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Cool, I do not have a neutral Hinata at 4* for nature reference yet. I do have two neutral ones at 3* though so I could promote one of them.

11 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

He isn't useful for players who don't care about him or getting Fury fodder.

I am pretty sure most players care about getting free units no matter what it is. Free is free. Almost no one complains about getting free stuff. It would be like complaining to my boss about eating at Chick-fil-A when she is paying for it.

10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Why would people not care about 5 star units?

I hate a lot of non-Dancer melee unit that show up at 5*. I rather have loads of Hinatas than those disgusting 5* melee units. In my opinion, Ayra, Ares, Eldigan, Gray, Karel, Libra, Luke, Mia, WOT!Reinhardt, Saber, Shigure, Shiro, Siegbert, Silas, and Soliel are completely useless and I would rather have any 4* unit over them.

18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Hinata is a common 3-4 star unit with skills that can be obtained other also common ways. Fury? Bartre or Jagen.

Hinata is common for you and me, but not every player have enough disposable income or have the luck to summon lots of him. Bartre and Jagen do not have Fury at 4*. People only promote them when they are really desperate for Fury, and not every desperate player have the Feathers to do that either.

18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

One Hinata will only give one unit Fury 3 though. He won't help those other units. You can't reuse a manual or barracks unit for skill fodder.

One is better than none.

7 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i don't think my units are strong enough to experience the self-killing - i never get a healer to them in time. and I saw some combos of fury + renewal (but not a lot of renewals).

Fury's recoil damage is often times needed for Player Phase units and mixed phase units. They need the damage to get into Desperation range. Fury-Renewal combo is generally a waste of Fury and Renewal in my opinion.

Fury is less optimal for tanks, but in Arena, the recoil damage does not matter since most tanks only fight one round of combat, maybe two at most.


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2 minutes ago, XRay said:

I hate a lot of non-Dancer melee unit that show up at 5*. I rather have loads of Hinatas than those disgusting 5* melee units. In my opinion, Ayra, Ares, Eldigan, Gray, Karel, Libra, Luke, Mia, WOT!Reinhardt, Saber, Shigure, Shiro, Siegbert, Silas, and Soliel are completely useless and I would rather have any 4* unit over them.

That is very strange to me. I can't begin to understand this line of thinking at all. I'd rather have any of those 5 star units over a common Hinata. ...Well, except Mia, I guess, since I don't like her at all.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

Fury's recoil damage is often times needed for Player Phase units and mixed phase units. They need the damage to get into Desperation range. Fury-Renewal combo is generally a waste of Fury and Renewal in my opinion.

Fury is less optimal for tanks, but in Arena, the recoil damage does not matter since most tanks only fight one round of combat, maybe two at most.


ah. that could be it. (I don't think i have any of my units who have desperation off the top of my head). 
and that makes sense. I saw someone who had Myrrh+ who literally just. killed you, then healed herself so i thought that's interesting but not sure if i'd do that myself. 
it's a reason why i haven't gotten rid of all my bartres for at least discount fury. i figure eventually it's gonna be needed and i can decide who to put it on (maybe everyone?) and Fury 2 is better than nothing

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That is very strange to me. I can't begin to understand this line of thinking at all. I'd rather have any of those 5 star units over a common Hinata. ...Well, except Mia, I guess, since I don't like her at all.

What he's saying is that he'd rather get fury than a unit he can't invest in to +10.

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2 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

What he's saying is that he'd rather get fury than a unit he can't invest in to +10.

You don't have to make every unit +10 though...

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3 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

What he's saying is that he'd rather get fury than a unit he can't invest in to +10.

Er, no since he also had names like Soleil, Shigure and Libra in there. I'm pretty sure he just has what I'd call an unhealthy hatred of melee units.

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12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That is very strange to me. I can't begin to understand this line of thinking at all. I'd rather have any of those 5 star units over a common Hinata. ...Well, except Mia, I guess, since I don't like her at all.

I do not like melee units because ranged units are simply superior. Attacking from 2 spaces is superior to fighting at 1 space away. If BST and SP are not part of the scoring criteria, ranged units will be used much more often. There is nothing a melee unit can do that a ranged unit cannot do on Player Phase.

In addition to that, the useless 5* units I mentioned have nothing to offer me. Even as someone as useless as Ike can give me Aether without spending another 20,000 Feathers.

4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Er, no since he also had names like Soleil, Shigure and Libra in there. I'm pretty sure he just has what I'd call an unhealthy hatred of melee units.


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5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Er, no since he also had names like Soleil, Shigure and Libra in there. I'm pretty sure he just has what I'd call an unhealthy hatred of melee units.

It was a simplified answer on my part, but yeah

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52 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

or at least one :)
(come ta mama Joshua!) 

I can relate to you. I am just waiting to collect more Camus. He may be outclassed for now. But I just like this character so much D=. 

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1 minute ago, Stroud said:

I can relate to you. I am just waiting to collect more Camus. He may be outclassed for now. But I just like this character so much D=. 

LOL totally understood. 
i was bummed out that i missed out on some tempest rewards because of holidays. (boo). or before i didn't realise what tempest was so i missed out on quite a few Marths. (double boo). but i keep seeing this Joshua and he's not ranked v. well on gamepress, but when i see him, he murders my team so i figure i must have the murderer so I can then smack other people around. 

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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

I do not like melee units because ranged units are simply superior. Attacking from 2 spaces is superior to fighting at 1 space away. If BST and SP are not part of the scoring criteria, ranged units will be used much more often. There is nothing a melee unit can do that a ranged unit cannot do on Player Phase.

I disagree. I find melee units superior because they seem to have better stats overall. Ranged units have lower BST and also tend to have low defenses. Bow units also cannot hit for weapon advantage except against fliers, unless you're talking about legendary Lyn or legendary Lucina. Melee units have better stats and always have weapon triangle advantage against someone unless it's female Grima Robin. Also, Ike is not useless at all. CYL Ike's weapon and Steady Breath make him hard to kill and RD Ike is a great FTP unit with built-in DC.

I will agree that horse mages and horse archers are great, but besides those, ranged units are meh imo.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

I mean, if you want call this useless then go right ahead friend. Also, call me when ranged units can get Wrath.

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this is my dream. (4, and 6 more to go. and you know. several of those skills LOL)

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3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I mean, if you want call this useless then go right ahead friend. Also, call me when ranged units can get Wrath.

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>1 attack range on player phase

You already know what his answer is gonna be.

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23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ranged units have lower BST and also tend to have low defenses.

Lower BST does not matter when I can still kill things with Blade mages and Brave archers. Low Def/Res also does not matter since Firesweep and Desperation exists.

23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Bow units also cannot hit for weapon advantage except against fliers, unless you're talking about legendary Lyn or legendary Lucina. Melee units have better stats and always have weapon triangle advantage against someone unless it's female Grima Robin.

Bow units have effective damage against fliers.

Being colorless is good for a nuke because it means the triangle cannot cock block my nuke. I can use my nuke against anyone without worrying about dealing less damage.

Colored nukes like Reinhardt and Blade mages are not as reliable since there is about a 25% chance (assuming each color appears about the same rate) that their attacks are ineffective.

23 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Also, Ike is not useless at all. CYL Ike's weapon and Steady Breath make him hard to kill and RD Ike is a great FTP unit with built-in DC.

Ike is as useless as Ryoma, but they are not as bad as Ayra. They have Distant Counter so they can function as a general green counter in Arena Assault if I ever manage to run out of my other green counters, but running out of green counters is highly unlikely for me so I have not used them in a long time.

BH!Ike's only redeeming quality is that he got Steady Breath and Aether. He is nothing more than fodder to me.

VL!Ike is a little better since he is used in free guide videos and he is Warding Breath fodder.

18 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I mean, if you want call this useless then go right ahead friend. Also, call me when ranged units can get Wrath.

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She is not a Player Phase ranged unit, so she would be useless to me.

And Laevatein does it better.

7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

it'll be the wrong answer.


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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

And Laevatein does it better.

And Laevatein can also go to hell so home essentially because I kinda hate her. I wouldn't even be able to +10 her even if I mildly tolerated her anyways.

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53 minutes ago, XRay said:

I hate a lot of non-Dancer melee unit that show up at 5*. I rather have loads of Hinatas than those disgusting 5* melee units. In my opinion, Ayra, Ares, Eldigan, Gray, Karel, Libra, Luke, Mia, WOT!Reinhardt, Saber, Shigure, Shiro, Siegbert, Silas, and Soliel are completely useless and I would rather have any 4* unit over them

Me but with Lon'qu~

Can we please get a free 4* Lon'qu, I'm literally desperate, I have only PULLED ONE.

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5 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

i was bummed out that i missed out on some tempest rewards because of holidays. (boo). or before i didn't realise what tempest was so i missed out on quite a few Marths. (double boo). but i keep seeing this Joshua and he's not ranked v. well on gamepress, but when i see him, he murders my team so i figure i must have the murderer so I can then smack other people around. 

I guess I would see him more often if he would get enough merges. He is one of the characters I barely see =/. 
I don't give much about tier lists anyway. What makes the units is the player.

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41 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

LOL totally understood. 
i was bummed out that i missed out on some tempest rewards because of holidays. (boo). or before i didn't realise what tempest was so i missed out on quite a few Marths. (double boo). but i keep seeing this Joshua and he's not ranked v. well on gamepress, but when i see him, he murders my team so i figure i must have the murderer so I can then smack other people around. 

I don't know what Gamepress uses as a means of unit testing for arena, but I'd avoid using it as it comes off as not testing units against common arena threats.

Just checked and it's supposedly filtered full list, AKA vanilla units. Why am I not surprised?

37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Ranged units have lower BST and also tend to have low defenses.

Irrelevant if you deal magic damage and can survive a blow. As is the case for player phase mages

37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Bow units also cannot hit for weapon advantage

And bows don't have weapon disadvantage. The only problem is that IS just made bad units for the bow category at launch. Their attempts at making good bow units several months into the game has been fruitful. The older ones need a refine. The only good bow that's easily accessible is brave bow and that's best used on units with high attack. And even then it's a PvE weapon 

37 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Also, Ike is not useless at all. CYL Ike's weapon and Steady Breath make him hard to kill and RD Ike is a great FTP unit with built-in DC.

CYL Ike's weapon should be ditched if you're in arena. Slaying gives stat boosts as well as more bulk. His weapon is too situational. You could make the same argument for Bartre being hard to kill as their stats and physical bulk is pretty much the same. People glorify Bike, because he's a CYL unit, but he's aged horribly. Even then, dragons are extremely commonplace so if they sneeze on Bike it's bye-bye. Same applies for bladetome mages that Urvan should give an advantage over, but really doesn't do much. DC weapons are so shit in arena. But I do agree he's good in PvE content and has his uses in AA

@TybrosionUnless you have Infantry or Ostia Pulse, I'd ditch Slaying for Wo Dao if you're keeping everything else

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6 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Me but with Lon'qu~

Can we please get a free 4* Lon'qu, I'm literally desperate, I have only PULLED ONE.

Sheena for me
It kills me how many people pull her - and i have one. and I ALWAYS pick in green. 
(and I just want Sheena, don't need special skills. just need another axe person)



3 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I don't know what Gamepress uses as a means of unit testing for arena, but I'd avoid using it as it comes off as not testing units against common arena threats.

Just checked and it's supposedly filtered full list, AKA vanilla units. Why am I not surprised?

i mostly use it to check on iv's (and who i would potentially want to work on). but there are some characters (for me Clair, Cordelia etc) they do have ranked relatively low, but I like them, so i mean i just promoted my first Cordelia up and other units as well. simply because who knows if I'd ever get a lot of whom they have ranked higher. lol

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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

And Laevatein can also go to hell so home essentially because I kinda hate her. I wouldn't even be able to +10 her even if I mildly tolerated her anyways.

I cannot send Laevatein back to that crap hole. Both Múspell sisters deserve a better home in Askr in my Barracks.

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8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

@TybrosionUnless you have Infantry or Ostia Pulse, I'd ditch Slaying for Wo Dao if you're keeping everything else

She already has Wo Dao+ (along with its Atk and Spd refines) in the back thanks to a stray Karel I got a while back. 

6 minutes ago, XRay said:

I cannot send Laevatein back to that crap hole.

I happily would when she inevitably shows up as a pity breaker. That Fury 3 Odd Spd Wave 3 would look magnificent on Soleil...

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