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7 minutes ago, Kaden said:

My line of thinking is that reflecting damage is a way of reducing damage. Instead of taking whatever damage, you're sending it back to the opponent; you're taking 0 damage because of damage was reflected. That's how the Reflect spell works in Final Fantasy, reflect gadgets like Fox's Reflector in Smash, the Mirror Shield and shield bashing projectiles in Zelda, or the Franklin Badge, etc. Or how Miracle would reduce fatal damage to severe damage where instead of dropping to 0 HP and being dead, the user would drop down to 1 HP and be close to death. Is my thought process just strange?

Of course, this doesn't mean Ice Mirror actually reduces damage, but guessing on what it does, it would kind of be crappy if it needed Shield Pulse to reduce damage since Ice Mirror would kind of be like the Retribution skills, but if it activated based on the opponent's attack and range since it didn't activate against the lance dragon. It would be even worse if Ice Mirror only worked on mages.

Nah, I don't think your thought process is strange.  This is all speculation, and it's not like the video proves what you're saying is wrong.  I just feel like it's less likely and kind of weird that no one brought up the possibility of the damage reduction being Shield Pulse, is all.

To be fair, if it converts 100% of damage taken into damage given (I don't even know if it does this in the video, or how the damage dealing part of the special works in general), then the added restrictions make a lot more sense.

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Ice Mirror is either a personal skill or not.


If it is, then her lance ought to have DC.

If it's not, then her lance probably doesn't have DC.


Why? Because inheritable skills should not require other skills to function---they may be improved by other skills, like Steady Breath does to Aether, but Aether does not require Steady Breath to be Aether. If Ice Mirror requires DC to function, then it has to be a personal skill, or else it makes no sense.


If it doesn't require DC, then there's no reason for her lance to have DC, because that's 2 skills doing the same thing. Redundant.


If I had to guess, however, I'd say Ice Mirror is a personal skill, and that her lance has DC. 2 reasons:

A, It makes her unique---her mirror skill only works on units with DC, and she also happens to have a DC Prf. 

B, a special that gives DC is ridiculous, especially if it works with shield pulse. Giving DC on the special slot is monstrous abuse of slot assignment. Yeah, we have Axe!Azura whose Prf is basically a assist slot skill, but it's non-inheritable.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

@DehNutCase: 2b) her special gives her DC and is non-inheritable.

What about this possibility?

Too much effort. Much easier to slap DC on a lance (since we can just copy and paste from Camus) than to make a new skill to do that.


Gotta think like a lazy ass if you want to think like a coder.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

@DehNutCase: 2b) her special gives her DC and is non-inheritable.

What about this possibility?

Too much effort. Much easier to slap DC on a lance (since we can just copy and paste from Camus) than to make a new skill to do that.


Gotta think like a lazy ass if you want to think like a coder.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, I’m thinking as a layman who wants new, cool, and unusual stuff.

Mind, I could be wrong, and maybe IS hired the one and only coder who isn't a complete sloth. (Or liked the game enough to do overtime to push this brand new skill in.)

@bethany81707 But would you willingly make extra work for yourself? Code gets enough issues in it naturally to deliberately push boundaries.


Warning: The below is just me rambling about meaningless stuff, only read on if you like to read people rambling about random things.

That said, from what I've seen of the game, the team working on it is good, has a vision in mind, and knows how to future proof things. You can see that in polished the loading times, menu screens, and gameplay feels. The vision in mind is because everything that's been added meshes very nicely with things we already have, and future proofing is obvious in the way they've designed even the skill borders---namely, how seals had all 3 levels of it.

They're not rushing to add one new thing now, they're carefully building parts that'll let them add one cool new thing now and make cooler new things out of them later.

You can see this in heavy blade, for example, because it explicitly states that the highest +cd effect takes precedence if a unit has both. (I.e. Steady Stance overrides B!Roy's sword). This means someone put in the effort to make every single +special charge action check for skills that add special charge, and then take the highest value.

If you weren't planning to build for the future you wouldn't do it like that, you'd just sloppy write:

if (unit attacks):


and end up with 5 million lines of spaghetti code 10 months into the project, because, if they wanted Steady Stance and Heavy Blade to only add steady stance would look like

if (unit attacked)

    when(unit attacks or is attacked):


            if(has heavy_blade & unit attacks):


With an extra line of if (skill & skill trigger) for every single new skill that affects cooldown charge.

Now, maybe they still did that, but the sheer fact that heavy blade came out with the warning it doesn't stack implies they future proofed the skill to begin with. I.e. these people are actually competent and knows where they're going.


And people who know where they're going knows they can build cool stuff from boring parts. Like yeah, ice mirror could have a DC effect and a reflect damage effect (built from damage reduction specials and damage add specials), but it's more likely that it'll only have reflect damage for now, and, later, when they want a really rainbow unicorn special, uh, special, they can add a DC effect on top. One step at a time.


Still don't think they'd put DC on a special skill, though. Mostly because it makes the boundary between the A-slot and special slot hazy, and that doesn't mesh with the vision of a game that had these skill-slots to begin with. They clearly knew they'd want to prevent people from running 5 copies of Death Blow on Reinhardt by making sure it only goes in the A (or S) slot, and not the B, the C, the Assist, or the Special slot.

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3 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Mind, I could be wrong, and maybe IS hired the one and only coder who isn't a complete sloth. (Or liked the game enough to do overtime to push this brand new skill in.)

@bethany81707 But would you willingly make extra work for yourself? Code gets enough issues in it naturally to deliberately push boundaries.


Warning: The below is just me rambling about meaningless stuff, only read on if you like to read people rambling about random things.

That said, from what I've seen of the game, the team working on it is good, has a vision in mind, and knows how to future proof things. You can see that in polished the loading times, menu screens, and gameplay feels. The vision in mind is because everything that's been added meshes very nicely with things we already have, and future proofing is obvious in the way they've designed even the skill borders---namely, how seals had all 3 levels of it.

They're not rushing to add one new thing now, they're carefully building parts that'll let them add one cool new thing now and make cooler new things out of them later.

You can see this in heavy blade, for example, because it explicitly states that the highest +cd effect takes precedence if a unit has both. (I.e. Steady Stance overrides B!Roy's sword). This means someone put in the effort to make every single +special charge action check for skills that add special charge, and then take the highest value.

If you weren't planning to build for the future you wouldn't do it like that, you'd just sloppy write:

if (unit attacks):


and end up with 5 million lines of spaghetti code 10 months into the project, because, if they wanted Steady Stance and Heavy Blade to only add steady stance would look like

if (unit attacked)

    when(unit attacks or is attacked):


            if(has heavy_blade & unit attacks):


With an extra line of if (skill & skill trigger) for every single new skill that affects cooldown charge.

Now, maybe they still did that, but the sheer fact that heavy blade came out with the warning it doesn't stack implies they future proofed the skill to begin with. I.e. these people are actually competent and knows where they're going.


And people who know where they're going knows they can build cool stuff from boring parts. Like yeah, ice mirror could have a DC effect and a reflect damage effect (built from damage reduction specials and damage add specials), but it's more likely that it'll only have reflect damage for now, and, later, when they want a really rainbow unicorn special, uh, special, they can add a DC effect on top. One step at a time.


Still don't think they'd put DC on a special skill, though. Mostly because it makes the boundary between the A-slot and special slot hazy, and that doesn't mesh with the vision of a game that had these skill-slots to begin with. They clearly knew they'd want to prevent people from running 5 copies of Death Blow on Reinhardt by making sure it only goes in the A (or S) slot, and not the B, the C, the Assist, or the Special slot.

This is pretty on the nose with what we just did. If you implement something, you should know where it is likely to go awry. What we just adjusted was a case of not proofing such a piece of code. (Rachel's third missile in her SCOP drops on the largest cluster of the opponent's infantry, but had an inappropriate response to the opponent not having any infantry. It went missed for so long because infantry are super important to AW games, and not having any on the field is heresy or a game with a unique ruleset Rachel is unlikely to participate in anyway).

Honestly, I refuse to make any statements of what Ice Mirror intends to do other than that statement about Mirror also being a term involved with the Japanese name for Warding Blow, which I admit is just hazy memory of Ice Dragon discussing the four Blow skills and their combined forms. What Ice Mirror has to do with Resistance, I have no idea. I just trust that whatever it is, it'll make some sense when we read the skill description, and work properly when we start using the move.

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That feeling you get when you go into the simulator with your new units and see how horrible of a nature -ATK is.... is what I was about to say when I realized the simulator was unfinished in adding the new characters.

Neutral Lute with Fury nets 26 kills.

+SPD/-ATK Lute (mine) with Fury gets 21.

..is what I was going to say before I realized Lute's tome added her 3 SPD but has 0 MT, so I gave her a 14 ATK boost and the results changed.

  • Neutral Lute with Fury nets 91 kills.
  • +SPD/-ATK Lute with Fury nets 105. If her bane wasn't -ATK she would actually get 120. And this is without a Skill proc. I'll survive it, she's definitely getting the Hinata I just pulled.

Turns out +SPD is better than +ATK for her. This nature is better than any variant of +ATK. Go figure. I could give her the Attack +3 seal to patch that up but it's on Rein and that's probably where it's going to stay.

As for Mia... +RES/-ATK is just... garbage. Gives her unneeded bulk in 28/29 defenses and cuts her otherwise amazing 35/40 offenses down to 32/40. Unfortunately for her things hurt a bit more.

  • Neutral Mia with her default kit gives 117 wins.
  • +RES/-ATK gives 105 wins.

I could swap out Flashing Blade for say Fury or LnD but then she loses what makes her unique. LnD + Moonbow basically makes her a Powercreeped version of my Wo Dao+ Ogma. Hits just as hard, is faster and has better bulk ironically. It sucks a lot, but the refinery should help her and unlike -SPD, this is salvageable. A -SPD Mia is beyond redemption and I can't even bring myself to post the results for her.

For the tempest, I'm probably going to throw the Attack seal at Lute and the Speed seal at Mia. Really want a Dorcas still though.

In other news, I have no interest in this Sheena I pulled. She doesn't appeal to me in the least and I have no idea what to do with her.

Edited by Zeo
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8 hours ago, Poimagic said:

It is fun. The only problem with it is the weakness to arrows, but Michallis is coming back, so more Iote's Shield. Seriously, it seems like Beruka, Gronnraven S!Camilla, and Michallis are the only fliers who can tank arrows.

Also, the Gronnraven Build I had in mind was Gronnraven+, TA, QR/Vantage/Green Tome Breaker, and then a c slot skill of my choosing 

I gave Camilla Iotes shield, but usually it's not necessary. The blade girls shoot nearly everything, high res archers can be killed by Hinoka easily. 

If you run Camilla with Nowi, GTome breaker shouldn't be necessary. Bow breaker (she can't inherit this one ... ) or BTome breaker would make more sense. But I don't know if she could tank most variants of Lyn. Once you now her nature, run the calculations and we'll see. 

6 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

I’m thoroughly surprised at how people playing since February have a shortage of badges of all things.

I'm playing since end of March and I'm low on transparent badges after upgrading Hardy Bearing to level 3. Every unit in my roster got at least one copy leveled up to 40, most of this was done on the eighth stratum before the warrior maps. Oh, and I also cleared all story/CC/SA content. 


Edited by mampfoid
bow breaker limitation
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31 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Mind, I could be wrong, and maybe IS hired the one and only coder who isn't a complete sloth. (Or liked the game enough to do overtime to push this brand new skill in.)

@bethany81707 But would you willingly make extra work for yourself? Code gets enough issues in it naturally to deliberately push boundaries.


Warning: The below is just me rambling about meaningless stuff, only read on if you like to read people rambling about random things.

That said, from what I've seen of the game, the team working on it is good, has a vision in mind, and knows how to future proof things. You can see that in polished the loading times, menu screens, and gameplay feels. The vision in mind is because everything that's been added meshes very nicely with things we already have, and future proofing is obvious in the way they've designed even the skill borders---namely, how seals had all 3 levels of it.

They're not rushing to add one new thing now, they're carefully building parts that'll let them add one cool new thing now and make cooler new things out of them later.

You can see this in heavy blade, for example, because it explicitly states that the highest +cd effect takes precedence if a unit has both. (I.e. Steady Stance overrides B!Roy's sword). This means someone put in the effort to make every single +special charge action check for skills that add special charge, and then take the highest value.

If you weren't planning to build for the future you wouldn't do it like that, you'd just sloppy write:

if (unit attacks):


and end up with 5 million lines of spaghetti code 10 months into the project, because, if they wanted Steady Stance and Heavy Blade to only add steady stance would look like

if (unit attacked)

    when(unit attacks or is attacked):


            if(has heavy_blade & unit attacks):


With an extra line of if (skill & skill trigger) for every single new skill that affects cooldown charge.

Now, maybe they still did that, but the sheer fact that heavy blade came out with the warning it doesn't stack implies they future proofed the skill to begin with. I.e. these people are actually competent and knows where they're going.


And people who know where they're going knows they can build cool stuff from boring parts. Like yeah, ice mirror could have a DC effect and a reflect damage effect (built from damage reduction specials and damage add specials), but it's more likely that it'll only have reflect damage for now, and, later, when they want a really rainbow unicorn special, uh, special, they can add a DC effect on top. One step at a time.


Still don't think they'd put DC on a special skill, though. Mostly because it makes the boundary between the A-slot and special slot hazy, and that doesn't mesh with the vision of a game that had these skill-slots to begin with. They clearly knew they'd want to prevent people from running 5 copies of Death Blow on Reinhardt by making sure it only goes in the A (or S) slot, and not the B, the C, the Assist, or the Special slot.

So when will they make FEH Rubick Kappa

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One thing hanging on my mind about the Book 2 story maps is that they said Book 2 can be started at the start of the game, just like chapter 1. So will those chapters be as proportionately easy as the first chapters of the game? Furthermore, assuming the numbering of chapters stays consistent, Book 2 should end on chapter 26. That's a pretty common number for total, non-paralogue chapters in a Fire Emblem game. Are we halfway to the end of this game's story mode?

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Oh god, another Hinoka banner.


1 hour ago, bethany81707 said:

Honestly, I refuse to make any statements of what Ice Mirror intends to do other than that statement about Mirror also being a term involved with the Japanese name for Warding Blow, which I admit is just hazy memory of Ice Dragon discussing the four Blow skills and their combined forms. What Ice Mirror has to do with Resistance, I have no idea. I just trust that whatever it is, it'll make some sense when we read the skill description, and work properly when we start using the mo

Ice Mirror is 氷の聖鏡, "holy mirror of ice". Warding Blow is 明鏡の一撃, "clear mirror blow".

My guess is they're using the mirror naming motif to refer to "something when you're on the receiving end of magic attacks".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Random thought on Fjorm, but with Fjorm apparently being summonable despite being a major part of the story in Book II, does anyone else get the feeling that Fjorm and her ice kingdom might not be in Zenith? I mean, "a land spoken of in Askran legend" could easily refer to one of the worlds through the gates, and it'd provide justification for why Fjorm can be summoned while the Askran units cannot.

But then again, Fjorm and the new villains all still have the same sort swirly patterns (forgot what they were called) adorning their armour as the rest of the gang so far, so I'm probably just looking too deep into a decision made for gameplay reasons rather than story reasons. We'll all find out when the update hits, regardless.

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2 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

Random thought on Fjorm, but with Fjorm apparently being summonable despite being a major part of the story in Book II, does anyone else get the feeling that Fjorm and her ice kingdom might not be in Zenith? I mean, "a land spoken of in Askran legend" could easily refer to one of the worlds through the gates, and it'd provide justification for why Fjorm can be summoned while the Askran units cannot.

But then again, Fjorm and the new villains all still have the same sort swirly patterns (forgot what they were called) adorning their armour as the rest of the gang so far, so I'm probably just looking too deep into a decision made for gameplay reasons rather than story reasons. We'll all find out when the update hits, regardless.

They do refer to the story as "Book II" which while I know that was how the events of the first Mystery of the Emblem were split apart, but I could easily see a scenario in which someone opens portals to storybook land (Loki) to bring back an age of chaos.

Weirder plots have appeared across time...

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4 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Random guess: Fjorm and Surtr are from FE Switch!

...Continue with the less crazy guesses.

FE Switch is Heroes in an "actual" FE Form!

...general discussion is almost never serious once the silliness starts.

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Twist: Heroes is FE Switch.

Double twist: Heroes is a preview for Switch , where the entire FE cast is present.

...just... you know... EVERYONE. No bullshit reasons to powercreep Dorcas, no honestly stupid reasons to make Nowi wear even less clothing than she already does (in fact, EVERYONE has at least 8 costumes), and MORE THIGHS THAN A KFC.

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