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I was going to respond to something, but apparently I shouldn't. What I will say is that I don't get people who dislike and state certain units, especially pitybreakers, unit types, or whatever as being useless, worthless, or a waste of orbs. If you absolutely hate the character, then don't think of them as a character. Think of them as a tool, as a means to an end. Nobody can do everything, so there's a point where you have to start using someone else; literally or through the skills you can inherit from them. Additionally, 5* summoned or not, pitybreakers or not, once you summon a unit, there's three useful things you can do with them: actually use them on maps, use them for skill inheritance, or send them home for X amount of feathers. Units are resources and like all resources, they're all worth something no matter how minuscule. So, to me, it's incredibly asinine to discredit or devalue a unit in such ways. You summoned an Eldigan and you don't like him or want to use him? Free Blazing Light, Fury 3, Lunge, or 2000 feathers. You could have gotten those skills from others, but you summoned Eldigan instead, so make do with what you have and what you just got. And I get it, you didn't get the character you wanted, but you can't guarantee you will get anything in this game when it comes to summoning.

That's it and I will not continue this topic that annoys me whenever I see it time and time again to the point where I've had it on this day seeing it again for the umpteenth time.

Now, for something positive. I've yet to watch the trailer or check anything else about the new Halloween banner, but Myrrh looks absolutely adorable. I saw the thumbnail of the video on the notifications board and her little chibi on the home notification screen ribbon thing and she just looks so darn cute.

Edited by Kaden
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5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I was going to respond to something, but apparently I shouldn't. What I will say is that I don't get people who dislike and state certain units, especially pitybreakers, unit types, or whatever as being useless, worthless, or a waste of orbs. If you absolutely hate the character, then don't think of them as a character. Think of them as a tool, as a means to an end. Nobody can do everything, so there's a point where you have to start using someone else; literally or through the skills you can inherit from them. Additionally, 5* summoned or not, pitybreakers or not, once you summon a unit, there's three useful things you can do with them: actually use them on maps, use them for skill inheritance, or send them home for X amount of feathers. Units are resources and like all resources, they're all worth something no matter how minuscule. So, to me, it's incredibly asinine to discredit or devalue a unit in such ways. You summoned an Eldigan and you don't like him or want to use him? Free Blazing Light, Fury 3, Lunge, or 2000 feathers. You could have gotten those skills from others, but you summoned Eldigan instead, so make do with what you have and what you just got. And I get it, you didn't get the character you wanted, but you can't guarantee you will get anything in this game when it comes to summoning.

That's it and I will not continue this topic that annoys me whenever I see it time and time again to the point where I've had it on this day seeing it again for the umpteenth time.

Now, for something positive. I've yet to watch the trailer or check anything else about the new Halloween banner, but Myrrh looks absolutely adorable. I saw the thumbnail of the video on the notifications board and her little chibi on the home notification screen ribbon thing and she just looks so darn cute.

I think this is one of those times you'll just have to shrug and move on.  Some people refuse to look for a silver lining, and it isn't your job to find it for them.

I'll also assume you're pulling for Myrrh?

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11 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I think this is one of those times you'll just have to shrug and move on.  Some people refuse to look for a silver lining, and it isn't your job to find it for them.

I'll also assume you're pulling for Myrrh?

I know and I know it's me since I can't find myself genuinely disliking much less hate any character. Except for Slayde. He's an ass, but I'll still use him regardless whenever he gets add into the game. Within reason, I go out of my way to collect and use as many characters as I can. No character becomes worthless or useless to me and while it's disappointing for someone else to show up when I'm trying to summon for someone, for a focus unit, they still have something to offer even if it's a look into their character, especially if they're someone I have no idea about because I never played their game.

I was in the middle of editing my post about what I just saw in the trailer, but I really want Mia now. I was going to edit this in: WHAT? What the hell is that noise Mia makes when she attacks/Lani Minella makes for Halloween Mia? Waagh? What are we now? Warhammer 40K? I already wanted more Mias and Halloween Mia when I saw her name in the notification post, but this takes it. I need her solely for how dumb that sounds.

Edit: Yup, Mia all the way for this banner. First flying healer and a derpy attack line? Heck yeah! Kagero and Myrrh would be nice too.

Edited by Kaden
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3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

What the hell is that noise Mia makes when she attacks/Lani Minella makes for Halloween Mia? Waagh? What are we now? Warhammer 40K? I already wanted more Mias and Halloween Mia when I saw her name in the notification post, but this takes it. I need her solely for how dumb that sounds.

This is simultaneously the best and the worst thing ever to happen to this game.

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6 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hey uh... has anyone mentioned the Heroic Feats event starting tomorrow that'll give free Fury fodder for using Fury fodder to give your used units Fury?

About two or three pages ago, yeah. Free Fury is great, and I wonder what would be the other three units.

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The more I watch Mia's "wah", the better it gets~ What is this scorcery?~

9 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hey uh... has anyone mentioned the Heroic Feats event starting tomorrow that'll give free Fury fodder for using Fury fodder to give your used units Fury?

Cause... that's pretty neat.


I'll try to contribute despite having all of 2 units with Fury on them~

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8 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hey uh... has anyone mentioned the Heroic Feats event starting tomorrow that'll give free Fury fodder for using Fury fodder to give your used units Fury?

Cause... that's pretty neat.

There’s also the Three Heroes quests aka my last chance at Flora and/or Nina.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

About two or three pages ago, yeah. Free Fury is great, and I wonder what would be the other three units.

Please let one of them be a Sothe. Why must I be so drained of good A skill fodder.

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27 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Free Blazing Light, Fury 3, Lunge, or 2000 feathers.

Isn't it 1000 feathers? (It really should be 5000+, but that's another issue.)


10 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Hey uh... has anyone mentioned the Heroic Feats event starting tomorrow that'll give free Fury fodder for using Fury fodder to give your used units Fury?

Cause... that's pretty neat.

Extra fury is very nice, but I'm looking forward to the limited units. I do hope that limited units eventually get added to the pool in some fashion so I can get them with IVs, although at this point, I doubt that's going to happen until that are very outdated...

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11 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

The more I watch Mia's "wah", the better it gets~ What is this scorcery?~

Doesn't it? It's so hilarious. Here's witch Mia for this year's Halloween banner and then "Waagh!"

6 minutes ago, Tree said:

Isn't it 1000 feathers? (It really should be 5000+, but that's another issue.)

It is. I thought it was 2000 for some reason. Guess I just wanted to make my memory of sending home 5* Seliph less painful now that I started doing merge projects and I could have had a +5 Seliph if I kept that one as a free 5* merge and then there's all the other 3* and 4* Seliphs sent home... I needed combat manuals so much sooner than when we got it.

Edit: Mia sounds completely normal in the Japanese trailer. I thought the weird line was something they wanted for her, but nope, we get Waagh! Mia for the English voices and regular witch Mia for the Japanese voices.

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22 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Edit: Mia sounds completely normal in the Japanese trailer. I thought the weird line was something they wanted for her, but nope, we get Waagh! Mia for the English voices and regular witch Mia for the Japanese voices.

They often don't use corresponding voice lines for the in-game video clip, though. Probably because it's annoying to record it over and over until they get the same one.

So there's still a chance, though it's not terribly likely.

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@Ice Dragon Kind of curious about this


On a min maxed fully built Armor have there ever been like any reason to ever consider Distant Counter Weapon? or are they not a best in slot ever?

If they are Vengeful Fighter, Speedy build Vengeance build or not they can run 4 CD Special, Killer weapon and call it a day. This evidently gives you way better bulk than Breath, and simmilar damage and CD cycling(4-> 2 -> 0 -> Activation for VF DC BREATH, 3 -> 2 -> 0 -> activation for Killer)


If they are mixed they can run Guarantee Bonfire if they dont get doubled(2 0 A for initiation, 1 0 A for QR) although if they are doubled 3 CD doubled is still a 4 CD special activation


I remember you once mentioned that the only reason Dragon even run Lighting Breath is because Killer Dragon doesn't exists iirc?

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

They often don't use corresponding voice lines for the in-game video clip, though. Probably because it's annoying to record it over and over until they get the same one.

So there's still a chance, though it's not terribly likely.

Wouldn't the developers have the ability to choose which voice clip plays? I figured they would be able to considered they'd have access to the source code -- I hope that's the right term -- of the game.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Wouldn't the developers have the ability to choose which voice clip plays? I figured they would be able to considered they'd have access to the source code -- I hope that's the right term -- of the game.

I don't think the developers do the marketing stuff. 

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13 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

On a min maxed fully built Armor have there ever been like any reason to ever consider Distant Counter Weapon? or are they not a best in slot ever?

DC weapons have niche uses with Breath Effects. Less true now that you can use special fighter + followup weapon or high natural speed, but +2 when being hit is relevant for 4cd skills. (Instantly active when taking a brave hit and suffers a tad less versus guard effects.) Fierce Breath is also more or less trading 4 Atk on defense for 5 hp, which is occasionally worth it.

Edit: It also frees you up to run Vantage QR for B and S slot, although that's mostly for defense teams.

Not sure why you care about best in slot for armors, though. Their combat will be stellar no matter what you do with them---combat was never an armor's weak point.

Edited by DehNutCase
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4 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

@Ice Dragon Kind of curious about this


On a min maxed fully built Armor have there ever been like any reason to ever consider Distant Counter Weapon? or are they not a best in slot ever?

If they are Vengeful Fighter, Speedy build Vengeance build or not they can run 4 CD Special, Killer weapon and call it a day. This evidently gives you way better bulk than Breath, and simmilar damage and CD cycling(4-> 2 -> 0 -> Activation for VF DC BREATH, 3 -> 2 -> 0 -> activation for Killer)


If they are mixed they can run Guarantee Bonfire if they dont get doubled(2 0 A for initiation, 1 0 A for QR) although if they are doubled 3 CD doubled is still a 4 CD special activation


I remember you once mentioned that the only reason Dragon even run Lighting Breath is because Killer Dragon doesn't exists iirc?

Yep, a Distant Counter weapon is rarely best in slot for general use because refined Slaying weapon + Distant Counter + Bold Fighter + Quick Riposte allows Ignis or Glacies to activate on both phases for slow armors instead of Bonfire or Iceberg and has +4 to a defensive stat.

Fast armors are a bit weird, but we don't have any relevant ones yet because Zelgius and the Black Knight have Black Luna (which is effectively a 4-charge Special with a Slaying weapon built in), Tiki is a dragon and has no access to Killer weapons, and no other fast armors have access to a Distant Counter weapon.

And again, dragons as a whole still don't have a Killer weapon to use, and most of them don't have a viable player phase to worry about, so Lightning Breath and exclusive weapons with Distant Counter are still perfectly fair game for them.


1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Wouldn't the developers have the ability to choose which voice clip plays? I figured they would be able to considered they'd have access to the source code -- I hope that's the right term -- of the game.

I don't think the videos are made by the developers. I'd assume the marketing team is responsible for them.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

This is simultaneously the best and the worst thing ever to happen to this game.

Sounds like a ... duck? 

Myrrhs attacking animation (before she transforms to her dragon form) is adorable:


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10 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I don't think the developers do the marketing stuff. 

Just now, Ice Dragon said:

I don't think the videos are made by the developers. I'd assume the marketing team is responsible for them.

They could have them record the gameplay and the rest of the fluff is done by a different division in their studio if they're big enough or whoever is their marketing team. Maybe I'm thinking of it from a game like Devil May Cry where you have someone good at the game play through stuff, it gets recorded, and that gameplay is sent to whoever will put together a trailer of it doing whatever editing, audio, or whatever else is agreed upon or felt would work between the developers and marketing team.

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