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People may not bring up something about the game that made them angry months after it happened, but they're still going to not be happy about it. Complaining about it on the Internet when it initially happens is a good way to vent (and to see how the community as a whole feels), but talking about it months on end after the damage has been done will get nothing done and gets kind of annoying if it's all too often. After all, people will eventually know how you feel, so no need to bring it up out of the blue every time for no reason.

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16 hours ago, Hawk King said:

I'm always interested when someone mentions Lukas. What did you come up with?

I figured that his sky-high base Atk was usually ignored, so I slapped a Brave Lance on a +Atk one.  Since his defenses are so high, I can have him bait stuff, and usually wind up at half health. . .and then Defiant Atk, Brash Assault, and Desperation kick in,, for quad attacks on anything that hits melee.

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Guys, gals, lest we forget, seasonals must be destroyed. Moving on to our regular schedule…

28 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I wish you the best of luck too! Dreams can still come true after a year at minimum, as I recently found.

Don’t let your dreams be memes, eh? Congrats! It is a bit tiring to wait for so long.

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19 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Is that really a fair way to look at it though? What they did with Refine for oldies was to update their effect to new standard giving them good stats at the same time. The end result is the same

if anything Killer weapon existing is the bigger issue for me personally.

My problem is with the cost of it. So, with the old Breaths compared to Water Breath and new inheritable Breaths, you have to refine the older Breaths, spend 500 Arena Medals, 50 Refining Stones, and 350 SP, in order to get the ability to target the lower defensive stat of ranged units. With the new Breaths, its on there by default. Refining in general is worth the stats, increased or strengthened effects, and addition of effects, but it kind of sucks that older weapons have to pay more while newer weapons don't.

Basically, you have to go through more hoops for older weapons to get the same/similar results. If you have the resources, it's not that big of a deal, but if you don't, it's kind of annoying like all you need to do with Safeguard is just inherit it and refining it just gives more stats while with Berkut's Lance, you can work with +4 resistance when attacked, but +7 is better and you have to refine it to get the effect. Gameplay-wise, it's definitely noticeable. 4* M!Kana has a much easier time dealing with units in general than 4* F!Corrin, Fae, Nowi, and adult Tiki when unrefined Water Breath can target the lower defensive stat of ranged units or if you somehow had two of the same Lon'qus, but one of them has Slaying Edge while the other has his default Killing Edge.

Having to evolve weapons is an issue with how weak their base versions are, but at least it's the same effect. It's not like going from a weaker Wo Dao having +5 damage when triggering specials to +10 or Armorslayer's effective damage being 1.25 instead of 1.5 against armors. Still, for those who are stuck with those weapons, it's another hoop to go through just to get where they need to go.

28 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

As for Blaze Durandal did they EVER give a refine to new standard weapon so far? I always considered every holy weapon after CYL1 new standard while many of the introduced during refinement era an old standard that can be refined to new standard.

Refine old standard have 2 effect and 5 HP. New standard have stats and effect from the get go or 2 effect

Nope, but I would like it if all weapons could be refined. Even if it's just for stats like all of the Distant Counter weapons only being able to get stat boosts if refined, I'd be okay with that. At the same time, I like watching the world burn, so Berserk Armads getting a refine and getting +20 special damage or something stupid works too. Probably not going to happen. Its unique effect would probably be a Breath effect at best.

That said, it would be interesting to see what they would do for the newer legendary/personal weapons for refinements since some of them are really stupid. Some of them aren't that stupid compared to the more recent ones which is to no one's surprise as newer units and weapons are getting stronger and stronger. Audhulma is probably the worst example since it's basically a resistance refined Slaying Edge+ with +2 Mt and +1 Res. If you give that up for a resistance refined Slaying Edge+, then Joshua gains +5 HP for -2 Mt and -1 Res which increases his overall bulk and his damage output from specials is pretty good. Or you could give him a resistance refined Wo Dao+ and run his default set of Close Def, Windsweep, and Moonbow.

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12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Don’t let your dreams be memes, eh? Congrats! It is a bit tiring to wait for so long.

Thanks! She even got +Atk/-HP, which makes up for the pain of the -Atk on my Bride Sanaki and the -Spd on my Bride Tharja.

Oh, and there hasn’t been a point where I’ve wanted a boon/bane trading or changing mechanic more than now. Why?

my “Normal Girl” Tharja: +Spd/-Def

my Obsessive Bride Tharja: +Def/-Spd


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23 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

my “Normal Girl” Tharja: +Spd/-Def

my Obsessive Bride Tharja: +Def/-Spd

Tharja doesn’t want to think in absolutes. She doesn’t want her Christmas version to be the slowest red mage, and her bridal version to be the fastest red mage. So rebellious.

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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

@Vaximillian curious where do you know Julia is coming at 5th?


I wonder who is going to be the third slot.

I’m calling them to reuse the Genealogy tempest’s final map for this event, as they did with Takumi, two Grimas, and Saias.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


I wonder who is going to be the third slot.

I’m calling them to reuse the Genealogy tempest’s final map for this event, as they did with Takumi, two Grimas, and Saias.

Leif? Deirdre?

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1 hour ago, bethany81707 said:

The community's still angry at Ayra, it's just even the most bitter of croaky old men can't keep it up for months. I don't know if I can ever forgive them for Sanaki, even if FE16 is better than Odyssey and has no fanservice of adults, let alone kids.

Odyssey as in Etrian Odyssey?

9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


I wonder who is going to be the third slot.

I’m calling them to reuse the Genealogy tempest’s final map for this event, as they did with Takumi, two Grimas, and Saias.

Incoming unannounced Scathatch release

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All this talk of Julia makes me nostalgic for my own Julia



One of my very first pulls in the game. I will always love using her, especially with how many Rienhardt’s and Dragons she has killed


Edited by Poimagic
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I was thinking to pull blue on one of the actual banners to get finally some Cordelias, since 2 units sharing one color raises the chance to get a 5*. Shiro copies would be handy, but hasn't priority and F!Morgan would be a more or less useless pity breaker for me. I'm missing both blue brides but don't need either. 

... then I slapped myself to remind me of the upcoming legendary banner. 

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1 hour ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Odyssey as in Etrian Odyssey?

Mario Odyssey.


And yeah, I can't come to care about the legendary banner, especially with no orbs for the first time in forever. Getting both Legendary and Bride Lyn is luck enough- trying for anything on this next legendary is pushing it.

If Tharja's on it, I might even take the chance to not use all 15 orbs.

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5 hours ago, eclipse said:

I figured that his sky-high base Atk was usually ignored, so I slapped a Brave Lance on a +Atk one.  Since his defenses are so high, I can have him bait stuff, and usually wind up at half health. . .and then Defiant Atk, Brash Assault, and Desperation kick in,, for quad attacks on anything that hits melee.

Definitely go with Brazen Atk/Def if you pull an Ares. Getting below 50% would probably be tricky/dangerous. Although when he does fall into the quad range that would be pretty nasty.

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1 hour ago, Hawk King said:

Definitely go with Brazen Atk/Def if you pull an Ares. Getting below 50% would probably be tricky/dangerous. Although when he does fall into the quad range that would be pretty nasty.

With the uhhh exception of Bladetomes for stack kickstart theres legitimately no reason to use Defiant anymore over Brazen right?

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8 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Definitely go with Brazen Atk/Def if you pull an Ares. Getting below 50% would probably be tricky/dangerous. Although when he does fall into the quad range that would be pretty nasty.

I'll most likely +10 my own Ares first.  Defiant is risky, but that's also when Brash Assault kicks in.

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38 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I'll most likely +10 my own Ares first.

I had a feeling you'd say that. I'll also do the same. I like how he performs as a unit, but what is it that drives you to +10 him?

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17 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I had a feeling you'd say that. I'll also do the same. I like how he performs as a unit, but what is it that drives you to +10 him?

It would be hard to explain without sounding like a complete and utter lunatic.  Gameplay-wise, I like melting everything that isn't Lukas/Effie.  I have him on my TT team, and this is the most fun I've had with the mode.

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15 hours ago, Poimagic said:

All this talk of Julia makes me nostalgic for my own Julia

  Hide contents


One of my very first pulls in the game. I will always love using her, especially with how many Rienhardt’s and Dragons she has killed


Nice!  Very similar to mine except I gave her atk ploy since mine is +res, and also Fury.  I summoned her on her initial banner, man has she aged wonderfully.  She was a godsend for me back then, and she still serves well now.  

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