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7 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Isn't that how it is with DC on a majority of units in tier 20?

Only if you're a whale. DC doesn't grow on trees. But Renewal can be obtained from mere chickens rather easily.

7 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

It could just be for scoring. Renewal is a pretty easy/availableĀ 240 point skill.

Hadn't thought of that. That may actually be why.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Only if you're a whale. DC doesn't grow on trees. But Renewal can be obtained from mere chickens rather easily.

The thing is... I haven't gotten any chicken in 2 months. I'm already foddering bad IV L'arachels.
I blame IS for this. Not giving me any interesting green units to pull for. Pah! TheĀ gall! At least I can get some interesting plot from S!Tiki in the next legendary hero banner

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28 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

The thing is... I haven't gotten any chicken in 2 months. I'm already foddering bad IV L'arachels.
I blame IS for this. Not giving me any interesting green units to pull for. Pah! TheĀ gall! At least I can get some interesting plot from S!Tiki in the next legendary hero banner

Well if you're not pulling green then there's not much that can be done about it. If you are though, the game is defintiely fickle. I used to get nothing. but. Firs. I was using her for Speed+3 and Glacies but she just kept coming. So I eventually started merging her and once I got to *4 +7 she literally never appeared again. It's probably been over half a year since I've pulled any kind of Fir.

As for Chickens, I'd been playing for over half a year before I pulled my first one. Then she kept coming and now I have six of her in my barracks. Have still never pulled a Raven though...

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Just now, Zeo said:

Well if you're not pulling green then there's not much that can be done about it. If you are though, the game is defintiely fickle. I used to get nothing. but. Firs. I was using her for Speed+3 and Glacies but she just kept coming. So I eventually started merging her and once I got to *4 +7 she literally never appeared again. It's probably been over half a year since I've pulled any kind of Fir.

As for Chickens, I'd been playing for over half a year before I pulled my first one. Then she kept coming and now I have six of her in my barracks. Have still never pulled a Raven though...

No Raven?! Then again, it took me 7 monthsĀ to get my first Effie. Faes are actually very common for me

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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

No Raven?! Then again, it took me 7 monthsĀ to get my first Effie. Faes are actually very common for me

Took me about as long to pull my first (and only) Rebecca. It took me a long time to get a *4 Effie. But I pulled a *5 one quite a while before that, and then another *5 one.

And yeah it's funny. To this day Raven is the only *4 unit I have literally never pulled. The only other unit I've never gotten is La'Rachel and she's still rather new.

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15 hours ago, Zeo said:

I wish I handed out supports that freely. I can literally name the Supports I have.

  • Matthew/Inigo |Ā Ayra/Genny
  • Ike/Soren |Ā Xander/Camus
  • S!Corrin/Hinoka |Ā Cherche/Palla
  • B!Caeda/Ogma | B!Lyn/Hector
  • Eliwood/Ninian |Ā Alfonse/Sharena
  • Fjorm/S!Frederick |Ā Lukas/Athena
  • Y!Tiki/Nowi |Ā Nino/Delthea
  • M!Marth/Frederick |Ā Clarine/Klein
  • ToD!Henry/BK |Ā NY!Camilla/Sakura
  • LA!Lillina/LA!Roy |Ā Oscar/Maria
  • Lute/Mia |Ā Lyn/B!Lyn

Might seem like a lot, but a chunk of these units don't even get fielded together anymore, a chunk of them were only partners for the tempest, a chunk of them don't have good synergy and another chunk are primed for new partners. I wish I was more liberal with supporting... no... I wish I was better building solid teams that could synergize well. The bold are the ones that generally see the most use.

Never in my wildest dreams did I consider promoting Virion or Niles, but Jeorge was a unit I considered building. Still I have a +SPD/-HP Takumi that only has Bowbreaker and he was one of my first *5's as well. Then there's Faye and NY!Corrin who most certainly wants to give his weapon to someone. Rebecca is the most intriguing archer for me though because FE7 and also Reinfleche will probably go to her if Rath or Wil don't pop up out of nowhere.

Let's see... For supports I know I've done:

  • Fjorm/Merric - Arena purposes (though I need to change this since Fjorm's not a solid member of my Arena core) Merric also has summoner support because he needs it the most.
  • Soren/PoR Ike - Because I am trash.
  • Lyon/Eirika - See above reason.Ā 
  • Sothe/Micaiah - Because RD Ike came too late for Sothe. But I did give Sothe an earth blessing and stick him on my Earth Team with Ike. Also I'm trash. See a theme?
  • Lucius/Raven - T. R. A. S. H.
  • NY!Azura/Summer Corrin - Believe it or not, this is less of a ship and more for practical reasons. I only realized after the fact that people tend to ship these ladies.Ā 
  • Mae/Innes - Practical strategic reasons. But they look cute together at least...Ā 

I've got a bunch of random ones I can't remember that I made for practical reasons. I plan to do Myrrh x Legendary Ephraim since they're on my Fire Team. I'd also like to do Marth x Bride Caeda (need a good Marth first). Or Marth x Caeda in some way, shape, or form if Marth ever gets a non-red alt. And the moment Elice gets released, she's getting slapped on a team with Merric.

Just promote your favorites! Virion and Niles are some of my favorite archers. Virion's not bad offensively. Niles...needs some love in the ATK department, but he's not completely awful. I've also had a fondness for Gordin in the past (but he's just been a 4*+10 because he sees a lot more use that way). I don't have a strong attachment to Faye, Corrin, or Rebecca, so they don't see much use, but the moment Louise gets added... Ooooh man. I don't care if she has the world's worst stats ever. She's one of my favorite ladies of all time.

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16 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Let's see... For supports I know I've done:

  • Fjorm/Merric - Arena purposes (though I need to change this since Fjorm's not a solid member of my Arena core) Merric also has summoner support because he needs it the most.
  • Soren/PoR Ike - Because I am trash.
  • Lyon/Eirika - See above reason.Ā 
  • Sothe/Micaiah - Because RD Ike came too late for Sothe. But I did give Sothe an earth blessing and stick him on my Earth Team with Ike. Also I'm trash. See a theme?
  • Lucius/Raven - T. R. A. S. H.
  • NY!Azura/Summer Corrin - Believe it or not, this is less of a ship and more for practical reasons. I only realized after the fact that people tend to ship these ladies.Ā 
  • Mae/Innes - Practical strategic reasons. But they look cute together at least...Ā 

I've got a bunch of random ones I can't remember that I made for practical reasons. I plan to do Myrrh x Legendary Ephraim since they're on my Fire Team. I'd also like to do Marth x Bride Caeda (need a good Marth first). Or Marth x Caeda in some way, shape, or form if Marth ever gets a non-red alt. And the moment Elice gets released, she's getting slapped on a team with Merric.

Just promote your favorites! Virion and Niles are some of my favorite archers. Virion's not bad offensively. Niles...needs some love in the ATK department, but he's not completely awful. I've also had a fondness for Gordin in the past (but he's just been a 4*+10 because he sees a lot more use that way). I don't have a strong attachment to Faye, Corrin, or Rebecca, so they don't see much use, but the moment Louise gets added... Ooooh man. I don't care if she has the world's worst stats ever. She's one of my favorite ladies of all time.

Of all those supports, they're all pretty decent with the exception of Eirika/Lyon. We all know the only unit she should be S Supporting is her brother.Ā Funny I was going to do Marth/B!Caeda but Ogma beat her to the punch, that pair will probably be dissolved though since B!Caeda has since become a blade mage and Ogma only has a measily Rally ATK as his sole buff.

As for promoting my favorites. I definitely doĀ and will. If I ever pull a Raven ever.Ā I'm waiting on Erk myself, but Pent would be just as amazing.

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36 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:
  • NY!Azura/Summer Corrin - Believe it or not, this is less of a ship and more for practical reasons. I only realized after the fact that people tend to ship these ladies.Ā 

People ship Azura and female Corrin?Ā  I didn't know lesbian incest was popular.

Also, Sothe x Ike is canon.Ā  Where do you think Priam came from?


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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

People ship Azura and female Corrin?Ā  I didn't know lesbian incest was popular.

Also, Sothe x Ike is canon.Ā  Where do you think Priam came from?


For some reason, I tend to see quite a few F. Corrin x Azura comics on Pinterest. I don't know how popular it is in the grand scheme of things, but it definitely exists. To be fair, I don't think everyone knows the truth.

This is easily one of the greatest lines ever conceived in these games. But I can't pry Sothe away from Micaiah quite yet. At least not until Pelleas is in the game.

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

For some reason, I tend to see quite a few F. Corrin x Azura comics on Pinterest. I don't know how popular it is in the grand scheme of things, but it definitely exists. To be fair, I don't think everyone knows the truth.

This is easily one of the greatest lines ever conceived in these games. But I can't pry Sothe away from Micaiah quite yet. At least not until Pelleas is in the game.

We need an upgrade to Ally Support: Harem Support.Ā  Each unit can S Support with up to 3 other units.Ā  The effects don't stack, but they are able to spread the love.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

We need an upgrade to Ally Support: Harem Support.Ā  Each unit can S Support with up to 3 other units.Ā  The effects don't stack, but they are able to spread the love.

That way we can have Lucina x Lucina x Lucina x Lucina.Ā 

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I just supported Airzura with S!Corrin for the Hone fliers and blade tome combo (and Hinoka would be too much blue).

had to break her Airzura's support with Cordelia though. Rip the long straightĀ flowy hair peg knights combo.


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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

Now that I've slept, I'm not sure if this meant you wanted tags for the videos, but I did just post in the Zephiel topic a few days ago. If you want to be tagged for those kind of things later on just let me know.

Random Thought: What's the deal with everyone running Renewal on Amelia? Why is that a thing?

I wasnā€™t really insinuating that but Iā€™d be overjoyedĀ if you did.

I personally donā€™t run into Amelia. Hector and nowĀ Grima is what I see more often, but I assume Renewal is just a cheap filler skill. I use it quite often when I lack QR, Desperation, or Vantage.

3 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Well, things can be worse than havenā€™t never pulled a Rebecca or a Raven. Iā€™ve been playing since launch and I havenā€™t got even a single 4* Reinhardt :ā€™(

For the longest time I was under the assumption that Reinhardt was 5* exclusive. Then after I pulled my first one around the time 2.0 came out,Ā the game started showering me with 4* Reinhardts. This game either gives you nothing or gives you a surplus of a certain unit.

On a similar note, I wanted to start building a Felicia due to her plate, but IĀ have never pulled aĀ Felicia ever since her exclusive became a thing.

1 hour ago, Rezzy said:

People ship Azura and female Corrin?Ā  I didn't know lesbian incest was popular.

Also, Sothe x Ike is canon.Ā  Where do you think Priam came from?



1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

For some reason, I tend to see quite a few F. Corrin x Azura comics on Pinterest. I don't know how popular it is in the grand scheme of things, but it definitely exists. To be fair, I don't think everyone knows the truth.

This is easily one of the greatest lines ever conceived in these games. But I can't pry Sothe away from Micaiah quite yet. At least not until Pelleas is in the game.

Iā€™ve seen aĀ fair bit of F!Corrin and Azura myself.Ā Probably one of the most common ships I used to run into.

I really thought that image was altered. Canā€™t believe itā€™s not. I kinda want to know the context but at the same timeĀ itā€™s already perfect.

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

Can somebody explain what the context for this line isĀ 

In Radiant Dawn, Sothe basically always since Ike's praises because he fought alongside him in the war against his home country. He's a little star struck. Meanwhile, Micaiah isn't a fan of Ike because he fought against the mad king ruling her country which saved a lot of people but kind of left the innocent people of Daein suffering years after the war. Not really Ike's direct fault (moreso political). This is a rare moment where she takes a jab at Sothe's fanboying.

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2 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

In Radiant Dawn, Sothe basically always since Ike's praises because he fought alongside him in the war against his home country. He's a little star struck. Meanwhile, Micaiah isn't a fan of Ike because he fought against the mad king ruling her country which saved a lot of people but kind of left the innocent people of Daein suffering years after the war. Not really Ike's direct fault (moreso political). This is a rare moment where she takes a jab at Sothe's fanboying.

RD did have some good one-liners.

@Ice DragonĀ not sure if you played RD, but do you know if this line was present in the Japanese version?

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

RD did have some good one-liners.

@Ice DragonĀ not sure if you played RD, but do you know if this line was present in the Japanese version?

If the game had given sassy Micaiah more screen time...or like the Dawn Brigade in general and supports, it probably would've been my favorite FE game. At the very least we got some chuckles out of it.

6 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Iā€™ve seen aĀ fair bit of F!Corrin and Azura myself.Ā Probably one of the most common ships I used to run into.

I really thought that image was altered. Canā€™t believe itā€™s not. I kinda want to know the context but at the same timeĀ itā€™s already perfect.

(Missed this 'cause I was posting when I got pinged.) Well then I guess it is popular. XD Or at least in some sphere of the internet it is. In general, I see a lot of Corrin and Azura stuff. Fates is just a mess when it comes to relationships.Ā 

Like I said, easily one of the best lines ever. The world deserves Micaiah's sass.

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

People ship Azura and female Corrin?Ā  I didn't know lesbian incest was popular.

Well Chrom & F!Robin is a popular ship & Robin being a dude doesn't really stop it, so same can be done with Azura & Corrin. I still hate that stupid forced incest & I will say that every time the opportunity present itself.


On that note, this is a frequent criticism on Reddit. A lot of people have been complaining about the enemy phase music interrupting the player phase. Granted it's minor & for the most part people do see that, but it is annoying to hear such a well done music to be interrupted by something so generic every time.


What does everyone here think about the option to turn off the enemy phase music?

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5 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

On that note, this is a frequent criticism on Reddit. A lot of people have been complaining about the enemy phase music interrupting the player phase. Granted it's minor & for the most part people do see that, but it is annoying to hear such a well done music to be interrupted by something so generic every time.


What does everyone here think about the option to turn off the enemy phase music?

I play without sound like...99% of the time. XD So it doesn't really bother me all that much. That being said, I can see how that would be annoying. I did play with sound for the recent Takumi GHB, and I thought the interruption was a shame then, so I think it would be a nice option to have at least.Ā 

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10 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

What does everyone here think about the option to turn off the enemy phase music?

I would love that. There are plenty of maps that would benefit, or would have benefited from uninterrupted music. The Takumi GHB, for example. The final map for whatever TT had Sonya as the boss. Probably more that I'm forgetting.

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