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2 hours ago, Kaden said:

Edit: Also, Saber's literally sword infantry Minerva. There's nothing wrong with him and given his default skills, he's geared more towards defense, but you could dump Fury or L&D3 on him to make him similar to Minerva.

Wow. I just realised this, checked the stats and you're right. I mean Slaying Edge is a bit weaker because it's not a prf but wow, this makes me want to build Saber out of curiosity now., although he's +Res/-HP so it's not the most optimal but not exactly the worst either.

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41 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wow. I just realised this, checked the stats and you're right. I mean Slaying Edge is a bit weaker because it's not a prf but wow, this makes me want to build Saber out of curiosity now., although he's +Res/-HP so it's not the most optimal but not exactly the worst either.

Funny thing about Saber is that he's actually a good user of Life and Death

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I've been playing this game since launch and never pulled a Ryoma and now... I did it T.T.

I only had 5 orbs this morning and try 1 pull... And it happens :'))))

@Xenomata It emits LIGHT BRO T.T!

And well, let's talk about his stats:

It's totally neutral, which is in part worth and otherwise not. But i built him as i want hehehehehe. So the final result is this (I'm from Spain so the game is in spanish, i explain you the abilities):

-Raijinto; -Reciprocal Aid; -Astra; Fury 3; -Desperation 3; Threaten Def 3.

Well I'm thinking on change Desperation with Renewal 3 'cause his speed is enough to x2 most of the match ups so... I think is worth with fury to heal himself. But I don't know, i'm just happy atm XDDDDD.

The sacred seal that I use is Distant Def 3.

If you guys think that other build is worth i'm open to your ideas :D.


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And like that, I finally have all 3 of the Askr trio leveled up and sitting at level 40. All three of them get really nice confessions which I appreciate. And Anna is so much fun to use. IDK why I didn't level her up earlier. Now I just need to shove her full of skills. Shouldn't be a problem at all. :3

@Nosmur Congrats on your Ryoma!!! :3 It's really great when you finally pull the character you want! That build looks pretty solid to me. I think most units tend not to want Astra however since a lot of other skills are superior. From what I've seen, you can't go wrong with Moonbow for its short cooldown. You might replace Reciprocal Aid with a movement skill if you like to use those. Reposition is the king of all movement skills. 

I say keep Desperation on him! It works really well with Fury. Once Ryoma's health is at 75%, if he can double, he'll hit twice before the enemy can counterattack. Fury knocks down his health safely! A fun strategy is to use Desperation with the Brash Assault seal, but Distant Defense is pretty amazing too!

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@Nosmur Desperation actually has a very similar function to Renewal. What it does is that it lets you double when a single counter-hit would've killed you. What renewal does, on the other hand, is to make sure you have enough hp leftover to eat said counter-hit.

Desperation suffers from the problem that things like Vantage, Hardy Bearing, -breakers, or deflects (and Urvan) could neuter the effect.

Renewal suffers from the fact that some units can't tank hits even at full hp, and the fact that you need time to heal.


For Ryoma, he happens to be min-maxed to the point that he has 0 issues tanking hits at full hp 41/27 might not be Chrom tier, but 60 is a very good ball park to shoot for when considering single hits, and Ryoma has 68. Meaning the OHKO from full isn't a issue. The other fact, that you need time, isn't really an issue except against horses, who don't give you the time or space to leisurely heal (unless they're wasting turns repositioning themselves). Honestly, neither renewal nor desperation matter much vs. horses, so it's a non-issue.

(Renewal is also useless vs. the rare CC Vantage -blade build, but, fortunately, most people just copy and paste builds they see on reddit or the wikis, and, well, the fact that CC and -blade is a hilariously overpowered combo simply doesn't occur to them. I mean, seriously, there are people out there merging Takumi because they think CC is a bad skill. What the actual fuck.)


The choice between renewal and desperation is mostly a meta thing: Do you see more low hp Vantage units, Hardy Bearing Seals, Deflect seals, or Urvans more than mage units that can counter-kill Ryoma?

(Personally I prefer renewal over desperation on units that are well min-maxed, because renewal has a secondary function of letting the owner tank hits on enemy phase, which is occasionally useful in arena, and very useful in PvE.)


Fury 3 is fine (particularly with Renewal, which fixes its only real weakness). Astral is basically a slightly below average special, but, honestly, special choice isn't too important. (I would say even cd specials tend to be better on average simply because they fire about a combat round sooner, but, really, all specials fire too late to matter in an arena run---it's the first combat that matters, killer weapons (barring Urvan) suck, and quickened pulse is one unit only.) C-slot is basically a 'whatever' slot. I prefer having a bunch of buffs there, maybe a smoke, but anything work there, particularly because infantry don't have class buffs anyway. Distant Defense seal has nothing to fault, either, let's Ryoma counter-kill a bit more than he could usually (particularly considering Fury 3's extra bulk), making runs smoother.


tl;dr Build's pretty good, any adjustments would be basically minor improvements or sidegrades.

Edited by DehNutCase
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so BHB Reruns and no xander and camus ghbrerun. Something smells fishy. Either a indirect nerf hammer to cavalry iscoming in terms of skills for other units, or... Xander and Camus become banner pull units to draw out money...

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1 hour ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I think most units tend not to want Astra however since a lot of other skills are superior. From what I've seen, you can't go wrong with Moonbow for its short cooldown. You might replace Reciprocal Aid with a movement skill if you like to use those. Reposition is the king of all movement skills. 

I say keep Desperation on him! It works really well with Fury. Once Ryoma's health is at 75%, if he can double, he'll hit twice before the enemy can counterattack.

I'm thinking on change Astral with Moonbow too, there are both great so... I think i will try it too :3. Thank you tho!

59 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

@Nosmur Desperation actually has a very similar function to Renewal. What it does is that it lets you double when a single counter-hit would've killed you. What renewal does, on the other hand, is to make sure you have enough hp leftover to eat said counter-hit.

(Renewal is also useless vs. the rare CC Vantage -blade build, but, fortunately, most people just copy and paste builds they see on reddit or the wikis, and, well, the fact that CC and -blade is a hilariously overpowered combo simply doesn't occur to them. I mean, seriously, there are people out there merging Takumi because they think CC is a bad skill. What the actual fuck.)

(Personally I prefer renewal over desperation on units that are well min-maxed, because renewal has a secondary function of letting the owner tank hits on enemy phase, which is occasionally useful in arena, and very useful in PvE.)

Fury 3 is fine (particularly with Renewal, which fixes its only real weakness). C-slot is basically a 'whatever' slot. I prefer having a bunch of buffs there, maybe a smoke, but anything work there, particularly because infantry don't have class buffs anyway. Distant Defense seal has nothing to fault, either, let's Ryoma counter-kill a bit more than he could usually (particularly considering Fury 3's extra bulk), making runs smoother.

Lelz CC "Bad skill" XDDDD people don't know how to make it worth, i guess...

I prefer renewal too so i think i will go with that for sure, i like it so muche and, as you said, renewal fixes that real weakness (talkin' about fury, ofc).

I feel that with the C-Slot HAHAHA so i decide to put him the Threaten Def skill. I think that Hone spd or other buffs work soooo well with him or other infantry units, as you said, infantry units don't have class buffs so... I works anyway.


Thank you @Rafiel's Aria @DehNutCase for your opinion!! :D


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5 minutes ago, Nosmur said:

I'm thinking on change Astral with Moonbow too, there are both great so... I think i will try it too :3. Thank you tho!

Thank you @Rafiel's Aria @DehNutCase for your opinion!! :D

No problem! Good luck with your Ryoma. :3 He's a pretty top notch unit!

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Not much has changed on my end, except my Michalis is going to be in big trouble m.


I do find it odd how IS is avoiding Camus and Xander like the plague, especially since the two have gained a lot of competition as of late with the many additions of sword and lance cavaliers. I don’t really like the idea of BHBs rerunning at all, Cecilia and Lillina’s was particularly miserable.

Edited by Silverly
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30 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I do find it odd how IS is avoiding Camus and Xander like the plague, especially since the two have gained a lot of competition as of late with the many additions of sword and lance cavaliers. I don’t really like the idea of BHBs rerunning at all, Cecilia and Lillina’s was particularly miserable.



If they rerun BHBs, I want them to either bring back their Banners and/or reset the Orbs for the maps.  Currently, they are very underwhelming.

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ARGH I am frustrated --' I bought orbs but they didn't show up, and of course the payment went in. I contacted the support and obviously they said "solve your problem with apple not us :)", but I still didn't receive the email from apple about my purchase, so I can't do shit, basically.

I was having fun with this game, but I don't wanna play anymore if I don't get my orba or a refund ;-;

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7 minutes ago, May B. said:

ARGH I am frustrated --' I bought orbs but they didn't show up, and of course the payment went in. I contacted the support and obviously they said "solve your problem with apple not us :)", but I still didn't receive the email from apple about my purchase, so I can't do shit, basically.

I was having fun with this game, but I don't wanna play anymore if I don't get my orba or a refund ;-;

Isn't there a Complete Purchase option in the menu?

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9 minutes ago, May B. said:

Yes, I tried that, but nothing changed x_x also restarting the app and the cellphone

Did the payment show up on your credit card transaction list?  If it did, record whatever info you have from that and contact Apple's customer support.  I have a friend who works with Apple's customer support, and he says like 50% of his calls are about payment issues.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Did the payment show up on your credit card transaction list?  If it did, record whatever info you have from that and contact Apple's customer support.  I have a friend who works with Apple's customer support, and he says like 50% of his calls are about payment issues.

Yep, when I make a purchase with my credit card, 3 things happen:

I receive a message on my cellphone showing me the purchase (date, hour and how much it costs)

It will appear on my bank acc

I receive an e-mail from apple about the purchase, too, however this one I receive with a delay sometimes, and I still didn't receive x_x If I look on my purchases through apple's site, it only shows the orbs I bought last month


Oh well, first time for everything I guess, I contacted them today, lets see how it goes..

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2 minutes ago, May B. said:

Yep, when I make a purchase with my credit card, 3 things happen:

I receive a message on my cellphone showing me the purchase (date, hour and how much it costs)

It will appear on my bank acc

I receive an e-mail from apple about the purchase, too, however this one I receive with a delay sometimes, and I still didn't receive x_x If I look on my purchases through apple's site, it only shows the orbs I bought last month


Oh well, first time for everything I guess, I contacted them today, lets see how it goes..

Holy... I hope that they'll fix it... This game is so fun to let you go away D:

Apple has a good support btw, i think they will fix it :) good luck anyway!

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Just now, Nosmur said:

Holy... I hope that they'll fix it... This game is so fun to let you go away D:

Apple has a good support btw, i think they will fix it :) good luck anyway!

Yep, I am having fun lol And thank you

also your marth profile pic is gorgeous

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3 hours ago, Nosmur said:


@Xenomata It emits LIGHT BRO T.T!

Light, lightning, who's keeping track.

Not me, I spent all morning playing splatoon and undertale. Everything is one big blur of ink and... friendliness pellets.

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Twist: the next FEH broadcast is just a 20 minute announcement and discussion about Xander and Camus being rerun. At this point, I don't think anyone would even be too upset about that.

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21 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Twist: the next FEH broadcast is just a 20 minute announcement and discussion about Xander and Camus being rerun. At this point, I don't think anyone would even be too upset about that.

The FEH stream better be at least a 20 minute explanation about why they weren’t rerun.

Horse lives matter

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30 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

The FEH stream better be at least a 20 minute explanation about why they weren’t rerun.

Horse lives matter

"We know that you have all been wanting Xander and Camus to come back, but we have a perfectly good reason for waiting this long. We figured that, once we released Ayra and Sigurd, Xander and Camus wouldn't seem so impressive anymore!"

- Feh in a few days, probably.

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

"We know that you have all been wanting Xander and Camus to come back, but we have a perfectly good reason for waiting this long. We figured that, once we released Ayra and Sigurd, Xander and Camus wouldn't seem so impressive anymore!"

- FEH, probably.

Feh would then remark about how because of this, Camus and Xander have been training together rigorously to become Brave Heroes. Cue three person-banner with them and Narcian, as well as a free summon for one of them.

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