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1 hour ago, komasa said:
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Finally got LoD 3 on him, so happy :D Just need Ardent Sacrifice when it comes. I do really like Reposition on him atm, since as an archer he's usually in a good place to either pull units out of danger or bring units forward. 

Oh yeah!

I remember when you were coming up with this set!

And you even put the +1 Attack seal for maximum match-up effectiveness! LET THE ARENA SLAUGHTER BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

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30 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Klein isn't fast enough to negate Hector's Armads and double him. Not that you'd want him attacking Hector in the first place, anyway.

Tomebreaker is superfluous because he ORKO's all squishies to begin with, -Raven notwithstanding. I haven't run calcs to see if Lancebreaker is worthwhile, just so you don't have to burn multiple swordbreakers for redundant coverage on a team.

Lancebreaker or Swordbreaker are my picks.

EDIT: Axebreaker negates Quick Riposte but Klein still wouldn't double because he isn't fast enough.

Don't breakers guarantee doubling if you entered combat above the breaker threshold?  

Also Neutral Klein can double Neutral Hector with as little as a Hone Speed 1 used on him.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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8 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Don't breakers guarantee doubling if you entered combat above the breaker threshold?  

Also Neutral Klein can double Neutral Hector with as little as a Hone Speed 1 used on him.

I was thinking of Wary Fighter, my bad. Checking calcs, neutral Klein does 7x4 to neutral Hector. Since Glacies procs on the last hit because Hector countered, Klein leaves him at 5 HP, so a Hone Atk buff alone would be enough to ORKO. Iceberg gives the same result too.

Hector is also just one unit. In terms of relevant arena threats, Axebreaker doesn't provide as relevant coverage as Lance or Swordbreaker. There are honestly better options for dealing with Hector that don't involve getting chunked to below half health.

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I use a +SPD/-HP Klein and I never use him against Hector. He always KOs my Klein even if I'm fast enough to quad and proc Iceberg.

Idk I just feel like there's no point in forcing Klein to try to beat him. Better to let the rest of the team take care of him. I let him walk into my Lucina.

Also Quick Riposte is okay on Klein. He can bait weak, slow mages and healers and decimate them in return. Doesn't come up often but it's something. There aren't many good B skills out right now that fit him so I'm waiting for IS to release better ones.

Edited by Volo
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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Raising Linde closer and closer to level 40! I gave her Desperation 2. Do you think I should keep Ardent Sacrifice on her?

If you're not giving her Fury, then yes. Draw Back runs better with Fury, while Ardent Sacrifice lets her proc Desperation without having to get hit.

Blárblade anyone?

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31 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

If you're not giving her Fury, then yes. Draw Back runs better with Fury, while Ardent Sacrifice lets her proc Desperation without having to get hit.

Blárblade anyone?

I currently have Luna and Desperation 2 on mine. I have many 3 star Shannas. Once we get the Omikuji bonus, I want to upgrade one for Desperation 3.

Should I give her the fast +50% Res proc too?

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11 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I currently have Luna and Desperation 2 on mine. I have many 3 star Shannas. Once we get the Omikuji bonus, I want to upgrade one for Desperation 3.

Should I give her the fast +50% Res proc too?

I like Moonbow on my -Blade units because the +1 CD penalty makes skills like even Luna or Iceberg, the +50% Res bonus one, much harder to use. -Blade units generally have 61+ Atk after buffs and at that point just want a couple more points of damage to close the gap; Iceberg ends up being overkill and usually isn't ready in time unless the -Blade user got 3+ kills, at which point the match is almost over. Moonbow also stays relevant against units with higher merge levels.

EDIT: Oh, I don't know if your Linde even has a -Blade or not. Iceberg should be fine with Aura then.

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7 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I like Moonbow on my -Blade units because the +1 CD penalty makes skills like even Luna or Iceberg, the +50% Res bonus one, much harder to use. -Blade units generally have 61+ Atk after buffs and at that point just want a couple more points of damage to close the gap; Iceberg ends up being overkill and usually isn't ready in time unless the -Blade user got 3+ kills, at which point the match is almost over. Moonbow also stays relevant against units with higher merge levels.

EDIT: Oh, I don't know if your Linde even has a -Blade or not. Iceberg should be fine with Aura then.

Yeah, she's aura.

I don't have Blade, nor a buff team:


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Got Xander to 5*! I gave him Reposition and Bonfire, but I'm not sure about his A and B skills. For B, I plan on giving him Quick Riposte once I have a spare Subaki again, but I don't have one at the moment. Swordbreaker would be nice but I don't have that either. I could upgrade a Bartre to give him Fury 2 to help his Spd and Res a bit, but that'd turn off Quick Riposte faster. Although I'm not sure he'd be great at keeping it for long enough to matter anyway.

One way to help could be to give Spur Spd to another one of my main units, since I have two spare 4* Marths. Although that doesn't answer the question of what to put on Xander himself.

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After spenting 100 orbs trying to get one of the new Path of Radiance characters, they give us a banner woth top characters with 5% focus rate. I feel baited...good job Inteligent Systems, but I will not buy orbs in the current pricing.

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31 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I like Moonbow on my -Blade units because the +1 CD penalty makes skills like even Luna or Iceberg, the +50% Res bonus one, much harder to use.

You make it sound like it's the hardest thing on the planet

I get one proc of iceberg every match when I'm soloing people in the arena with my Nino. But its only when I solo though so I wouldn't say much harder, as opposed to some what slightly more annoying

24 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

Yeah, she's aura.

I don't have Blade, nor a buff team:

Luna gets more matchups when calculating neutral Linde with Luna at 0 cooldown, and iceberg at 0 cooldown

Just keep Luna for now


Fury 3 Linde with Iceberg gets more wins than Fury 3 Linde with Luna

Keep that in mind ;)

Also, you can easily make a buff team with Sharena and Olivia, if you ever choose to give Linde ye olde blarblade+!


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@Othin, Xander has quite a few choices to pick from for his A skill. Fury gives him fantastic physical bulk as well as patching up his Atk, though Heavy Blade also works surprisingly well on him. For player phase, default Armored Blow or Death Blow work fine.

Xander is better at baiting and countering on enemy phase with Siegfried, however. Quick Riposte and Vantage are both great choices.

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Man, screw the tenth stratum quests. They're not worth the trouble for only one orb each. It's near impossible to beat the tenth stratum without losing units, let alone with just infantry or just fliers or whatever. Imo, at the very least, the orb reward should be bigger for these floors. One orb for both the much easier fifth stratum and one orb for the far more difficult tenth stratum makes no sense.

I just wasted a whole stamina potion trying to get more deathless wins in it and came away with none.

Not to mention you can end up with BS like a map full of armors that take near zero damage from ANY attack.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

Man, screw the tenth stratum quests. They're not worth the trouble for only one orb each. It's near impossible to beat the tenth stratum without losing units, let alone with just infantry or just fliers or whatever. Imo, at the very least, the orb reward should be bigger for these floors. One orb for both the much easier fifth stratum and one orb for the far more difficult tenth stratum makes no sense.

I just wasted a whole stamina potion trying to get more deathless wins in it and came away with none.

Yeah, I think they're pretty annoying if you have to do them 15 times... I also agree that we should get more than one orb. If you're willing to, you can use light's blessings for them, but up to you. I only did the fliers one and probably won't do the rest because my other units aren't good enough yet

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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

Yeah, I think they're pretty annoying if you have to do them 15 times... I also agree that we should get more than one orb. If you're willing to, you can use light's blessings for them, but up to you. I only did the fliers one and probably won't do the rest because my other units aren't good enough yet

I don't have any Light's Blessings though.

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Yeah, I think they're pretty annoying if you have to do them 15 times... I also agree that we should get more than one orb. If you're willing to, you can use light's blessings for them, but up to you. I only did the fliers one and probably won't do the rest because my other units aren't good enough yet

But you have a whole month to do them.

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TBH, I kind of prefer the 1 orb reward so I don't feel so bad when I can't complete the armour emblem quest. Zephiel can't solo a map himself, and I can't be bothered to train up more armours.

Horse emblem has already been completed rather easily after giving Elise hone cavalry and letting Eliwood clean house.

Flier emblem is almost complete as well, thanks to Michalis.

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Man, screw the tenth stratum quests. They're not worth the trouble for only one orb each. It's near impossible to beat the tenth stratum without losing units, let alone with just infantry or just fliers or whatever. Imo, at the very least, the orb reward should be bigger for these floors. One orb for both the much easier fifth stratum and one orb for the far more difficult tenth stratum makes no sense.

I just wasted a whole stamina potion trying to get more deathless wins in it and came away with none.

Infantry only is the easiest, since you get access to dancers and healers. Cavalry comes second place for 3 mov, buffs, and healers. Fliers and armors are another story though.

--Grinding 10th Stratum 101--

-Stratums with 3 enemy units

-Stratums with healers and colors you get WTA against

-Gem weapons and weaponbreakers


It's a long grind, but there's a whole month to do it. Increasing the orb reward just to make it proportional to the difficulty makes it worse for people who didn't pull enough armors or fliers to even do the quests, since they end up missing out on more orbs. 1 is fine.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Infantry only is the easiest, since you get access to dancers and healers. Cavalry comes second place for 3 mov, buffs, and healers. Fliers and armors are another story though.

--Grinding 10th Stratum 101--

-Stratums with 3 enemy units

-Stratums with healers and colors you get WTA against

-Gem weapons and weaponbreakers


It's a long grind, but there's a whole month to do it. Increasing the orb reward just to make it proportional to the difficulty makes it worse for people who didn't pull enough armors or fliers to even do the quests, since they end up missing out on more orbs. 1 is fine.

There's like 15 fliers though, and probably more horses.


There's what, 5 armors? Effie/Sheena/Hector/Wendy/Draug + Zephiel

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15 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Othin, Xander has quite a few choices to pick from for his A skill. Fury gives him fantastic physical bulk as well as patching up his Atk, though Heavy Blade also works surprisingly well on him. For player phase, default Armored Blow or Death Blow work fine.

Xander is better at baiting and countering on enemy phase with Siegfried, however. Quick Riposte and Vantage are both great choices.

I forgot about Vantage. That'd get along well with Fury, too, but unfortunately I used my last spare Lon'qu to give it to Julia.

Nothing I have on hand seems great, so I might just hold off until I get more orbs and see what I pull.

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3 minutes ago, Elieson said:

There's like 15 fliers though, and probably more horses.


There's what, 5 armors? Effie/Sheena/Hector/Wendy/Draug + Zephiel


Sword: Doga and Zephiel

Lance: Lukas, Effie and Wendy

Axe: Hector and Sheena




For extra "insult" we had no less than 2 free armor, 3 if your hardcore and ALL OF THEM are swords


Thats lol compared to Flier having 5 Free(Subaki, Palla, Catria, Michalis) with Full Coverage AND Palla and Horse with 2 color and one of them being Gunter

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2 minutes ago, JSND said:


Sword: Doga and Zephiel

Lance: Effie and Wendy

Axe: Hector and Sheena




For extra "insult" we had no less than 2 free armor, 3 if your hardcore and ALL OF THEM are swords


We've had Narcian/Michalis/Palla/Catria/Est if anything, so the Flier Emblem orb shouldn't be impossible to achieve given that the game's given us quite a few (not to mention free weekly Subaki).

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