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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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Be satisfied if I got all of my original stats back.

I did, they called it Fates.

They even debuffed my design. I'm still complaining about it...


I mean you should sue. I'm not calling you a mary sue.

But, if you're robin, you kinda are a mary sue.

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Most of the time I ignore it, especially on the internet, but if it comes up in a discussion between friends I'll explain why I personally like the thing and potentially continue from there.

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People do it all the time and I usually don't do anything cuz it's whatever.

Except this one time I felt the need to comment cuz after they finished pooping they genuinely seemed interested in learning more about the thing.

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Well, not tell them "you're wrong" or anything like that

I tend to explain why I like something myself, but I try not to be pushy or try tell that person they're bad for not liking it (unless I was in a joking mood about it or something if there was some running joke going on about that)

I may get sad about it, sure, but I understand that not everybody will see something the same way I do or feel the same way about it

of course, if we're in a discussion and they're giving some "fact" about it that I know (or think) isn't true, then I'll certainly point that out! But I feel like people interpret it as me trying to sway their opinion which is why I think I often get defensive responses about it... I guess in a way that's sort of what I'm doing? But I do it with the intention of giving anything and everything a perfectly fair perspective so that from that new perspective they can decide on where their opinion stands, I don't try to do any more than that :c

Edited by Freohr Datia
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i first read the topic as "what would you do if people shit on you" and i was like wtf

anyway i'd be really upset and cry and probably avoid the thing i like depending on who said it

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Depends on what/how

My bf hates seafood and certain vegetables which I happen to like

In this case I continue eating seafood and he continues not eating seafood and the only inconvenience is when i order salmon on dates I feel bad bc I always steal a bit of his food but I can't give him any of mine

things like pure subjective taste, then whatever

However if your reasoning sucks AND you openly address me with it where it becomes harder to ignore I may have to dignify it with a response

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i would say they were stupid and if they tried to post a paragraph about why the thing is bad then i would just be like bye i dont care tht much

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Ignore it, unless their argument is super toxic or "self righteous" or something. People are free to like or dislike things civilly, yeah? If they aren't doing it civilly, then things are different, but if one is perfectly logical, reasonable, and calm be my guest.

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o right yes if people are being really obnoxious about it i tend to start talking at something they like too

i never do that uninitiated because i, personally, get upset at these things really easily BUT IF SOMEONE WANTS TO BE MEAN IM GONNA BE MEAN BACK BECAUSE IM A SHITTY PERSON

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Ehhhh, depends. I try to be able to look objectively at things I like; I understand nothing is perfect, and if their reasons for not liking it are valid (i.e. things that are flaws that just happen to bother them a lot more than they bother me), then I'll just kinda shrug and say, "that's fair", or "to each their own", or something to that effect.

However, if they've clearly decided they didn't like the thing and then tried to find reasons not to like it (and it's usually pretty obvious when that's the case), then I'd take issue and try to defend it from any ill-informed or otherwise faulty assertions they may be making about it.

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I mean, I tend to be in the minority of liking/disliking certain things, so the things I like is quite frequently shit on. Of course, everyone is entitled to like what they like and express that dislike in whatever manner; as long as it isn't rude or they are stating it as undeniable fact (which people tend to do often, for some reason). I'm also entitled to shit on them from behind my computer screen in the privacy of my home when they talk smack about what I like :)

On a serious note, I could give a rat's ass. The more people stop worrying about other people's taste and how it conflicts with their taste, the better off we'll all be in the long run.

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Something like this actually once sorta happened to me and I'm still baffled my the narrow-mindedness of such a fecal slurping individual's underdeveloped brainpower.

Let me explain:

I was minding my own business on Facebook awaiting the return of the CW DC Superhero shows. I proposed a comment of a simple idea relating to something I believed may potentially happen at some point in the show(s) in question. Within a few days at most, some utter jackass personally messaged me with what initially seemed like a reasonable and mature disagreement. After a few back-and-forths of our differing opinions, he became progressively more violent, outright attacking me for having a different DC media form interest to him (he likes the films, if you're curious). I calmly stated my views and opinions and ultimately, he, who came to me and harrassed me, blocked me for being me.

Ultimately, my actual answer to the question is pretty dependent on my emotional state. If I'm calm, I'll share my disagreements and move on, if I'm positive, I'll probably do the same and maybe just banter with the person if I like them at all and if I'm negative, I'll probably bottle it up and forget it.

reacting to things is /effort

i'd probably go play children's card games with jedi or something

On motorcycles or Nah?

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