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I am sure there has been quite a few threads like this, but I often scratch my head at some of the choices that are made devs, in particular the order in which they introduce characters. I was thinking particularly about Aelfric being in game before specifically Hanneman and Alois. Maybe a case can be made for Cyril and Jeritza as well. I would assume that he was brought in so that the entire Abyss was covered in one banner, but it annoys me nonetheless. 

I have really only played three titles (FEH, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses), so I have limited other options, but I think about the entire Dawn Brigade not in game, but the lesser involved dragons and Lethe and Lyre being front and present. I understand that they are grouping things and trying to respond to popularity, but it is just interesting choices.

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31 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

I am sure there has been quite a few threads like this, but I often scratch my head at some of the choices that are made devs, in particular the order in which they introduce characters. I was thinking particularly about Aelfric being in game before specifically Hanneman and Alois. Maybe a case can be made for Cyril and Jeritza as well. I would assume that he was brought in so that the entire Abyss was covered in one banner, but it annoys me nonetheless. 

I have really only played three titles (FEH, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses), so I have limited other options, but I think about the entire Dawn Brigade not in game, but the lesser involved dragons and Lethe and Lyre being front and present. I understand that they are grouping things and trying to respond to popularity, but it is just interesting choices.

Characters are introduced to fill various roles. Aelfric was brought in as an Abyss-themed GHB. I admittedly haven't played Cindered Shadows, but I don't think any of the other characters you mentioned even appear in that storyline, and they certainly aren't specific to it. In addition, Hanneman, Alois, and Cyril wouldn't really fit a GHB, and while Jeritz would, he's already sort of in the game so he's a lower priority.

As for Lethe and Lyre, they've prioritized beasts due to the limited number of them available. For that reason, they made a Gallia-themed banner a few years ago, while New Year's and Halloween have picked up running beast and dragon themes, respectively.

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11 minutes ago, jameslove001 said:

I am sure there has been quite a few threads like this, but I often scratch my head at some of the choices that are made devs, in particular the order in which they introduce characters. I was thinking particularly about Aelfric being in game before specifically Hanneman and Alois. Maybe a case can be made for Cyril and Jeritza as well. I would assume that he was brought in so that the entire Abyss was covered in one banner, but it annoys me nonetheless. 

I have really only played three titles (FEH, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses), so I have limited other options, but I think about the entire Dawn Brigade not in game, but the lesser involved dragons and Lethe and Lyre being front and present. I understand that they are grouping things and trying to respond to popularity, but it is just interesting choices.

Beasts and dragons have extra help coming from the fact that their classes are exclusive to specific characters. You can give almost anyone a weapon and have them use it, but you can't give a human a dragonstone and expect them to suddenly turn into a dragon. In order to have a decently sized pool of units for players to pick from with those weapons and have enough different stat distributions, those units are naturally going to have greater percentage representation and have more alts per character.

Radiant Dawn specifically suffers from having a much larger number of non-human characters than the average game, which causes the Laguz to leech more banner slots than usual for the reason above.

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I've been noticing that every Legendary/Mythic Hero that I go for a +10 merge on their release banner always ends up getting rerun with another new Legendary/Mythic Hero of the same color, whereas the ones that I don't immediately go for a +10 merge end up never sharing a color with the new unit. (Unless it's a unit I don't care for named Dimitri that has crap fodder, in which case he'll show up on every banner.) This basically leaves me with a million spare copies of every Legendary/Mythic Hero that I have at +10 and a bunch of Legendary/Mythic Heroes that can't get past +5 unless I get a random pull when the summoning circle doesn't have the color I'm sniping for. (Or is named Micaiah and refuses to be summoned even when she shares a color with the new unit.)

It's really annoying. Triandra is still cursed to forever be +1 (has never been on a banner with a new green unit), and Chrom is cursed to be stuck at +0 (was on Dimitri's banner and never again). Meanwhile, I have 16 spare copies of Eitri (useless as fodder), 20 spare copies of Ashera (almost useless as fodder), and 22 spare copies of Seiros (just Dragon Wall), not counting any copies I've already used (which is zero for Eitri and Ashera outside of merges because they are crap fodder).

So right now, I'm basically cursed to never get Nanna or Askr to +10.


On a completely unrelated note, I just noticed that Summer Nifl has her hair up in a (very) short ponytail, and it's really cute.

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2 hours ago, Naoshi said:

FEH Summer Celebration (5.5 aniv): Quests and more. (Datamine)



That Forma Soul is particularly interesting.

I tend to use them to go for seasonal-locked characters I'm missing, which is currently Brigid, Saul, Dheginsea, Severa, Norne, Ashe, Freyr, and Fafnir. So probably nothing coming up soon enough to be super relevant, but it's still nice, especially if someone else interesting comes up.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

Does the datamine say when those will be up?


August 2nd (the typical date for these Feh's Summer Celebrations), so we can probably expect a Feh Channel on August 1st.


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Last year's August 1st FEH channel had:

  • Summer Celebration info (with GHB reruns, daily maps, Hero Fest and quests).
  • Special Heroes Banner info (Pirates).
  • Old 5-star unit being added to the 4-star special rate and weekly banners (heroes from September 2018 to February 2019).
  • Updates in Arena (new maps and the introduction of retreat feature).
  • Introduction of Heroes Journey event.

If we get a August 1st Channel, which is pretty much expected since they do that every year, the first item of the list above is guaranteed to happen. I can see the 2nd item appearing as well, even though the banner will only happen literally one week later.

Old 5* Heroes being added to the 4* special could also happen. The next batch would be from August 2019 to February 2020 (From Nagi's Banner to Leila's Banner). Maybe they could also do it with the Special Heroes, and add the Book 3 Seasonals (of half of them) to the Seasonal 4* Special Rate.

And... Remix Banner info, I guess.

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Being finally rid of Fiora and Gerik from the 5-star pool would be the best possible news from this FEH channel, yes.


EDIT: Had a poke around for a list of units due to be demoted, so here it is for convenience.

Edited by Humanoid
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6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Being finally rid of Fiora and Gerik from the 5-star pool would be the best possible news from this FEH channel, yes.


EDIT: Had a poke around for a list of units due to be demoted, so here it is for convenience.

That's useful. Looks like my only missing units from the next batch are Mareeta, Forsyth, Perceval, Gerik, and Eleonora.

(Joining a current pool of Lucina, Sanaki, Mia, Shiro, Sumia, Kliff, Ylgr, Selkie, Fallen Berkut, Kjelle, Minerva, Dierdre, Dream Corrin F, Hilda, Mist, Innes, and Dream Mikoto, for a total of 17>22.)

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I'll be happy to finally have Nagi stop pity breaking me. I have a giant pile of her from Legendary Edelgard's banner and I'm apparently cursed to always get more copies of units I already have a ton of copies of.

It's also nice to see the TMS characters drop into the SR pool. Leila and Perceval are also cool.

Also nice to see Fiora and Eyvel drop since they have literally nothing worthwhile as fodder and are generally outperformed by better units in the 4-star pool.

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Has anyone else ever pulled Phina multiple times? Because if you already have her, she might be the actual worst pity breaker in the game. Since she's a dancer with a Prf weapon, she only has two inheritable skills and one of them (Spd/Def Form 3) is the 4* unlock skill on a 3*-4* character (Roshea). So unless you want Geyser Dance 2 in the B slot on one of your dancers, she's actually useless as a repeat pull. So yeah, I won't be shedding any tears when Phina gets dumped into the 4* Special pool.

And because no one asked for it, here's my complete list of missing regular pool characters (with the ones from Nagi banner to Leila banner being in bold):


Book I / Ver. 1 Era: none

Book II / Ver. 2 Era: Quan

Book III / Ver. 3 Era: Gerik

Book IV / Ver. 4 Era: Fiora, Rinkah, Say'ri, Julian, Gatrie, Catherine

Book V / Ver. 5 Era: Selena, Azelle, Annand, the dead meme from CYL5, Muspell, A!Fjorm, A!Laegjarn, Astrid

Book VI / Ver. 6 Era: Flavia, Neimi, A!Joshua, Rennac, Niime, Hugh, A!Idunn, A!Mareeta, A!Ishtar, F!Lilith, Sain, Ymir (still haven't even seen her in PvP either), Kamui, FK Est

I've just accepted that me getting Quan is never happening unless he gets a Resplendent (because that's exactly how things went with Leif). I still haven't actually pulled a base Leif either.

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Hmm, Phina HAS been stalking me for a bit ... I swear I've pulled three copies of her and none were on-focus. But the latter two had really good natures so I couldn't complain too much.

I also don't want Mamori or Eyvel pity-breaking me again. Once was okay because I didn't have them. The second one was why.

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20 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Being finally rid of Fiora and Gerik from the 5-star pool would be the best possible news from this FEH channel, yes.


EDIT: Had a poke around for a list of units due to be demoted, so here it is for convenience.

From that list, the characters I'm missing are:

Book 1: Leo, Mist
Book 2: Rhajat, Loki, Laegjarn
Book 3: Keaton, Kaden, Ranulf, Velouria, Fallen Female Corrin, Hubert, Edelgard
New Batch: Igrene, Tsubasa, Osian, Larcei, Nils

I'm pretty darn sure I won't get Leo or Mist until they get the Resplendent treatment. They just won't show up for me.

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9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Has anyone else ever pulled Phina multiple times?

Nine times over here. Has to be 9 anyway, cause she's so useless as skill fodder that I just automerge all copies into her.

Fortunately she hasn't shown up that often lately...


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I just saw this video on underwhelming units, and Yen'fay is one of the units considered to be "overrated" or "underwhelming". In the comments section, it seems like people forget that super tanks do not operate in a vaccum without team support, and they just throw tanks blindly into enemy range in Arena. Sure, he is far cry from Ike: Close-Knit Sibling, but people do realize that there is a huge difference in cost between those two, and if you throw Ike: Close-Knit Sibling far into enemy range without team support too like an absolute complete and utter dumbass, he will fucking die too because his Weapon will not work without teammates nearby. You cannot expect Aether Raids level of super tank performance with a shitty Arena team set up, especially if you do not even build a team around it.

As for Ishtar: Echoing Thunder, she can act like Joshua: Resolute Tempest too with Windsweep, and I would not even consider Joshua: Resolute Tempest that amazing, let alone meta defining for Aether Raids defense, especially when you can stack three Elimines and basically wall nukes off. And if Ishtar: Echoing Thunder is considered a disappointment, Celica: Valentia's Hope is just as lame since her only relevant gimmick is Miracle (which Leif: Destined Scion also has, who also has a more relevant role as a Galeforcer rather than a dime-a-dozen regular nuke), and Laegjarn: Flame Ascendent is even worse. And I do not think the YouTuber has actually tried using Florina: Azure-Sky Knight, because her Wings of Mercy shenanigans do NOT work in the PvP modes that matters most due to onerous HP requirements from Mythic and Legendary Blessings; at best, she can be used in Chaos Season with double Fury, but that is like a once a month thing, so not exactly a good return on investment if you can litereally only be use it once per blue moon.

I guess I am just kind of annoyed when people take things out of context and completely ignore the bigger picture. And in the case of Florina: Azure-Sky Knight, the YouTuber does not even seem like they have tried using the unit; warping is nice, but if you cannot even trigger it reliably, it might as well not exist. I guess I am fine with the rest of his analysis, but to me it feels like he really dropped the ball on those two units (and I guess three if we count Florina: Azure-Sky Knight).

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I merged Yen'fay up to +6 and will finish merging him up during the upcoming Grand Hero Party. But I haven't actually used him in any meaningful content yet, and I doubt I ever will. Nothing to do with him personally, but I've simply stopped using infantry for the most part. If I picture a typical Arena Assault run (assuming I do a run, which I rarely do now) you'd probably find that of the 28 units I use, it'd be something like 12+ fliers, 12+ horses, Summer Edelgard and maybe Legendary Male Byleth. So it's probably technically true that I am and will be underwhelmed by Yen'fay, but that's just an artifact of my minimal and casual play these days.

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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I merged Yen'fay up to +6 and will finish merging him up during the upcoming Grand Hero Party. But I haven't actually used him in any meaningful content yet, and I doubt I ever will. Nothing to do with him personally, but I've simply stopped using infantry for the most part. If I picture a typical Arena Assault run (assuming I do a run, which I rarely do now) you'd probably find that of the 28 units I use, it'd be something like 12+ fliers, 12+ horses, Summer Edelgard and maybe Legendary Male Byleth. So it's probably technically true that I am and will be underwhelmed by Yen'fay, but that's just an artifact of my minimal and casual play these days.

He is most relevant in Aether Raids in my opinion since that is where you can spam supports for your super tank. I personally would not use super tanks in Arena simply because there are less slots for support (you only have two slots, with the fourth slot being bonus unit), and you kind of want to design a team that is more generic in terms of support so you can help any kind of bonus unit to get kills.

In Arena Assault, super tank and Save tank teams are pretty viable too since you do not need to run a bonus unit that eats up space. Yen'fay, Flayn, Lucina: Brave Princess, and a Dancer/Singer will easily shut down most foes too.

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On 7/28/2022 at 8:27 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I'm pretty darn sure I won't get Leo or Mist until they get the Resplendent treatment. They just won't show up for me.

So, I say this yesterday. Today we get a new rerun banner and who do I summon? Freakin' Leo. For the first time ever. And he's +Atk -HP. Can this magic work for Mist on the next banner?

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Looking back on this thread and the changes since the Awakening banner.

  • Sacred Stones: 57.58% > 66.67%
  • Binding Blade: 44.44% > 51.85%
  • Thracia: 26.92% > 32.69%
  • Genealogy: 40.32% > 45.16%
  • Blazing Blade: 61.36% > 68.18%
  • Valentia: 71.05% > 78.95% (or, ignoring Cipher: 79.41% > 88.24%)

Personally I lean towards ignoring the Cipher characters (they still aren't even in CYL), which puts Valentia back in the lead. Thracia is still at the bottom, but it's getting increasingly decent. Binding Blade has crossed the 50% threshold, while Genealogy is now one banner away. (Thracia is about three banners away.)

Tellius is still in an odd position. It's the only other category below the 50% mark (about two banners away from reaching it), but it's tied with Archanea for the most missing characters, and the Jugdral games are the only other ones to come close. With Archanea's cast being inflated, Genealogy's including a bunch of substitutes, and Thracia's general lack of prominence, those three being at the top is no surprise, but Tellius's position with them continues to be odd. I'm still hoping they add a second Tellius banner into the rotation at some point.

To hit 50% on everything except Thracia, we'll need 3 more Genealogy characters and 5 more Tellius ones. If we continue to get Tellius GHBs alongside CYL banners, we could hit that target by around this time next year. That's pretty wild to think about.

(Thracia needs another 9 characters for 50%, which at this pace should happen around mid-2025.)

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36 minutes ago, Othin said:

Looking back on this thread and the changes since the Awakening banner.

  • Sacred Stones: 57.58% > 66.67%
  • Binding Blade: 44.44% > 51.85%
  • Thracia: 26.92% > 32.69%
  • Genealogy: 40.32% > 45.16%
  • Blazing Blade: 61.36% > 68.18%
  • Valentia: 71.05% > 78.95% (or, ignoring Cipher: 79.41% > 88.24%)

Personally I lean towards ignoring the Cipher characters (they still aren't even in CYL), which puts Valentia back in the lead. Thracia is still at the bottom, but it's getting increasingly decent. Binding Blade has crossed the 50% threshold, while Genealogy is now one banner away. (Thracia is about three banners away.)

Tellius is still in an odd position. It's the only other category below the 50% mark (about two banners away from reaching it), but it's tied with Archanea for the most missing characters, and the Jugdral games are the only other ones to come close. With Archanea's cast being inflated, Genealogy's including a bunch of substitutes, and Thracia's general lack of prominence, those three being at the top is no surprise, but Tellius's position with them continues to be odd. I'm still hoping they add a second Tellius banner into the rotation at some point.

To hit 50% on everything except Thracia, we'll need 3 more Genealogy characters and 5 more Tellius ones. If we continue to get Tellius GHBs alongside CYL banners, we could hit that target by around this time next year. That's pretty wild to think about.

(Thracia needs another 9 characters for 50%, which at this pace should happen around mid-2025.)

What's weird about only one Tellius banner in rotation is that the game categorizes Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn seperately, which it inexplicably doesn't do Archanea despite Archanes cast in its two games being slightly more different than Tellius (only one playable character doesn't return for Radiant Dawn while it's four for Mystery,  most of Radiant Dawn's new characters were also Npcs in Path of Radiance). So by the metrics of the game itself we should be getting both a Path if Radiance banner and a Radiant Dawn banner on the regular. But they sort of just choose one or the other each time and don't actually release them at twice the rate.

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