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12 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Just checking, our list of beards is Surtr and the goatees of Saber, Dorcas, Zephiel and Ryoma, correct?

Pft, who needs beards when you got a stache like Barte?

Besides Old Man Hector's beard makes Surtur's look likeĀ  adolescent boy growing out his 1st facial hair.

Totally not bias.

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1 minute ago, Zangetsu said:

Pft, who needs beards when you got a stache like Barte?

Besides Old Man Hector's beard makes Surtur's look likeĀ  adolescent boy growing out his 1st facial hair.

Totally not bias.

Would you believe me if I told you the reason I asked is because someone unfamiliar with Heroes wants FE6 Hector in as an alt, reasoning that there's a desperate lack of beards in the game so far?

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Just now, bethany81707 said:

Would you believe me if I told you the reason I asked is because someone unfamiliar with Heroes wants FE6 Hector in as an alt, reasoning that there's a desperate lack of beards in the game so far?

Please, I'm a pessimist. Of course I would believe that there's people shallow enough to get into a game where the glory of facial hair would be the deciding factor of whether one would buy a product or not.


Ryoma doesn't have facial hair. That pretty boy handsome man just have a chin strap for his magnificent helmet.


& your friend is a fool for not thinking the glory of Wry isn't gorgeous enough to for his liking. Wry is too good for him I say!

I suggest you abandon this lost cause, for he shall never know the salvation of Wry

Coming from the guy who never touched Archanea series whatsoever. Unless Smash Bros count.


Also, I believe you identify everyone that has facial hair. Unless want to correct me on that, please feel free to do so.

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7 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Would you believe me if I told you the reason I asked is because someone unfamiliar with Heroes wants FE6 Hector in as an alt, reasoning that there's a desperate lack of beards in the game so far?

Iā€™d be so hyped if they gave us FE6 Hector as Santa in the likely Christmas banner. I know that they wonā€™t, but Iā€™d totally whale for him if they did.

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24 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Iā€™d be so hyped if they gave us FE6 Hector as Santa in the likely Christmas banner. I know that they wonā€™t, but Iā€™d totally whale for him if they did.

Sure would be nice if something like that gets announced soon.

Edited by Zangetsu
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21 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Please, I'm a pessimist. Of course I would believe that there's people shallow enough to get into a game where the glory of facial hair would be the deciding factor of whether one would buy a product or not.

...That's not actually part of it. He knows a bit about Heroes through osmosis- me and him like to share 'Fire Emblem bullshit' notes, especially since he's working on an FE6 S-Rank run. (Apparently, I have over a third of the total Funds he has to work with in PoR gold.)

21 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Iā€™d be so hyped if they gave us FE6 Hector as Santa in the likely Christmas banner. I know that they wonā€™t, but Iā€™d totally whale for him if they did.

Well, if Ninian has a shot due to the file thing... "Oho ho ho!"

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4 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

...That's not actually part of it. He knows a bit about Heroes through osmosis- me and him like to share 'Fire Emblem bullshit' notes, especially since he's working on an FE6 S-Rank run. (Apparently, I have over a third of the total Funds he has to work with in PoR gold.)

Well, if Ninian has a shot due to the file thing... "Oho ho ho!"

Christmas Hector. Wield's Santa'sĀ Sack as an Axe and rides a Reindeer cavalry, (Reinhardt-deer?). Built-in Distant Counter. Has Rein-march, which grants +1 movement when adjacent to Reinhardts. Merry Christmas! Ho-ho!

That said Christmas Ninian would be perfect.

I wonder if we will get an elf-themed unit.

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Christmas Hector. Wield's Santa'sĀ Sack as an Axe and rides a Reindeer cavalry, (Reinhardt-deer?). Built-in Distant Counter. Has Rein-march, which grants +1 movement when adjacent to Reinhardts. Merry Christmas! Ho-ho!

You know, if you mean to imply that Reinhardt is pronounced similarly to reindeer, that means me calling him Reiny is 'actually' pronounced 'rainy'... you know, 'raining on your parade'.

That's actually pretty clever, I'd be down for this pronounciation.


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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Christmas Fir. Complete with decorations and fairy lights.

You all know you want it.

It would be nice to have a GBA era season banner. But I still want Santa M!Robin.


4 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

You know, if you mean to imply that Reinhardt is pronounced similarly to reindeer, that means me calling him Reiny is 'actually' pronounced 'rainy'... you know, 'raining on your parade'.

That's actually pretty clever, I'd be down for this pronounciation.


Wait, is that the 1st time you heard of this pun?

Edited by Zangetsu
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1 minute ago, bethany81707 said:

I always pronounced the Rein as in Reyn from Xenoblade- then again, I do vaguely remember a Thracia LP that translated his name 'Rinehart'.

Yeah, his name certainly isnā€™t pronounced rain-heart.

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7 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

You know, if you mean to imply that Reinhardt is pronounced similarly to reindeer, that means me calling him Reiny is 'actually' pronounced 'rainy'... you know, 'raining on your parade'.

That's actually pretty clever, I'd be down for this pronounciation.


Well if you have an Australian accent, 'Rain' can sound like the "Rine" so it still kind of works XD

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Yeah, his name certainly isnā€™t pronounced rain-heart.

I was worried for a moment.

1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Well if you have an Australian accent, 'Rain' can sound like the "Rine" so it still kind of works XD

...I have my doubts. Then again, I don't routinely bump into people with the stereotypical Australian accent. I can only really manage the 'Crikey' myself.

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6 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

I always pronounced the Rein as in Reyn from Xenoblade- then again, I do vaguely remember a Thracia LP that translated his name 'Rinehart'.

I always pronounce it like that too, I'm more surprise that you haven't heard people using that as a pun for Reinhardt. It's been kind of joke for awhile now.

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2 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

I always pronounce it like that too, I'm more surprise that you haven't heard people using that as a pun for Reinhardt. It's been kind of joke for awhile now.

...No, I haven't noticed. Maybe I started it and it proliferated behind my back, I dunno.

"It's Rein time!"

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Just now, bethany81707 said:

...No, I haven't noticed. Maybe I started it and it proliferated behind my back, I dunno.

"It's Rein time!"

Well, it's more like it's been around for R/FireEmblemHeroes

Exhibit A:


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14 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Well, it's more like it's been around for R/FireEmblemHeroes

Exhibit A:


Oh, that pun. That's... more reasonable for me to have missed.


EDIT: I started watching some Xenoblade quotes, and both Shulk and ReynĀ actually makes the Reyn/Rain joke in a post-battle quote:

"If we keep going like this, we'll be right as Reyn!"

"Can't have a rainbow without Reyn, baby!"

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44 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Oh, that pun. That's... more reasonable for me to have missed.


EDIT: I started watching some Xenoblade quotes, and both Shulk and ReynĀ actually makes the Reyn/Rain joke in a post-battle quote:

"If we keep going like this, we'll be right as Reyn!"

"Can't have a rainbow without Reyn, baby!"

I call this Reinhardt choo chooĀ because it hits like Freight Trein

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@MrSmokestackĀ Beep, beep, itā€™s a sheep!

still died to Reinhardt

"I offer one biscuit for each stroke!"

...I also ask myself why I don't have a 5* healer yet. Then I vaguely remember the time I sacrificed the only one I pulled as Fortify Defence fodder, I think it was, mostly because I was annoyed to get it after training the 4* version up.

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