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2 hours ago, Arcanite said:

As long as you can win 1 arena battle and 1 battle in AA and are competent enough to do VG when it rolls around, it's an infinite resource

The only difference may be that you can't farm them but they'll never run out!

By that logic, neither will orbs.  But no one would say they never run out or are infinite.

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It'd be nice if they included a good batch of RD units, be it by making a chapter including parts 1 and 2 and another one including parts 3 and 4, leaving enough room for a good bunch of new units to be included. In fact, I'd like if they add a set of 20-30 new characters to expand the 3-5☆ pool.

Imagine, the new characters would include:

- Elincia (Absorb, staff Physic flier, Heavenly Light, Renewal, Ward Fliers)

- Lucia (Storm Sword with built-in DC, Parity (B) negates enemy buffs and bonuses during combat and negates any enemy skill that manipulate attack order)

- Geoffrey (Brave Lance/Bow, Sol, Cavalry formation: goad and ward cavalry skills' range is increased by 1, Goad cavalry)

- Bastian (wind mage with Gronnowl?, Blazing Wind, Swift Strike, Corrosion (B) Unit can't make follow up attacks. Negates enemy counterattack if unit's Spd >1 of enemy's spd)

And they would be in a single banner.

The other banner would be DBers:

- Edward (Caladbolg (+3 str, -1 CD), Astra, Wrath)

- Leonardo (Lughnasadh (+3 spd), Windsweep/Watersweep)

- Nolan (Tarvos (+3 def, negates enemy buffs during combat), some stance skill buffing str/spd and def, Vantage)

- Laura (probably Nosferatu if blue mage or a new staff with BrideLyn's staff or Dazzling Staff, and Res Ploy).

Also, a Holy Guard banner with Sigrun, Tanith, Marcia and Haar. Sigrun <3

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

All this SS news and the possibility of a new FE8 banner has me throwing around the possibility of Ross as a new unit. The highest ranking units in the last CYL poll from FE8 that aren't already in the game are Marisa (53), Lyon (115), L'Arachel (116), Myrrh (122) and Ross (128). Then you have Gerik in the upper 170s. That gives me cautious hope that Ross could be in the next new heroes banner. Marisa and L'Arachel are locks pretty much and Lyon's getting a GHB. That gives one last spot on the banner as well as a potential TT reward unit. Myrrh, Duessel or Ross will likely be the third unit but the TT unit could be anyone. Cormag, Gerik, Knoll, Duessel, Ewan. Quite a few units are fair game as a TT reward.

That had me playing around in the unit builder again which brought me to this.


The powercreep is what you'd expect it to be sadly. 161 BST, 39/35 offenses with high HP and bad defenses. Distant Counter because literally nothing else makes since for him. Dragon Fang cause high ATK. Brazen ATK/SPD because something like that or a Defiant Skill/LND/Death Blow/Fury would suit him most. Fury likely would be the second choice to suit his character more than anything. Vantage for build synergy with his A skill. Something like Brash Assault would suit him best and Wrath is also a good choice but BA is trash and putting 2 ultra premium skills on him would be too overkill. Axe Valor as it's in line with Gray's Sword Valor and it hasn't been a thing since S!Chrom.

Duessel is a possibility purely because he's the Grado unit and Garm is the Grado legendary weapon. Otherwise Ross is 100% more popular and he would have his Hatchet.

Axe Valour would be nice and makes sense for him. Also Axe Valour was Summer Tiki, Spring Chrom had Axe Experience

Watch them randomly give him Firesweep Axe though

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Actually firesweep axe wouldn't be too random. Much of the time when I use the hatchet I don't use it to DC mages or archers, but rather to attack something melee that I don't want to eat a counter from. So you know it wouldn't be super random to me. That said I would prefer to see hatchet if only because I am not the biggest fan of the firesweep weapons.

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@mcsilas That would be annoying, and a waste. He would only get that if they wanted to cut down on Distant Counter melee which doesn't seem like it's happening any time soon, considering Dorcas.

@Usana Firesweep Axe+ would be annoying because literally no one else from FE8 came with the Hatchet, it's the weapon that only Ross has and it's the only one you get in the entire game. Duessel and Vigarde are the candidates for Garm and Garcia getting the Hatchet would almost be as much of a spit in the face as him getting in over his son.

Hatchet is weird on a unit like Ross though because usually they go on bulky enemy phase oriented units but Ross, at the very least in my game was usually one of the more hyper offensive units and wanted to attack most of the time so his kit might be a little weird, but that's fine. Makes him a little different.

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1 hour ago, Usana said:

Actually firesweep axe wouldn't be too random. Much of the time when I use the hatchet I don't use it to DC mages or archers, but rather to attack something melee that I don't want to eat a counter from. So you know it wouldn't be super random to me. That said I would prefer to see hatchet if only because I am not the biggest fan of the firesweep weapons.

I hadn't had the chance to use Firesweep weapons because Faye and Rody never bothered to meet me, but fortunately Soleil appeared. And fucking goodness they're beast. I currently run LnD 3 +spd Soleil with Heavy Blade 3 seal that basically deletes most stuff with Moonbow. No wonders why people fear Firesweep Lyn so much.

Also, I've had this idea and I think it would be cool. Why doesn't Heroes manage content about a specific game per month? Like, take February to expand content on Archanean units, specifically from Shadow Dragon, and feature a full chapter/paralogue, a squad assault, a GHB, a BHB, a Tempest Trial and some special quest/map? I'd love it if they do so, personally.

Also also Rowan, Lianna when? I'd also love to see some of these Heroes in their promoted Warriors outfit. For instance, the OCs can be 2 reds and 1 colorless (Lianna/staff), Marth can come with Exalted Falchion, Caeda with Wing Spear, Tiki with Divine Breath (green?), Chrom with Falchion, Lucina with Parallel Falchion, Robin with... what? Levin Sword or Book of Naga? Corrins as Nohr and Hoshido Nobles (with their respectives Yato), Ryoma and Xander with some Divine version of their swords?

= EDIT =

@Anacybele some users previously noted the same, and I thought the same as well, but @Vaximillian said 6 orbs go to your gift list and the other 6 are summed up to your inventory.

Edited by Quintessence
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4 hours ago, Othin said:

Speaking of specific banner themes, that does raise the question: will this have one? "Dauntless Crimeans" was a bit vague, but it was something. I'm not sure what they might go for here. Myrrh and Marisa are connected through Saleh, but L'arachel is at least as strange of an absence. L'arachel/Myrrh/Saleh could have some coherence, I guess?

Odds of Saleh actually getting in feel SOOOO slim because I think he ranked super low on CYL for SS. ...but he's also one of my favorite characters of all time, so I'd be beyond happy to get Lyon and Saleh. I'm kind of expecting  this banner to feel very, very loosely connected. 

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2 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

some users previously noted the same, and I thought the same as well, but @Vaximillian said 6 orbs go to your gift list and the other 6 are summed up to your inventory.

Ohhh, yeah, that would explain it then. Thanks!

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5 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yes! A new CYL! Time to vote for Bartre, can’t wait to see Brave Bartre :D

Also, what if Marissa is the next TT reward? I mean, Joshua was one, and if I don’t remember bad, I think you had to use him to recruit her

Nah, you recruited her with Ewan or Gerik depending on Ephraim or Eirika's route respectively.

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6 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Nah, you recruited her with Ewan or Gerik depending on Ephraim or Eirika's route respectively.


My mistake then, now that you say it, it comes to my mind recruiting her with Ewan in Ephraim’s route

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Odds of Saleh actually getting in feel SOOOO slim because I think he ranked super low on CYL for SS. ...but he's also one of my favorite characters of all time, so I'd be beyond happy to get Lyon and Saleh. I'm kind of expecting  this banner to feel very, very loosely connected. 

Wow, yeah. 459th place, with 272 votes.

Looking at it, Marisa is so much higher than the others. I guess they could do like... Marisa/Gerik/L'arachel? They're all pretty highly ranked in CYL and they travel around fighting stuff, so there's some theme there. Leaving out Myrrh would be so weird, though.

Myrrh and L'arachel are both connected through the ancient lore, which also fits Lyon. To round them out, maybe Knoll would work? He got 241st place with 997 votes: not great, but not terrible. There are plenty of higher-ranked FE8 characters who haven't been added yet, but it's also higher than Shiro, Oliver, and Tailtyu, and way higher than Siegbert.

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4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Wow, yeah. 459th place, with 272 votes.

Looking at it, Marisa is so much higher than the others. I guess they could do like... Marisa/Gerik/L'arachel? They're all pretty highly ranked in CYL and they travel around fighting stuff, so there's some theme there. Leaving out Myrrh would be so weird, though.

Myrrh and L'arachel are both connected through the ancient lore, which also fits Lyon. To round them out, maybe Knoll would work? He got 241st place with 997 votes: not great, but not terrible. There are plenty of higher-ranked FE8 characters who haven't been added yet, but it's also higher than Shiro, Oliver, and Tailtyu, and way higher than Siegbert.

It'd be a huge bummer to get two swords on a banner... I know there are a ton of swordies in the game, and I love Marisa and Gerik, but I'm not sure how I like getting both of them at the same time for sake of some balance. Knoll would be nice to have. And he is a good friend of Lyon which is a nice connection. Amelia is also missing her trainee friends who would be nice to see... 

If anything, this banner will probably have the MOST generic theme possible. 

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

It'd be a huge bummer to get two swords on a banner... I know there are a ton of swordies in the game, and I love Marisa and Gerik, but I'm not sure how I like getting both of them at the same time for sake of some balance. Knoll would be nice to have. And he is a good friend of Lyon which is a nice connection. Amelia is also missing her trainee friends who would be nice to see... 

If anything, this banner will probably have the MOST generic theme possible. 

Yeah, I wouldn't be happy with that either. We did just get two swords on Children of Fate, but at least one of those was cavalry.

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I really, really, really want Ewan to be in the banner if it's Sacred Stones. Amelia got in (she was my second favorite), but Ewan stole my heart (and was also my best unit). I never understood the fascination with L'arachel, so I don't really want her or Myrrh. Marisa I would LOVE, but also I would think Ewan would be red tome, so would want him more. Knoll would also be cool. If anyone can't tell, I really like mage characters.

EDIT: OMG I FORGOT ABOUT CORMAG I'M SO ASHAMED. I've been wanting him forever. 

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36 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Gerik could be green for the memes.

Like Raven before him, once Gerik promotes in SS, he actually ends up being an Axe user first and foremost, for 1-2 with Hand Axes mostly. Gerik actually gained two Con in the international version, so with the additional +2 of Hero gives him 15! That can handle a Steel Axe without AS loss. His bases are very solid, and his growths keep him awesome with no issues anywhere (60 HP, 25 Str, 26-27 Skl, 23-24 Spd, 16-17 Lck, 22 Def, 13 Res on average at 20/20- flawless, absolutely flawless).

Yeah, Gerik is one of my SS favorites as well. L'Arachel is good too, and if I had to pick a third, well Myrrh for gameplay would be good. But I'd be fine with a lot of SS's cast for that slot.

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@Zeo Huh, I did remember he came with it, but I had apparently forgotten that it wasn't just a generic's weapon you could get a copy of elsewhere. Like Amelia's slim lance.  So yeah, that is a darn good reason for him to get the Hatchet even if thematically I could see firesweep working simply due to the way I use the ranged melee weapons.

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2 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I’m guessing we might get the banner trailer tonight or tomorrow night. Hopefully this banner is good. I could skip the New Years banner for this.

Eh... We still have 5 days til the next new banner. The time within banner reveal and actual release always varied but this seems a little too early. If it does, I won't complain though.

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5 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I’m guessing we might get the banner trailer tonight or tomorrow night. Hopefully this banner is good. I could skip the New Years banner for this.

I feel like it won't come till the 22nd, but hey, maybe they will give us something to keep us happy over the weekend.


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I wonder if Fire Emblem Warriors affect any rankings in the next CYL?

Also any predictions for next Legendary Heroes banner? I predict Summer Corrin or Robin, to finally get people to summon blue after some meh blue focuses.

If I do get Summer Corrin, I have a Tailtiu ready to donate her tome :)


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