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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I tried to focus pull for Sigurd.  It didn't turn out well...

Are you drowning in Sophias/Henrys and Draugs too? I didnt even get any 4 Star Hinata... i am just drowin gin Sophias/Henrys and Draugs...

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20 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Funny thing, I've never seen Citizen Kane all the way through either.  I've never played FE4 beyond the first chapter either.  Although I did read @Sophie and he who changes his name frequently's LP.  So that's the only reason I'm halfway familiar with that story.  I still know pretty much nothing about FE5.  It would be nice to get remakes for those two.

As much as I love FE4 and FE5, I find them hard to recommend unless you're very interested, have a lot of patience, and have a lot of spare time. They both show their age nowadays, and can be slogs to get through at times. FE4 at least isn't terribly difficult (being able to save at the start of every turn helps immensely, and Arena grinding is the easiest it's ever been), but FE5 ramps it up considerably, along with some awkward and unexplained mechanics added to the mix. I would love remakes for both of them, though. They could really benefit from some updates and a new coat of paint.

13 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I haven’t even played Geneology and Sigurd and Deirdre have shot up to the same priority level for me as one of my favorites Jaffar. 

Darn you Sigurd you fantastic reference to the Volsung saga you!

I'm still sad I'll have to give up my quest for the lovely dancer Inigo. At least I got his mom, but I've been hoping for a dancer Inigo for so long, and he looks so amazing... Why must Heroes keep throwing these amazing banners at me? It's almost like it's a good business strategy or something.


The more I hear of other people's summoning horror stories, I feel both lucky and a bit guilty that I got Tailtiu on my third summon...

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14 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Hilda Be me but with Deidre instead. Could I at least get one Barst for my troubles? Please?


@Zeo Sure there’s no precedent for a unique 100,000 points reward, but no time like the present.

brb... i need to go flip a table my pull rate just got abolished by a 5 Star Abel because there was only colorless and blue to pull.... and the one blue i pick gives me... ah fuck it

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Urgh, my Sigurd is -Spd. 

I swear, I'm lucky like Rezzy is. I've pulled so many 5*, so I won't complain, but too many of them are -Atk or -Spd. 

...That being said, I've not pulled five -Atk in a row tbf... 

All being said, I could go on pulling for a better Sigurd, but I prefer to have the characters rather than the stats, so still very happy to have him ^.^ 

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14 minutes ago, Hilda said:

Are you drowning in Sophias/Henrys and Draugs too? I didnt even get any 4 Star Hinata... i am just drowin gin Sophias/Henrys and Draugs...

I got my pity rate broken by -Atk 5*s three times, and when I finally did get Sigurd, he was also -Atk.


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At least you had the chance to get Sigurd, I'm flying on three Caedas, and one of them a 5☆ one.

Considering I hit 20K before Arena reset, I'm debating whether I should upgrade Seliph or not. I have 4 orbs and am nowhere near of pumping myself with orbs.

= EDIT =

Good news is I got a 4☆ Eirika! +Res -Atk. I'll pair her with Innes and give her Iceberg/Glacies.

Edited by Quintessence
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6 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I hope Eldigan isn’t a 20% bonus unit. I’m dreading the thought of having to run my own non-SI’d Seliph for the TT.

I'm just going to put Seliph in alone and surrender before going in with a serious Team 2. My score will take much less of a hit than it would if I stuck with 20% bonus units, which is what I'd have to do if they chose Eldigan or Julia instead of Seliph.

2 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Considering I hit 20K before Arena reset, I'm debating whether I should upgrade Seliph or not. I have 4 orbs and am nowhere near of pumping myself with orbs.

The Seliph I do have is +Def/-Atk. And unless somebody can convince me that's optimal for him, I'll pass on promoting him to 5 star even though I'm sitting on 20K feathers right now. And since Lachesis is maxed on HM and the only other potential bonus unit I have, I guess that means I won't be playing with Uber units. That sounds like an incredibly dull time. I'll auto battle my way to 99999 points.

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4 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

The Seliph I do have is +Def/-Atk. And unless somebody can convince me that's optimal for him, I'll pass on promoting him to 5 star even though I'm sitting on 20K feathers right now. And since Lachesis is maxed on HM and the only other potential bonus unit I have, I guess that means I won't be playing with Uber units. That sounds like an incredibly dull time. I'll auto battle my way to 99999 points.

Mine is +Atk -Hp and has B support with Julia. I guess a team of Seliph, Julia, Lachesis and Reinhardt wouls be pretty cool for TT.

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I was planning on running Seliph, but I guess I don't need to now that I have Tailtiu. I still might though, since I don't really know when else I could bother getting him more HM. Either way, Tailtiu and PA Olivia are definitely going to be used, no question. The last spot will probably be rotating out greens depending on who I want to give HM to, although using Deirdre would be fun if I can get her.

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Ok this is weirding me out but I dunno if I'm looking at it wrong. I'm trying to remember my Titania's IVs but her stats don't seem to match the info online.

She's 5☆ at level 40: 41 hp, 30 Atk, 36 spd, 27 def, 28 res. This is her on the unit page in the castle. Can anyone help? 

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1 minute ago, Book Bro said:

Ok this is weirding me out but I dunno if I'm looking at it wrong. I'm trying to remember my Titania's IVs but her stats don't seem to match the info online.

She's 5☆ at level 40: 41 hp, 30 Atk, 36 spd, 27 def, 28 res. This is her on the unit page in the castle. Can anyone help? 

She's +HP, -Res with Fury 2 equipped.

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17 hours ago, LuxSpes said:


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Ayra reminds me of a better-dressed Velvet.

And whoever did Alvis needs to do his younger brother.  Holy cow. . .


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2 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Zeo Ayra could be the 100,000 point TT reward, or even be rewarded in place of a Sacred Seal now that the forge is there for future additions.

Yeah, I was thinking maybe either Ayra or Arden is a second TT reward. Like they may have noticed people find the regular TT a slog over the mini one, so to spice up the regular one they might have added a second unit to the rewards. It's a possibility at least.

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14 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Life and Death would bring her back up to a pretty respectable 37 Spd, which is more than Fury would give her. Depending on how dedicated you are, a Speed Plus seal would get her to 38-40, and Summoner Support gets her to a very solid 40-42. I'll be giving her Summoner Support myself, personally, but that's obviously up to you.

Thanks, I can't do the Summoner Support since I used it on another unit, but I'll throw Life and Death and the Speed +3 Seal onto her as I should still have enough coins and feathers left over. It won't completely make up for the bane, but she'll be at a much more respectable speed tier.  

Edited by Medeus
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4 minutes ago, Medeus said:

Thanks, I can't do the Summoner Support since I used it on another unit, but I'll definitely throw Life and Death and the Speed +3 Seal onto her as I should still have enough coins and feathers left over. It won't completely make up for the bane, but she'll be at a much more respectable speed tier. 

No problem, hope she ends up working well for you! I got her with +HP/-Res, which is alright, but I'll probably be trying for her again if I can get Deirdre, in hopes of getting her with +Spd.

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I just looked at both of my potential TT bonus units, Julia and Eldigan. Julia is gonna be a res tank destroying anything that is magic, while Eldigan will do that to physical units (My Eldigan has Ignis. Imagine how much damage he will do after proccing ignis with TT buffs. It's scary to think about) 


Also, returning to the topic about me hating Arden's art, I probably think it looks disgusting because I'm looking at his art as someone who is more in tune to anime style artwork for some units, not the hyper realistic artwork.

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3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I just looked at both of my potential TT bonus units, Julia and Eldigan. Julia is gonna be a res tank destroying anything that is magic, while Eldigan will do that to physical units (My Eldigan has Ignis. Imagine how much damage he will do after proccing ignis with TT buffs. It's scary to think about) 


Also, returning to the topic about me hating Arden's art, I probably think it looks disgusting because I'm looking at his art as someone who is more in tune to anime style artwork for some units, not the hyper realistic artwork.

It's probably also because the face is super realistic but it clashes with how bright and sort of cartoony the armour is as well. 

He was meant to be like that so I guess it works if that's their intention

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Just pulled an off-banner Sonya on the dancer banner, and while she's neither a green dancer or the green mage(s) I was looking for, I'm fine with this.

She's +atk -spd, though. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

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17 hours ago, mampfoid said:

If you finished all CCs, the last SA should be a piece of cake in comparison. 

This has proven to be a lie. The first 4 maps are a piece of cake. The last one always seems to kick my butt.... RIP. Someday my dream will come true.

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