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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

You don't have to actively sacrifice units in SD. You can just choose to keep your main chapter units over recruiting the Gaiden ones.

Mind, that doesn't make SD's Gaidens not stupid, but I didn't say they weren't. I just said "no full recruitment" isn't a good way to look at the problem. The problem with SD is much more specific than that.



6x    Have 15 or less characters alive by the end of Chapter 6
12x    Have 15 or less characters alive by the end of Chapter 12
17x    Have 15 or less characters alive by the end of Chapter 17
20x    Have 15 or less characters alive by the end of Chapter 20
24x    Tiki not recruited (or dead) and Falchion not in possession

That's a lot of units that aren't alive. 1 <--> 1 isn't quite the same as n <--> 1.

But I see your point. Shadow Dragon is "dated" for an almost different set of reasons entirely.

Just now, DehNutCase said:

I don't know about SD, but I've always killed off Boots for Boots in conquest.


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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:


That's a lot of units that aren't alive. 1 <--> 1 isn't quite the same as n <--> 1.

But I see your point. Shadow Dragon is "dated" for an almost different set of reasons entirely.


1:1 is definitely different from n:1; I'm just saying that if you choose to keep all your original units and not get any of the Gaiden characters, it's not that different than if you're playing FE6 and you pick the A version of both routes and skip the characters from the B versions. In this way of playing both SD and FE6, you end up recruiting all the available characters and keeping them alive; you just miss on recruiting a few because you don't play the chapters where you would recruit them. It's just that in FE6, you have equivalent other options from taking the other routes, while in SD, your other option really sucks. But you do have the option to play both games without actually sacrificing any characters, only missing the opportunity to get a few.

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10 minutes ago, immatx said:

I havnt really been able to get on the last couple weeks, have I missed anything big?

The Tempest Trials event is pretty big. There's still half of it left, though, if you want to get in on it. Lot of prizes and Hero Merit to get.

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24 minutes ago, immatx said:

I havnt really been able to get on the last couple weeks, have I missed anything big?

People freaking out over the New Mystery banner is the most recent thing. 

Aside from that, the bulk of discussion over the past several days has been about the ongoing Tempest Trials event ranging from people praising Nintendo for offering a new and challenging event with great prizes (a free 5* unit and a Killer weapon seal being the most notable rewards) to people complaining about finding the event too difficult or tedious. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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17 minutes ago, Othin said:

The Tempest Trials event is pretty big. There's still half of it left, though, if you want to get in on it. Lot of prizes and Hero Merit to get.

Yes I've tried 3 matches and got destroyed in all of them, only won 1. Should have put more time into raising lots of units instead of making godly ones out of my arena team.

5 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

People freaking out over the New Mystery banner is the most recent thing. 

Aside from that, the bulk of discussion over the past several days has been about the ongoing Tempest Trials event ranging from people praising Nintendo for offering a new and challenging event with great prizes (a free 5* unit and a Killer weapon seal being the most notable rewards) to people complaining about finding the event too difficult or tedious. 

Ooooh who's in that? Wait, there's a topic for it isn't there.....

Yeah I saw that. I don't think it's too hard but maybe the prizes should be a little lower down? Or not, I havnt been on the whole time since they released it so maybe it's good. 

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1 minute ago, immatx said:

Yes I've tried 3 matches and got destroyed in all of them, only won 1. Should have put more time into raising lots of units instead of making godly ones out of my arena team.

Ooooh who's in that? Wait, there's a topic for it isn't there.....

Yeah I saw that. I don't think it's too hard but maybe the prizes should be a little lower down? Or not, I havnt been on the whole time since they released it so maybe it's good. 

To be fair, if your units are "godly" enough, you only need those four to consistently get deathless runs in Lunatic Tempest. But yes, this event does encourage having a large roster overall. 

Here's a link to the reveal video

I think the prizes are fine as they are. The real "grand prize" is the Quick Pulse seal, which is at a very reasonable 50k points. The rest is just a bonus for if you wanted to continue playing the event afterwards. 

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7 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

People freaking out over Katarina is the most recent thing. 

Fixed it. But people seem pretty calm from what I've seen so far.

8 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

People complaining about finding the event too difficult or tedious. 

The difficulty is fine honestly. Tedious however? Definitely. Here's hoping for that to be fixed. I think they should do so by either decreasing the stamina cost for some maps (20 stamina for the easy maps is such a ripoff) or allow us to earn some more points.

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10 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Fixed it. But people seem pretty calm from what I've seen so far.

The difficulty is fine honestly. Tedious however? Definitely. Here's hoping for that to be fixed. I think they should do so by either decreasing the stamina cost for some maps (20 stamina for the easy maps is such a ripoff) or allow us to earn some more points.

I suppose I use "freak out" too liberally. There really hasn't been much buzz about the new banners, huh?

I don't think the tedium is bad at all. If you see the grand prize as the QP seal, it's attainable within 5 days or so without spending any stamina potions. That's not much grinding at all. If you want to go above and beyond that, then any fatigue is on you, really. 

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17 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

To be fair, if your units are "godly" enough, you only need those four to consistently get deathless runs in Lunatic Tempest. But yes, this event does encourage having a large roster overall. 

Here's a link to the reveal video

I think the prizes are fine as they are. The real "grand prize" is the Quick Pulse seal, which is at a very reasonable 50k points. The rest is just a bonus for if you wanted to continue playing the event afterwards. 

Well, just working towards making them godly......but I've only been using three at a time so I can have a bonus unit, usually Lissa for heals. 

Thanks I'll check it out!

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Looks like no brides for me, i just really wanted Cordelia for a good 5 star archer but pulling Colorless can be frustrating- too many Niles lately. At least i have a Rebecca now so that's new, although 4 star. Now i need to clear barrack space again.

tempest trials hammer it home than I need more good red units. I've got a few but if they fall I struggle, so maybe the new banner would be good for me.


Edited by mcsilas
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Kleine was found in the update. Glad it's not just Legion himself. (By the way, Kleine is an archer).

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6h4p9e/feh_datamine_echoes_of_mystery_june_13_2017/

EDIT: Kleine says hello.


EDIT 2: Kleine says hello again.



Not sure how I feel about her artwork honestly...


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2 minutes ago, Falcom said:

Kleine was found in the update. Glad it's not just Legion himself. (By the way, Kleine is an archer).

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/6h4p9e/feh_datamine_echoes_of_mystery_june_13_2017/

EDIT: Kleine says hello.

Klein and Legion are in Heroes.

My life is complete.

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Apparently, Clarisse's Japanese name is Kleine... Uh... Okay. Y'know, now I'm debating if I should do a last summon for bride Cordelia or not with Clarisse existing now. I like Cordy, her art is absolutely gorgeous, and she's amazing as a unit in general, but it's going to be tough to get her and my main concern is a different red mage. Also, Cordy's probably not going to show up until a year or two, but if Clarisse has similar stats and I need a different red mage... Maaaan. *cue Clarisse ending up with 43 HP, 20 Atk, 39 Spd, 23 Def, and 23 Res becoming the Odin of the archers, but with a generic bow, trash skill set, and absolutely no hope*

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@Kaden Pull for Bride Cordelia while you still have time.

I doubt a free unit is going to have stats that are anywhere comparable to a seasonal unit that just had a banner. I could be wrong of course, but there's no telling either way.

@Zeo Kleine / Clarisse is from FE12. She's part of a group of assassins led by Eremiya, along with her colleagues Katarina and Legion.

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4 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Who is Kleine? Which FE is she from? Or is this just genderswap Klein? Why would they do that? What's the point of it?

She's one of the added villains from FE12.

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16 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Who is Kleine? Which FE is she from? Or is this just genderswap Klein? Why would they do that? What's the point of it?

She's known as Clarisse overseas, she's from New Mystery, the same as all the other new characters just being introduced, and she's also Katarina's "little sister".

16 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Kaden Pull for Bride Cordelia while you still have time.

I doubt a free unit is going to have stats that are anywhere comparable to a seasonal unit that just had a banner. I could be wrong of course, but there's no telling either way.

I mean, we got Camus, Michalis, Ursula, Xander, and Zephiel from the GHBs. All are solid units.

Not sure on Clarisse, but she has a Silver Bow and as a playable unit, she has 32 HP, 11 Atk, 15 Spd, 12 Def, and 4 Res. Part of me feels like she'll be a mix of Rebecca (speed) and Virion (attack, okay defense, and low resistance). Hmm... into the thirties... 40 HP, 31 Atk, 35 Spd, 28 Def, 14 Res... Uh, I just made a better Setsuna and Virion. Not as fast as Setsuna, but hits harder than a +Atk Setsuna and faster and bulkier in defense and speed than Virion, but not HP.

Edit: I was planning to do a last summon from the bride banner, but trying to get Cordy is going to be problem and I don't want to dump 70 orbs seeing if I can.

Edited by Kaden
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This might be late to consider this, but Quickened Pulse is silver instead of usual bronze seal. Is it possible for us to earn more silver seals? Possibly the mixed skills like Spring Chrom/s Atk/Def +1 or Bride Caeda's Atk/Res +1? Or the chance of gold seal for the emblem skills? 


Also, I think we need datamining thread, but when I got the datamining for Michalis and want to post it , but kind of hesitates so I asked Eclipse instead is it ok or not, she said dataming isn't okay at the time. Your thoughts on datamining thread? 

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1 minute ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Also, I think we need datamining thread, but when I got the datamining for Michalis and want to post it , but kind of hesitates so I asked Eclipse instead is it ok or not, she said dataming isn't okay at the time. Your thoughts on datamining thread? 

Well, if eclipse says no, you could just go help out the brave dataminers on the FEH subreddit instead.

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4 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Also, I think we need datamining thread, but when I got the datamining for Michalis and want to post it , but kind of hesitates so I asked Eclipse instead is it ok or not, she said dataming isn't okay at the time. Your thoughts on datamining thread? 

Eclipse allowed me to have the Camus thread up back when his GHB map was being datamined only as long as the topic title explicitly states that it's a datamine and that it's censored to prevent spoilers (ie. can't show Camus's name in the topic title).

So, it seems that the next Voting Gauntlet's theme, assuming the dataminers are correct, is War of Healers.

I'm incredulous.

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2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

This might be late to consider this, but Quickened Pulse is silver instead of usual bronze seal. Is it possible for us to earn more silver seals? Possibly the mixed skills like Spring Chrom/s Atk/Def +1 or Bride Caeda's Atk/Res +1? Or the chance of gold seal for the emblem skills? 


Also, I think we need datamining thread, but when I got the datamining for Michalis and want to post it , but kind of hesitates so I asked Eclipse instead is it ok or not, she said dataming isn't okay at the time. Your thoughts on datamining thread? 

I think Quickened Pulse has a white border, like Close/Distant Counter, the "movement attack" B skills like Lunge, and the "movement type buff" C skills like Goad Cavalry. Although I don't think any of those are particularly likely to show up as a seal.

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Wow, I am really liking Clarisse's art. Please be a decent archer, please be a decent archer.

Decided to summon while typing this up. I got Lachesis and another 5* Soren and no red mages in sight. I have 50 orbs. We're getting about 10 more tomorrow or whenever the milestone thingie is available, I can get 6 more from Tempest Trials by the time I get to 50k, and I think there will be about 3x3 orbs from the new paralogue tomorrow not including the quest orbs. That's about 25 orbs I can get.

Do I summon again... I don't want to snipe since I can only get about 4 units from 5 orbs per summon if only one colorless shows up. That's 20 orbs right there... Ugh... Cordy, why!?

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