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I don't know why you guys are spoilering Ike's stats. They were in the video. I even snipped them.


Also I thought about it, Vanguard Ike is superior to normal Ike. Same legendary weapon, slightly lower Speed, better Atk/Def/Res, better Aether, passives are better in some ways (Seal Atk/Def isn't the best but Ike would want Quick Riposte anyways)... I think old Ike is now officially Aether fodder, he doesn't even get to be Heavy Blade fodder anymore.

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Wow, I like macarons, but that was ... 

A Tap game? Seriously? I hope they won't give important rewards.

Daily GHB rotation? Sounds there won't be missions for additional copies. 

Ike legendary hero? Most disappointing thing. Nothing against Ike, but I thought they would continue to introduce FEH originals this way. 

I'm grateful for the orbs and training maps though, also developers maps have been always interesting. 

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19 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ike legendary hero? Most disappointing thing. Nothing against Ike, but I thought they would continue to introduce FEH originals this way. 

I was hoping for preexisting and future main series applicable heroes to become legendary heroes so it would be a bit easier to get Blessings. Seriously, if 5* Merric also came with a Wind Blessing, people probably wouldn't be as mad whenever he shows up.

That said, yeah, I would have liked a FEH original character.

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@mampfoid The Feh Channel also said to check out the "GHB Elite quests," so maybe we'll be able to get additional copies through those.

And yeah, I was looking forward to a legendary OC... but it makes sense for him to be deployed around the anniversary, given how very super popular he was on the first CYL.
Now we just need seasonal Ike with a lance or a tome or something, and Ike Emblem will be complete.


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7 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

@mampfoid The Feh Channel also said to check out the "GHB Elite quests," so maybe we'll be able to get additional copies through those.

And yeah, I was looking forward to a legendary OC... but it makes sense for him to be deployed around the anniversary, given how very super popular he was on the first CYL.
Now we just need seasonal Ike with a lance or a tome or something, and Ike Emblem will be complete.


...why do i get the feeling they'd do a "sibling weapon swap" before then? Staff!Ike and SwordCav!Mist?

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Always glad to help!

On another note, I wonder what the rewards for Tap Battle will be? It looks like it'll have multiple difficulties, and a ranking system of some sort, so there'll probably be some kind of rewards for getting S Ranks on each set of floors and beating floor sets on Lunatic... and probably beating floor sets on Lunatic with S Ranks. Maybe there'll be a new unit made available via doing well in this mode, like there is in Tempest Trials? Or just some quests for Orbs/Refining Stones/Sacred Coins/Feathers?

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I just remembered something. Spoilers for Radiant Dawn's ending...


Doesn't Ike leave on a journey at the end of Radiant Dawn? Now I'm wondering if the developers are saying Ike actually went to the world of FEH by having him be a legendary hero and possibly a story character. And then there's Priam who if he really is related to Ike could mean Ike has traveled to at least two different worlds.


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7 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

...why do i get the feeling they'd do a "sibling weapon swap" before then? Staff!Ike and SwordCav!Mist?

Mist already has Florete in RD to use for the occasion.

3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I just remembered something. Spoilers for Radiant Dawn's ending...

4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Doesn't Ike leave on a journey at the end of Radiant Dawn? Now I'm wondering if the developers are saying Ike actually went to the world of FEH by having him be a legendary hero and possibly a story character. And then there's Priam who if he really is related to Ike could mean Ike has traveled to at least two different worlds.

Geez Ike is a world warrior. I guess they want to fix the RD character ending that people didn't like.

Next up- Ike is Anri, Ike is Harmut, Ike is Baldur, Ike is Grado. Ike is what you like. Or what you serve on a pike.


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I suppose they gave us a new male legendary hero, but... Ike? I already have him. Twice. Yay for his fans, I guess?

Glad I hadn't been excited for the video... The only thing that got my interest was Xander's return. 

For the free 5*... Yay for free stuff, but as someone else said, I'd rather not get stuck with the majority one (especially if it turns out to be Winter Tharja ><).

So not much for me to feel excited about so far. Rhythm game might be fun, maybe?


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7 minutes ago, KongDude said:

I feel like one run shouldn't have gotten me Marisa already, but I honestly don't remember what score you needed before for the 4* version in TT.

I think it was 5k for the main TT? And this is a mini, so half that? Still doesn't seem right. But I was actually referring to the ability to breeze right through T7. Normally I have a little bit of a struggle, this time was cake. I think I might be able to grind the entire TT later today.

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Yeah, I think I'm going to limit myself to one full summon for legendary banners now. I got really lucky with the first one and got what I wanted: Celica, a red mage, along with Deirdre, Ike, and spring Xander. I think I got mostly 3* units from the second one and I stopped at one full summon for this one since I only made enough room for one full summon and I don't care enough to try for another, barracks clearing or dealing with another underwhelming summoning session. At least +Atk, -Def Est showed up?

And so I continue to drown in orbs...

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

I think it was 5k for the main TT? And this is a mini, so half that? Still doesn't seem right. But I was actually referring to the ability to breeze right through T7. Normally I have a little bit of a struggle, this time was cake. I think I might be able to grind the entire TT later today.

Originally it was 6000, but in the Christmas TT they dropped it to 2000 points, so NY!Corrin and Marisa are obtained with only 1000 points, which can be done in the first run

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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I suppose they gave us a new male legendary hero, but... Ike? I already have him. Twice. Yay for his fans, I guess?

Glad I hadn't been excited for the video... The only thing that got my interest was Xander's return. 

For the free 5*... Yay for free stuff, but as someone else said, I'd rather not get stuck with the majority one (especially if it turns out to be Winter Tharja ><).

So not much for me to feel excited about so far. Rhythm game might be fun, maybe?


I actually want the rhythm mode, since I'm a fan of the music in FEH. If it means no enemy phase music, even better!

Too bad it looks like a timed mode though like TT?

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

I actually want the rhythm mode, since I'm a fan of the music in FEH. If it means no enemy phase music, even better!

Too bad it looks like a timed mode though like TT?

If it's popular, it might be reoccurring?

I do really enjoy FF Theatrhythm (or however they spell that), so I might enjoy that. It's nice to see new modes, at least, so long as it's not just a one off thing.

It's not enough to make me feel particularly excited about this upcoming month, though. I'm trying not to be too down on the game but... eh. Maybe it'll prove me wrong.

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I feel so bad.... so many things happening and units I need.

  • RD Ike is RD Ike
  • S!Frederick is Seal ATK/SPD for Matthew.
  • Takumi is CC fodder which is great.
  • PA!Azura is one of the two dancers I wanted from that banner.
  • Gunnthra is a unit I still don't have.
  • B!Lucina is great and I could use another lance unit.

Then there's the Hero fest banner...

  • I don't have Sigurd at all and if his nature sucks then Matthew wants SPD Smoke...
  • B!Lyn is ATK Smoke Fodder and I can finally give Matthew the Distant DEF seal he's supposed to have.
  • Lyn wants Wrath to Neph is perfect.
  • I don't and have never had a B!Ike.

Meanwhile I wasted 80+ orbs last month for a -ATK Luke and another Effie... no Sothe, no NY!Azura or Takumi and wasted orbs trying to get Myrrh thinking she would be a bonus unit for this coming tempest... stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

What I've learned from this is to avoid the Official Pull Topic when you're saving. If you're saving orbs just avoid it alltogether. Because I go into that topic and see people pull the unit they want in a couple of tries and then I get my hopes up thinking I can do the same and instead of my better judgement and first thought (saving) I take a crack at it again. and again. and again.

I spent 35 orbs on the legendary banner. At one point when I was saving for it, I had 76. smh. Self discipline. I need more of it.

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4 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

It's not enough to make me feel particularly excited about this upcoming month, though. I'm trying not to be too down on the game but... eh. Maybe it'll prove me wrong.

I wished for something sweet for the Askrans. Guess I got my wish fulfilled, didn’t I?
Alas, they aren’t getting anything, it seems. Poor guy and gals.

1 minute ago, Zeo said:

What I've learned from this is to avoid the Official Pull Topic when you're saving.

I’ve unsubscribed from that topic a long while ago. I’ve got enough blood replaced by sodium chloride already, and seeing all those lucky pulls when myself trolled by Bartres and Raighs was infuriating.

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2 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I feel so bad.... so many things happening and units I need.

  • RD Ike is RD Ike
  • S!Frederick is Seal ATK/SPD for Matthew.
  • Takumi is CC fodder which is great.
  • PA!Azura is one of the two dancers I wanted from that banner.
  • Gunnthra is a unit I still don't have.
  • B!Lucina is great and I could use another lance unit.

Then there's the Hero fest banner...

  • I don't have Sigurd at all and if his nature sucks then Matthew wants SPD Smoke...
  • B!Lyn is ATK Smoke Fodder and I can finally give Matthew the Distant DEF seal he's supposed to have.
  • Lyn wants Wrath to Neph is perfect.
  • I don't and have never had a B!Ike.

Meanwhile I wasted 80+ orbs last month for a -ATK Luke and another Effie... no Sothe, no NY!Azura or Takumi and wasted orbs trying to get Myrrh thinking she would be a bonus unit for this coming tempest... stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

What I've learned from this is to avoid the Official Pull Topic when you're saving. If you're saving orbs just avoid it alltogether. Because I go into that topic and see people pull the unit they want in a couple of tries and then I get my hopes up thinking I can do the same and instead of my better judgement and first thought (saving) I take a crack at it again. and again. and again.

I spent 35 orbs on the legendary banner. At one point when I was saving for it, I had 76. smh. Self discipline. I need more of it.

Maybe I should stop tagging people. Sorry XD

but yeah so many interesting things to pull from. And I still have yet to get Myrrh.

i mean it's not the hype banners that I expected but there are still some interesting units on offer.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wished for something sweet for the Askrans. Guess I got my wish fulfilled, didn’t I?
Alas, they aren’t getting anything, it seems. Poor guy and gals.

I’ve unsubscribed from that topic a long while ago. I’ve got enough blood replaced by sodium chloride already, and seeing all those lucky pulls when myself trolled by Bartres and Raighs was infuriating.

I'm not subscribed, but I do go in there generally at the beginning of every banner that comes out. I'm going to stop doing that. I can think of 4 instances where I was enticed into pulling because I went into that topic and saw someone pull the unit I wanted in a couple of tries. People with 100+ orbs will pull 2-3 *5's in 1-2 sessions. I'll pull 3 with the only 40-60 orbs I have and come back with zip.

I'm just going to avoid that topic going forward. When I enter it'll be to post my own pulls and then I can look at other people's fortune after the fact. Now that I've realized it's a trigger for impulsive spending.

6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Maybe I should stop tagging people. Sorry XD

but yeah so many interesting things to pull from. And I still have yet to get Myrrh.

i mean it's not the hype banners that I expected but there are still some interesting units on offer.

You can keep doing what you're doing. It was literally never your pulls that enticed me ironically enough. Myrrh is just a unit that I like and used from FE8, but I could live without her. What I didn't want to have to deal with was 20% in the next TT. and Marisa/Lyon could have been 40% units, but I got spooked and when I saw 4-6 people pull her on their 1st-5th try, I got my hopes up. Can't do that.

Either way. The month will last 30 days but these 2 great banners will only last 5, so I'll probably put every orb I get into the two of them and see where things take me. I really want that RD Ike but there are also tons of negative factors too.

  • I don't have Sanaki, but I don't care about her.
  • I don't care about Siegbert and have literally five, FIVE red cavaliers already. I don't need another one.
  • I. Don't. Want. Faye. I already have one, I don't even use Firesweep weapons and have no intention to build a FS Bowman.
  • Summer Xander is utterly useless to me and at no point did I ever want him.
  • I already have an S!Robin, don't need another one. A better nature would be cool, but not woth the orbs.

Problem with everything I just said Is that I just named literally half of the banner.

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34 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wished for something sweet for the Askrans. Guess I got my wish fulfilled, didn’t I?
Alas, they aren’t getting anything, it seems. Poor guy and gals.

They get to appear as the example in the rhythm game in the trailer? Yaaaay?

Maybe they'll spring a surprise weapon refinement on us. I don't really use Anna or Sharena, but I find myself using Alfonse a fair bit, since I gave him axebreaker (oddly, I don't have many units with that and cbb to promote Laslow from 3* for axebreaker 3 on more units).


I'm telling myself the good thing about these banners having no interest for me are that I get to save orbs for the Valentine's banner... But I'm dreading that banner at the same time 'cos I just see it being all girls... Hopefully not, but I don't have any hopes any more.

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1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:

They get to appear as the example in the rhythm game in the trailer? Yaaaay?

Maybe they'll spring a surprise weapon refinement on us. I don't really use Anna or Sharena, but I find myself using Alfonse a fair bit, since I gave him axebreaker (oddly, I don't have many units with that and cbb to promote Laslow from 3* for axebreaker 3 on more units).

They got to eat Feh’s cake. Cakes are usually sweet.

I’m currently using Alfonse on my arena team with Axebreaker, Dragon Fang, Swap, Heavy Blade 3 seal, and the rest of his default kit. He’s a great answer to all these ubiquitous CYL Ikes and axe knights that infest the arena. Too bad I can’t fit Sharena on my team as easily as before because my mage slot is now taken by Micaiah who doubles as my can opener and meatmonger…

Really, this anniversary stream was underwhelming bordering on disappointing. Guess I shouldn’t have expected anything at all.

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@Vaximillian For a minute I thought they were going to give Sharena the big spoon weapon in the game to celebrate but alas.

Also congrats on the extra Fjorm- I see the Sharena powercreep continues

@Zeo Well good to know my pulls aren't exciting :P

And yeah that's how they trap you in the legendary banner, by placing a usually meh unit with good units. I got sucked in trying to get ANY 5 star. Ah well, I'll just wait for the 50 orbs.

Hmm I think I'm the only one who likes the idea of the rhythm mode.

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