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2 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Just let sleeping dogs lie, please. This was several hours ago last night; I felt kinda actually hurt and like part of my character was attacked at the end and I'd really rather it be left alone. Move on to Resplendent Sanaki.

Happy enough about her. I don't have her yet, so, it helps my collection. Plus, it breaks a pattern that needed to be broken.


what pattern needed to be broken? 
My Sanaki is gonna be +2 though so that's a thing lol

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I do like Sanaki's alt, she works well will black. Not enough to buy a feh pass but one step closer. Funny enough  only only one copy of her from my while time playing feh.

According to IS there can't be a 4* demote for this year Fallen Heroes because of "game balance". Crazy thing to say considering how broken some of the newer units are.

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4 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I do like Sanaki's alt, she works well will black. Not enough to buy a feh pass but one step closer. Funny enough  only only one copy of her from my while time playing feh.

According to IS there can't be a 4* demote for this year Fallen Heroes because of "game balance". Crazy thing to say considering how broken some of the newer units are.

I consider that excuse to be more of an admission of guilt than an actual excuse. They're basically admitting to two (obvious) things.


1. Power creep is intentional and these units are meant to be overpowered.


2. These units are too good to hand out to the dirty non-whales.

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Someone on the dev team really like Sanaki considering she: Was on a early banner being one the first Tellius characters in the game in front of Ike and Micaiah , had a (high questionable) alt, and got an resplendent alt less than 5 months in to the feh pass.  

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OMG! She looks so good! That special art is something else. We have been blessed. This is now my favorite Resplendent alt, sorry Eliwood.

Oh yeah, a pattern was broken, more news at 11.

36 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Someone on the dev team really like Sanaki

Someone on the dev team has really good taste. However, I don't think the Sanaki fanboy dev is only responsible for the love she gets, but also for the characters close to her getting love too.

Sigrun and Tanith, Lord Zelgius, and Altina her literal ancestor were all treated well in this game.

Now if we only got Sephiran, Tormod and OG!Tanith soonish my theory would be confirmed.

And also Legendary Sanaki with Ragnell and Alondite like in that one Cipher card. Infantry Altina basically.

I would die of laughter if she become legendary before Elincia and Micaiah XD

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2 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

I would die of laughter if she become legendary before Elincia and Micaiah XD

I would die of laughter if they ever chose to reference this English localization-only line:

"Sanaki: I was starting to wonder how I would punish you.

Somebody: I’m sorry?

Sanaki: You are my subordinate, after all. I have decided that leaving one’s empress to die is punishable by drowning in a pool of rancid butter.

Somebody: Of course it is, my empress.

Sanaki: I hope you’re a strong swimmer."

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would die of laughter if they ever chose to reference this English localization-only line:

"Sanaki: I was starting to wonder how I would punish you.

Somebody: I’m sorry?

Sanaki: You are my subordinate, after all. I have decided that leaving one’s empress to die is punishable by drowning in a pool of rancid butter.

Somebody: Of course it is, my empress.

Sanaki: I hope you’re a strong swimmer."

Sanaki has so many awesome lines I swear to Naga. I don't remember clearly since it was a long time ago, but her interactions with laguz royals, especially Naesala, were fairly amusing too.

Yune, Sothis, Flayn and now Veronica may have a lot of sass, but they don't hold a candle to the Apostle.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Happy enough about her. I don't have her yet, so, it helps my collection. Plus, it breaks a pattern that needed to be broken.

I am not sure if its a good thing to break a pattern that favoured F2P units. That old pattern made Eliwood and Cordelia awesome again BST wise.

I am honsestly not fond of this Sanaki even tough i have a +10 one. The Art is in my eyes worse then the original one and we are getting waaaayyyy too many reds.
I honestly think Narcian, Camus Michalis or Ursula would have been a great pick and would have shown: hey look GHB units get a Resplendant attire too!

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50 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

5☆ > 3/4☆ > 5☆ 3/4 ☆ > 5☆ > 3/4☆

It went like that for the first couple months.


i'm not sure why that needed to be broken though. I liked having 3-4* Resplendants. Eliwood is great 🙂
 I'm hoping Olivia gets one soon. 

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By the way guys, do you know who has drawn her? Im not sure if this was drawn by Senri kita or Yamada Kotaro. The website says nothing about it and I didn’t find anything at least for now.

Edited by NicolaTesla&you
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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


i'm not sure why that needed to be broken though. I liked having 3-4* Resplendants. Eliwood is great 🙂
 I'm hoping Olivia gets one soon. 

The biggest reason is the interaction with the outfit cycle. There was a cycle of rare Nifl, common Askr, rare Embla, common Muspell, so as long as both parts held, half the outfits were locked to rare units and the other half to common ones. 

My only concern is that this could mean moving on to later gens faster. 

20 minutes ago, Hilda said:

I am not sure if its a good thing to break a pattern that favoured F2P units. That old pattern made Eliwood and Cordelia awesome again BST wise.

I am honsestly not fond of this Sanaki even tough i have a +10 one. The Art is in my eyes worse then the original one and we are getting waaaayyyy too many reds.
I honestly think Narcian, Camus Michalis or Ursula would have been a great pick and would have shown: hey look GHB units get a Resplendant attire too!

Robin F is also possible, she's the highest profile one. 

10 minutes ago, NicolaTesla&you said:

By the way guys, do you know who has drawn her? Im not sure if this was drawn by Senri kita or Yamada Kotaro. The website says nothing about it and I didn’t find anything at least for now.

We should find out when she gets officially announced on Sunday. 

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Sanaki is GREAT choice for an art update. I have her at -Atk when she randomly pity broke me a while back, so this is nice.

Also, I wonder who will voice her? Did we ever figure out who “Sara Beth” was? I know her original VA (Chie from P3 whose name I’m forgetting) no longer does Heroes voices. Sara Beth came along for her bride alt but we never figured it out I think lol.

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10 minutes ago, SockPuppet said:

Also, I wonder who will voice her? Did we ever figure out who “Sara Beth” was? I know her original VA (Chie from P3 whose name I’m forgetting) no longer does Heroes voices. Sara Beth came along for her bride alt but we never figured it out I think lol.

There is a high chance that it’s a pseudonym and if not that, then it’s just someone really obscure. At the very least, you aren’t going to find any leads on IMDB.

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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

I am not sure if its a good thing to break a pattern that favoured F2P units. That old pattern made Eliwood and Cordelia awesome again BST wise.

1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

i'm not sure why that needed to be broken though. I liked having 3-4* Resplendants. Eliwood is great 🙂

1 hour ago, Othin said:

The biggest reason is the interaction with the outfit cycle. There was a cycle of rare Nifl, common Askr, rare Embla, common Muspell, so as long as both parts held, half the outfits were locked to rare units and the other half to common ones. 

Yeah, I am a bit concerned that they broke the pattern, but I understand if they broke it to make the outfits distributed more evenly between 5* exclusive units and 3*/4* units.

However, as long as they keep the number of 5* units and 3*/4* units relatively balanced (I think I will be okay with it even if they favor 5* exclusives a bit more as long as it is not outrageous), I am okay with them breaking the pattern.

Personally, I rather have them break the outfit pattern than the 5* exclusive/5* non-exclusive pattern.

Edited by XRay
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28 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yeah, I am a bit concerned that they broke the pattern, but I understand if they broke it to make the outfits distributed more evenly between 5* exclusive units and 3*/4* units.

However, as long as they keep the number of 5* units and 3*/4* units relatively balanced (I think I will be okay with it even if they favor 5* exclusives a bit more as long as it is not outrageous), I am okay with them breaking the pattern.

Personally, I rather have them break the outfit pattern than the 5* exclusive/5* non-exclusive pattern.

My hope was that they'd find a way to change the outfit pattern to an odd number (say, adding Hel) so they could have an outfit pattern while keeping the rarity pattern, but apparently not.

And yeah, hopefully the number of common units doesn't get too low.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

The biggest reason is the interaction with the outfit cycle. There was a cycle of rare Nifl, common Askr, rare Embla, common Muspell, so as long as both parts held, half the outfits were locked to rare units and the other half to common ones. 

You mean rare Muspell and common Embla. Ike and Hector are our current Muspell outfits and both are 5 star exclusives.

I still think IS needs to do Muspell Ephraim tho. Plz gimme Muspell Ephraim, IS!

Edited by Anacybele
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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

You mean rare Muspell and common Embla. Ike and Hector are our current Muspell outfits and both are 5 star exclusives.

I still think IS needs to do Muspell Ephraim tho. Plz gimme Muspell Ephraim, IS!

Right, yeah.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Yeah, I am a bit concerned that they broke the pattern, but I understand if they broke it to make the outfits distributed more evenly between 5* exclusive units and 3*/4* units.

However, as long as they keep the number of 5* units and 3*/4* units relatively balanced (I think I will be okay with it even if they favor 5* exclusives a bit more as long as it is not outrageous), I am okay with them breaking the pattern.

Personally, I rather have them break the outfit pattern than the 5* exclusive/5* non-exclusive pattern.

they could have broken the outfit pattern by i dont know including Hel or Dreamworld attires (although the Dreamworld attires look kinda odd).

Lets just see what the next Resplendant hero is, if its another 5 Star we know where this is going^^

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It's nice to have Sanaki as a Resplendent, I've recently come up with a build I'm happy with for her and I've only got a three merges left for her to have max merges.

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...you know, as good as Legacy Caeda is, I find it a little sad that her base kit is so good by itself that she really doesn't need any building to be good. Uber weapon effectiveness/Vantage weapon, Distant Counter, a B slot that inflicts Atk and Def in-combat debuffs on the foe, Joint Hone Atk, even Moonbow which remains a pretty popular special. She literally only needs an Assist...

I mean, there's just something satisfying about looking at a unit who started with trash skills, and seeing them be awesome because you gave them all the right skills. And when they begin their existence with everything they really need... well, that takes just a little of the fun out of it.

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I mean, there's just something satisfying about looking at a unit who started with trash skills, and seeing them be awesome because you gave them all the right skills. And when they begin their existence with everything they really need... well, that takes just a little of the fun out of it.

Look no further than OG Caeda. I still have a soft spot for her (being my first +10) and she fills a spot in my Galeforce flier team, but other than that place, she's pretty niche in my barracks.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

...you know, as good as Legacy Caeda is, I find it a little sad that her base kit is so good by itself that she really doesn't need any building to be good. Uber weapon effectiveness/Vantage weapon, Distant Counter, a B slot that inflicts Atk and Def in-combat debuffs on the foe, Joint Hone Atk, even Moonbow which remains a pretty popular special. She literally only needs an Assist...

I mean, there's just something satisfying about looking at a unit who started with trash skills, and seeing them be awesome because you gave them all the right skills. And when they begin their existence with everything they really need... well, that takes just a little of the fun out of it.

honestly you could slap her weapon on any unit and that unit would be awesome... hell you could slap 5 different effect on a weapons unit and that unit would prolly be awesome.

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You know, I think a good non-Micaiah choice for a Tellius legendary would be Mist, not Elincia. Mist and Elincia cover the same two weapons and Mist has just about as much plot relevance as Elincia while being playable for longer. Mist is also one of the only two beorcs who can hold the game's namesake safely and she also has a unique class in RD.

I know most people don't like Mist as a unit in Heroes, but screw it. Mist deserves to be more of a PoR lead than Elincia, and I like Elincia.

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