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6 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

That's pretty sweet. I'd definitely use her. A potential for like...+12 RES with her ATK/RES Bond and dagger buff would be pretty scary. And that's before something like...Distant Defense seal. It is a bummer that she and Matthew share a color otherwise I'd use them on the same team. 

@Zeo Then maybe she comes with Cancel Affinity instead, if we're limiting it to only released skills :P

Mostly so we have a 4 star fodder of it. And to get more people to pull colourless

Edited by mcsilas
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8 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

That's pretty sweet. I'd definitely use her. A potential for like...+12 RES with her ATK/RES Bond and dagger buff would be pretty scary. And that's before something like...Distant Defense seal. It is a bummer that she and Matthew share a color otherwise I'd use them on the same team. 

Running the two of then with those weapons would probably be a viable strategy. All you'd really need is a unit to deal with TA Raven mages.

Even if we give Matthew's Prf an ATK/DEF buff/debuff to Mirror Leila's and give him the ward, Leila is probably still the better unit.

@mcsilas It would negate pretty much her only real weakness so... yeah I'd be all for that. Leila is better than Matthew with the Keepsake dagger if for no other reason that she has high RES instead of DEF so when she fights Dragons the weapons cancel eachother out and they would target her RES, which means she'd be the only colorless Dragon check. @Ice Dragon That's generally how it works when skills clash, no? (Refer to the last page for more detail)

Edited by Zeo
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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Zeo Then maybe she comes with Cancel Affinity instead, if we're limiting it to only released skills :P

Mostly so we have a 4 star fodder of it. And to get more people to pull colourless

That's definitely a thought. It could make her potentially dangerous...Niles might actually like having a pref bow with a similar effect. I only say that because I'm contemplating inheriting Cancel Affinity onto him from my recently obtained 5 star Mathilda... 


7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Running the two of then with those weapons would probably be a viable strategy. All you'd really need is a unit to deal with TA Raven mages.

Even if we give Matthew's Prf an ATK/DEF buff/debuff to Mirror Leila's and give him the ward, Leila is probably still the better unit.

I hardly ever run one colorless unit on my team. Usually it's Leon or Innes. Running two would be so...strange. I feel like that's a strategy I should experiment with more often though. I have a lot of really good colorless units who never see any use. And I just promoted my +SPD Sothe... 

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Oh, poor Echoes Cavalry... you appeared too soon to get Second Generation Stats; and too late to avoid anti-cavalry bias.

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@Zeo That’s a neat build for Leila but I feel she would be slower. Maybe like 8 spd slower (27) with 4 going to def (23), and 2 hp (37) and atk (30). My reasoning being her spd stats is 20, so she’s decently fast, but her growth is 0% meaning she would be slower than many other characters eventually if she was playable.

I know that it could be excused because the developers probably never intended to have her stats known however it does give her niche that no other dagger user has (mixed bulk). It’s just my view of how Leila should be.

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26 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

So this happened today. Have mercy. 



Grima will be pleased (?)

Similar case to Loptyr with Julius?

21 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

And people thought Corrin marrying their siblings ( especially Azura ) was incest. 

I mean technically they can't exist together as brother and sister so....I guess?

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29 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

And people thought Corrin marrying their siblings ( especially Azura ) was incest. 

Well if we want to be technical, then they’re marrying themselves. You know what they say, you can’t love others unless you love yourself. ;P

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9 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I hardly ever run one colorless unit on my team. Usually it's Leon or Innes. Running two would be so...strange. I feel like that's a strategy I should experiment with more often though. I have a lot of really good colorless units who never see any use. And I just promoted my +SPD Sothe... 

I actually have a very interesting relationship with colorless. My very real first team I used in the earlygame was Chrom/Jagen/Kagero/Arthur and Kagero was awesome but she appealed to me right from the getgo as did Matthew (but his ATK was so bad he couldn't kill anything and I had to bench him) then going into the midgame I benched Kagero and my team during that period was Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys. That's when I discovered how ridiculous Lukas was as a tank (in some way inspiring what I wanted to do with Matthew, but it was only a dream) and how useful healers were to the point that I couldn't understand why everyone thought they were worthless.

Halfway through the first tempest I got my first Meta unit: Nino and I pulled two +ATK Bridelias (while pulling for Lyn) but I didn't have the feathers to give her a Brave Bow+ until after it was over. After I did though she was my ace for a long time and remains a nuclear button whenever I happen to struggle clearing particularly hard content (or can't use my Matthew team). After some time passed Brave Lyn popped up, I immediately gave her SS and she became my new secret weapon and content clearer and served as a consistent crutch in just about any mode she could be used in. And after all that it wasn't until the refinery upgrade where I finally promoted Matthew and gave him Close Counter was she finally shelved and I've only just recently given SS over to him as the true leader of my army and... well basically my main rep and avatar.

In a nutshell: Kagero (The Earlygame) > Wrys (The Midgame) > Bridelia (The meta era)> BH!Lyn (The age of powercreep) > Matthew (The new age).

Units like my Takumi, S!Frederick and Faye were peppered throughout my experience but the point is a colorless unit has always played a pivotal role in my experience with this game if they weren't the front-runner or leader at that time. They've more or less been the heart of my main teams and I don't think I ever realized that until now. Dagger units specifically were always my favorite though. There are still quite a few units I want to build in one fashion or another. Sothe, Saizo, Kagero, Felicia, Rebecca, Takumi, Jeorge, Serra, Sakura and whoever will take my spare Faye's Firesweep Bow+ and become that special archer.

I've ranted on though. Point is running colorless has never been an issue for me and my main team has 2 colorless units and they do just fine if that's any indication. If you're thinking about running colorless more I say full speed ahead. Also I'm jealous of that Sothe. Give your Eirika some Dew if you have any and pair them. The boost he gives her is so unbelievably ridiculous and easy to do that I'm going to probably apologize to Nino because she's not going to get to be her partner.

1 hour ago, NegativeExponents- said:

@Zeo That’s a neat build for Leila but I feel she would be slower. Maybe like 8 spd slower (27) with 4 going to def (23), and 2 hp (37) and atk (30). My reasoning being her spd stats is 20, so she’s decently fast, but her growth is 0% meaning she would be slower than many other characters eventually if she was playable.

I know that it could be excused because the developers probably never intended to have her stats known however it does give her niche that no other dagger user has (mixed bulk). It’s just my view of how Leila should be.

Matthew and Jakob are mixed tanks though. As far as daggers go, when you have ATK and bulk as low as they do, you generally need the speed to get around. They can't afford to be doubled most of the time and are generally easily dispatched if they can be. Buffing her DEF would hurt her because her weapon's effect puts a veil over it and everyone attacks her stronger stat. Buffing HP and ATK wouldn't be a bad option but ultimately the SPD loss would likely hurt her more than help. 

When units have speed in the 20s they either need to hit incredibly hard or have stout defenses. In Leila's case she'd have the bulk due to her weapon, but just about everyone doubling her with her doing questionable damage in return could potentially make you ask why you're not just running Felicia.

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7 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I actually have a very interesting relationship with colorless. My very real first team I used in the earlygame was Chrom/Jagen/Kagero/Arthur and Kagero was awesome but she appealed to me right from the getgo as did Matthew (but his ATK was so bad he couldn't kill anything and I had to bench him) then going into the midgame I benched Kagero and my team during that period was Lukas/Soren/Olivia/Wrys. That's when I discovered how ridiculous Lukas was as a tank (in some way inspiring what I wanted to do with Matthew, but it was only a dream) and how useful healers were to the point that I couldn't understand why everyone thought they were worthless.

Halfway through the first tempest I got my first Meta unit: Nino and I pulled two +ATK Bridelias (while pulling for Lyn) but I didn't have the feathers to give her a Brave Bow+ until after it was over. After I did though she was my ace for a long time and remains a nuclear button whenever I happen to struggle clearing particularly hard content (or can't use my Matthew team). After some time passed Brave Lyn popped up, I immediately gave her SS and she became my new secret weapon and content clearer and served as a consistent crutch in just about any mode she could be used in. And after all that it wasn't until the refinery upgrade where I finally promoted Matthew and gave him Close Counter was she finally shelved and I've only just recently given SS over to him as the true leader of my army and... well basically my main rep and avatar.

In a nutshell: Kagero (The Earlygame) > Wrys (The Midgame) > Bridelia (The meta era)> BH!Lyn (The age of powercreep) > Matthew (The new age).

Units like my Takumi, S!Frederick and Faye were peppered throughout my experience but the point is a colorless unit has always played a pivotal role in my experience with this game if they weren't the front-runner or leader at that time. They've more or less been the heart of my main teams and I don't think I ever realized that until now. Dagger units specifically were always my favorite though. There are still quite a few units I want to build in one fashion or another. Sothe, Saizo, Kagero, Felicia, Rebecca, Takumi, Jeorge, Serra, Sakura and whoever will take my spare Faye's Firesweep Bow+ and become that special archer.

I've ranted on though. Point is running colorless has never been an issue for me and my main team has 2 colorless units and they do just fine if that's any indication. If you're thinking about running colorless more I say full speed ahead. Also I'm jealous of that Sothe. Give your Eirika some Dew if you have any and pair them. The boost he gives her is so unbelievably ridiculous and easy to do that I'm going to probably apologize to Nino because she's not going to get to be her partner.

I feel like I hardcore remember most of these phases. XD At least from Wrys onward. I've used healers more religiously than some. Lucius was the first one I actually built and will continue to build, so he can join Raven. Priscilla was the first one I pulled at 5 stars. I joined the Brave Lyn meta of course, but she never saw as much use after a few months. She's still great, but there are a lot of other units I just prefer to use. For some reason, I just never think to consider using colorless units. But I do think I'm going to actively try a little bit harder to make them work. 

At the moment, Sothe is paired with Micaiah...because my pairings aren't always strategic. XD If Eirika wasn't already paired with Lyon (maybe not the BEST idea, but I can't help myself), that'd probably be a match made in heaven. ...I'd also need more ore for refining stuff. Jaffar got my last 200 dew. I plan to use him more for sure since he's part of my Water team. I also have Innes paired up with Mae to give them max spur buffs when they're next to each other. There's a lot of potential... Heck... My last two 5 star promotions were Virion and Niles. I'll probably eventually build Jeorge up too because he's another SD fave... I just need to remember to actually USE these people.

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5 hours ago, Zeo said:

That's pretty crazy. And here I am sitting here with 257 refining stones after the arena and some of the few refinements I've done have felt like a waste. What do you spend them refining? I've refined only a couple of weapons and promoted two.

Small refinenments: 

  • Tobin (20+50)
  • Marisa (50)
  • NY!Camilla (50)
  • Cordelia (50)
  • Ninian (50)
  • Nowi (50)
  • F!Morgan (50)
  • Ursula (20+50)
  • Hawkeye (20)
  • Lissa (50)
  • NY!Azura (50)
  • Fae (50)
  • F!Robin (20+50)
  • LA!Lilina (50)
  • Genny (50)
  • BH!Lyn (50)
  • Elise (50)
  • Sakura (50)

Total: 930 stones, 42 remaining.


Big upgrades: 

Alm, Caeda, Minverva (each 200)

Total: 600 dew, 460 remaining

5 hours ago, Zeo said:

...OH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED THE PERFECT PRF WEAPON FOR MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!! If he were to get a prf, this is what I would want.

Leila's Keepsake - 14 MT / Range = 2 

That weapon would make Matthew crazily good, I hope he'll get something similar. A DEF strong unit instead of a mixed tank would profit more though. Start collecting Drive DEF fodder! 

Also Leila looks nice, but wouldn't she want something different from what Matthew would get? 

33 minutes ago, Zeo said:

In a nutshell: Kagero (The Earlygame) > Wrys (The Midgame) > Bridelia (The meta era)> BH!Lyn (The age of powercreep) > Matthew (The new age).

I also started with Kagero (my first 5* unit!) and always ran a healer in my horse team during the first 2 TTs, but I've had long periods where I went without any colorless at all. 

4 hours ago, silverserpent said:

Now that i've finished upgrading all 3*-4* units to 5*, i can now work on merge projects. I'm just not sure who to start working on first. I'm leaning towards M!Robin as he's been rather crutch in dealing with pesky bow/dagger users and he's +ATK/-HP. I've also got Titanias stashed away and GHB units built up.

Oh, cool project. Does that include also the GHB units? 

25 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian Or female Grima.


Something like this? It would be an improvement of Grimas art in my opinion. 


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25 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I feel like I hardcore remember most of these phases. XD At least from Wrys onward. I've used healers more religiously than some. Lucius was the first one I actually built and will continue to build, so he can join Raven. Priscilla was the first one I pulled at 5 stars. I joined the Brave Lyn meta of course, but she never saw as much use after a few months. She's still great, but there are a lot of other units I just prefer to use. For some reason, I just never think to consider using colorless units. But I do think I'm going to actively try a little bit harder to make them work. 

At the moment, Sothe is paired with Micaiah...because my pairings aren't always strategic. XD If Eirika wasn't already paired with Lyon (maybe not the BEST idea, but I can't help myself), that'd probably be a match made in heaven. ...I'd also need more ore for refining stuff. Jaffar got my last 200 dew. I plan to use him more for sure since he's part of my Water team. I also have Innes paired up with Mae to give them max spur buffs when they're next to each other. There's a lot of potential... Heck... My last two 5 star promotions were Virion and Niles. I'll probably eventually build Jeorge up too because he's another SD fave... I just need to remember to actually USE these people.

I wish I handed out supports that freely. I can literally name the Supports I have.

  • Matthew/InigoAyra/Genny
  • Ike/Soren | Xander/Camus
  • S!Corrin/Hinoka | Cherche/Palla
  • B!Caeda/Ogma | B!Lyn/Hector
  • Eliwood/Ninian | Alfonse/Sharena
  • Fjorm/S!Frederick | Lukas/Athena
  • Y!Tiki/Nowi | Nino/Delthea
  • M!Marth/Frederick | Clarine/Klein
  • ToD!Henry/BK | NY!Camilla/Sakura
  • LA!Lillina/LA!Roy | Oscar/Maria
  • Lute/MiaLyn/B!Lyn

Might seem like a lot, but a chunk of these units don't even get fielded together anymore, a chunk of them were only partners for the tempest, a chunk of them don't have good synergy and another chunk are primed for new partners. I wish I was more liberal with supporting... no... I wish I was better building solid teams that could synergize well. The bold are the ones that generally see the most use.

Never in my wildest dreams did I consider promoting Virion or Niles, but Jeorge was a unit I considered building. Still I have a +SPD/-HP Takumi that only has Bowbreaker and he was one of my first *5's as well. Then there's Faye and NY!Corrin who most certainly wants to give his weapon to someone. Rebecca is the most intriguing archer for me though because FE7 and also Reinfleche will probably go to her if Rath or Wil don't pop up out of nowhere.

41 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Refinements and Dew expenses.

Sheesh.. that's quite a bit. Though I've spent Dew too, I've been a bit more hesitant as a rule. I don't keep track quite as well so let's see.

  • Matthew (100)
  • S!Frederick (50)
  • F!Robin (20)
  • Lukas (20)
  • Marisa (50)
  • S!Robin (50)
  • Inigo (50)
  • Y!Tiki (50)
  • Nowi (50)
  • Serra (50)
  • Genny (50)
  • B!Lyn (50)
  • Nephenee (50)
  • Effie (50)

Spent: 690 / Remaining: 257

You score better than me in Arena so you having more stones makes sense. A good few of these were done out of need for Dew though. At the very beginning especially I wanted to refine Lyn's Sol Katti and I had literally no one I wanted to refine so I just had to pick a few people. There are reasons certain units don't have refinements. I haven't decided if Lukas is going Slaying Lance+ or Berkut's Lance+, Athena doesn't have the right nature to take advantage of a refined Wo Dao+, I don't know if NY!Camilla is going to keep her weapon, F!Robin's never seemed worth it, Amelia and Sheena are still vanilla so they aren't ready yet. Lillina is waiting on Forblaze, etc etc. I'm in a good spot if I need to do a refine on the spot, and I like having a nest egg.

Dew Upgrades:

  • Lyn (200)
  • Chrom (200)
  • Eirika (200)

Spent: 600 / Remaining: 450 (250 tied up in refinements).

I've really been trying to refine on units that aren't red but the refinements after Lyn's were just too good to pass up. On the other hand Hinoka, Takumi and Soren have refinements that vary in usefulness but the weapons (besides Takumi's...) are good on their own and I can't really justify spending such a precious resource on them. So I continue to save Dew. If I pulled an Alm though, I'd spend it in a heartbeat. Yeah I know another red.

54 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

That weapon would make Matthew crazily good, I hope he'll get something similar. A DEF strong unit instead of a mixed tank would profit more though. Start collecting Drive DEF fodder! 

True, but Matthew's DEF is on the higher end of the spectrum and we consider that he's colorless and only Raven tomes would pose a threat to him. That's a huge deal, which is why I can't wait to see what this colorless Dragon is like. Either way... watch them give Kagero, Saizo, Jakob or even Gaius a prf before him. He really deserves it the most (along with Jakob I'll admit). Every other dagger was in a better spot than him before refinement.

56 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Also Leila looks nice, but wouldn't she want something different from what Matthew would get? 

I kind of like the idea that they mirror eachother in a way. Matt is a DEF tank and Leila is a RES tank but they both force you to strike their strong spots. Even if Leila is better on principle alone that targeting RES exclusively is more important due to the presence of dragons.

58 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I also started with Kagero (my first 5* unit!) and always ran a healer in my horse team during the first 2 TTs, but I've had long periods where I went without any colorless at all. 

My Kagero was *4 (And -ATK too!). She always struggled to kill her opponent, like.. she was always a few points shy and that always bugged me. Still she was so amazing to me. Arthur would get destroyed by reds and I wouldn't understand why he was so bad when Jagen could fight axes (Didn't know about TA or Gem weapons back then lol). But pretty much after I pulled Serra (my first healer!) I ran her until I got my *4 Wrys and pretty much used him consistently until meta units started coming in way later. When you don't have nukes and have to rely on units that are going to get hit a lot, you're going to have a much greater appreciation for healers.

I had a period or two where I wasn't running healers all that much, but there was generally always at least one colorless that was prominent at any point that I've been playing this game. After having this conversation, I want to save orbs for that Colorless Dragon. Likely Kurthnaga or Dheginsea.

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8 minutes ago, Zeo said:

 I don't know if NY!Camilla is going to keep her weapon, F!Robin's never seemed worth it, Amelia and Sheena are still vanilla so they aren't ready yet. Lillina is waiting on Forblaze, etc etc. I'm in a good spot if I need to do a refine on the spot, and I like having a nest egg.

I also like to keep a stock, but I tend to fully build units I want to use in their TTs, like NY!Camilla (she needed the SPD refinement because mine is -SPD), F!Morgan and F!Robin. If I ever use them and their special abilities, it's in their respective TTs. 

If I had more feathers, I'd promote also Felicia and give her the refinement. I'll try to keep 200 dew as a base reserve though. 

12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

You score better than me in Arena so you having more stones makes sense.

The difference is not so big, but I started to score seriously in AA from week 1 (when we didn't know yet what those stones where good for). Now it seems very likely I can't hold my place in top 5k anymore, so the stones income will be diminished. 

15 minutes ago, Zeo said:

True, but Matthew's DEF is on the higher end of the spectrum and we consider that he's colorless and only Raven tomes would pose a threat to him. That's a huge deal, which is why I can't wait to see what this colorless Dragon is like. Either way... watch them give Kagero, Saizo, Jakob or even Gaius a prf before him. He really deserves it the most (along with Jakob I'll admit). Every other dagger was in a better spot than him before refinement.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Kagero? She had been the best dagger user because of her weapon for a long period, she should get a prf later than the others. Poison dagger is not the blade tome of daggers, but it has been the best dagger long enough. 

I didn't mean Matthew lacks DEF, but his moderate RES would become useless (mostly). In sense of min-maxing a unit with very low RES (or very low RES) would use that weapon better. No matter if said unit would trade RES for DEF, SPD or ATK. 

20 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I kind of like the idea that they mirror eachother in a way. Matt is a DEF tank and Leila is a RES tank but they both force you to strike their strong spots. Even if Leila is better on principle alone that targeting RES exclusively is more important due to the presence of dragons.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Aside from TA/Raven mages Matthew would be weak to dragons and Leila would be weak to Felicia, a less common unit. Those are few weaknesses, perhaps the weapon needs a condition. 

25 minutes ago, Zeo said:

My Kagero was *4 (And -ATK too!).

Ouch, that's 8 ATK less than mine had. I can imagine she struggled to kill everything with a little DEF. 

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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

Matthew and Jakob are mixed tanks though. As far as daggers go, when you have ATK and bulk as low as they do, you generally need the speed to get around. They can't afford to be doubled most of the time and are generally easily dispatched if they can be. Buffing her DEF would hurt her because her weapon's effect puts a veil over it and everyone attacks her stronger stat. Buffing HP and ATK wouldn't be a bad option but ultimately the SPD loss would likely hurt her more than help. 

When units have speed in the 20s they either need to hit incredibly hard or have stout defenses. In Leila's case she'd have the bulk due to her weapon, but just about everyone doubling her with her doing questionable damage in return could potentially make you ask why you're not just running Felicia.

Well... I didn't say it would be more helpful. I just proposed something that I feel would reflect her stats from her base game in Heroes.

As far as mixed bulk dagger goes, I'll give you Jakob. Matthew on the other hand has too low of a res stat to be considered mix. His hp helps and so does his base Rouge Dagger but if that's all it takes then Frederick and Jaffar should also be considered mixed but since you failed to mention them I think we can agree that is not the case. The unique B skill you gave Leila along with natural 33 res makes her pretty bulky on both sides. I think you are severely underestimating a 50% damage reduction. Leila would be comparable to a colorless Sheena with that kind of skill and stats (well she lacks the hp but still). Also I considered speed being an issue too which was why I chose 27 for speed. Either give up on her spd with IVs and raise her bulk or sacrifice a stat for 30 spd and have her avoid doubles by focusing on spd.

Edit: I just realized her defense doesn't matter because of that effect you gave her dagger but I still stand by her stats.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Something like this? It would be an improvement of Grimas art in my opinion. 

That Grima gives me the creeps. Looks like something that would appear in Resident Evil.

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14 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

That Grima gives me the creeps. Looks like something that would appear in Resident Evil.

Yeah, it wouldn't match the FE style and look out of place (just like the actual art of Grima does, but in another way). 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

If I had more feathers, I'd promote also Felicia and give her the refinement. I'll try to keep 200 dew as a base reserve though. 

They've been handing out the refinements like candy so it's best to keep doing that. M!Corrin is pretty much a lock for the next update, but I wonder who will accompany him?

5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

The difference is not so big, but I started to score seriously in AA from week 1 (when we didn't know yet what those stones where good for). Now it seems very likely I can't hold my place in top 5k anymore, so the stones income will be diminished. 

Interesting. On the other hand I've consistently been landing outside the top 10k but after merging Matthew and Chrom I've managed to sneak my way back in. But inflation is rising faster than my units are being merged so I don't know if I'll be able to squeeze in again this week.

6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

If I had more feathers, I'd promote also Felicia and give her the refinement. I'll try to keep 200 dew as a base reserve though. 

She's a huge option and one I definitely was considering, but since I doubt I'll merge her she'll likely end up a *4 +10 project down the line, so it can wait.

8 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Kagero? She had been the best dagger user because of her weapon for a long period, she should get a prf later than the others. Poison dagger is not the blade tome of daggers, but it has been the best dagger long enough. 

She had a prf in her base game though if I recall, and she's been powercreeped as far as the game goes even if she was the best. I don't think she deserves it, it just seems like something that could happen. They've been making really good choices for the refinements though, so I could be wrong. Matthew and Jakob are definitely at the top of the list of daggers for refinements though. Although something tells me Saizo will be the next dagger to get one. Gaius is a dark horse as well.

10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Aside from TA/Raven mages Matthew would be weak to dragons and Leila would be weak to Felicia, a less common unit. Those are few weaknesses, perhaps the weapon needs a condition. 

I could get behind a > 25% or even > 50% HP requirement. Not a "if xxx stat is higher" though. All of his stats are too evenly distributed and he doesn't really have any dominant stat so he couldn't make use of the skill with a requirement like that.

12 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch, that's 8 ATK less than mine had. I can imagine she struggled to kill everything with a little DEF. 

I eventually promoted a +DEF/-RES one. But she didn't last. Her era had basically ended and I didn't have the nature or the DB3/LnD3 fodder to make her the way she needed to be anyway. To this day I have only pulled one other Kagero after that, which funnily enough, fed her Daggerbreaker to Matthew for the Ursula GHB. 

9 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Well... I didn't say it would be more helpful. I just proposed something that I feel would reflect her stats from her base game in Heroes.

As far as mixed bulk dagger goes, I'll give you Jakob. Matthew on the other hand has too low of a res stat to be considered mix. His hp helps and so does his base Rouge Dagger but if that's all it takes then Frederick and Jaffar should also be considered mixed but since you failed to mention them I think we can agree that is not the case. The unique B skill you gave Leila along with natural 33 res makes her pretty bulky on both sides. I think you are severely underestimating a 50% damage reduction. Leila would be comparable to a colorless Sheena with that kind of skill and stats (well she lacks the hp but still). Also I considered speed being an issue too which was why I chose 27 for speed. Either give up on her spd with IVs and raise her bulk or sacrifice a stat for 30 spd and have her avoid doubles by focusing on spd.

Jaffar isn't built to be a mixed tank. His weapon has always centered around chip damage. You can build him as one but it's not a role one would assume he would be filling and you're wasting his niche that way.

S!Frederick is a lot closer to Matthew himself and can run the build but is also on the lower end of the spectrum of RES, is losing out on both HP and DEF marginally and most importantly lacks SPD without a boon, weaking him in that role overall. He's a unit that wants to take advantage of his high ATK stat. If you have SPD boon he wants a more offensive role.

Jakob has the same SPD as S!Frederick and yes, even has lower DEF, but he trades that for an 8 point difference in RES and an almost completely balanced bulk spread while still having respectable enough HP (though on the low side). Jakob isn't a good unit by my standards. But for all intents and purposes he's pretty much the only true mixed tank with his built in Renewal, option to take a SPD refinement and generally fairing the same in both stats.

Matthew is a mixed tank because unlike S!Frederick, he has the SPD not to be doubled by speedy mages and unlike Saizo he actually has the bulk to take a magical hit and survive. Rogue Dagger gives him 36/24 defenses which on top of a particularly higher HP count, means he's generally taking those hits better than his peers. Sure anyone else can run Rogue Dagger, use seal skills and run Distant DEF, but no other unit has the tailored spread with the potential to run a mixed build (Matthew) or simply has the perfect spread for it to begin with (Jakob).

My point is, you can build any unit the way you want to yes, but out of all the dagger units, Matthew and Jakob are the only ones that more or less fix into the mixed tank category. The other daggers, while they can run these builds, their potential is elsewhere and they wouldn't be put into said category.

As for Leila, It mostly just seems like you're trying to balance her out a bit and that's actually fine. But I wouldn't take her from top tier to bottom tier SPD. I would probably round her out at around 30 if I had to and dump those points into either ATK or HP. With the damage reduction she's still tanking well and with the SPD loss she's seeing a lot more doubles, but she's not being doubled by +SPD Julias and silly things like that.

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Just now, Zeo said:

They've been handing out the refinements like candy so it's best to keep doing that. M!Corrin is pretty much a lock for the next update, but I wonder who will accompany him?

30 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps Felicia will make me use daggers again. 

Why Corrin? Another sword. A flier like Cordelia, Cherche or Palla would be cool.

4 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Matthew and Jakob are definitely at the top of the list of daggers for refinements though. Although something tells me Saizo will be the next dagger to get one. Gaius is a dark horse as well.

I hope it's not Saizo. While I don't have anything against the scared/baddass/eye-patch type, I don't like his art. 

6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I could get behind a > 25% or even > 50% HP requirement. Not a "if xxx stat is higher" though. All of his stats are too evenly distributed and he doesn't really have any dominant stat so he couldn't make use of the skill with a requirement like that.

36 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps a totally new requirement that involves his teammates. 

Or they could make him allergic to trees. 


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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Why Corrin? Another sword. A flier like Cordelia, Cherche or Palla would be cool.

The Rival domains help screen shows his sword with a red glow. That's been leading people to believe that it's going to turn into a Prf firesweep weapon. I don't care for M!Corrin so I probably still won't use him but, eh. I'm more interested in the refinements on units that aren't swords at this point (unless it's Roy).

13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I hope it's not Saizo. While I don't have anything against the scared/baddass/eye-patch type, I don't like his art. 

It doesn't particularly bother me as much as he's generally regarded as one of the better of the "bad" daggers so it's kind of a gut shot giving him an upgrade first.

14 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps a totally new requirement that involves his teammates. 

Or they could make him allergic to trees. 

lol unit can't enter forest tiles. Don't do that to me c'mon.

Some sort of bond requirement would be interesting enough. I don't know how much sense it'd make but it could work. Make it a 2 range requirement at least if it's a proximity thing.

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29 minutes ago, Zeo said:

lol unit can't enter forest tiles. Don't do that to me c'mon.

Some sort of bond requirement would be interesting enough. I don't know how much sense it'd make but it could work. Make it a 2 range requirement at least if it's a proximity thing.

More like this: Allergic to tress: When on a tree square, opponents target the weaker of RES and DEF.  You could replace it with water nausea or acrophobia (on bridges or near mountains). 


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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Jaffar isn't built to be a mixed tank. His weapon has always centered around chip damage. You can build him as one but it's not a role one would assume he would be filling and you're wasting his niche that way.

S!Frederick is a lot closer to Matthew himself and can run the build but is also on the lower end of the spectrum of RES, is losing out on both HP and DEF marginally and most importantly lacks SPD without a boon, weaking him in that role overall. He's a unit that wants to take advantage of his high ATK stat. If you have SPD boon he wants a more offensive role.

Jakob has the same SPD as S!Frederick and yes, even has lower DEF, but he trades that for an 8 point difference in RES and an almost completely balanced bulk spread while still having respectable enough HP (though on the low side). Jakob isn't a good unit by my standards. But for all intents and purposes he's pretty much the only true mixed tank with his built in Renewal, option to take a SPD refinement and generally fairing the same in both stats.

Matthew is a mixed tank because unlike S!Frederick, he has the SPD not to be doubled by speedy mages and unlike Saizo he actually has the bulk to take a magical hit and survive. Rogue Dagger gives him 36/24 defenses which on top of a particularly higher HP count, means he's generally taking those hits better than his peers. Sure anyone else can run Rogue Dagger, use seal skills and run Distant DEF, but no other unit has the tailored spread with the potential to run a mixed build (Matthew) or simply has the perfect spread for it to begin with (Jakob).

My point is, you can build any unit the way you want to yes, but out of all the dagger units, Matthew and Jakob are the only ones that more or less fix into the mixed tank category. The other daggers, while they can run these builds, their potential is elsewhere and they wouldn't be put into said category.

As for Leila, It mostly just seems like you're trying to balance her out a bit and that's actually fine. But I wouldn't take her from top tier to bottom tier SPD. I would probably round her out at around 30 if I had to and dump those points into either ATK or HP. With the damage reduction she's still tanking well and with the SPD loss she's seeing a lot more doubles, but she's not being doubled by +SPD Julias and silly things like that.

I agree that would be a waste of niche and I personally wouldn't build him like that, but defensively, he's a faster Jakob with -2 res but +2 hp. Basically identical bulk.

Are you saying that Matthew has more res? Because they're both the same (18). I'll concede to everything else though. He is too slow and the lower hp and def don't help.

Ok, Matthew (outside of Jakob) has the highest mixed bulk potential, but 24 res still ain't impressive and that's after the +6 buff. To me, a unit has to be able to exceed 30 (with relative ease) on both, def and res, to be considered mixed. Maybe our opinion of what makes a unit a mixed tank are too different to find mutual agreement.

About Leila, I wasn't really aiming for anything in specific. Just trying to make her stat spread something akin as to what she would be like in FE7 if you were to hack her in without really paying much attention to her performance. I might have taken off more speed than necessary now that I think about it so 30 is probably better.

Edited by NegativeExponents-
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