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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

oooh nice! I’ve thought about how Reprisal Lance would be good on him but I never pulled a Sumia.

Yep, and she pitybroke me. :P I don't like her and her IVs were bad anyway, so I was glad to get rid of her and to help out my cute Nohr knight boy at the same time. <3

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@Thane Just wondering do you have a Reinhardt lead with bunny ears as your Defense team?

Just asking if that was you- I didn't actually enter battle since I was only 1 win away from a streak and don't feel like redoing it haha

@Anacybele At least you made the most of it. Reprisal Lance looks good as a weapon. I kind of want to give Silas Casa Blanca because it's one of the best looking lances....but that would mean foddering off a limited Eliwood lol

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10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

At least you made the most of it. Reprisal Lance looks good as a weapon. I kind of want to give Silas Casa Blanca because it's one of the best looking lances....but that would mean foddering off a limited Eliwood lol

Yep! Yeah, foddering or sending home a seasonal unit can be a tough decision because of that. I had to send home a Christmas Chrom because I just had no use for him and he had no skills I would've wanted. Just had too many green armors and his IVs weren't that good anyway. It might seem odd since I picked Ephraim for my free CYL2 unit, but in that case, there was no one else on that banner I would've been fine with taking over him.

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41 minutes ago, Hilda said:

interesting stuff/skills are hidden behind 5star units. defensiv builds are kindah meh and not workable mostly (pavise etc)

I can relate to that to some degree. In the past you had no problems to pull for the newest skills though (I remember your fabulous infantry pulse team). 

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Here's the clear I promised. It's pretty much just finding the units you can substitute to have a similar outcome. Be it your own or a friend's. You'll need to do a bit of math to get the same result in things I highlighted





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2 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Thane Just wondering do you have a Reinhardt lead with bunny ears as your Defense team?

Just asking if that was you- I didn't actually enter battle since I was only 1 win away from a streak and don't feel like redoing it haha


No actually, it's regular old Lucina and my defense team is my Awakening kid theme one with Lucy, Gerome, Noire and F!Morgan. Tactics and theme team in one. 

Magic is still everything though. 

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On 9/13/2018 at 10:26 PM, mcsilas said:

@tobuShogi i feel you. I get lucky with legendary banners even when i know most people have bad luck with those and in exchange i had horrible CYL2 luck

i hope the bad luck won’t hit too hard for you. Hopefully in a throwaway banner you won’t care about to get the bad luck out of the way?

You know, fluctuating luck has made me rethink certain things in this game. For example, I use hope the neutral or -HP copy that I pull of a character had a better bane but then I remember the -Spd and -Atk 5* star characters I have in my roster and ground myself to feel content with what I got.

For me, there aren't really throwaway banners. I don't pull often so when I pull, I fully intent(at least I hope) to get the unit that I was going for. But what I can do(and hopefully hold myself to) is to let things go when things don't go well. I'm going to try to cut my losses at 2 off focus characters.

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44 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Cropping from the waste up will still satisfy

Fair e-nough. And on second examination, I was going off of memory last time, it isn't so much the trunks that impede the damaged art, as it the big ridiculous bow.

And while I'm fine with Gaius's big and loose trunks, and the big and tighter swim trunks of other guys, I don't get why IS hasn't included speedos or mankinis yet. The ladies can have the teeniest bikinis around, but speedos aren't allowed? The male body in modern society, even when sexualized, is arguably less possible to sexualize than the female, and even given a speedo, guys would still lag behind the ladies in sexualization. Therefore, a speedo wouldn't be too risque. We don't have anything like Summer Forrin's damaged art (where, IRRC, the outfit looks like it should be falling off, but it doesn't because it's a still shot) on the males, do we?

Polar Bear Plunge Banner IS! With some of the proceeds from Orb sales during that time going to charity! It'd make people feel less bad for going PtP too, and maybe even after the promotion ends it'd keep their pursestrings loosened, mwahahaha!

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't get why IS hasn't included speedos or mankinis yet.

Likely because Speedos usually require copious amounts of eye bleach after being seen when not used for comedic effect or worn by a character that actually looks good in one. I'm pretty sure the bikinis in Heroes are higher on the socially acceptable scale than Speedos are.

The most we'll ever get is probably the athletic swimwear that Takumi and Innes have.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

or worn by a character that actually looks good in one

And given FE typically uses idealized human forms, there should be no shortage of men who look like they would be Olympics-worthy divers (and that provides a good excuse for one- just do a Summer banner with a pool near the shore). Add a swim cap for an additional possible sexual/nonsexual fetish. 

Still, thanks for the commentary.

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33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fair e-nough. And on second examination, I was going off of memory last time, it isn't so much the trunks that impede the damaged art, as it the big ridiculous bow.

And while I'm fine with Gaius's big and loose trunks, and the big and tighter swim trunks of other guys, I don't get why IS hasn't included speedos or mankinis yet. The ladies can have the teeniest bikinis around, but speedos aren't allowed? The male body in modern society, even when sexualized, is arguably less possible to sexualize than the female, and even given a speedo, guys would still lag behind the ladies in sexualization. Therefore, a speedo wouldn't be too risque. We don't have anything like Summer Forrin's damaged art (where, IRRC, the outfit looks like it should be falling off, but it doesn't because it's a still shot) on the males, do we?

Polar Bear Plunge Banner IS! With some of the proceeds from Orb sales during that time going to charity! It'd make people feel less bad for going PtP too, and maybe even after the promotion ends it'd keep their pursestrings loosened, mwahahaha!

There's definitely a huge double standard. Part of the issue with trying to sexualize male characters is that there's still an imbalance in how we perceive male and female sexuality, and how women (even in the non-sexualized damaged art) are often portrayed/interpreted as victims or vulnerable, while men are portrayed/interpreted as defiant or in control.

We'd probably get camel toe girls instead of a speedo guy, sadly. Most straight dudes in the community would lose their shit if they tried anything that actually sexualized men.

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Summer Ryoma with whatever loincloth thing he wears in his official art could be something for next year. Here's hoping he's a red dagger unit who throws lobsters at you or a blue dagger unit who throws fish at you. Either way, it'd be fun and stupid. Also, he needs a boobs and butt pose for his injured art because why not.

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54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fair e-nough. And on second examination, I was going off of memory last time, it isn't so much the trunks that impede the damaged art, as it the big ridiculous bow.

And while I'm fine with Gaius's big and loose trunks, and the big and tighter swim trunks of other guys, I don't get why IS hasn't included speedos or mankinis yet. The ladies can have the teeniest bikinis around, but speedos aren't allowed? The male body in modern society, even when sexualized, is arguably less possible to sexualize than the female, and even given a speedo, guys would still lag behind the ladies in sexualization. Therefore, a speedo wouldn't be too risque. We don't have anything like Summer Forrin's damaged art (where, IRRC, the outfit looks like it should be falling off, but it doesn't because it's a still shot) on the males, do we?

Polar Bear Plunge Banner IS! With some of the proceeds from Orb sales during that time going to charity! It'd make people feel less bad for going PtP too, and maybe even after the promotion ends it'd keep their pursestrings loosened, mwahahaha!

You're speaking my language!

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8 minutes ago, Johann said:

Part of the issue with trying to sexualize male characters is that there's still an imbalance in how we perceive male and female sexuality,

Part of the issue with trying to sexualize male characters is that fact that there are fewer parts of the male anatomy that can be sexualized to the same level of effect.

I'm also under the impression (from solely anecdotal evidence) that homophobia (in the loose sense) is more common in adolescent males than females, which may be a contributing factor to the reduced levels of male sexualization.


22 minutes ago, Johann said:

and how women (even in the non-sexualized damaged art) are often portrayed/interpreted as victims or vulnerable, while men are portrayed/interpreted as defiant or in control.

I'm actually interested in this one. Maybe I'll catalog this while I wait for my code to build.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Part of the issue with trying to sexualize male characters is that fact that there are fewer parts of the male anatomy that can be sexualized to the same level of effect.

True, though sexualization isn't limited to how specific body parts are shown. Factor in the positioning of their body entirely, like how Loki really leans in for her default art to show off her boobs and stick her ass out. Characterization can also be sexualizing, which is a major distinction between Tharja and Olivia despite both usually wearing sexualized clothing that is often angled in a way to showcase their bodies.

3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm also under the impression (from solely anecdotal evidence) that homophobia (in the loose sense) is more common in adolescent males than females, which may be a contributing factor to the reduced levels of male sexualization.

I'd agree, though I'd go further and say that a majority of straight men, including the many developers of video games, are uncomfortable with not only male homosexuality, but what a comparable representation of sexualization would look like. The Hawkeye Initiative (NSFWish) is a pretty clear example of how ridiculous and normalized female sexualization can be, emphasized by showing male characters in the same outfits and poses.

3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm actually interested in this one. Maybe I'll catalog this while I wait for my code to build.

There are certain things like that which can be observed if you go through the art. For instance, how many female characters, in their damaged art, look like they have to pee, or are sticking their ass out (sometimes in the direction of their enemy)? If you then go through the art of male characters, it's hard to find those same poses, almost all of them look like they're ready to keep fighting.

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1 hour ago, Johann said:

Most straight dudes in the community would lose their shit if they tried anything that actually sexualized men.

Do most guys even care?

Excuse my language, but the minority of "men" who bitch and whine about feminism and gender equality are being hypocritical pussies who need to man the fuck up and get a real damn job. A real man does not fucking cry like a baby and call the current situation unfair when men still earn more than women despite attending college less. Women are still more likely than men to suffer sexual abuse. Women are still more likely than men to have a greater share of the house work regarding chores and kids while juggling a job. Single parents are more likely to be mothers than fathers, and do the bulk of child rearing. If those poor excuses of a man cannot even acknowledge the privileged position they are in, they do not deserve to be called men in the first place.

Sexualizing males is nothing to lose our shit over when we can see WE!Tharja in skimpy lingerie in the middle of winter.

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19 minutes ago, Johann said:

I'd agree, though I'd go further and say that a majority of straight men, including the many developers of video games, are uncomfortable with not only male homosexuality, but what a comparable representation of sexualization would look like.

Maybe because they don't want to be treated so sexually? And yet they don't think about how they treat the other half of society when they make females so sexual.

Or perhaps society is just that conservative or obsessed with preserving a sense of traditional masculinity? Gay marriage was only recently legalized, and still isn't in the majority of the world, including Japan.

Perhaps it'd be for the best if masculinity and femininity were abolished as concepts and replaced simply by "humaninity". Or if the divide remained, that they shared the same traits and didn't have to be opposites, or even necessary complements for a whole.

The Enlightenment idea of defining masculinity as Reason sounds okay, it gets past the need to be straight and buff. But the problem is that it defines Femininity as not-Reason, as irrational emotionality, which isn't good at all. And the reason being buff is bad, is because an emotional obsession with raw strength makes one a brute, which is irrational and thus not attune to Reason, and actually makes a man more like a female.

I'd also like a game that flips the strong male hero and weak female lover trope. I want the male fawning over the female, the female being cold and focuse, the male being the amnesiac with special powers who needs to be rescued from time to time.


22 minutes ago, Johann said:

The Hawkeye Initiative (NSFWish) is a pretty clear example of how ridiculous and normalized female sexualization can be, emphasized by showing male characters in the same outfits and poses.

Damn, the first image of those in itself is quite telling, particular down in the nether regions. Could someone skilled enough please do Takumi or Leo as Camilla for an FE comparison? 

It is annoying that women tend to get drawn at a higher sexualization level. I notice it very clearly when play Etrian Odyssey and creating my characters for the first time and having to select a character art. Here are a lot of the cases:

Either slash the female level or raise the male, how hard can this be to do?

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42 minutes ago, Johann said:

or are sticking their ass out (sometimes in the direction of their enemy)?

If you got hit hard enough to turn you around, you're probably also sticking your ass out at your opponent as you try to right yourself.

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12 minutes ago, XRay said:

Do most guys even care?

Excuse my language, but the minority of "men" who bitch and whine about feminism and gender equality are being hypocritical pussies who need to man the fuck up and get a real damn job. A real man does not fucking cry like a baby and call the current situation unfair when men still earn more than women despite attending college less. Women are still more likely than men to suffer sexual abuse. Women are still more likely than men to have a greater share of the house work regarding chores and kids while juggling a job. Single parents are more likely to be mothers than fathers, and do the bulk of child rearing. If those poor excuses of a man cannot even acknowledge the privileged position they are in, they do not deserve to be called men in the first place.

Sexualizing males is nothing to lose our shit over when we can see WE!Tharja in skimpy lingerie in the middle of winter.

I agree with everything you're saying. I ain't got numbers or anything, but I recall there was a male FF character who's outfit resulted in what was apparently a loud enough response that his design was changed:



Going by that, I would assume we could see a similar reaction in FE, but I'd like to think that the FE community is more open minded.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe because they don't want to be treated so sexually? And yet they don't think about how they treat the other half of society when they make females so sexual.

Or perhaps society is just that conservative or obsessed with preserving a sense of traditional masculinity? Gay marriage was only recently legalized, and still isn't in the majority of the world, including Japan.

Perhaps it'd be for the best if masculinity and femininity were abolished as concepts and replaced simply by "humaninity". Or if the divide remained, that they shared the same traits and didn't have to be opposites, or even necessary complements for a whole.

The Enlightenment idea of defining masculinity as Reason sounds okay, it gets past the need to be straight and buff. But the problem is that it defines Femininity as not-Reason, as irrational emotionality, which isn't good at all. And the reason being buff is bad, is because an emotional obsession with raw strength makes one a brute, which is irrational and thus not attune to Reason, and actually makes a man more like a female.

I'd also like a game that flips the strong male hero and weak female lover trope. I want the male fawning over the female, the female being cold and focuse, the male being the amnesiac with special powers who needs to be rescued from time to time.

Not surprisingly, the guys who complain about that sort of thing are pretty self-centered. Everything boils down to what they want and how they feel, at complete disregard for everyone else.

I view masculinity and femininity not as opposites, but complements. The opposite of manliness is boyishness, a real man's paragon is to be better than his past self, especially his dumb kid self. The same applies to women.

Subverting or averting the old cliches is awesome, and I'm surprised that so many developers seem to cling using to them as if there's no alternative.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Damn, the first image of those in itself is quite telling, particular down in the nether regions. Could someone skilled enough please do Takumi or Leo as Camilla for an FE comparison? 

It'd be awesome if someone had the ability and time to do the same thing with FEH art

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you got hit hard enough to turn you around, you're probably also sticking your ass out at your opponent as you try to right yourself.

How else will they pee mid-battle?

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14 minutes ago, Johann said:

Going by that, I would assume we could see a similar reaction in FE, but I'd like to think that the FE community is more open minded.

I wish the developers would just call out on their bullshit and sexualize males anyways. I doubt it will impact sales.

For Heroes, those whining players do not have to summon those units anyways, so fuck them for making the game less profitable than it could have. Heroes can get more female players and more revenue this way, so I am all for hunks in speedos.

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1 minute ago, Landmaster said:

All I wanted was ABS!

I heard new cars have ABS. You should try one. :p

Anyway, my eyes are burning, so I might make a list comparing injured poses just so I have something else to look at other than words, numbers, and other text and something to do before I study.


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