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I like the designs for both girls a lot, and a blade sword and another tanky red flier are both things I'd like to have in my collection. I really want to be rollng reds for Hinatas and Soleils as well, so that's even more reason to pull. Helbindi's okay, but I don't think I'll try to get him.

I may wait to see who the new legendary is before I go beyond my free session, though.

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Welp, that was THE MOST disappointing reveal for new characters in a long while for me.

No paralogue, all units we were all expecting because they were put in the game long before their actual banner, and barely any way to get orbs...

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Now in all fairness, I'm not saying the characters are disappointing. I mean, Odd Spectrum Wave, Bladeblade, and whatever the hell we'll call Niu's skill all on pretty neat looking units, I'm all down for that. Not even too bothered by lack of orbs, I'm just gonna buy orbs anyways.

But the reveal... man, that was disappointing. Nintendo should know by now not to put their eggs in the basket too early, cause we've been enjoying scrambled eggs for a good little while already.

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For some reason it never registered in my brain that the whole 170 thing would be referenced in the skill description for the new Duel skills.  That's going to be really confusing for the casual audience, and even the not-so-casuals who may not take arena seriously.   

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2 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

It does amuse me how Laegjarn's weapon is basically designed for her to keep her little sister in line.

"Oh, you have +6 to everything? How cute."

*gains +12 to everything*

Isn't it only 50% of boosted stats? Honestly, seems way too situational that it'll end up being quite bad. Same as Legault's daggers. 

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9 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Isn't it only 50% of boosted stats? Honestly, seems way too situational that it'll end up being quite bad. Same as Legault's daggers. 

50% of opponents total buffs to each stat

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5 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I'll comment on this.

- Tharja's obsession with Robin (Us, the MC) much like the Corrinsexuals and how everyone wants to get with him is because that is what most people playing the game wish was real life for them.  Wow all the hot girls, and/or guys depending on preference want to get with me I can choose any one!  Yay!  It just plays into the MC being a god cassanova, pure fantasy.

Now why do cute girls get away with offensive, creepy behavior?  Well yes it is cause they are girls.  Cause with guys sexual harrassment can lead to sexual assault/rape.  Stalking can lead to rape/assault.  If a girl is harrassed by another girl or stalked, it would be annoying, perhaps creepy, maybe gross.  However if they are harassed by a guy, there is another element fear/danger.  The vast majority of rapists/molesters are males.  

Nina is stalking guys.  There is no element of danger.  Ask any guy if he would be scared or worried if a woman were stalking them.  Doubt many say yes.  Could be annoying, could get old fast, however that's it.  There is nothing to fear from a girl stalker 99% of the time.  

Now ask girls how many of them would be scared/worried of a guy was stalking them.  Probably most would say yes and with good reason.  


I'll let the rest of this convo slide, since the argument seems to be mostly over, and this is going off-topic. but holy shit this reply. So women can't be a threat to mean? Is their harassing behaviour not meant to be taken seriously? Are they just that weak and harmless in your mind that even following and threatening you is no cause for alarm? Are guys just so naturally tough that when they do end up a victim it's just a particularly pathetic outlier? Because that's what you are implying with "Women stalkers are no threat at all". WTF.

A male friend of mine was stalked by an ex-girlfriend, and let me tell you that shit was terrifying for him. She hurt his pets, destroyed his property while he wasn't at home and once managed to get into the house at night to hover three inches from his face while he was asleep for who knows how long. It took ages to get rid of her. Stalking is horrifying no matter the gender. And yes, women are perfectly capable of harming other women in ways that are no less terrible than if it was a guy doing the harming. I don't know how this is difficult to grasp.

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49 minutes ago, Othin said:

Is it any different from the same number of seasonal banners spaced out more?

If we get two Halloween banners followed by a Christmas banner and a Valentine's one, for a total of 9 for the second "seasonal year", that's the same number as before.

It's to keep the Arena bonus characters in line with the actual holiday, which they have been doing with all other Special Heroes banners associated with a specific holiday.

If the Special Heroes banner on the current calendar is the Halloween banner, then they'll either have the characters as bonus characters in the Arena too early or they'll need to extend both this set and the next set by a week each (two back-to-back three-week bonus character sets).

If they don't extend the duration of the two Arena bonus character sets between now and Halloween and they still want to have a Halloween banner such that its set of Arena bonus characters overlaps Halloween, then the banner on the current calendar cannot be the Halloween banner and the Halloween banner has to come immediately after it.


20 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

Isn't it only 50% of boosted stats? Honestly, seems way too situational that it'll end up being quite bad. Same as Legault's daggers. 

It's "add all of the total boosts on the opponent, divide by 2, round down, then add that to every single one of your own stats". I tested it some time ago against enemy Laegjarn when she first appeared.

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@Ice Dragon I'd agree being stalked by a man would be scary.  Men are much more likely to carry weapons as well.

@Sunwoo True stalkers of both genders often have serious mental problems and can be unpredictable.   However the vast majority of stalkers are male, and it seems female stalkers are rarely violent unless they are exes which is not related to Nina as I explain below.

27 minutes ago, Nanima said:

I'll let the rest of this convo slide, since the argument seems to be mostly over, and this is going off-topic. but holy shit this reply. So women can't be a threat to mean? Is their harassing behaviour not meant to be taken seriously? Are they just that weak and harmless in your mind that even following and threatening you is no cause for alarm? Are guys just so naturally tough that when they do end up a victim it's just a particularly pathetic outlier? Because that's what you are implying with "Women stalkers are no threat at all". WTF.

A male friend of mine was stalked by an ex-girlfriend, and let me tell you that shit was terrifying for him. She hurt his pets, destroyed his property while he wasn't at home and once managed to get into the house at night to hover three inches from his face while he was asleep for who knows how long. It took ages to get rid of her. Stalking is horrifying no matter the gender. And yes, women are perfectly capable of harming other women in ways that are no less terrible than if it was a guy doing the harming. I don't know how this is difficult to grasp.

Ex girlfriends, wives, fiancees whatever that is a completely different animal not what I was referring to in my comment.  Cause there are strong relationships past with powerful feelings that go into that.  Most violence by female stalkers are these crazy exes.  Exes of both genders can be dangerous, that even goes beyond being a 'stalker'.  However my original comment was in reference to Nina.  An acquaintence/stranger stalking.  Not worried about a female stalker of this type at all.  Male stalker on the other hand, dangerous regardless of being a stranger or not.  

Onto Muspell generals.  I think if we didn't have this datamined the excitement would be through the roof.  No paralogue/story chapter, however don't we have those Chapter 2 quests?  Those will provide orbs.  The units themselves are very exciting, I think the banner will make a killing.  

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2 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

I think if we didn't have this datamined the excitement would be through the roof.

After they had been so hastily disposed of in the last chapter, it was obvious they were going to be dumped into the pool, even if the datamine wasn’t there.

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It doesn't matter if female stalkers are rarely violent or not. Stalking violates a person's right and expectations that they be left the fuck alone from people they don't know and don't want to get to know, and it's just as invasive whether the stalker is a man or a woman, or if the person being stalked is a man or woman. And it's stupid to try to say that it's not that big of a deal because it's a woman. Also, way to move to goalposts.

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@Lewyn Stalking in general precludes strong feelings for the target involved. It's not something done just for fun or to be cute~. It's an unhealthy obsession and an invasion of privacy that takes some serious continued effort and a normal, mentally healthy person woukdn't engage in it. So suddenly it's only those crazy exes that can pull it off? Believe me, things were off about her before that. The relationship was far from healthy in the first place, but it only turned to stalking once she lost conventional routes of access to him. Girls who believe they are entitled to a guys attention and stalk his every move in order to get to him have just as much potential for violence as men. Just google some news articles on the matter. Stalking is NEVER harmless no matter the genders involved. 

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Meh. MEH. This banner was a big pass before the reveal if it was what it actually is. But now that there’s no even a xenologue, the pass is even bigger.

I wanted Helbindi, but they are permanently in the summoning pool and with Duel skills, he will probably be in at least one Legendary Banner, so no worries on getting him now. 

It seems that is time to send feedback again for them being too lazy (you know, we knew the new heroes a week ago, no history...) Compensation orbs when? ??‍♂️?

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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Welp, the new meta is here. Soren, Caeda, etc. Soren should be quite good for setting up bonus kills

Heck no, the new meta is Flying Olivia and PA!Azura, maybe PA!Inigo if the skill can be given to him.

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52 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Heck no, the new meta is Flying Olivia and PA!Azura, maybe PA!Inigo if the skill can be given to him.

I remember the days where everybody was running OG Olivia +10 in their arena team, those will get a comeback most likely. The other dancers are too rare. 

/Edit: Forgot the new skills have also movement type restrictions. 

Edited by mampfoid
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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

New Mystery tried to fix the Support absence of SD, but sadly it could only do so much. Kris supports with everyone, and a bunch more between two non-Kris character. But there are only so many in the latter category, and Minerva and the Whitewings take up like a third of them, with some glaring omissions like Cain and Abel- the original R&G Knights have never had conversation together.

This still annoys me to this day. My favourite archetype remains the Christmas Knights and I usually love reading their supports together. I looked for ages for Cain and Abel's support only to find they don't have one >.<

Roderick and Luke got one, which was nice... but I still wanted Cain and Abel! Plus the Whitewings had far too many (or... really, everyone else had far too few, to be fair on them).

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