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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

By winning the poll, Heirs of Light will return in September alongside a Forging Bonds revival. This is a pretty good banner, both for units and for fodder. Also, it may have Altena as a 4* Focus, making easier to get copies of her.


Darn, I completely forgot about the voting. I wish we got Peony's Focus for more Peony. I do not really want anyone else as none of them are particularly great.

I guess I will go with Ced for my guaranteed pick and do full summons.

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Looks solid, I think I'll actually go for the spark on this one. Shannan is the only unit I'm missing from the banner, so I'll do full summons.

(Assuming I have enough orbs to spare, and don't pull him in the meantime.)

Edited by Othin
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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

By winning the poll, Heirs of Light will return in September alongside a Forging Bonds revival. This is a pretty good banner, both for units and for fodder. Also, it may have Altena as a 4* Focus, making easier to get copies of her.

Aw, I wanted Book IV: Peony and More to win as I would have liked more copies of Mareeta, Osian, or Peony or at least a guaranteed copy of them by picking one of them. Mareeta would be for Close Call stockpiling or merges, Osian would probably be for a merge, but +Spd, -Def isn't bad since his defense is still fine, and it would be nice to have a Peony that I can do whatever with instead of keeping her with her default skills and unmerged as she is a free unit and used for F2P strategies. Eyvel would be cool too for unit collection and she could be built as a speedy tank.

Heirs of Light I'm not sure who I would want as my guaranteed summon. Altena is off the table as she is in the 3* to 4* summoning pool. Larcei is the only one who I do not have from the banner, so picking her for unit completion would not be a bad idea considering she is a good unit. Also, I find it amusing that she looks pretty adorable, but one of her English attack voice lines is an intense "HIYAH!" that would not be surprising from Ayra or an older Larcei.

Ced's Pulse Smoke would be good on CYL Ike, the sweaty Corrins, Brunnya, Hilda, and pretty much anyone really, but the priority probably should go to CYL Ike. Problem is needing to get more skills for CYL Ike and from units who don't show up unexpectedly with decent assets and flaws making me wonder what I should do. My second Nailah showed up as +Atk, -HP, but considering the speed creep, probably should just keep using the original +Spd, -Def Nailah.

Shannan I could merge to either fix the -Atk of the +Res, -Atk that he initially was summoned as or have neutral be his base or inherit his skills onto someone. -Atk isn't that bad on him and +Res has helped with dealing with dragons or having him tank a mage if needed. His skills on the other hand, probably would be Steady Posture 3 and either Wrath 3 or Even Spd Wave 3; get Steady Posture 2 from a 4* Reyson or 4* Thea and inherit the rest. I'm not too keen on the Wave skills, but it would make it more flexible on who I could inherit Steady Posture 3 and Even Spd Wave 3 with. Steady Posture 3 and Wrath 3 would be nice, but who is the question.

Someone with Distant Counter on their weapon would be ideal, but some of them already have Wrath like Osian and Sothis or berserk Ike and Say'ri who I don't where they have Close Call/Repel and Say'ri's Kestral Stance 3 is pretty good. In Say'ri's case, like Osian, she could use Wrath with Noontime or Sol with some sort of Breath support to heal the damage she takes. Fjorm and vanguard Ike would be off the table as they're used for F2P and I do kind of regret making that +Spd, -Res? Fjorm way back then into a manual, but I do have a +Spd, -Res vanguard Ike who exists at level 1. Regular Ike and Saber I'm not too keen on investing when it's difficult to get merges for early 5*-only units. Same deal with Ryoma who I don't have. Then there's Dorcas who does not really have the speed to make use of Steady Posture 3.

For other units, except for Barst who I would rather get Blue Flame and Wrath 3 from the Owain combat manual since that's not as "costly" as Steady Posture 3 and Wrath 3 on him and Barst probably would want Kestral Stance 3 or Sturdy Stance 3 if you were to make him into an enemy phase Wrath unit, no idea. Some of them already have Wrath like Astram, F!Byleth, Nephenee, and Owain or they're more player phase focused like Athena, Hilda, and Leif. Additionally, Sharena is kept as 4* unit for F2P strategies. There's also the issue of units not taking enough damage to get into Wrath which I remember a friend having an issue with Selena. Perhaps Echidna and Itsuki would run into that problem.

If none of them show up, I'm leaning towards Larcei for unit completion, her own merits, and I don't have anyone with Panic Smoke besides Legion, so that could be helpful or add to the who pick a unit who does or offers things I do not have a lot of or at all. For skills, though, Ced I have a clearer idea who to give Pulse Smoke to or maybe Shannan if I end up figuring out who I would like his skills on.

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September means it'll likely have to compete with two New Heroes banners, so for me, the probability of both of them being worse than this re-run seems pretty low. I know I could theoretically afford to spark two banners per month, but there'd have to be some very special and interesting units on both banners for me to justify doing so. This doesn't qualify, and so it'd straight out need to be the best sparkable banner for the month. Else, I'd rather save orbs for key seasonal units in double seasonal re-runs, or if an interesting Legendary or Mythic appears (less so the latter, especially now that I'm mostly retired from manual ARing). As a result I expect the chances of me sparking this banner are essentially nil.

To be honest I don't even know what all the Myrmidons released over the last year do: they all blur into one annoying, hard-to-kill, too-risky-to-tank blob. I imagine they're all top tier but if I had any of them I'd probably end up forgetting which ones I had.


EDIT: Thinking about what units I most want to get over the next six months or so, I'd say I want one copy of the Whitewing Trio (any nature), and two of Summer Byleth, to get both of them to +1. I'd make a top 5 list, but honestly I rate all the other non-armour Duo heroes pretty much the same in terms of desirability.

Edited by Humanoid
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I will use my Free Summon adn Tickets on Red orbs in the Heir of Light revival. 

  • Larcei has Repel, and would be nice to have it in case I want to build a Repel unit. And the unit itself is pretty good.
  • Shannan has the Steady Posture 3 + Wrath combo, which is pretty good as well.

Green would be be my next pick for color, since it's Pulse Smoke.

I wished these FB revivals also granted daily orbs, instead of daily divine codes.

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56 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

September means it'll likely have to compete with two New Heroes banners, so for me, the probability of both of them being worse than this re-run seems pretty low. I know I could theoretically afford to spark two banners per month, but there'd have to be some very special and interesting units on both banners for me to justify doing so. This doesn't qualify, and so it'd straight out need to be the best sparkable banner for the month. Else, I'd rather save orbs for key seasonal units in double seasonal re-runs, or if an interesting Legendary or Mythic appears (less so the latter, especially now that I'm mostly retired from manual ARing). As a result I expect the chances of me sparking this banner are essentially nil.

To be honest I don't even know what all the Myrmidons released over the last year do: they all blur into one annoying, hard-to-kill, too-risky-to-tank blob. I imagine they're all top tier but if I had any of them I'd probably end up forgetting which ones I had.


EDIT: Thinking about what units I most want to get over the next six months or so, I'd say I want one copy of the Whitewing Trio (any nature), and two of Summer Byleth, to get both of them to +1. I'd make a top 5 list, but honestly I rate all the other non-armour Duo heroes pretty much the same in terms of desirability.

Honestly, I'm preparing to do three sparks in September. Might not go through with it, and it'll require having a decent amount of orbs on hand as of the end of August, but it's doable.

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Hm... Heirs of Light is coming on September, alongside a Forging Bonds revival. I don't think we can have two Forging Bonds events happening at the same time, so:

  • We will get a New Heroes Banner in September that has a Tempest Trial to go with; or
  • A Special Heroes Banner will happen in September.

I believe we will get a Seasonal banner as September's 2nd banner, and the Heir of Light revival will happen in the 2nd half of September.

Three Houses Revival happened on May 25th, so Heir of Light could happen around this same time in September... or a little earlier, like Sep 20th.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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9 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... Heirs of Light is coming on September, alongside a Forging Bonds revival. I don't think we can have two Forging Bonds events happening at the same time, so:

  • We will get a New Heroes Banner in September that has a Tempest Trial to go with; or
  • A Special Heroes Banner will happen in September.

I believe we will get a Seasonal banner as September's 2nd banner, and the Heir of Light revival will happen in the 2nd half of September.

Three Houses Revival happened on May 25th, so Heir of Light could happen around this same time in September... or a little earlier, like Sep 20th.

The standard is, each month gets a Forging Bonds and a GHB alongside a New Heroes banner, and a TT alongside either a New or Special Heroes banner. (Plus New Year's as an extra TT+Special "between" December/January.) So this doesn't really change anything, we've never had two non-revival Forging Bonds in one month anyway.

We've consistently gotten just one seasonal banner in either August or September, the dancer banner. I don't see any reason to expect a change unless it turns out the August banner isn't dancers. There wouldn't be anything strange about September having a New Heroes banner associated with a TT, we've gotten three of those over the course of the past year: TMS, Guardians of Peace, and CYL3.

If we do get a Special Heroes banner in September for some reason, it'll probably be the early banner like last year's dancers, so it won't be back-to-back with Halloween.

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Here's my bold prediction, in August we will have the Dancer banner at the beginning of the month but the other banner will be a normal new heroes banner and CYL will be delayed until September and will still have a TT attached to it and that is how we could still have two new heroes banners in September.

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36 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Here's my bold prediction, in August we will have the Dancer banner at the beginning of the month but the other banner will be a normal new heroes banner and CYL will be delayed until September and will still have a TT attached to it and that is how we could still have two new heroes banners in September.

Unlikely, since they already said the August New Heroes banner will have no demote. That fits CYL.

We don't need anything special to happen for September to have a New Heroes banner with a TT attached. November 2019 worked that way, and the FE6 banner was completely normal otherwise. Although it could also be any other sort of unusual banner, like TMS or Heroes OCs or any other special theme like Fallen Heroes.

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

Unlikely, since they already said the August New Heroes banner will have no demote. That fits CYL.

We don't need anything special to happen for September to have a New Heroes banner with a TT attached. November 2019 worked that way, and the FE6 banner was completely normal otherwise. Although it could also be any other sort of unusual banner, like TMS or Heroes OCs or any other special theme like Fallen Heroes.

Shoot, I forgot about that.

Whelp, so much for my prediction then.

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6 minutes ago, Flying Shogi said:

Looks like we're getting a 3 Heroes Quest in early August. Haven't had one of those in a while.



Looking over the list:

  • Oct 17: Fir, Sully, Frederick
  • Dec 17: Laslow, Florina, Bartre
  • Jan 18: Hinata, Gwendolyn, Saizo
  • Mar 18: Cherche, Gordin, Serra
  • May 18: Tiki (A), Gunter, Gaius
  • Aug 18: Robin (M), Nino, Wrys
  • Oct 18: Tiki (A), Odin, Clarine
  • Dec 18: Olivia, Corrin (M), Azama
  • Jan 19: Marth, Roy, Chrom
  • Apr 19: Eliwood, Raven, Leon
  • Oct 19: Seth, Mathilda, Jakob
  • Apr 20: Chrom, Frederick, Lissa
  • May 20: Roy, Lilina, Cecilia

Lot of surprises here. Seems like the schedule is very irregular, it's varied from consecutive months to gaps as large as six. It's still mostly launch units, but with Leon, Seth, and Mathilda as exceptions. Tiki, Chrom, and Roy have all repeated. The two so far in 2020 are both themed to a specific game, although while the FE6 trio matches a Grand Conquest trio and a BHB banner, the FE13 trio doesn't quite match either. (The FE13 GC was Chrom/Robin/Lucina, and the Chrom+Lissa BHB had Robin as the third banner unit.)

Looking into that got me to look into game patterns for GCs. Seems it started with the FE6 trio, then went game by game, up to 3H, then Heroes, then circled back to FE1 and continued from there, finally looping back to FE6 with the most recent one. No such pattern for BHBs, though.

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You know, I'd actually appreciate harder Three Hero quests if that also meant getting 5* exclusives as rewards.

Not really strong ones, just... y'know, Book 1 heroes would be fine. The ones on the Weekly Revival banners. They don't even need to be 5* rarity.

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2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

You know, I'd actually appreciate harder Three Hero quests if that also meant getting 5* exclusives as rewards.

Not really strong ones, just... y'know, Book 1 heroes would be fine. The ones on the Weekly Revival banners. They don't even need to be 5* rarity.

I'm not sure they'd care much about the difficulty, but I do wish they'd offer some way to get old weak 5* exclusives at lower rarities. 

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Some info in the datamine:


The next Forma Heroes we will get are Valentine Ike, Valentine Titania, Valentine Mist and Valentine Soren.


And about Freyja, she is a Green Cav beast.

Her weapon looks to have Distant Counter and damage reduction like the Close Call/Repel skills, plus the Cavalry transformation effect.



Edited by Diovani Bressan
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43 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Some info in the datamine:

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The next Forma Heroes we will get are Valentine Ike, Valentine Titania, Valentine Mist and Valentine Soren.


And about Freyja, she is a Green Cav beast.

Her weapon looks to have Distant Counter and damage reduction like the Close Call/Repel skills, plus the Cavalry transformation effect.





Damn, Freyja is kind of crazy.

Do we know if she can Dance/Sing too?


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59 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Some info in the datamine:

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The next Forma Heroes we will get are Valentine Ike, Valentine Titania, Valentine Mist and Valentine Soren.


And about Freyja, she is a Green Cav beast.

Her weapon looks to have Distant Counter and damage reduction like the Close Call/Repel skills, plus the Cavalry transformation effect.




Don't really care about the Formas. 

About Hel, as a character I don't care about her. However, she will be an Astra mythic (a replacement for Naga finally) and she appears the same month as Edelgard a unit I really like and I must have. I will wait however, as I can now be prepared and get rid of the initial excitement. 

Freya is amazing. DC, Damge reduction, mini Impact and 3 movement is as good as a unit can get of the box. Also when she is made summonable she will have a personal skill (not a dance most likely) so she will be even more busted. Looking forward to merging her in the future. 

Do we know what she transforms to? 


13 minutes ago, XRay said:


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Damn, Freyja is kind of crazy.

Do we know if she can Dance/Sing too?



I haven't seen any dance skill. As she is a cavalry unit the chances of her being a dancer are below 0 anyway. However, with such a good combat oriented weapon I don't want her to be a dancer as she will lose some stats and she won't be utilised in combat. Also as a cavalry her mobility is ruined by any terrain so I don't see the value in her being a refresher. 


Edited by SuperNova125
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3 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:
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Don't really care about the Formas. 

About Hel, as a character I don't care about her. However, she will be an Astra mythic (a replacement for Naga finally) and she appears the same month as Edelgard a unit I really like and I must have. I will wait however, as I can now be prepared and get rid of the initial excitement. 

Freya is amazing. DC, Damge reduction, mini Impact and 3 movement is as good as a unit can get of the box. Also when she is made summonable she will have a personal skill (not a dance most likely) so she will be even more busted. Looking forward to merging her in the future. 

Do we know what she transforms to? 


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I haven't seen any dance skill. As she is a cavalry unit the chances of her being a dancer are below 0 anyway. However, with such a good combat oriented weapon I don't want her to be a dancer as she will lose some stats and she won't be utilised in combat. Also as a cavalry her mobility is ruined by any terrain so I don't see the value in her being a refresher. 



Freyja transforms into this: https://imgur.com/a/cLz1rFM


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23 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

I haven't seen any dance skill. As she is a cavalry unit the chances of her being a dancer are below 0 anyway. However, with such a good combat oriented weapon I don't want her to be a dancer as she will lose some stats and she won't be utilised in combat. Also as a cavalry her mobility is ruined by any terrain so I don't see the value in her being a refresher. 




Having a cavalry Dancer/Singer is extremely useful. A cavalry Dancer/Singer can fully keep up with a cavalry team without relying on Wings of Mercy. And while terrain will pose difficulty, that permanent 3 movement range is a pretty big deal on a Tactics team too.


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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Some info in the datamine:

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The next Forma Heroes we will get are Valentine Ike, Valentine Titania, Valentine Mist and Valentine Soren.


And about Freyja, she is a Green Cav beast.

Her weapon looks to have Distant Counter and damage reduction like the Close Call/Repel skills, plus the Cavalry transformation effect.



Oh man, that is the best news I have heard in quite a while! 

Valentine’s Titania as a Forma Hero!!! 

That not only saves my 500 grails for the final merge, cutting it from 2700 to 2200, it also means she gets Lull Atk/Res, Panic/Pulse Smoke, a great a Skill and a red tome I don’t have yet. Ruptured sky as a special methinks and a harsh command+ to round it out. I am very much so looking forward to this Forma batch!

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1 hour ago, Vicious Sal said:

Oh man, that is the best news I have heard in quite a while! 

Valentine’s Titania as a Forma Hero!!! 

I don't know where he got that information, but that isn't what I've heard. The Forma lineup is mostly what he said but:


Titania is not in the lineup, Greil is instead.






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