know... I don't really know who the guy is so I'm still gonna wait I see some form of screenshot that skinship is replaced/removed.

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So uh... some news about this topic.

http://nintendoeverything.com/removal-of-fire-emblem-fates-petting-mini-game-in-the-west-reconfirmed/ (found this link on reddit btw)

I don't know... I don't really know who the guy is so I'm still gonna wait I see some form of screenshot that skinship is replaced/removed.

...I honestly can't take that twitter name seriously. But idk see why the person who wrote the article wouldn't have taken the original tweets rather than cite someone with the twitter name 'mombot' who took screencaps of the whole thing. Edited by carefreejules
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...I honestly can't take that twitter name seriously. But idk see why the person who wrote the article wouldn't have taken the original tweets rather than cite someone with the twitter name 'mombot' who took screencaps of the whole thing.

-shrugs- maybe he got excited so he just cited that twitter directly lol.

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So uh... some news about this topic.

http://nintendoeverything.com/removal-of-fire-emblem-fates-petting-mini-game-in-the-west-reconfirmed/ (found this link on reddit btw)

I don't know... I don't really know who the guy is so I'm still gonna wait I see some form of screenshot that skinship is replaced/removed.

This is just a guy is just using a tweet frome that kotaku guy.

We've already had a discussion on that particular tweet

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Well, the last line of the support is this:

Tharja: Aw, how sweet. S/he's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

Full support here: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_Supports/Tharja_Avatar(M)

Personally I don't care if Tharja did anything to Robin as long as IS deliberately implied that she might have raped her just for the sake of fetish pandering. And there are other lines that show that Tharja is trying to find ways to overwrite Robin's consent, like this one if she gains exp from a sparkly tile, so IS knew perfectly well what the above line implied:

Tharja: Ah, finally, a perfect voodoo doll. Robin will have eyes only for me…


She seemed tempted...very, very tempted! I even went ahead and read the S-support and...dang...those wedding vows are strong! Especially the "till death do us part" ...part.

Thatja is quite...something(can't find the right words).

So uh... some news about this topic.

http://nintendoeverything.com/removal-of-fire-emblem-fates-petting-mini-game-in-the-west-reconfirmed/ (found this link on reddit btw)

I don't know... I don't really know who the guy is so I'm still gonna wait I see some form of screenshot that skinship is replaced/removed.

I'm still taking this with a grain of salt (and getting a little off topic was my fault)!


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This is just a guy is just using a tweet frome that kotaku guy.

We've already had a discussion on that particular tweet

Yeah, but the reply in the tweet came from someone who is working with Nintendo, at least that's what it said... I don't know about Kotaku and some NIntendo staffs but judging the reactions from reddit comment, it might be real??? I DON'T KNOW. I just want to hear from you guys. :x

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That tweet us from Nathan Grayson, the same guy who has caused this panic(and partly responsiblefor gamergate). He's probably covering his tracks. The problem is that email has no adress and there is no receive date as well.

If he's lying he's dug himself a hole and he's in too deep.

edit: @lobo they guy is a journalist, he knows the names of important people and credible people. He could have forged the email because there is missing information on that email Grayson showed. I mentioned it above

This is not an attack on anyone


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That tweet us from Nathan Grayson, the same guy who has caused this panic(and partly responsiblefor gamergate). He's probably covering his tracks. The problem is that email has no adress and there is no receive date as well.

If he's lying he's dug himself a hole and he's in too deep.

if he is lying, then I don't see the reason why all this is worth it... -facepalm-

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