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I guess we should be getting the trailer tonight, not sure if I'm wanting to stay up for it.  More often than not, the seasonals just make me mad.
Rezzy's Alt Tolerance Guide, from best to least tolerated:
1: Units that are alts of characters not in game yet (e.g. Noire, Greil)
2: Units that have multiple games with difference appearances (e.g. RD Ike, Awakening Tiki)
3: Units that have canon alternate appearances in their game (e.g. Masked Marth, Dark Palette Azura)
4: Units that have only one other iteration at the time (e.g. Leo, Titania)
5: Brave units
6: Units that are working towards or are completing an "Emblem" team (e.g. Eirika, Xander)
7: Units that have surpassed the ability to run an "Emblem" team (e.g. Camilla, Azura)
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18 minutes ago, Rezzy said:
I guess we should be getting the trailer tonight, not sure if I'm wanting to stay up for it.  More often than not, the seasonals just make me mad.
Rezzy's Alt Tolerance Guide, from best to least tolerated:
1: Units that are alts of characters not in game yet (e.g. Noire, Greil)
2: Units that have multiple games with difference appearances (e.g. RD Ike, Awakening Tiki)
3: Units that have canon alternate appearances in their game (e.g. Masked Marth, Dark Palette Azura)
4: Units that have only one other iteration at the time (e.g. Leo, Titania)
5: Brave units
6: Units that are working towards or are completing an "Emblem" team (e.g. Eirika, Xander)
7: Units that have surpassed the ability to run an "Emblem" team (e.g. Camilla, Azura)

Nowhere do I see "characters in the game without any alts", which I then assume to be by default the most tolerable, to be the point it needn't be outright said. And for me at least it certainly beats "characters without alts who aren't in the game yet", since Charlotte hasn't been able to ditch the gown in nearly two years at this point.

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27 minutes ago, Rezzy said:
I guess we should be getting the trailer tonight, not sure if I'm wanting to stay up for it.  More often than not, the seasonals just make me mad.
Rezzy's Alt Tolerance Guide, from best to least tolerated:
1: Units that are alts of characters not in game yet (e.g. Noire, Greil)
2: Units that have multiple games with difference appearances (e.g. RD Ike, Awakening Tiki)
3: Units that have canon alternate appearances in their game (e.g. Masked Marth, Dark Palette Azura)
4: Units that have only one other iteration at the time (e.g. Leo, Titania)
5: Brave units
6: Units that are working towards or are completing an "Emblem" team (e.g. Eirika, Xander)
7: Units that have surpassed the ability to run an "Emblem" team (e.g. Camilla, Azura)

huh you tolerated second alt more than Braves?

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7 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

huh you tolerated second alt more than Braves?

Yeah, Braves are also at least second alts, and they herald a new wave of powercreep, so I"m not the biggest fan.

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nowhere do I see "characters in the game without any alts", which I then assume to be by default the most tolerable, to be the point it needn't be outright said. And for me at least it certainly beats "characters without alts who aren't in the game yet", since Charlotte hasn't been able to ditch the gown in nearly two years at this point.

That's #4.

Which is where all the main banner units here fall, so that's something at least.

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Random tangent, but I feel that Aether Raids is a big reason as to why this game has really gone downhill this year.

This isn't another "I really hate Aether Raids" rant, but I really don't like how AR has affected a lot of their choices in other game modes and rewards. Mythic Heroes were just the beginning, that signaled AR turning into a whale mode where they make us want to get these mythic heroes (who, to their credit, have so far been new characters) to help us score better for grails and dragon flowers. Our monthly reward structure changed after a very long time of being static, for what? Because they wanted to cut orbs and put in aether stones. The last several tempest trial rewards have all been seasonal (and an alt) with no new characters in sight. Because AR gives grails as a reward and they want the players to pull for AR resources so they can get grails to merge these desirable characters that are freebies. We're losing actually new characters in TT and they're all being replaced by alts, which really sucks because TT was a possible way that less popular characters could've gotten in.

Putting it shortly, I really dislike Aether Raids and I think it's contributing very poorly to the game state.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Random tangent, but I feel that Aether Raids is a big reason as to why this game has really gone downhill this year.

This isn't another "I really hate Aether Raids" rant, but I really don't like how AR has affected a lot of their choices in other game modes and rewards. Mythic Heroes were just the beginning, that signaled AR turning into a whale mode where they make us want to get these mythic heroes (who, to their credit, have so far been new characters) to help us score better for grails and dragon flowers. Our monthly reward structure changed after a very long time of being static, for what? Because they wanted to cut orbs and put in aether stones. The last several tempest trial rewards have all been seasonal (and an alt) with no new characters in sight. Because AR gives grails as a reward and they want the players to pull for AR resources so they can get grails to merge these desirable characters that are freebies. We're losing actually new characters in TT and they're all being replaced by alts, which really sucks because TT was a possible way that less popular characters could've gotten in.

Putting it shortly, I really dislike Aether Raids and I think it's contributing very poorly to the game state.

I agree with most of your points except Tempest Trial


Theres always a period of time in FEH year since welll.... last year where unit release in general are just Alts. We happen to be at that time of the year currently, so our TT are alts after alts since they are monthly content.... and months are filled with Alts to begin with


If i want to blame something for Tempest Trial alt freebie, i don't blame AR. I blame Forging Bonds

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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The fact that skills exist that only affect specific gamemodes is abhorrent to me because it reduces the overall utility of the unit outside those game modes. Duel skills were the beginning but at least regular arena is a staple that's existed since launch, plus arena at least doesn't have an entire new unit type (Mythics) dedicated to them. Now every second month I have to deal with the new "sexy" unit headlining the 8% banner who ends up not being appealing at all because they're tailored for a game mode I don't participate in. The rate of which new desirable units are added is actually being majorly diluted by recent trends.

Then there's the new Legendary effect that does nothing in any relevant mode, even the mode that specifically revolves around pair-ups. I'd trade Roy's effect for literally any other existing legendary effect and he'd be a much better unit for it. Hell, I'd trade Roy's legendary effect for actual nothing: he'd be a better unit if he wasn't a legendary at all but was otherwise identical - I'd be able to give him a useful blessing at least. Stuff is just getting ridiculously niche now. Between the Mythic heroes and the useless Legendaries, it means the most desirable units on 8% banners end up being the ones released last year and that doesn't bode well for the future.


P.S. And even if I did participate in ARs, I still hate the idea of AR-specific skills because it incentivises tedious skill swapping, where I'd much prefer to just set and forget.

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3 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

I agree with most of your points except Tempest Trial


Theres always a period of time in FGO year since welll.... last year where unit release in general are just Alts. We happen to be at that time of the year currently, so our TT are alts after alts since they are monthly content.... and months are filled with Alts to begin with


If i want to blame something for Tempest Trial alt freebie, i don't blame AR. I blame Forging Bonds

Point taken, although they have replaced two banner slots that should've been regular new heroes with special heroes (hot springs and this picnic one). So I can't help but wonder if AR is a part of this reason, where they're like "oh noes we have to have a shiny new seasonal unit for tempest trials or players won't spend :((((" so they can't be bothered to give new heroes banners a tempest trial anymore.

But I do agree with you that forging bonds isn't worth never getting a tempest trial anymore.

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15 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Random tangent, but I feel that Aether Raids is a big reason as to why this game has really gone downhill this year.

This isn't another "I really hate Aether Raids" rant, but...

Putting it shortly, I really dislike Aether Raids and I think it's contributing very poorly to the game state.

Quoting without posting is against Serenes rules. So take this filler text!

(in case it's not obvious, I've snipped your quote for {hopefully} comedic results)

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The point was that I don't dislike Aether Raids as a game mode, but what I feel it's doing to the rest of the game, which is a very different point than just hating the mode itself for being insufferable.

EDIT: I get that it's a joke, but I don't like purposely misquoting people and taking them out of context under any circumstances.

1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Didn't we still get Tempest trial every month though? But anyway to clarify it more the point i was making with forging bonds is basically, they kinda used Tempest Trial as "one of" the ways to expand the banner usage to entice the players to pull the banner more - we DON'T have Forging Bonds before so its in a sense a new content is win-win situation for us on paper, BUT since they now split it between Tempest Trial(pulling draws + new freebie) vs Forging Bonds(pulling draws though (poorly done) characterization with tickets now), they have WAY more leeway to force Seasonals Tempest Trial into our face

Yeah, that's just poor wording on my part. I should've said that getting a forging bonds associated with a banner is less desirable than getting a tempest trial associated with that banner. Because IS seems to have this weird notion right now that we MUST have one new heroes banner and one seasonal banner every month, and because special heroes haven't gotten forging bonds yet, that means all of our new heroes banners get forging bonds, and therefore no new character. Meanwhile, having four new seasonal characters every month in addition to the one freebie is just contributing to alt bloat. And if anyone were to get an alt, why the fuck doesn't anyone from Jugdral who is not Reinhardt or Olwen have an alt yet. 

Edited by Sunwoo
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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Point taken, although they have replaced two banner slots that should've been regular new heroes with special heroes (hot springs and this picnic one). So I can't help but wonder if AR is a part of this reason, where they're like "oh noes we have to have a shiny new seasonal unit for tempest trials or players won't spend :((((" so they can't be bothered to give new heroes banners a tempest trial anymore.

But I do agree with you that forging bonds isn't worth never getting a tempest trial anymore.

Didn't we still get Tempest trial every month though? But anyway to clarify it more the point i was making with forging bonds is basically, they kinda used Tempest Trial as "one of" the ways to expand the banner usage to entice the players to pull the banner more - we DON'T have Forging Bonds before so its in a sense a new content is win-win situation for us on paper, BUT since they now split it between Tempest Trial(pulling draws + new freebie) vs Forging Bonds(pulling draws though (poorly done) characterization with tickets now), they have WAY more leeway to force Seasonals Tempest Trial into our face

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Yeah, AR and the whole preoccupation with PvP modes can go die in a hole. Apparently it's the only way they feel they can stay financially viable? I mean, yeah, keep the game afloat, but do we really need 4 PvP modes with slightly different schticks?

FB is nice and all, but I do feel like it's in danger of falling into a rut. It is also rather irksome that in exchange for altless NHBs and actual character interaction, even if not the most in depth, we got never getting an actual new character on a TT.

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21 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

P.S. And even if I did participate in ARs, I still hate the idea of AR-specific skills because it incentivises tedious skill swapping, where I'd much prefer to just set and forget.

Aether Raids already has some elements of that feature. Aether Raids allows you customize your defense team and lock its skill sets down just for defense, so you can utilize a different skill set for the rest of the game. You still have to switch out skill sets for offense, but you can quickly swap things around with the Equip Skill Set feature.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

Aether Raids already has some elements of that feature. Aether Raids allows you customize your defense team and lock its skill sets down just for defense, so you can utilize a different skill set for the rest of the game. You still have to switch out skill sets for offense, but you can quickly swap things around with the Equip Skill Set feature.

Skills sets are annoying for AR though. You'd have to change them back and forth every day for each of the five teams or you risk being caught with the wrong skills equipped. I wish they would allow locking offense teams in AR. If they made you lock all teams at once, that would prevent attaching the same seals to different units on the other teams. It would also prevent using the same unit on multiple teams while different skills were equipped.

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I figure the original idea behind AR was to appease the people who are always looking for a new challenge. By giving the players the ability to create maps, IS doesn't have to do much beyond adjusting the rules, making it (in theory) something that players can spend a good deal of time and effort on while IS themselves wouldn't have to devote too much of their own development resources towards it. I think it would be received much better if the penalty for losing (on both Offense and Defense) weren't so significant compared to other competitive modes.

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The transparent idea behind AR (and AA, and the new I-forget-the-name mode) is to create an arms race in order to sell powercreep. PvE content can't do that, because either it's a reasonable enough difficulty that someone posts an F2P guide on YouTube, or they make some new PvE content that's so blatantly difficult that only whales could clear it. The latter move would be unpalatable and drive people away from the game, so new PvP modes it is.

This works because PvP difficulty inherently scales to your own power level, whereas I can't see them ever implementing dynamic difficulty scaling into PvE content. Imagine if the difficulty of an Abyssal GHB changed depending on how many merges your own team had. It would piss off people who invested time/money into building these super-units, but also create a degenerate scenario where the optimal solution would likely always to take a weak team.

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25 minutes ago, Johann said:

I figure the original idea behind AR was to appease the people who are always looking for a new challenge. By giving the players the ability to create maps, IS doesn't have to do much beyond adjusting the rules, making it (in theory) something that players can spend a good deal of time and effort on while IS themselves wouldn't have to devote too much of their own development resources towards it. I think it would be received much better if the penalty for losing (on both Offense and Defense) weren't so significant compared to other competitive modes.

I'd love a more casual version with Rival Domain size maps and more control over placement (trees, etc). There doesn't have to be any rewards. I'd pay for new items to place or even just new designs of walls, trees, etc.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

The fact that skills exist that only affect specific gamemodes is abhorrent to me because it reduces the overall utility of the unit outside those game modes. Duel skills were the beginning but at least regular arena is a staple that's existed since launch, plus arena at least doesn't have an entire new unit type (Mythics) dedicated to them. Now every second month I have to deal with the new "sexy" unit headlining the 8% banner who ends up not being appealing at all because they're tailored for a game mode I don't participate in. The rate of which new desirable units are added is actually being majorly diluted by recent trends.

Then there's the new Legendary effect that does nothing in any relevant mode, even the mode that specifically revolves around pair-ups. I'd trade Roy's effect for literally any other existing legendary effect and he'd be a much better unit for it. Hell, I'd trade Roy's legendary effect for actual nothing: he'd be a better unit if he wasn't a legendary at all but was otherwise identical - I'd be able to give him a useful blessing at least. Stuff is just getting ridiculously niche now. Between the Mythic heroes and the useless Legendaries, it means the most desirable units on 8% banners end up being the ones released last year and that doesn't bode well for the future.


P.S. And even if I did participate in ARs, I still hate the idea of AR-specific skills because it incentivises tedious skill swapping, where I'd much prefer to just set and forget.

Lets not forget the 4 new mythic blessing that made the blessing system totally convoluted and force you to split your barracks into AR units and non-AR units because... well you cant slap 2 blessings on a regular unit. I fucking hate this system because it basicly forced some units out of my AA and Arena setups into AR exclusiv units... AR is just garbo. I wish it would have been a create your own GHB map mode that you can share with other people.
And yes those exclusiv AR skills do nothing for me, i dont care for them. I rather have other new skills then this, or at least if the skills were so made that they wouldnt be useless outside of AR.
for example Disarm Trap: could be Lock Picking, does the same thing in AR, but outside of AR in Arena if the unit kills a foe the Arena bonus point +1 is granted even if a bonus unit didnt kill it (because a chest apears after apearing then)

I dont know, i only know that i agree with you and while AR was exciting for me first it has turned into a mode i really really dont like and has made the game-experience worse for me for all the hassle it introduced.

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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

And if anyone were to get an alt, why the fuck doesn't anyone from Jugdral who is not Reinhardt or Olwen have an alt yet. 

I was thinking they were keeping genealogy (specifically genealogy and not just jugdral bc even in japan genealogy still sells when thracia isn't as much), for  when they can't milk Fates , Three Houses, Awakening and Tellius anymore (let's be real they are on their way to make Tellius their next cash cow in FEH other than Fates) 

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5 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

Disappointed that Ephraim BHB didn't get a banner because that means that we're not getting banners for revivals since neither Ishtar's BHB also didn't get one.

None of the BHB revivals got a banner, so I wasn't expecting one this time.

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1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

None of the BHB revivals got a banner, so I wasn't expecting one this time.

Yeah I know but I remember people on Reddit telling me that Ishtar's not having a banner was a one time thing they did on purpose because ofm the Gen 1 demotes.

Not that I believed them but having a Gen 1 banner with Myrrh would have been nice.

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9 hours ago, Hekselka said:

Yeah I know but I remember people on Reddit telling me that Ishtar's not having a banner was a one time thing they did on purpose because ofm the Gen 1 demotes.

Not that I believed them but having a Gen 1 banner with Myrrh would have been nice.

honestly. this was one revival (other than Elise's and Azuras) that i wish we had a banner. I don't get why we don't. 
neeed more Myrrh banners....

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