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The next HoF units are...


From the Fire Emblem: Binding Blade game:

  • Roy - Blazing Lion (Sword Infantry Legendary Hero)
  • Lilina - Beaming Bride (Blue Tome Cavalry)
  • Igrene - Ninja of Nabata (Colorless Dagger Flier)
  • Cath - Master Thief (Green Dagger Infantry)


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40 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

The next HoF units are...

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From the Fire Emblem: Binding Blade game:

  • Roy - Blazing Lion (Sword Infantry Legendary Hero)
  • Lilina - Beaming Bride (Blue Tome Cavalry)
  • Igrene - Ninja of Nabata (Colorless Dagger Flier)
  • Cath - Master Thief (Green Dagger Infantry)



Roy is eh. His remix/refine were just alright overall even at the time. A chance to get powerful skills might help him.

Bride Lilina is pretty good, albeit she already has most of what she'd want in her base kit. The only part she wants to replace is Joint Dist. Guard, but all that would take is ARmenace. I don't think using a Forma soul on her would be worth it unless you don't already have her and you can indeed get ARmenace on her. Seal Res 4 as well I guess.

Cath can certainly get a lot of goodies from HoF. A combination of Quick Dagger, ASfinish4, Special Spiral 4, Time's Pulse 4, Quickened Pulse, and Lethality would give her permanent powerful Lethality triggers on every combat, though for the sake of getting otherwise hard-to-get weapons I might opt for Bunny's Egg instead...

Igrene can only benefit. While she has a good weapon, her default skillset left a lot to be desired (basically served as a C Duel Flying 4 battery), so giving her any skills at all would be an improvement. ASoath4 might technically be a waste of the Guidance effect, but it can still give her an Atk/Spd field buff and bonus to rival the Spd/Def Rein she has by default.


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Hall of Forms stuff:


Bleh. No Grail unit again. Would it kill them to just put one Grail unit in every Hall of Forms? Not only does it give me a unit that I can safely use Trait Fruits on, but it also means that the banner will be 3 units instead of 4 for better sniping rates.


For everyone else:

Legendary Roy's base kit is pretty outdated. He'll definitely benefit from all of the recent infantry skills that have been released. He already has Distant Counter on his weapon, so his best option in the A slot is Atk/Spd Finish 4. This weapon also has Tempo already on it, so he doesn't care to wait for Velocity 4 and can go ahead with Spurn 4, assuming it's added to the skill pool this time around. Null C-Disrupt 4 is also a viable option, also assume it's added to the pool. His weapon doesn't have the Slaying effect on it, so Vital Astra and Godlike Reflexes are both out of the running, so he'll be stuck with just Ruptured Sky as his optimal Special.

Bride Lilina doesn't benefit from any of the recent A skills, but she can definitely get some better skills in her other passive slots. While her default A/R Far Trace is pretty good, she can benefit from having another option for the slot. Wings of Mercy 4 gives her more mobility at the cost of losing Canto, and Escape Route 4 gives her Canto (1), which is a bit more reliable than Canto (Rem.), but it requires her to take damage somewhere first. In her C slot, Def/Res Smoke 3 is pretty much the standard premium C skill for ranged cavalry right now.

Not having a released Arcane dagger yet is somewhat of an issue for Cath, as we don't really have any idea what builds it will be suited for yet. For the time being, any of the typical ranged builds is as good of a roll of the dice as any other.

Ninja Igrene can upgrade pretty much everything in her kit other than her weapon. Lethality is her best Special. Remote Sparrow is her best A skill. Escape Route 4 is better than S/D Far Trace due to her teleportation making Canto (Rem.) completely useless. Escape Route 4 has Canto (1) and also gives her more teleportation options. Her best options in the C slot are Guidance 4 and Atk/Spd Oath 4, though Spd/Def Hold is also pretty good.


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So Gambit 4 is pretty nuts turns out, after seeing a certain post it was brought to my attention that Ross could actually be pretty good.

He gets 15% of max health as true damage with his weapon, so that'll be around 7 or 8 true damage, run Aether and that turns into 44-46 on top of your ATK stat and the weapon debuff which is crazy on top of 50% DR that isn't dependent on a speed check. If he runs something like TP4 and a Breath seal, as long as they don't have guard, he can take a hit in EP, then hit them once, proc Aether and blow up basically whatever he's fighting. 

Only Issue is his A skill, there are no relevant skills that increase HP aside from Fireflood Boost so he's running that or waiting for the ATK/SPD | ATK/DEF variant which will be more hard to get premium fodder. Or he's compromising his PP or EP depending on what you pick since he wants to fight in both phases with the meister effect. So basically you're stuck with Distant A/S Solo as Finish skills are wasted on him since his special will basically never be ready.

With this new CYL7 fodder, I may have misjudged Ross' refine, maybe it was just waiting for the right skill. But it's admittedly a lot of work to make him workable when you could slap it on Haar or Cormag and just kill everything. Or even more horrifying... put it on Ninja Cherche if you just want to watch the world burn.

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20 minutes ago, Zeo said:

as Finish skills are wasted on him since his special will basically never be ready.

Finish is typically worth running as long as the Special activates at least once in combat, even if it's the last of 4 hits. Getting 5 extra damage and 7 HP regeneration even once per round of combat is already great, considering that Finish is active on both phases and has an extremely lenient condition that is easy to fulfill.


Gambit itself is amazing on units with Brave and Meister weapons because 10 damage per hit is well worth having a Special that takes a long time to charge. When you consider that Ruptured Sky typically hits for only ~15 damage and Bonfire typically hits for 20~25 damage, 10 extra damage per hit plus the occasional Special proc is amazing.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Finish is typically worth running as long as the Special activates at least once in combat, even if it's the last of 4 hits. Getting 5 extra damage and 7 HP regeneration even once per round of combat is already great, considering that Finish is active on both phases and has an extremely lenient condition that is easy to fulfill.

I agree with this, but not in Ross' case. Unlike faster characters who are capable of quadding, fliers running Dive Bomb 3 or even units with special charge, Ross will seldom be given opportunities to reap the benefits of the skill. He lacks special charge +1 unless you run it as a seal, He's not fast enough to quad the speedy units, the more squishy units will simply die in the first two hits, and the slower tanks typically have followup negation which means he's only attacking twice anyways unless you run the NF3 seal which is opportunity cost vs a Breath seal for EP functionality or some other seal.

Between those scenarios (IE, most) and units straight up running guard which is full stop, he's at best proccing a special every other combat or worst, every 2 or 3 (or not at all).

Not going to argue against the stat boost being active in both phases, that is fantastic regardless, but Distant A/S Solo gives a close enough boost in stats even with the solo restriction, and you have the advantage of most likely nuking pretty much any ranged unit on EP that isn't capable of oneshotting him through 50% damage reduction, which is not easy.

6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Gambit itself is amazing on units with Brave and Meister weapons because 10 damage per hit is well worth having a Special that takes a long time to charge. When you consider that Ruptured Sky typically hits for only ~15 damage and Bonfire typically hits for 20~25 damage, 10 extra damage per hit plus the occasional Special proc is amazing.

That's true. Sword Reinhart, Lex, Haar, Cormag, Ross and Cherche (Both OG and Ninja) are prime examples but a lot of other brave units could benefit greatly, even bulky units with the inheritable ninja weapons. But we can pretty safely assume that Haar and Cherche are the cream of the crop and probably the best use of the skill for SI. Ross himself is a decent pick, but he takes a lot more to shine in the scheme of things and while he may hit a bit harder than a lot of the other brave units, he's not effectively immortal like Haar and Cherche.

Edited by Zeo
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7 hours ago, Zeo said:

Not going to argue against the stat boost being active in both phases, that is fantastic regardless, but Distant A/S Solo gives a close enough boost in stats even with the solo restriction, and you have the advantage of most likely nuking pretty much any ranged unit on EP that isn't capable of oneshotting him through 50% damage reduction, which is not easy.

I purposefully leave out Distant A/S Solo when comparing A skills because the skill has no competition. If you're running a Distant Counter build, then Distant A/S Solo is the only optimal choice (for fast units not running Savior), and if you're not running a Distant Counter build, then Distant A/S Solo is never an optimal choice. Since the decision point for Distant A/S Solo is functionally at determining the unit's role and not at the comparison of skill options for that role, there's no need to actually include it in comparisons.

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I wonder why IS skipped The Sacred Stones from the Limited Battles rotation... The Sacred Stones always came after Shadow Dragon/(New) Mystery of the Emblem, so it should be Cordelia's GHB limitation. But it got skipped and we got Awakening instead, which should be Colm & Neimi's limitation instead. And then the rotation followed normally.

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10 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I wonder why IS skipped The Sacred Stones from the Limited Battles rotation... The Sacred Stones always came after Shadow Dragon/(New) Mystery of the Emblem, so it should be Cordelia's GHB limitation. But it got skipped and we got Awakening instead, which should be Colm & Neimi's limitation instead. And then the rotation followed normally.

This might be what they're planning for September:

Fallen Linus: Sacred Stones (instead of Fates)
Monica & Edelgard: Fates (instead of Binding Blade)
Gotoh & Fomortiis: Binding Blade (instead of Engage)
Berkut: Engage (instead of Three Houses)
M!Robin: Three Houses (instead of Tellius)

Notably if IS doesn't do something like this, we'll wind up with Engage for Gotoh & Fomortiis. I imagine a lot of players would be completely unable to beat that without getting really creative with M!Alear, Zephia and Lumera. And even with how strong those three are, they all share the same color (red).

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FEH is generally too money hungr...ahem I mean too conservative in its creating of banner but I think a Day of Devotion banner centered around House Reglay would be among the stronger themes FEH could go for. Valentine has been depicted as family love rather than romantic love in Askr, and Reglay embodies that trait very well. Its a very big family of both blood and adoptive family who all seem to value each other a lot. I think aside from Erk all members of the house are at least decently popular, and it would give the FE6 and FE7 branches of the family chance to finally have screentime together. 

Louise doting on Dieck, or Clarissa treating a bewildered Erk with the same worship as she does Klein would be very funny. 

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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

FEH is generally too money hungr...ahem I mean too conservative in its creating of banner but I think a Day of Devotion banner centered around House Reglay would be among the stronger themes FEH could go for. Valentine has been depicted as family love rather than romantic love in Askr, and Reglay embodies that trait very well. Its a very big family of both blood and adoptive family who all seem to value each other a lot. I think aside from Erk all members of the house are at least decently popular, and it would give the FE6 and FE7 branches of the family chance to finally have screentime together. 

Louise doting on Dieck, or Clarissa treating a bewildered Erk with the same worship as she does Klein would be very funny. 

Believe it or not, but I don’t think financial viability would be the biggest reason preventing us from getting that banner idea. It would be the fact that IS has already used Elibe for a Day of Devotion banner (the first one in 2018) and have yet to repeat a particular FE title for that theme.

Instead, would you’d be opposed to seeing the Reglay characters on the Teatime theme (assuming that this theme sticks, unlike the Thieves theme)?

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...Okay, I need to say it. I'm starting to consider quitting this game.

I've been less active lately more due to laziness than anything, but the addition of terrain effects on command may have pushed me over the line from "laziness" to "actively winding down". The powercreep in this game is goddamn insane, and it's reached the point where I can load up my favorite units with all the state-of-the-art skills only to have them still swatted like flies by whatever comes from the very next banner. Lately it feels like powercreep in this game is less about numbers we can comprehend and more about loading units with so many skills that people don't or can't read them all, and it just feels bad.

I'm a meticulous and stubborn motherfucker when it comes to math and strategy, but I've found my will tested trying to keep track of all the stuff that can be on just one unit these days, nevermind any nearby supports and now the terrain too. It eventually just boils down to "just throw something that looks good at the enemy and hope it works", and that just isn't fun nor is it what I signed up for. For a sense of scale, I very rarely quit a game I haven't finished, not even a gacha (because, again, stubborn motherfucker), so the fact that I'm considering it now means there's a serious problem.

As for what "winding down" entails, I'm probably not going to bother maintaining my Arena tier (Aether Raids is fine because staying in T21 there is no effort whatsoever) and likely won't be doing the Legendary/Mythic or Limited Hero Battles anymore. I'm mostly just hanging on for the sake of gathering Orbs for favorites and seeing how the story ends. It's been a long and interesting journey, but I think I've had my fill.


e: ...Wow, it's some delicious irony for this to be the post that raises my rank to "Contributor".

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@Some Jerk Yeah I've been feeling pretty much the same thing. Really the only thing tethering me to the game at this point is all of the units that I've built over the years and wanting to improve them... which feels more and more pointless to do as we keep getting new units who keep overshadowing every other released unit just by existing.

It doesn't help that Heroes has actively made me despise the Fodlan games and characters, yet doesn't want to stop throwing explicit favoritism at them...

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@Some Jerk I agree entirely, the powercreep is fucking stupid and I hate how characters I actually like are now super outdated (Rath, Ike, Reinhardt, and some others. Even characters who've had recent powerful alts like Eirika and Marth get power crept fast) and there's just WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH going on.

I'd quit, if it weren't for the fact that I do enjoy some parts of the game, and I really want Tormod in before I give it up entirely. Also, I don't spend money anymore so it's not like I'm investing anything in it anyway, I guess.

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I'm sticking around for the art, music, and plot myself; ever since fallen Edelgard I haven't taken the gameplay seriously, and even now, I already forgotten what the newest Ayra does, and I don't want to read that wall of text

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I've been in and out for ages now but perhaps a bit of a hot take is that I don't particularly care about the power creep. That's not to say I don't understand the complaints, but they're not personally relevant for me.

Well, mostly. The part that does bother me most is that at the pace they add new skills, there's no longer any care taken to ensure fair and accessible inheritance chains. Stuff like a new premium unit having two ultra-premium tier 4 skills but with no practical way to get them both. This gridlock has pretty much stopped me from doing any proper builds and I now almost exclusively just use units with their base kits again, like back in early 2017. That certainly makes the game less interesting, and as someone who does not play competitive modes, that means there aren't really any decisions to make beyond "do I summon on this banner or not?"

Beyond that, it's mostly a matter of the gameplay modes being completely stale and with zero effort to touch them up. You can even see it in things like obsolete reward systems - oh come play this mode today to get four whole dragonflowers! It's a shame because systems-wise, I still find FEH's deterministic approach to battles far more tactically interesting than mainline Fire Emblem games. I'm just about to drag my sorry arse past the final few chapters of Engage, and I'll be glad to see the back of it.

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The issue of being able to keep up with skill effects would be less of an issue if the English localization team would learn how to use paragraphs.

I really only have two issues with the power creep, and neither of them have anything to do directly with stacking skill effects.

The first issue is the fact that "conditional" effects are no longer really conditional. All of them have conditions that are so easy to activate that they're basically just always active. HP conditions are almost always "25% or higher" now, and pretty much every player-phase unit has an alternate condition to activate their effect on enemy phase just to make them harder to kill when in the AI's hands. Even Dodge skills now have Phantom Spd built in just to make sure you're getting the Dodge effect.

The other issue I have is the fact that they keep adding brand new tier-4 skills on units that aren't in the standard summoning pool and then taking absolutely forever to give us the tier-3 skills on easier-to-obtain units. And no, 4-star Special Heroes don't fucking count. The most egregious case of this recently was Eitr, who, despite being a unit type intended to be used as skill fodder, is nearly useless as skill fodder because no one else has Beast Perception 3 to allow her to chain the skill.

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I'll be honest and say that I don't think about the power creep a whole lot, at least from the perspective of what it seems they want enemy units to get away with. After a while it just becomes extreme cases of that thing in the main FE games where the enemy has weapons and/or skills that your army can never use without hacking (Helswath, Bolverk, or Grima's Truth for instance) and that you just have to fight through because otherwise you can't win the fight. In fairness I could technically have them if I just summon for them, but not with my luck...

Edited by Xenomata
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One unit I have been using as Soren's Assign Decoy is Hel. She is quite speedy, target foe's Res which normally is her foe's lowest stats (sometimes she get unlucky with some fliers though), and she also has Miracle so her chances of surviving the combat are very high. She would do great if she had Guard Bearing 4 (mine doesn't) or even Gambit 4.

That makes me very curious about her remix and refinement next month. I hope her weapon gets update from "calculates damage using foe's Res" to "calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res".

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10 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

That makes me very curious about her remix and refinement next month. I hope her weapon gets update from "calculates damage using foe's Res" to "calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res".

I actually wonder about the T4 skill she'll get. Will she just get a direct upgrade to Distant Counter or Guard Bearing, or will she get something new like Mystic Boost 4 (since that would technically work in tandem even with her base weapon) or maybe even Distant AS Solo?

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Dude, getting Distant A/S Solo on Hel would be amazing. But I think it'd be a little too amazing for IS. It's possible that they'll just upgrade her personal C-skill and call it a day.

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12 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I actually wonder about the T4 skill she'll get. Will she just get a direct upgrade to Distant Counter or Guard Bearing, or will she get something new like Mystic Boost 4 (since that would technically work in tandem even with her base weapon) or maybe even Distant AS Solo?

I can see Hel getting Distant Dart, since she is quite speedy.

Or Distant Stance, to give her more Res to tank mages, since her Miracle doesn't work against them. This one would be funny since her share to that banner should be Ganglot, who also have Distant Stance.

I don't think we are getting Guard Bearing 4 on her, even though that would be great.

11 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Dude, getting Distant A/S Solo on Hel would be amazing. But I think it'd be a little too amazing for IS. It's possible that they'll just upgrade her personal C-skill and call it a day.

I don't think they would only give her, or any Legendary/Mythic, just the remix to the Prf skill. A new skill is coming alongside it.

Even Marth, who didnt get a new inheritable skill but got access to Shining Emblem for his special as new skill.

I honestly don't think they will give her Distant A/S Solo, but the options I mentioned above are a possibility. Any DC variation that doesn't deal damage on herself, like the Storm or Pressure variations.

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