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11 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I think legendary Azura is one of the two flying dancers I'm missing. The other one is Leanne, which is a bummer because I want her.

My Bride Ninian is -spd, so she doesn't see as much use as she used to back when I first got her. Actually, now that I think about it, despite having most of the flying dancers the only one who sees much use is Soiree Reinhardt.

Now that you mention it, I think after getting Super Olivia from one of the tickets yesterday, my only missing flying dancer is Reinhardt.

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4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Now that you mention it, I think after getting Super Olivia from one of the tickets yesterday, my only missing flying dancer is Reinhardt.

Well, if you care about Reinhardt as either a unit or character at all, he's worth getting.

That said, I did get insanely lucky and mine is +atk -spd.

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16 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Well, if you care about Reinhardt as either a unit or character at all, he's worth getting.

That said, I did get insanely lucky and mine is +atk -spd.

Yeah, I was going for him when I got Ishtar, then decided I'd spent enough orbs on that banner. I want to pick him up eventually, though.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Well, if you care about Reinhardt as either a unit or character at all, he's worth getting.

That said, I did get insanely lucky and mine is +atk -spd.


oooh. LUCKY.Ā 
i was happy mine wasn't -atk.Ā 
I want to get Berkut this year. (i need to make sure i save up for them this year).Ā 

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25 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

oooh. LUCKY.Ā 
i was happy mine wasn't -atk.Ā 
I want to get Berkut this year. (i need to make sure i save up for them this year).Ā 

I was pretty happy to get him as fast as I did, because I was worried that I wouldn't get him at all, and the perfect nature on top of that was really nice. I'm looking forward to getting Nephenee and Berkut ... eventually, and picking up another copy of Ishtar because mine is -spd.

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32 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I was pretty happy to get him as fast as I did, because I was worried that I wouldn't get him at all, and the perfect nature on top of that was really nice. I'm looking forward to getting Nephenee and Berkut ... eventually, and picking up another copy of Ishtar because mine is -spd.

My Ishtar is -Spd too. Didn't help my motivation towards that banner, lol.

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45 minutes ago, Othin said:

My Ishtar is -Spd too. Didn't help my motivation towards that banner, lol.

Oof, those -spd Ishtars. Did yours have a better boon than mine, at least? I got +HP -spd on mine.

Thankfully, my flying Olivia and flying Azura are both pretty good. It's just Ninian and Ishtar who got shitty natures!

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5 hours ago, Hilda said:

what happened to Grand hero battle refines? They gave us like 4 and then they just... stoped. They havent even covered all the Book 1 GHB with refines yet. (if that ever happens)

We just got Clive this past month.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Pretty great batch here. Leif is incredibly outdated, Henry and Rebecca are long overdue and Cordelia is about to become even better.

Probably going to build a Cordelia and possibly consider Rebecca depending on what they get. I doubt Leif's refine will be enough in today's horrific age of sword infantry powercreep. But at least it'll be a treat for those that have him.

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Been waiting for this news. I'd resolved to +10 Raven if nothing in this batch appealed, but then Cordelia... I've had two separate 5* copies in the barracks since 2017 - an Atk Brave and a Spd Firesweep but neither has been actually given a full kit yet. If the refine is anything decent (hopefully something synergistic with Galeforce) then it's a no-brainer decision, especially since I lack a high-value blue flier completely. In the meantime I'm up to 270k feathers anyway 90k over what I need so in just over a month I'll need to make another of these Raven vs new batch decisions.

I've had a +Spd Rebecca - pulled as 5* - since 2017 as well so I'll keep an eye on her too I guess, in the unlikely event she usurps Klein as the F2P bow merge of choice.

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7 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Oof, those -spd Ishtars. Did yours have a better boon than mine, at least? I got +HP -spd on mine.

Thankfully, my flying Olivia and flying Azura are both pretty good. It's just Ninian and Ishtar who got shitty natures!

Not really, mine is +Res.

Unfortunate that the update doesn't explain what the codes are for.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoidĀ Cordelia's time to shine!

@daisy janeĀ Lol same here. Refines help make me decide natures but some units take so long to get refines.

Also finally a Henry refine. Keen to see what it would be like.

i was always gonna +10 Cordelia. (ironically the first one i 5*'ed was my first one naturally with feathers etc, but she wasn't spd or atk she was def -it was before i knew about boons/banes etc. then i killed her for galeforce. never did build one up after that, but now i can promote one and see what it will do.Ā 

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Hm... I am not a huge fan of the three new songs that will be added to the Concert Hall. For people that don't know, these are the songs:

"Silesse Castle Town", from Genealogy of the Holy War:



"Young Warriors", from Path of Radiance:



"As Fierce as Fire", from Three Houses:



I will keep "You have power like mine.", a.k.a. "Tiki's Theme", as my main song.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I think I'll buy Fierce as Fire and use it as my AR theme for a while, but I'll also keep "You have power like mine" as my home screen song for a while longer.

Pretty exited for the refines this time around as I have Leif, Cordelia and Rebecca leveled up and at 5-stars. Rebecca has basically not been properly built though, as I pulled her at 5-stars back when that was possible and never really had a use for her after that... but she just keeps existing in my barracks because she has no use as fodder either. Hopefully she can get an actually useful role with her new weapon!

Btw happy new year everyone!

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5 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

I'll also keep "You have power like mine" as my home screen song for a while longer.

"You have power like mine" helps me to calm down after an annoying Arena/AA match. This season, 5 of the 7 matches had Winter Sothis on it... each time I had to create a new way to deal of her... I was running out of options in the last match, but I was lucky to get a Winter Sothis without DC, which made her so easy to deal with.

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6 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

"You have power like mine" helps me to calm down after an annoying Arena/AA match. This season, 5 of the 7 matches had Winter Sothis on it... each time I had to create a new way to deal of her... I was running out of options in the last match, but I was lucky to get a Winter Sothis without DC, which made her so easy to deal with.

Yeah, it's a really nice and relaxing tune. I haven't done Arena Assault yet this week, but dealing with that many Winter Sothis sounds rough. Might need some "You have power like mine" therapy myself if I'm asĀ unlucky as you.

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18 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Yeah, it's a really nice and relaxing tune. I haven't done Arena Assault yet this week, but dealing with that many Winter Sothis sounds rough. Might need some "You have power like mine" therapy myself if I'm asĀ unlucky as you.

1st Sothis died to Legendary Marth. He doesn't do effective damage, but Binding Shield still stop her from counterattack or do follow-ups.

2nd Sothis died to Spring Palla. The enemy team also had a Surtr, so Palla had fun that map, throwing carrots into their faces.

3rd Sothis died to Brave Celica. I was planning to fodder her, but her Double Lion effect saved me so... she may have a longer life now.

4th Sothis died with a combination of Winter Marth's and Picnic Flora's efforts. Marth lowered her HP, and Flora finished her.

5th Sothis died to Tharja. Without DC, Tharja was able to use her prf Blade tome to punch her in the face.

The other options I had were Laevatein with her Blade Blade, Caeda with her eff against armor sword, and OG Palla with herĀ  TA Triangle Attack. I may test Tibarn as well, since he can use Sturdy Impact to cancels her follow-up, and he will double her if HP=100%. I will need to give him Guard, though... to avoid Sirius.

In case I get Sothis in match one, Saizo can deal with her. Thanks to Saizo's Star and Chill Spd in one of my others units, Saizo ends with more spd than Sothis, so he can attack her without being countered by using Watersweep, inflict -6 to all her stats and panic effect (thanks to Panic Smoke), so Marth or Aversa can finish her.

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