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2 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Other than the Lords and Hubert/Dedue it's possible to get characters from other houses; it's harder than the neutral charaters, but perfectly possible.

Sounds like this could make for a good joke or two. Not sure how'd they go exactly, but something if stole everyone from the other houses except for the leaders. My one idea was the other leaders becoming workaholics who haven't slept in 49 hours while consuming several dozen pints of coffee, just so they can compensate for the loss of their former classmates.


6 minutes ago, Troykv said:

This also means this game would actually get to have most of it's playable characters in Heroes because they would require a very small number of Banners to get them (Only 8 if they're banner units, and even less if some of this characters are used for GHB or added directly into the summoning pool after a special event)

And that's a good thing for me when it comes to FEH! I like seeing games gain in representation.🙂

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Regarding stuff from the data mine, I eagerly await it.

Also, I think this may be the first time this year that I hit T20 in Arena. I'm also going to try and be serious about AR, but only so much that I actually use up my aether points. And utilize blessings. Still running my joke of Team Ephraim and cheerleaders for my Defense Team. B!Ephraim, W!Ephraim, W!Eirika, Duma and GD!Ike. Honestly, Duma's just there for decreasing lift loss. I don't have a Dark Mythic. If the next Mythic banner has a more interesting selection, I might try for Sothis or Yune, depending on possible breakers. Otherwise? I'm saving for CYL.

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2 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Psht, with all his attack buffs, Dimitri would have no problem triggering Heavy Blade. Not sure about Galeforce, though. With his normal lance, he wouldn't be able to follow up after one round of combat. I could slap a slaying lance on him, I suppose, to trigger more Galeforce procs, but I rather like Noble Lance since he can double even speedy units on initiation. I'll keep it in mind. But I may still utilize the Heavy Blade seal to make him proc something like Dragon Fang in a single combat phase.

Give him Savage Blow in his C slot.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Oh, cool, they're starting to add old characters to the introductions page. It looks like we got Jagen, Cain, Abel, Draug, and Gordin added this morning.


Huh, I'm suddenly curious if Jeorge and Gordin have ever interacted.

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1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Huh, I'm suddenly curious if Jeorge and Gordin have ever interacted.

In FEH? Or in FE as a whole?

Because if you mean the latter, then you haven't played FE3/12. Gordin is necessary to recruit Jeorge there (although Marth works in 12 too).:


Master! Please, wait! 

Hm...? Gordin? Long time no see. You seem to have gotten a little sturdier, but has your bow arm improved any? 

Yes, at the moment, I... They call me Altea's master of bows. It's thanks to you, Master, that I've been able to progress this far. 

And? Did you come here because you wanted to challenge your old teacher? 

N-no! It's not like that... ...I might be asking the impossible, but I'd like you to fight alongside us again, sir. 


Please! Master!! 

I pledged allegiance to Princess Nyna, but as for Hardin... I've had it with him. Taking other countries by force, executing "rebels" without reason. The Archanean army I see now is just a collection of hired thugs. There's not even a shred of chivalry left. To return the kingdom of Archanea to what it was once before... I must take it upon myself to turn my bow against my homeland. Gordin. Convey that to Prince Marth. 

Thank you, Master!! 

And, Jeorge and Gordin are one of the 31 lucky combinations in FE12 to get a non-Kris Support. (6 of which are taken up by Minerva and the Whitewings, and Est has yet another with Abel, but Abel doesn't get one with Cain.) Here it is.:


Gordin and Jeorge 1

Gasp! Yah!! One, two, three... Whew, five, huh.

Aren't you full of enthusiasm today.

Ah, Master Jeorge! W-were you watching?

I was indeed. That's an awfully straight face for someone doing something so fun.

That's mean, Master. You could have said something if you were watching.

Watching over his little student's staggering efforts is the duty of a teacher, is it not?

Knowing you, you were probably laughing at me instead...

That WAS the idea, but... I got distracted.

So you were planning to laugh after all.

Shaking the tree with your first shot... Then hitting as many falling leaves as you could with your second shot. I'm impressed. In your first shot, you put in all your strength... In the second, concentration and precision are key. Moreover, if those two shots aren't fired in rapid succession, then there aren't any leaves left to shoot. Pretty well thought out, if you ask me.

That's Master Jeorge for you. You've seen right through my training!

So, the secret of Altea's finest archer has come to light.

Ah, no, you're exaggerating, sir... 

No, I really am not. Look at you. You were a child--a mere apprentice when we met. And now... you've grown so much.

It was all thanks to your guidance, Master.

Hahaha, flattery will not get you everywhere. ...But, it's true. As your master, I ought to give you one last lesson.

One last...?

Stand back, Gordin.


Uh... Hyaah!!


How many?


Heh. Not too shabby for my first try.

That... that's just so cool... Argh, and I thought was doing pretty good too...

Gordin and Jeorge 2

Err... Nine this time... Guess I'm still no match for Master.

I see your defenses are still wide open.

Whoa!! W-what... Wait, Master Jeorge! Don't just appear outta nowhere and poke me! It tickles!

Oh come on. Get over it. What would you do if an enemy poked you in the ribs, huh?

With all due respect, no self-respecting soldier spends their time poking people in battle.

Heh... Well, indeed. If I were on a battlefield, I'd use a dagger, not my finger.

P-please don't say thing like that. You're kind of creeping me out.

I'm joking. Anyway, how is it going?

Well, I've improved a little, but I'm still no match for you, Master.

So you can't measure up, huh? If you say so, then it has to be true.

Wh-what do you mean?

...You have talent. Those around you recognize that, too. However, you still lack something crucial.

Something crucial?

Self-confidence, in other words. You don't seem to have noticed, but you're too easily swayed by others. That pure, modest heart of yours is powerful, but it is also your weakness.

What do you mean?

I mean you vacillate. Ergo, you aren't sure of yourself, and you let others influence you. And that hesitation, however slight, affects the arrows you shoot.

My hesitation, and my arrows...

Steel yourself, Gordin. Get over your self-esteem issues, and you won't lose to anyone. Not even me.

Y-yes sir...!

Gordin and Jeorge 3


...Here goes nothing. Hmm... Hyah!! 

Hm, that's...!

Eleven, twelve, thir...teen!

Well done, Gordin. You've finally surpassed me.

No way. I'm nowhere near your level yet. But... it doesn't really matter. I'm me, and that's that. I'm through with using everyone else as a benchmark. I'll improve for myself, not because I think I'm better or worse than someone else. 

...That's good to hear. Truly, you're you. There's no need for you to be led astray by others' opinions.

Yes. I'm still kind of childish though. Master, I'm counting on your guidance!

Heh, you haven't a drop of arrogance in you. You really are something else.


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In FEH? Or in FE as a whole?

Because if you mean the latter, then you haven't played FE3/12.

Nope. IS thought and still thinks we Americans shouldn't be able to play that game. 

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7 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Nope. IS thought and still thinks we Americans shouldn't be able to play that game. 

IS had nothing to do with that. Blame NoA for deciding that it wasn't worth localizing.

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1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:


Um, the fact that IS doesn't translate games into other languages for other regions? NoA and NoA alone is responsible for releasing games in North America.

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28 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Um, the fact that IS doesn't translate games into other languages for other regions? NoA and NoA alone is responsible for releasing games in North America.

Ah, I misunderstood what you meant. My apologies.

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38 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Um, the fact that IS doesn't translate games into other languages for other regions? NoA and NoA alone is responsible for releasing games in North America.

NoA isn't the main branch on Nintendo, NoJ is the main headquarters and Fire Emblem titles are native to the Japan region. I wager NoJ has the first say in whether their games get localized.

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1 minute ago, X-Naut said:

NoA isn't the main branch on Nintendo, NoJ is the main headquarters and Fire Emblem titles are native to the Japan region. I wager NoJ has the first say in whether their games get localized.

What I heard was that NoA chose not to localize New Mystery because the DS was at the end of its lifespan or something like that. So it sounds to me like NoA has the say.

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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

What I heard was that NoA chose not to localize New Mystery because the DS was at the end of its lifespan or something like that. So it sounds to me like NoA has the say.

That's all speculation. We never got any official word on to why FE12 wasn't localized.

And NCL (Not NoJ) is NoA's parent company. If NCL says that a game must be localized, it'll happen. Same for a game not getting localized.

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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



And that's a good thing for me when it comes to FEH! I like seeing games gain in representation.🙂

Except I'm also expecting a fair amount of their NPCs to also make it into the game and most characters look different after the time skip, which could lead to many of them being introduced twice in Heroes.

So it's a larger cast than it appears.

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Anyone getting this weird error while buying orbs that tells you a previously attempted purchase was not completed and that you have to complete the purchase, but then nothing happens to your orb count after you do so because there actually WAS no previously attempted purchase? I'm getting this a lot lately and it's kind of annoying.

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Julius is about to die in late August.

If this is real. Legendary hero leak and it's someone related to Sothis, but not in-game.


RIP Seliph and Sigurd being the first Jugdral legendary hero, I guess.


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Guess I now know where my orbs will go if CYL3 ends up being kinda disappointing for some reason. 


L!Julia's weapon is kinda eh compared to OG!Julia's conditional DC.

Mirror Impact is nice and stuff but how good it'll be on her will depend on her base Spd. If she's too slow then it'll be a waste when you could just use CC+QR seal.

Her B is a Lull spectrum+Dull everything+half of Mystic Boost. The Lull part is boring but the rest is very nice. 

Her C is...eh. Buffing is not that hard nowadays and being forced to be adjacent to another ally can get bothersome pretty fast (at least for me, I'm too used to Tactics and Waves). 

Overall she seems ok but nothing crazy gameplay-wise but her art is super cute (she looks so much like her mother here which I like a lot) so I have to try to get her maybe I'll get to merge Naga in the meantime, she clearly likes me after all


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If this is real, then what the fuck.

I mean, don't get me wrong. Jugdral needed SOMETHING. But where the fuck are Seliph, Sigurd, and Leif? For fuck's sake, Seliph needs SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

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While we wait for Johann to do his thing, I was doing up a little text grid to help myself visualise the upcoming legendary banners. So I figured I may as well use my leet photochopping skills and assemble a composite image showing what we know for the rest of the year.


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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

While we wait for Johann to do his thing, I was doing up a little text grid to help myself visualise the upcoming legendary banners. So I figured I may as well use my leet photochopping skills and assemble a composite image showing what we know for the rest of the year.


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There are WAAAAAAY too many red legendary heroes. Blue's also starting to get there.

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A Jugdral Legendary Hero? Preposterous, no way that would happen. 

Jokes aside, happy to see some love for Julia. She looks like she got a good design for the occasion, so I'm looking forward to seeing her in full later this month.



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I am not surprised to see the runner ups gets better skills than the winners of each division this year too, gonna enjoy the drama of Camilla got such good alt and I like Eliwood and he deserved his skills.

It's as if a general rule that the colorless unit would be the most unique/interesting each year.


and for the leak too, not surprising, already expected them to put genealogy before archanea in the milking list but the surprising part is Julia before Seliph or Sigurd? Wow. Gotta sell the waifu, I guess. But yeah, that confirmed that the " main waifu" qualifies for legendary heroes, which means Caeda, Deirdre, Nanna, Lilina, Ninian, all qualifies to be LH, though, we already got Azura to prove this. 


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