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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m on the verge of foddering my −Atk Ayra to my Atk/HP Clair. Convince me to or not to, maybe?

I wish Spd Tactic was in the general pool.
Why are all other tactic skills in the general pool, and Spd Tactic unique to Lyn#5?
Atk Tactic is on THREE units, not counting Valentine’s Lilina, and none of them are 8%. One of them is even 4★, for Naga’s sake!
Res Tactic is on a seal and on two non-seasonal units. Granted, one is limited (Canas) but oh well.
Def Tactic is on a seal and on two units including an 8% (Ike).
Spd Tactic is on a fuck-you.

Clair is superior so Ayra G2G

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Bleah, has anyone else had it where there's a knockout in an area they're currently mid-fight in, and then the game doesn't give you any score for it whatsoever (including tier and score within army)? I basically lost 4 stamina and however long that fight went. I could've been eating a bowl of cereal in that time.

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I had the funniest moment earlier today when I ended up beating abyssal Marth using PheonixMaster1's guide on my friends' accounts, and I can't use the same strategy myself XD

Maybe I really should've free-picked Veronica instead of Ephraim.

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So what is the general consensus for Grand Conquest? I don't think the changes helped much as lack of coordination and teammates unwillingness to play still screws you over most of the time but that just might be me because I feel like I am always put on the less active teams. I feel like the best thing to do is focus on ranking top three for the 3000 feathers and then whatever the area count is just a feather dispenser afterwards.

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Looking at the new GC scoring chart, I realized the method is effectively a prisoner's dilemma. If every round ended with a balanced 10/10/10, each team would get 30 points. Because of the way the scoring works, it's more likely that no team reaches 30 points.

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The area count reward being diluted a bit helps me not be so annoyed when my team gets completely smashed, turns the feathers from it into more of a participation award which is whatever, fine by me.

Four hour rounds are eh, it helped me in that I could just burn my lances a couple hours earlier and then forget about the mode until the next battle. There are real problems with it making the knockout issue more likely to happen, but I got my fights in before that happened.

I think knockouts simply need to be reversible. When you get above the threshold, sure, flip the tile and let the winning team attack other tiles, but keep tracking the score on the tile that just flipped and have it remain open.

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Uggh. I just realized I missed the sp weekend. My days are all off by one. Oh well. Alfonse isn't that important. I'll still level him since that is easy to do while anime watching, but a bit miffed that I'll only get half as much SP.

@Vaximillian You know, ATK Tactic is the one Tactic that I just can't get. I swear Legalt is a myth and doesn't actually exist. My Tactic stockpile goes RES Tactic(the easiest to get?), SPD Tactic, and then Defense and Attack Tactic both having no available fodder. Of course Defense is available as a Seal so that means ATK Tactic is the one I have the roughest time with.


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1 minute ago, Usana said:

You know, ATK Tactic is the one Tactic that I just can't get. I swear Legalt is a myth and doesn't actually exist.

Hilariously enough, as I was reading your comment, I was in the middle of making a YOLO 5-orbs pull on the CYL2 banner in hopes for a Celica.
No reds, welp. I open a lone grey because why not, maybe Veronica, and lo and behold:

Siegbert can exhale now.

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Uugh I could kick myself right now. Here I am finally getting around to building my Halloween Henry, even settled on a bladetome build for him. Now after collecting another 20k from GC and stuff, I was going to finally give him Gronblade. So who do I promote in my half-asleep state? Not Nino for some reason. No, somehow I end up promoting Cecilia and try to get Gronblade from her.

Damn this feels bad. I wonder if I should send her home to at least get a fraction of my investment back or merge her into my already build one. Either way, this feels bad. Never do SI after just waking up I guess.

Edit: Never mind, she's +Atk -HP. My previous one was +Res -Def, so I am gonna use her as the new base after all. Can't believe this had a happy ending.

Edited by Nanima
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7 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Uugh I could kick myself right now. Here I am finally getting around to building my Halloween Henry, even settled on a bladetome build for him. Now after collecting another 20k from GC and stuff, I was going to finally give him Gronblade. So who do I promote in my half-asleep state? Not Nino for some reason. No, somehow I end up promoting Cecilia and try to get Gronblade from her.

Damn this feels bad. I wonder if I should send her home to at least get a fraction of my investment back or merge her into my already build one. Either way, this feels bad. Never do SI after just waking up I guess.

If you decide against merging, there's no shortage of candidates for Gronnraven. If you have Inigo or Camilla, they're probably the most obvious candidates. Boey and Merric can make good use of it too, especially if you're happy with 4* merges of them, in which case they wouldn't have access to their native 5* weapons. Or you can give it to Henry anyway because he uses it quite well too.

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@Vaximillian Curse you! You Shadowy Cat!

I kept hoping I would get some of him since the last two banners have had heavy colorless focus for me. But nope. Got a whole ton of Sothe's instead. I don't think I'll ever want for Live and Death again. I could probably even just start giving it to random people. Also got like 5 Kleins. So plenty of death blow as well. They and Kaze are basically the only colorless that are showing up for me. Oh yeah, I have so many barb shurikens I could probably bath in them. But that would probably hurt, so I won't.


@Nanima At least Cecillia has Gronnraven. Even if you weren't going that route with Henry for your standard build, it can still be handy at times. For example it allows him to take on Brave Lyn who he can have issues with otherwise thanks to her bow ignoring buffs. Or any one else who really wants a raven. Boey, Camilla, Inigo, Merric, and Female Robin might all find a Gronnraven+ as an acceptable tome.

Edit- Humanoid beat me to the punch. That is what I get for playing while replying, yes?

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3 minutes ago, Usana said:

I kept hoping I would get some of him since the last two banners have had heavy colorless focus for me. But nope. Got a whole ton of Sothe's instead. I don't think I'll ever want for Live and Death again. I could probably even just start giving it to random people. Also got like 5 Kleins. So plenty of death blow as well. They and Kaze are basically the only colorless that are showing up for me. Oh yeah, I have so many barb shurikens I could probably bath in them. But that would probably hurt, so I won't.

No idea how I managed to dodge desire sensor this time (and yesterday with Cecilia). I actually needed Atk Tactic because I wanted to give it to King Marth for my fire team. I was going to use up my −Atk Siegbert for that. Legault is −Atk too, so I won’t have any regrets foddering him off after grinding up his HM.

Can I have those Sothes and Kleins? I want to stop the Hanacide (and save my feathers). L&D is too good. DB3 is great, too.

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6 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

If you decide against merging, there's no shortage of candidates for Gronnraven. If you have Inigo or Camilla, they're probably the most obvious candidates. Boey and Merric can make good use of it too, especially if you're happy with 4* merges of them, in which case they wouldn't have access to their native 5* weapons. Or you can give it to Henry anyway because he uses it quite well too.


3 minutes ago, Usana said:


@Nanima At least Cecillia has Gronnraven. Even if you weren't going that route with Henry for your standard build, it can still be handy at times. For example it allows him to take on Brave Lyn who he can have issues with otherwise thanks to her bow ignoring buffs. Or any one else who really wants a raven. Boey, Camilla, Inigo, Merric, and Female Robin might all find a Gronnraven+ as an acceptable tome.

Edit- Humanoid beat me to the punch. That is what I get for playing while replying, yes?

Guess my own edit came a bit late. haha Anyway I checked her IVs and she's +Atk -HP, which makes her better than my old +Res -Def one, so I am definitely merging. I don't think I would have looked at her IVs before this incident and just sacrificed her for Escape Route or something else trivial. So something good actually came from this.

Still thank you for the advice. I don't really feel like I need anymore Raven mages (Bunmilla has that position locked down for herself), but it's always good to keep the options in mind. 

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I went on the legendary banner again to see if I could pull any reds I want. Although I didn't, I've never been happier to see a 3-star Laslow until now. There's an abyssal Robin guide that I could use, except for the part where my Brave Lyn doesn't have axebreaker. Well, now she does and I actually cleared Robin abyssal.

So, I guess I was able to beat Marth abyssal for my friends, and Robin abyssal for myself. I guess that's fair.

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9 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Although I didn't, I've never been happier to see a 3-star Laslow until now.

I wish I could've been happy to see that 3-star Marth (or either the 3-star Palla or 4-star Fir) I got instead of his better version or Lene. Instead, all I could do was punch him in the face and then turn him into feathers.

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@Nanima Glad it had a happy ending!


@Sunwoo Huh. Axebreaker. That would get around needing 40 speed for that axe flyer. Now I am curious, cuz I was pretty sure mine needed her desperation. Though I tried so many different tricks that I may be misremembering what was needed for the final clear.

I don't think I want the golden Seashell enough to smash my head against the Marth Abyssal Wall.

@Vaximillian I would gladly trade Sothes and Kleins for Legaults. Most of my team ideas these days have been mixed emblem teams and ATK Tactic is one of the better Tactics to throw around!

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24 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I wish I could've been happy to see that 3-star Marth (or either the 3-star Palla or 4-star Fir) I got instead of his better version or Lene. Instead, all I could do was punch him in the face and then turn him into feathers.

I wouldn't mind seeing 3-star Marth if he were +spd -not atk.

EDIT: The guide I used to beat Robin abyssal involved having a healer with Gravity+ hold a chokepoint while Lyn and Ike cleaned up reinforcements until they stopped coming. And yeah, Lyn needed axebreaker to get around like a single flier.

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I would have been happy to see that 3★ Marth. Mine has been stuck at +7 for a long while.

That's the desire sensor for you, it and its whole "being a complete asshole" thing. For me, it's still withholding the last Sakura copy I'd need to +10 her.

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8 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

That's the desire sensor for you, it and its whole "being a complete asshole" thing. For me, it's still withholding the last Sakura copy I'd need to +10 her.

Absolutely desire sensor. I’m still marvelling about how I dodged it yesterday with Cecilia and today with Legault… and back then with two King Marths.

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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

And the FE Heroes wiki added some datamined stuff.  I did not appreciate that spoiler while typing out my pulls.

What I don’t appreciate about the Gamepedia wikis is that they are painfully slow and overburdened by I don’t even know why.
What was the datamined stuff that threw you off? Is it regarding the upcoming grand hero battle the day after tomorrow?

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

What I don’t appreciate about the Gamepedia wikis is that they are painfully slow and overburdened by I don’t even know why.
What was the datamined stuff that threw you off? Is it regarding the upcoming grand hero battle the day after tomorrow?


Possibly.  All I know is that Jamke's being added in some way, shape, or form, and I do NOT want to know how/why.  Yet.


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