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Hm... I never thought I would think this way, but I kind of want to quit Heroes more and more lately. There is nothing wrong with Heroes, but I am just depressed lately, and Heroes and a lot of other hobbies do not feel as fun as it used to. I want to focus more on other areas of my life, but unlike other hobbies where I can just drop it and pick it back up later, Heroes feels kind of overwhelming with all the time sensitive content, so it feels like I cannot really take a break. And if I do take a break, then I will probably quit Heroes for good.

Well, I guess I will keep playing Heroes for now. Hopefully, my shitty emotional and mental state is just a temporary phase and I do not quit Heroes at all. If I do quit though, I will let you guys know for sure before I go.

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11 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Personally I want Jedah for the summer banner. Given he's among the few Fire Emblem dads with four children its safe to say the Rigelians probably find him a total stud . As such he'd be perfect swimsuit material. 

Four? Who's the fourth? Is there some other sister mentioned somewhere that he sacrificed or something?

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Hm... I never thought I would think this way, but I kind of want to quit Heroes more and more lately. There is nothing wrong with Heroes, but I am just depressed lately, and Heroes and a lot of other hobbies do not feel as fun as it used to. I want to focus more on other areas of my life, but unlike other hobbies where I can just drop it and pick it back up later, Heroes feels kind of overwhelming with all the time sensitive content, so it feels like I cannot really take a break. And if I do take a break, then I will probably quit Heroes for good.

Well, I guess I will keep playing Heroes for now. Hopefully, my shitty emotional and mental state is just a temporary phase and I do not quit Heroes at all. If I do quit though, I will let you guys know for sure before I go.

Would there be appeal in splitting the difference by picking specific aspects of Heroes to drop? I scaled back a lot late last year, ended up coming back to some things but other changes stuck, such as abandoning Aether Raids since I was spending way too much time on it and getting little out of it.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Would there be appeal in splitting the difference by picking specific aspects of Heroes to drop? I scaled back a lot late last year, ended up coming back to some things but other changes stuck, such as abandoning Aether Raids since I was spending way too much time on it and getting little out of it.

I do not think I can intentionally not do a mode. For me, it is either all or nothing. I am not going to beat myself over forgetting to do a mode or anything like that, but I am not going to ignore a mode either if I see it.

I unintentionally dropped Arena Assault for the last few weeks because I kept forgetting to do it, since they stopped giving the weekly quest for the mode, and I rely on those quests as reminders, especially now when I need it the most since there are other stuff constantly occupying my mind. I personally much rather do Arena Assault than various Summoner Duels, but for some reason I remember to do the modes I least like. I do not particularly hate Summoner Duels as a concept, but it becomes less enjoyable when it is forced upon you every other week. Summoner Duel S is the version I like the least; while I have a massive barracks with a variety of tools to choose from, none of my tools are particularly sharp due to a lack of merges. So no matter what team I pick for my opponent, it always seems like they have more merges than me.

Part me of wants to quit, but part of me does not want to quit either. For now, wanting to continue playing is stronger, but that sentiment is quickly getting weaker by the day.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

I do not think I can intentionally not do a mode. For me, it is either all or nothing. I am not going to beat myself over forgetting to do a mode or anything like that, but I am not going to ignore a mode either if I see it.

I unintentionally dropped Arena Assault for the last few weeks because I kept forgetting to do it, since they stopped giving the weekly quest for the mode, and I rely on those quests as reminders, especially now when I need it the most since there are other stuff constantly occupying my mind. I personally much rather do Arena Assault than various Summoner Duels, but for some reason I remember to do the modes I least like. I do not particularly hate Summoner Duels as a concept, but it becomes less enjoyable when it is forced upon you every other week. Summoner Duel S is the version I like the least; while I have a massive barracks with a variety of tools to choose from, none of my tools are particularly sharp due to a lack of merges. So no matter what team I pick for my opponent, it always seems like they have more merges than me.

Part me of wants to quit, but part of me does not want to quit either. For now, wanting to continue playing is stronger, but that sentiment is quickly getting weaker by the day.

Are you still sinking like New York Rent levels of money into the game each month? If so you should absolutely quit.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Are you still sinking like New York Rent levels of money into the game each month? If so you should absolutely quit.

Right now, I only spend enough money to get guaranteed summons, and get whatever Special Orb packs they have.

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Which is what, like a grand a year?

Probably two or three. A few months ago, there were a bunch of Three Houses Foci with guaranteed summons, so I spent about 700 on all of them.

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22 hours ago, XRay said:

Probably two or three. A few months ago, there were a bunch of Three Houses Foci with guaranteed summons, so I spent about 700 on all of them.

Yeah, I reckon you should stop. Use that money on a holiday to Hawaii instead.

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3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Yeah, I reckon you should stop. Use that money on a holiday to Hawaii instead.

Hm... That is strangely convincing. I am not going to use it on a vacation though. My friends have been trying to get me to quit to no avail for the past few years. Maybe I am just really tired right now in the morning and more prone to forceful suggestion.

I already forgot to log in yesterday. Let me see if I can avoid logging in today. I will uninstall the game tomorrow morning if I do not log in at all today. And if I do not reinstall by the end of the week, maybe say Saturday, then that probably means I am quitting for good and I will let you guys know.

It feels weird trying to quit right now with one of my favorite types of Heroes being introduced soon. Maybe it is best to leave on a high note while I am still fond of the game and genuinely somewhat excited. Farewell, Ninian: Ice Dragon Oracle, the most bonkers Firesweeping-Future Vision-Canto Dancer/Singer I will ever meet. Maybe in another timeline or lifetime, I would have pulled for someone that sounds so fun.

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Well, I guess it is official now, I am quitting Heroes. I have not played since Tuesday, uninstalled it and canceled FEH Pass on Thursday, and I have not reinstalled by Saturday. It is 2 am in the morning right now, but I do not think waiting for another 20 hours is really going to change my mind and reinstall the app.

I will still hang around here and comment from time to time. I am still fond of the game, especially all the fun mechanics. I just cannot deal with the constant pressure and time sensitive content at the moment when I need to focus on other areas of my life. I will enjoy the game vicariously through you all.

Fire Emblem Heroes is not technically my first gacha, but it is the first gacha I really love, really committed to, and spent a shit load of money on. Fire Emblem Heroes will also be the last. I do not regret spending all that money on a game series I love, but damn, I am not doing that again. I think I will stick with regular games from now on.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

I just cannot deal with the constant pressure and time sensitive content at the moment when I need to focus on other areas of my life. I will enjoy the game vicariously through you all.

That's the same thing that ended up driving me off a couple years ago, though of course I've returned to play casually and intermittently since then. I'm sure appealing to the FOMO compulsion is the most effective in terms of maximising the game's addictive qualities, but it's increasingly apparent that engagement time doesn't necessarily correlate with enjoyment.

I was never as committed, neither in terms of time nor finances as you were of course, and the introduction of Aether Raids was probably the beginning of the end for me. But regardless of that, it was always good to have someone almost ever-present to bounce ideas off, and your ready willingness to provide advice over the years has been much appreciated. See you on the Engage forum when it releases, should you decide to play that.

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7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

That's the same thing that ended up driving me off a couple years ago, though of course I've returned to play casually and intermittently since then. I'm sure appealing to the FOMO compulsion is the most effective in terms of maximising the game's addictive qualities, but it's increasingly apparent that engagement time doesn't necessarily correlate with enjoyment.

Yeah, I do not think I can play Heroes casually. The FOMO feeling makes it feel like it is either all or nothing for me. While I do not expect myself to play super competitively, I do want to at least participate in every mode and put in some effort.

Right now, I am just not in the right state of mind and I need the extra time for myself. I do not mind spending money on Heroes, but that is only if I can commit to it and play it fully to experience the game in its entirety.

7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I was never as committed, neither in terms of time nor finances as you were of course, and the introduction of Aether Raids was probably the beginning of the end for me. But regardless of that, it was always good to have someone almost ever-present to bounce ideas off, and your ready willingness to provide advice over the years has been much appreciated. See you on the Engage forum when it releases, should you decide to play that.

Thanks! I am a little busy lately so I have not interacted on the forums much, but I will still answer questions here if it is within my knowledge and experience. I think I will still hang around for quite a while and follow the meta and watch gameplay videos.

I want to get into Engage and Three Hopes, but I still need to finish Crimson Flower (I might do the other routes, but Edelgard is the only one I care about) and the first Warriors.

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@XRay gonna be kinda weird not having... well two voices of higher-level analytics I guess, but hey if that's the choice you think is right then that's alright. Regular games at least only cost $60 new before DLC. I know I wish I didn't spend so much money on this game sometimes...

I mean I guess you can still have input... but you know what I mean.

...if they released a new alt of Nowi though, I'd be spending like crazy.

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@XRay I think quitting will be good for you.   I will miss seeing you around here since you have been here since the start of the game. Honestly I don't care about any mode that doesn't give orbs so I don't get too stressed but I have always been almost F2P, spent about $100 over the lifetime of the game which I feel is fair and have always played casually.

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6 hours ago, Xenomata said:

@XRay gonna be kinda weird not having... well two voices of higher-level analytics I guess, but hey if that's the choice you think is right then that's alright. Regular games at least only cost $60 new before DLC. I know I wish I didn't spend so much money on this game sometimes...

I mean I guess you can still have input... but you know what I mean.

...if they released a new alt of Nowi though, I'd be spending like crazy.

I do not think my analysis are that high level. I mostly aim for the easiest solution, although it is not always the cheapest. As long as the game does not introduce something drastically game changing like Save skills, I think my experiences so far will still hold.

Other than Save skills, I do not think there are any other really game changing mechanics at that level. Save skills practically saved armor units from being literal shit and turned them into a god tier movement type, and is basically the best no-brainer go-to solution for everything. Save teams are on a whole other level of easiness compared to one nuke with multiple Dancers/Singers; and if you can afford to have both, PvE becomes a practical joke. Once I saw double Flayns with the Askran royalty in actual gameplay, that is when I knew it is the dawn of a new age. The next closest thing I can think of is damage reduction, but all that did is just make the pool of viable tanks wider; you still employ the same tactics and strategies. Canto is really cool, but it is basically just weaker Galeforce. Firesweep is still the most reliable general purpose answer to any problematic enemy phase unit, although you may want to add Fatal Smoke to stop high HP regeneration.

I guess what I like about gachas is the potentially long life span of the game and the community it fosters. I do not really mind the gacha itself. I just do not like the pressure and FOMO feeling.

I like regular games because it does not have that pressure, but on the other hand, they do not have the same longevity as gacha games, so the community feels a bit more distant? Less engaged? Less intimate? Or something along those lines. And unlike Bethesda who really knows how to extend the life of their games with the help of the community and mods, Nintendo is nowhere near that level. Heroes and Pokémon Go are the best thing Nintendo got, and they are still nowhere near the level of Skyrim and Fallout in my opinion.

2 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

@XRay I think quitting will be good for you.   I will miss seeing you around here since you have been here since the start of the game. Honestly I don't care about any mode that doesn't give orbs so I don't get too stressed but I have always been almost F2P, spent about $100 over the lifetime of the game which I feel is fair and have always played casually.

I will still be around for at least a while, just not as active. I think I will still comment on new Heroes and Refines, since I love mechanics. I think I will still answer questions from time to time if I have the energy.

For me, it is just so hard to ignore the quests and the weekly "to-do-list" so to speak. I just cannot ignore something if I can see it there. Even though I dislike the biweekly Summoner Duels, I still put in the effort to at least play it a few times to see if I can get into the next tier. I feel like I have to at least get the participation rewards. If I do not at least try to do it, then I get that FOMO feeling and it really bugs me. I do forget to do Arena Assault or some quests from time to time, but it is not intentional; but if I remember to do it, I will definitely do it. 

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I'm honestly up for more Dragons this Halloween if only because the Tellius dragons are probably not arriving for a long time without them. I just hope I get Nasir this time around, it's weird that he played a role in the plot of PoR and yet is still MIA.

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54 minutes ago, Medeus said:

I'm honestly up for more Dragons this Halloween if only because the Tellius dragons are probably not arriving for a long time without them. I just hope I get Nasir this time around, it's weird that he played a role in the plot of PoR and yet is still MIA.

Weird they still haven't given us any regular dragon laguz at all. When did Ena and Deg get in? Was it two years ago, three? Must be more than one. While we're obviously limited by banner spaces, I really thought they'd have given us a Mythic or Legendary Deghensea by now. Ena is also a character that could easily be used for Grand Hero Battle, but instead they threw the likes of Bertram at us even though he obviously should have been a Fallen Hero.

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5 hours ago, Jotari said:

Weird they still haven't given us any regular dragon laguz at all. When did Ena and Deg get in? Was it two years ago, three? Must be more than one. While we're obviously limited by banner spaces, I really thought they'd have given us a Mythic or Legendary Deghensea by now. Ena is also a character that could easily be used for Grand Hero Battle, but instead they threw the likes of Bertram at us even though he obviously should have been a Fallen Hero.

Two years. 2019 was the one with Duo Hector, 2020 had Harmonized Tiki along with the first dragon laguz, 2021 had Duo Sothis and Kurthnaga.

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