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This sucks, I was really hoping for some Owain merges. Oh well, maybe he’ll appear in a future Wrath banner but I can at least keep saving orbs for when something interesting comes up.

Also, why double down on Atk/Spd bond? Adrift Camilla should have replaced either Hinoka or F!Corrin. Making a Bond banner without even providing all three of the Bonds available in the general pool is just odd.

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I think complains about adrift Camilla have been successful, first she does not get a reissue on the link banner now on the bond banner =B. 
Edit: Just kidding, she should get her reissue on the next Legendary/Mythic hero banner, which is more profitable than making her merging easy for once. 

Edited by Stroud
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13 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Also, why double down on Atk/Spd bond? Adrift Camilla should have replaced either Hinoka or F!Corrin. Making a Bond banner without even providing all three of the Bonds available in the general pool is just odd.

Probably because Camilla is the only Adrift character that hasn't appeared on a Legendary/Mythic Hero banner yet and is therefore likely to appear in the one later this week, which will be running at the same time as the Bond banner.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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9 hours ago, Landmaster said:

What are their stats (Walhart, Frederick)? You can use Seals and put buffs on the units surrounding them to give them enough power to kill Mathilda.

I've tried, Wallhart's problem is that he's too fast and strong and Mathilda can't damage him to put him in the WoM range. With Frederick it's the opposite, he has a Spd- flaw and can't even survive a round with her. I've tried using seals to change their stats but I didn't manage to buff him enough.

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6 hours ago, Hekselka said:

I've tried, Wallhart's problem is that he's too fast and strong and Mathilda can't damage him to put him in the WoM range. With Frederick it's the opposite, he has a Spd- flaw and can't even survive a round with her. I've tried using seals to change their stats but I didn't manage to buff him enough.

Have you tried with a Blue Cavalier? Can your other units buff them with Skills in their C Slots? If you have any spare Hanas, try giving Walhart L&D to lower his Defense~

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1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

Have you tried with a Blue Cavalier? Can your other units buff them with Skills in their C Slots? If you have any spare Hanas, try giving Walhart L&D to lower his Defense~

Yes it worked! Thanks :)

First I tried using Oscar but his defenses were just too low no matter how I tried buffing him so then I ended up using a Finn I got with Grails (he wasn't a waste since I was planning to get him anyway). I only had to give the unit next to Finn Hone spd seal and it worked!

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1 minute ago, Hekselka said:

Yes it worked! Thanks :)

First I tried using Oscar but his defenses were just too low no matter how I tried buffing him so then I ended up using a Finn I got with Grails (he wasn't a waste since I was planning to get him anyway). I only had to give the unit next to Finn Hone spd seal and it worked!


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*sigh* With my grails depleted and making Naesala a lovely +6, it's time I focus on the other party members that I can merge. Namely Reyson. I have 3 4* manuals and can put my feathers to use by merging what I can. I figure I can finish merging him sometime by the end of next week. After that...I think I'll start building a Laslow for giggles. I have some interesting fodder that I can use. 

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9 hours ago, Flying Shogi said:

I'm slightly surprised both of the A!Corrin's are on this banner considering they were just on the previous legendary banner.

Legendary banners are actually a pretty bad way to get characters you want since they have a lower chance of appearing than they would on a regular banner, assuming they don't share a color.

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3 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Legendary banners are actually a pretty bad way to get characters you want since they have a lower chance of appearing than they would on a regular banner, assuming they don't share a color.

Even if they share a color, it's still better to pull on a 3-character banner than a Legendary/Mythic Hero banner if you're only going for a single character.

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On 3/24/2019 at 12:44 PM, Flying Shogi said:

I'm slightly surprised both of the A!Corrin's are on this banner considering they were just on the previous legendary banner.


well most of the other bond skill units are seasonal or legendary so it was a good chance ;) 
it drives me bananas because i just realised i actually need 1-2 of MCorrins' B skill and so go figure me and my need for Lazura (as the game owes me i expect gettign 5 copies in 50 or so orbs, considering how many orbs i pumped into the anniversary and NOT ONE came home)

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23 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Legendary banners are actually a pretty bad way to get characters you want since they have a lower chance of appearing than they would on a regular banner, assuming they don't share a color.

From the player's perspective yes but I was mostly trying to draw attention to how they actually were willing to put characters on a banner that soon after they've been rerun.

Just airing out my grievances that the characters that I want to pull for aren't on a 3 unit banner.

2 hours ago, daisy jane said:

well most of the other bond skill units are seasonal or legendary so it was a good chance ;) 

To be fair, Owain had a case going for him but I'm guessing they think the A!Corrin's will get more people to spend orbs on the banner than WoF!Hinoka, Owain, and one of the A!Corrin's.  

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Are those collabs a one-time thing? Because I was thinking of maybe getting into Dragalia Lost if it ever gets released in my region (the european continent), but if it turns out I won't be able to ever get potential Fire Emblem faves because of how late I'll start, I sure as hell won't be touching the game.

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I don't particularly like Dragalia Lost (did play it, kinda boring game play-wise imo but looks and sounds amazing), but hooray for them! Considering Dragalia Lost is a new IP and uses completely original characters, maybe some familiarity for players who also play Fire Emblem will be welcome!

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Makes sense for this to be one way, really.

To be blunt, DL seems much more niche than FEH is, so it needs the promotion much more than FEH would. Not to mention I imagine a large chunk of DLs playerbase already plays FEH.

Hoping it stays one way. Personally, one of the reasons FEH appeals to me over other gachas (it's the only mobile game I play, in fact) is that it features FE characters. So them adding characters from other series would be pretty uninteresting to me.

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Somebody drew FV!F!Robin in RR!Loki's outfit on Reddit. I want to see FH!M!Robin or any other dude dressed in the same way, but having one big bulge down there instead of two big bulges up there. Who would not want to join the Grimleal if their god looks that amazing?

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Awesome! I love that Dragalia is finally getting that crossover with Fire Emblem. Although to be honest I don’t expect to roll that much since I’m expecting only the Heroes OCs to get in there but I’d still roll for Anna.

22 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Are those collabs a one-time thing? Because I was thinking of maybe getting into Dragalia Lost if it ever gets released in my region (the european continent), but if it turns out I won't be able to ever get potential Fire Emblem faves because of how late I'll start, I sure as hell won't be touching the game.

Isn’t already available in the European continent? I remember they recently released the game to more regions.

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