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6 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

I had to inherit that on Brave Lyn to clear the infernal Narcian horse emblem quest. I know that skill is looked down upon but it can actually come into handy. 

Apparently the game did worse in the second year. That's when the over abundance of alts started. Do you think there's correlation between the number of alts and decrease in revenue. It makes sense because of the Law of Dimnishing Returns. 

Would explain the appearance of alts, nostalgia cash crabs (legendary heroes), disgusting armors, arena changes, etc. Also, lack of money returning into the game to make new modes. It took over half a year to get a new mode that isn't a reskin

The game made about 300 mill it's first year and we know now that it has only made $150m so far this year. Only 2 and a half months to go. Give the community more Awakening and Fates

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4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Would explain the appearance of alts, nostalgia cash crabs (legendary heroes), disgusting armors, arena changes, etc. Also, lack of money returning into the game to make new modes. It took over half a year to get a new mode that isn't a reskin

The game made about 300 mill it's first year and we know now that it has only made $150m so far this year. Only 2 and a half months to go. Give the community more Awakening and Fates

Maybe they'd have fared better if they pulled out more stuff like Aether Keeps earlier this year. I feel like lack of content has been the biggest issue for the game, more so than banner variety. I've seen some whales on forums and youtubers say they backed off on spending not because of the character selection, but because why whale on units when there wasn't much content to use them in anyway.

If they could keep more player engagement and make having lots of units feel more worthwhile that might help. I think RD/GC (uses more units) and Forging Bonds (read the supports and maybe feel more inclined to pull for X unit) were attempts at that, but kind of fell short. That said, Aether Keeps is definitely a step in the right direction as far as good new content, but it may be a bit late for this year's figures.

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I recall when I had a bad spending habit when it came to Heroes. It was silly how I spent money on new heroes, but only used them for about two week and then let them gather dust for several months

4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Maybe they'd have fared better if they pulled out more stuff like Aether Keeps earlier this year. I feel like lack of content has been the biggest issue for the game, more so than banner variety. I've seen some whales on forums and youtubers say they backed off on spending not because of the character selection, but because why whale on units when there wasn't much content to use them in anyway.

If they could keep more player engagement and make having lots of units feel more worthwhile that might help. I think RD/GC (uses more units) and Forging Bonds (read the supports and maybe feel more inclined to pull for X unit) were attempts at that, but kind of fell short. That said, Aether Keeps is definitely a step in the right direction as far as good new content, but it may be a bit late for this year's figures.

I personally hope that they learned their lessons from this year. They went in this year with the mentality of "this is fine and we can just keep doing the same things over and over again" and did not consider stagnation would become an issue. I will admit that they've done several QoL changes that I'm thankful for, but they've failed to keep me that interested. I find it funny how just now we're able to merge free units. This complaint has been going on for a very long time and only now they started to do something serious about it (the TT that reran the TT units from 2017 IMO was a rather poor attempt). Am thankful for it, but again, this has been a very old complaint that should've been resolved long ago

I'm looking forward to the survey they have planned for this year. Or at least I hope they have one. I would like them to get serious with several of the stale modes

I recommend watching Lu Bu's video on the current state of FEH. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, this is coming from one of FEH's whales ("customers"). I skipped ahead because that's when he goes on topic.




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As far as doing the same things over, the one big change was starting to put alts on near every new hero banner as well as an increase in seasonal banners.  Generally less new hero banners as well and having less units.  

Did that have an effect?  If it did was it the main factor or simply one of many factors?  Was the power creep of skills and BST power creep a factor, making people less willing to spend money cause they feared what was good today would not be good tomorrow?  The armor push and skills like Bold fighter?  

I don't know.  Ultimately it depends on the spending preferences and patterns of whales, and I'm not a marine biologist.  Though I did once save a whale by pulling out a golf ball that got stuck in its blowhole.  

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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

Something that I think should be worth mentioning is that people aren't as tempted to +10 5* exclusive mages as they are armors

Lu Bu has been mentioning this fact (or at least alluding to it peripherally) on the past few videos. It may just take a little bit of patience (I think, for some? I find him hilarious though) to wade through the brain damage.

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I have now pulled more copies of Flora (1) than Silas (0) since they were added to the standard summoning pool. What the hell, game?

All I want is a Slaying Spear to give to Gwendolyn. It won't hurt. I promise.


No, I still refuse to use my rocks for weapon evolution.

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Okay so I did sit and watch much of the Lu Bu video.  I think his viewpoint is stuff we've seen by many other people.  The powercreep is way too fast, alts, thinking the way arena scoring works is stupid, and feeling that IS is not putting as much effort into the game as they should.  Most of these are good points that I agree with.  Why do the Corrins get power creep infantry BST?  They aren't trainees. 

The thing about Fire Emblem as opposed to most gacha games that many players have come to it not cause they are gacha enthusiasts but because they love the main series.  A series which contains hundreds of characters still yet to make any appearance.  Even if one started with Awakening or Fates, much of the cast is still not in the game instead they are giving multiple versions of the royals and other main characters.  So even with the games in the series that are currently most popular they choose to throw out tons of alts instead of giving us new faces.  

The story writing is way too brief and lackluster considering the big breaks between chapters and we don't get nearly enough lines and input from the banner characters in these.  Forging bonds is nice but we can't even get that for every new hero banner.   

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

Okay so I did sit and watch much of the Lu Bu video.  I think his viewpoint is stuff we've seen by many other people.  The powercreep is way too fast, alts, thinking the way arena scoring works is stupid, and feeling that IS is not putting as much effort into the game as they should.  Most of these are good points that I agree with.  Why do the Corrins get power creep infantry BST?  They aren't trainees. 

The thing about Fire Emblem as opposed to most gacha games that many players have come to it not cause they are gacha enthusiasts but because they love the main series.  A series which contains hundreds of characters still yet to make any appearance.  Even if one started with Awakening or Fates, much of the cast is still not in the game instead they are giving multiple versions of the royals and other main characters.  So even with the games in the series that are currently most popular they choose to throw out tons of alts instead of giving us new faces.  

The story writing is way too brief and lackluster considering the big breaks between chapters and we don't get nearly enough lines and input from the banner characters in these.  Forging bonds is nice but we can't even get that for every new hero banner.   


i have to say this is kinda on point. 
I wouldn't be playing this at all if this wasn't fire emblem. and a lot of comments i see on videos is the same. it's not the 'gatcha' or even that it's the fun game, it's a FIRE EMBLEM game. (which i think intsys is kinda forgetting with the market). 

now. I won't lie  I don't mind the alts. (now i am tired that it's always the same alts). but i don't mind them. but if i played as long as most ppl here i would probably be more irritated. basically if it's not awakening, fates, PoR or SOV i have no idea who these people are. so this is my first entry (and because of it, i wanna play Sacred Swords because i love Myrrh/Eirika. I wanna know what Hardin's deal is - which is why they should have more characters from these games. let me get to know more, and read up about it - also make Echoes versions of these games and really capitalize on how popular everything is - different argument). 

but the other stuff... honestly. 
remove arena bonus scoring. just let people arena with whomever/whatever to have fun. i mean i know now they'll argue aether raids but ... i kinda want it in arena too. 

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I think one point not brought up much is that alts are also a way for IS to stretch the lifespan of the game. Perhaps the shift was a bit sudden this year, but if they plan to keep the game going for years to come then they probably don't want to blow every character that actually has decent popularity too soon. Reusing popular characters with alts to pad things out makes sense on paper, and judging by banner performances it hasn't been doing that badly, just not amazing either(not counting seasonals).

They could use a better balance, but I think the weight of the alt spam is part of a one-two punch along with the content issues we've had. A meaty new mode like Aether Keeps has been sorely needed, while we also need something to ease the repetitiveness of the current event cycle. The other new modes this year have been okay barring relay defense but not really exciting either. As Akariss has said in some of his "should you pull" banner videos, "don't spend money on this banner since it's not like there's much you're going to do with these units anyway."

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47 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I think one point not brought up much is that alts are also a way for IS to stretch the lifespan of the game. Perhaps the shift was a bit sudden this year, but if they plan to keep the game going for years to come then they probably don't want to blow every character that actually has decent popularity too soon. Reusing popular characters with alts to pad things out makes sense on paper, and judging by banner performances it hasn't been doing that badly, just not amazing either(not counting seasonals).

They could use a better balance, but I think the weight of the alt spam is part of a one-two punch along with the content issues we've had. A meaty new mode like Aether Keeps has been sorely needed, while we also need something to ease the repetitiveness of the current event cycle. The other new modes this year have been okay barring relay defense but not really exciting either. As Akariss has said in some of his "should you pull" banner videos, "don't spend money on this banner since it's not like there's much you're going to do with these units anyway."


was relay defense the one that after a few turns your first team goes, and you had to use a second team?
I kinda liked that one.

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4 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


was relay defense the one that after a few turns your first team goes, and you had to use a second team?
I kinda liked that one.

Yeah, and it was noted in the 2.11 update notes that it's "on hiatus" meaning we'll never see it again...at least I hope so.

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:


i have to say this is kinda on point. 
I wouldn't be playing this at all if this wasn't fire emblem. and a lot of comments i see on videos is the same. it's not the 'gatcha' or even that it's the fun game, it's a FIRE EMBLEM game. (which i think intsys is kinda forgetting with the market). 

now. I won't lie  I don't mind the alts. (now i am tired that it's always the same alts). but i don't mind them. but if i played as long as most ppl here i would probably be more irritated. basically if it's not awakening, fates, PoR or SOV i have no idea who these people are. so this is my first entry (and because of it, i wanna play Sacred Swords because i love Myrrh/Eirika. I wanna know what Hardin's deal is - which is why they should have more characters from these games. let me get to know more, and read up about it - also make Echoes versions of these games and really capitalize on how popular everything is - different argument). 

but the other stuff... honestly. 
remove arena bonus scoring. just let people arena with whomever/whatever to have fun. i mean i know now they'll argue aether raids but ... i kinda want it in arena too. 

Yeah personally I have no interest in gacha games, but Fire emblem is one of my favorite series.  This is why I got into Heroes.  I'd have to say generally I'm not into alternate costumes and stuff like that, so that is rarely an appeal for me though I admit they have come up with some interesting ones.  Hardin is an interesting one...titled 'Fallen' hero is very appropriate indeed.  However yeah this is why I want more writing, like in the banner chapters and I want to see more of the characters.  

1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

I think one point not brought up much is that alts are also a way for IS to stretch the lifespan of the game. Perhaps the shift was a bit sudden this year, but if they plan to keep the game going for years to come then they probably don't want to blow every character that actually has decent popularity too soon. Reusing popular characters with alts to pad things out makes sense on paper, and judging by banner performances it hasn't been doing that badly, just not amazing either(not counting seasonals).

They could use a better balance, but I think the weight of the alt spam is part of a one-two punch along with the content issues we've had. A meaty new mode like Aether Keeps has been sorely needed, while we also need something to ease the repetitiveness of the current event cycle. The other new modes this year have been okay barring relay defense but not really exciting either. As Akariss has said in some of his "should you pull" banner videos, "don't spend money on this banner since it's not like there's much you're going to do with these units anyway."

I don't think they need to stretch, if they continued releasing 3 or even 4 person banners but they were all new faces, it would still take several years to get through them.  There are hundreds of characters, and I think when going through the supports a lot have something to offer. 

Aether keep is really nice, the freedom in team creation is very welcome.  Xray was talking about a completely different arena without BST, SP cost all that factoring in, well this is pretty much Aether keep.  The only restriction is use one of the rotating bonus units on the team.  No need to worry about BST, SP cost of skills, merges, feeding kills to this or that unit. I hope 3.0 offers some more amazing things, and considering the slowdown in money I think it may.

7 minutes ago, Jingle Bells said:

10 compensation orbs for an aether raids glitch. Thank you very much IS.

Ooh nice!  

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Oh nice, that's a sizable amount of apology orbs.

8 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

I don't think they need to stretch, if they continued releasing 3 or even 4 person banners but they were all new faces, it would still take several years to get through them.  There are hundreds of characters, and I think when going through the supports a lot have something to offer. 

Aether keep is really nice, the freedom in team creation is very welcome.  Xray was talking about a completely different arena without BST, SP cost all that factoring in, well this is pretty much Aether keep.  The only restriction is use one of the rotating bonus units on the team.  No need to worry about BST, SP cost of skills, merges, feeding kills to this or that unit. I hope 3.0 offers some more amazing things, and considering the slowdown in money I think it may.

The other part of it may be they also don't have confidence in not continuously using the popular characters and their alts to drive banners. Even if they have a large pool to draw from, I guess they want to spread them out between "safer" options. In theory it makes sense, but in practice they've ended up annoying a good chunk of people.

Indeed, this is the kind of new mode I've been wanting. They get to avoid "fixing" arena of it's BST and whale issues while still giving us an arena that's more like what we actually wanted.  I'd worried that survey had been forgotten or they dismissed that town builder idea, but I'm glad it ended up happening. I know the update didn't touch a lot of the community issues, which hopefully 3.0 addresses a few more of, but I'm pretty delighted with what we got. Now just let us get grails a BIT faster please..

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1 hour ago, Jingle Bells said:

10 compensation orbs for an aether raids glitch. Thank you very much IS.

I clicked on it and the first comment I saw is a picture of Black Knight with EMBLA's WARD!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!

I think the first bullet point is something about battle energy and the second bullet point is about defense battle replays, so I guess they are going to fix how some people got really high scores and fix Support messing with replays.

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2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Oh nice, that's a sizable amount of apology orbs.

The other part of it may be they also don't have confidence in not continuously using the popular characters and their alts to drive banners.

I think the problem is they're not even using the popular characters to drive banners. Take the Thracia banner (sad that I don't need to specify which one); Leif made it into the top 20 for CYL2 and Finn is also very popular (though shafted by having votes split three ways). They could easily have driven a banner and the Thunder alts saved for when they were needed.

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43 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

I think the problem is they're not even using the popular characters to drive banners. Take the Thracia banner (sad that I don't need to specify which one); Leif made it into the top 20 for CYL2 and Finn is also very popular (though shafted by having votes split three ways). They could easily have driven a banner and the Thunder alts saved for when they were needed.

Canas is a good example of this. Around 100ish in CYL and they throw him into a ditch for an obscure FE character with a recruitment requirement that just isn't worth it

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Huh, I just spent 15 orbs I wasn't expecting to spend on the New Power banner (with decent results mind you) and I look at the news right after to see we're getting 10 compensation orbs.

Sweet, that'll put me at 70 orbs after I'm done with TT, not counting the daliy orbs, quest orbs and Tap Battle orbs. Noice.

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11 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

@VaximillianWhen history tries to remind you of this awful thing. Poor Ethlyn?

oh noooo

Gen Gen 2 with Altena on the banner and Travant as GHB when? I will have to beat it with Quan+Ethlyn and with Leif+Nanna because come on.

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Man I really wish they would show new banner trailers sooner. There's nothing I wanna summon for atm and it makes me really unmotivated to play the game, just doing the same events over and over again to save orbs for....something. If I knew there's something I wanna have next week I would be a lot more motivated to play again. Now doing TT and Tap Battle every day just feels like a drag.

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