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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian Wow perfect Merric. All my +Atk Merrics are -Def...which defeats the purpose of Merric.

Support Setsuna with Arthur! Their bad luck together will combine into good luck and create the luckiest child ever in Percy!

I’d prefer any of Julia, Deirdre, Sonya, or Rhajat (or all of the above) instead of these Merrics, but it will have to do.

This makes sense.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I’d prefer any of Julia, Deirdre, Sonya, or Rhajat (or all of the above) instead of these Merrics, but it will have to do.

This makes sense.

I know the feeling. Merric was my only green mage for a long time. At least he could take a hit, even from a swordie surprisingly

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

If I’ve had Amelia, they would’ve marched around like the unstoppable army they are. Haunted by Elise yet?

I am indeed, but Alm is seeming strangely lonely... I wonder if he misses a few of his friends?

13 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Support Setsuna with Arthur! Their bad luck together will combine into good luck and create the luckiest child ever in Percy!

I have a +Atk Setsuna I'm casually training up. Of course that's put on hold now that I have Bridelia.

Also I finally managed to do some Sacred Seal forges, and upgraded the Squad Ace Attack and Speed seals! Now I can fix the like of Shiro and Deirdre!....I just need to get more SP...

Hrmm... but that would mean I have to actually build an Arthur... and I don't particularly like Percy anyway...

That's what happened to me with every archer once I got Clarisse. There's a decent chance that I won't even start to build any other archers until I can get Clarisse to her max possible merge right now (+3, so two more!).

Nice! I still need a few more Great Badges and coins before I can upgrade Squad Ace E, unfortunately. And here I am, wanting to forge Res+3 so I can make my +Res +2 Deirdre's Res even more stupid.

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5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I am indeed, but Alm is seeming strangely lonely... I wonder if he misses a few of his friends?

Hrmm... but that would mean I have to actually build an Arthur... and I don't particularly like Percy anyway...

That's what happened to me with every archer once I got Clarisse. There's a decent chance that I won't even start to build any other archers until I can get Clarisse to her max possible merge right now (+3, so two more!).

Nice! I still need a few more Great Badges and coins before I can upgrade Squad Ace E, unfortunately. And here I am, wanting to forge Res+3 so I can make my +Res +2 Deirdre's Res even more stupid.

I am now quite poor on the blue badges though. I hate how it's random if you get great badges or the smaller ones. Lucky I have Halloween Henry, although my second account doesn't have him or Spring Xander so getting them will be slower.

Arthur is pretty solid, kind of like an infantry Camilla with a Narcian-esque default kit. I used him to get that last Squad Ace seal actually, in that Elise map (your fave little sister). I used Felicia to deal with the healers, Arthur for Effie, Karel for Arthur and Wrys to heal Felicia because she can't heal herself with Breath of Life.

What about building Setsuna with 'Marth'? Very fitting when she say "Oh, look a butterfly!" next to the butterfly mask wearer.

Or Setsuna and Fae? They will probably get along with their personalities.

Also I really like her Japanese VA. Very soothing to hear.

Speaking of archers...I wonder if I should support Niles and Leon? Gay archer duo squad go?

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I am now quite poor on the blue badges though. I hate how it's random if you get great badges or the smaller ones. Lucky I have Halloween Henry, although my second account doesn't have him or Spring Xander so getting them will be slower.

Arthur is pretty solid, kind of like an infantry Camilla with a Narcian-esque default kit. I used him to get that last Squad Ace seal actually, in that Elise map (your fave little sister). I used Felicia to deal with the healers, Arthur for Effie, Karel for Arthur and Wrys to heal Felicia because she can't heal herself with Breath of Life.

What about building Setsuna with 'Marth'? Very fitting when she say "Oh, look a butterfly!" next to the butterfly mask wearer.

Or Setsuna and Fae? They will probably get along with their personalities.

Also I really like her Japanese VA. Very soothing to hear.

Speaking of archers...I wonder if I should support Niles and Leon? Gay archer duo squad go?

I am absolutely drained of Blue Great Badges, haha. The two Spd seals drained me of everything I had. Meanwhile, I have almost 2,000 of both Green and Colorless Great Badges, so I should probably forge some of the badges that need those.

I may look at his stats more sometime and think of a way to build him, he was a surprise favorite of mine in Fates. I think I used a F2P strategy video for that map, although I stopped after that because I surprisingly was missing some of the units used in the video.

Unfortunately... 'Marth' is a little busy with CYL Lucina right now. They were my very first Heroes Support, and I doubt I'll ever break them up.

That could work, but I'll mostly be using Fae in Dragon Emblem from now on, so they might not see much action together. Although I am planning to Support Maria with somebody outside of the main team I plan to run her in, so I guess Setsuna could get the same treatment.

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Although I am planning to Support Maria with somebody outside of the main team I plan to run her in, so I guess Setsuna could get the same treatment.

With someone special? /wink

Anyway, I have no idea how one can have not enough badges.

I want to get the original, vanilla, Bailey-voiced, Falchion-wielding, maskless Lucina one day D: Is it too much to ask for?

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

With someone special? /wink

Anyway, I have no idea how one can have not enough badges.

I want to get the original, vanilla, Bailey-voiced, Falchion-wielding, maskless Lucina one day D: Is it too much to ask for?

The couple will certainly be "red" with love! *intense winking*

I blame not using the Tower often for grinding. And when I do, it's on the weekends, so any Badges that I get are pretty much left up to chance.

Apparently yes, because I've been hoping for her as well. At least Heroes took pity on our poor souls and gave us Masked Marth.

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14 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

I am absolutely drained of Blue Great Badges, haha. The two Spd seals drained me of everything I had. Meanwhile, I have almost 2,000 of both Green and Colorless Great Badges, so I should probably forge some of the badges that need those.

I may look at his stats more sometime and think of a way to build him, he was a surprise favorite of mine in Fates. I think I used a F2P strategy video for that map, although I stopped after that because I surprisingly was missing some of the units used in the video.

Unfortunately... 'Marth' is a little busy with CYL Lucina right now. They were my very first Heroes Support, and I doubt I'll ever break them up.

That could work, but I'll mostly be using Fae in Dragon Emblem from now on, so they might not see much action together. Although I am planning to Support Maria with somebody outside of the main team I plan to run her in, so I guess Setsuna could get the same treatment.

Who else do you have that needs supports? Felicia because of their clumsiness and absent-mindedness?

Or for something random....Beruka? Or Odin? She'd definitely be absent-minded enough to believe the words out of Odin's mouth

@Vaximillian Because we used those badges up 

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Who else do you have that needs supports? Felicia because of their clumsiness and absent-mindedness?


Seriously, Flora when? Give us a CC dagger, IS!

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Just now, Vaximillian said:


Seriously, Flora when? Give us a CC dagger, IS!

Flora with Ignis go!

I want Emmeryn. She could be like a Deirdre, but a different colour?

Emmeryn x Setsuna  @DefaultBeep 

Hmm speaking of choices...I'm not sure who to give the Water Blessing, too. I assume someone with a different colour than Fjorm.. maybe someone red? I haven't even built up Fjorm yet since I'm unsure what to do with her...

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Hmm speaking of choices...I'm not sure who to give the Water Blessing, too. I assume someone with a different colour than Fjorm.. maybe someone red? I haven't even built up Fjorm yet since I'm unsure what to do with her...

I was tempted to give it to Alfonse while I was working on their support two days ago. So give it to Alfonse! And do Alfonse×Fjorm! They are so cute together.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

I was tempted to give it to Alfonse while I was working on their support two days ago. So give it to Alfonse! And do Alfonse×Fjorm! They are so cute together.

Hmm...that's actually a good idea since Alfonse is left by himself thanks to the Sharena x Anna pair...

Although lately I've gone for an armour team + Askr in arena so I'm not sure I have space for the two...

Wait for Sutr to pair to Fjorm?

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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Wait for Sutr to pair to Fjorm?

Give her Ignis instead to wreath her in flames of righteous fury.

Meanwhile on the topic of curious teams, Team Colour Coordinated: Arvis, Ursula, Cecilia, Jakob.

(red hair, red colour; blue hair, blue colour; green hair, green colour; grey hair, grey colour)

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Give her Ignis instead to wreath her in flames of righteous fury.

So Ignis, Fire Boost, Wrath and Savage Blow/Spd Smoke?

Beserker Fjorm has arrived!

She also gets Shove because she's more aggressive (and to shove that huge hulking fiery behemoth around as he does 20 damage around foes)

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So Ignis, Fire Boost, Wrath and Savage Blow/Spd Smoke?

Beserker Fjorm has arrived!

She also gets Shove because she's more aggressive (and to shove that huge hulking fiery behemoth around as he does 20 damage around foes)

I left her with her default abilities, and i'm running with her in my team rn.

It's actually a good set to defend, if you don't want to play aggressive and you want to wait for your opponent's attack (that's why i'm running Sigurd/Fjorm) giving him or her Distant def's SS.

But it depends on what are you looking for, if you want to be more aggressive with her Berserker Fjorm is a great option!

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5 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I just realised 2/3 of the heroes OC's are Female or 70% if we decide to count FEH among the females (ignoring the cipher characters.) 

I just counted and hey, you are completely right.

Males: Alfonse, Bruno, Surtr.

Females: Sharena, Veronica, Loki, Fjorm, Gunnthrá, Laevantain, Feh.

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12 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I just realised 2/3 of the heroes OC's are Female or 70% if we decide to count FEH among the females (ignoring the cipher characters.) 


5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I just counted and hey, you are completely right.

Males: Alfonse, Bruno, Surtr.

Females: Sharena, Veronica, Loki, Fjorm, Gunnthrá, Laevantain, Feh.

Brings whole new meaning to the name "Waifu Wars" if I may speak my piece.

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I just counted and hey, you are completely right.

Males: Alfonse, Bruno, Surtr.

Females: Sharena, Veronica, Loki, Fjorm, Gunnthrá, Laevantain, Feh.


20 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I just realised 2/3 of the heroes OC's are Female or 70% if we decide to count FEH among the females (ignoring the cipher characters.) 

I guess they have to make up for the fact most of the FE characters in main games are male and we are gonna run out out females sooner than later

@Nosmur Yeah I guess I'll go default, since I don't really have any other ideas for her.

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@mampfoid Oh my gosh that is great

I can make visual meme builds! Or build related to their character!


Deft Harpoon because he likes spear fishing. Swordbreaker to beat his dad's Raijinto even more! 

I do wish there's an app that will let you make your builds and turn them intro proper sprites with the chosen weapon...

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15 hours ago, Alkaid said:


Somebody redpill me how to make Valter really good. I was excited to promote him but ever since doing so he's probably been my least-impressive flier after Camilla (since she's still not built yet).. He looks so good on paper, but I just haven't found much use for him.

Well, I'm pretty vanilla with builds. I think I went for his default build + swordbreaker. I can't remember if I gave him moonbow or if he came with it. Honestly, I only needed some extra lances against bulky sword users, and he has pretty high attack and moonbow procs a lot :D

I can't remember his A slot, if he comes with one. Knowing me, I just threw a +Atk on there ^.^''

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31 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Well, I'm pretty vanilla with builds. I think I went for his default build + swordbreaker. I can't remember if I gave him moonbow or if he came with it. Honestly, I only needed some extra lances against bulky sword users, and he has pretty high attack and moonbow procs a lot :D

I can't remember his A slot, if he comes with one. Knowing me, I just threw a +Atk on there ^.^''

He comes with Luna. @Alkaid I gave him Fury 3, Desperation, Reposition and Brash Assault 3 Seal, which made him work pretty well in TTs. Because of 10 after-match-damage, he arrives pretty fast in Desperation range. 

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37 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Well, I'm pretty vanilla with builds. I think I went for his default build + swordbreaker. I can't remember if I gave him moonbow or if he came with it. Honestly, I only needed some extra lances against bulky sword users, and he has pretty high attack and moonbow procs a lot :D

I can't remember his A slot, if he comes with one. Knowing me, I just threw a +Atk on there ^.^''

His A skill is Darting Blow if I remember correctly.

Actually, Soleil comes with Darting Blow... maybe there's hope yet for my -Spd Soleil! @DefaultBeep

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