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On 8/18/2024 at 8:25 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

Mirabilis looking good!

You could go with Farmer's Tool. It grants visible Atk/Def+6 to her and allies, and has Bonus Doubler 4 built into the weapon.

On 8/18/2024 at 1:49 PM, Ice Dragon said:

Offensively, the additional damage from Reopening is halved per hit when you can perform a follow-up, but you're landing two hits instead of one, so in the context of Reopening's effect, it's the same either way. However, not getting a follow-up attack means you're not getting a follow-up attack. Additionally, because the most common condition for damage reduction is still on first attack or on non-follow-up attacks, it's generally beneficial to split additional damage across multiple attacks instead of stacking it all on a single attack when the unit has no source of percentage damage reduction nullification.

Defensively, you lose 5~6 flat damage reduction in exchange for the difference in weapon effects. It's up to you to determine if that trade is worth it for how you use the unit.

Thanks for the advice, guys. After some experimentation, it seems that Reopening is inferior to Gambit for my purposes. Oh well. Can't really say it was a wasted inherit though since I give my dancers All Of The Things anyway. The experiment in question was to see if Mira could wrestle down Bravefonse, for which I'm happy to report the test was a success!

I've also been experimenting with the Celica Engage on her and made the happy discovery that not only can she jump past all of Brave Robin's ice tiles to beat the tar out of her, but then rubs salt in the wound with Fortifications deleting all the ice. I don't think I've laughed that earnestly at this game in quite a while.

Edited by Some Jerk
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That's Felicia and Nil, in my opinion.

The sillhouette on the left, who looks to be Female, even have something on the top of the head that looks like a Maid's hat. Not to mention the ponytail. That screams Felicia.

Looks like Ice Tribe Festival may be a thing.

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I imagine we’ll be getting Ninian too if that is Nils on the right.

This banner will probably have a Duo Hero since the last two seasonals had Harmonized Heroes. Do we get Ninian and Eliwood, and which of the two would have the misfortune of being a backpack twice?

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Ah, new silhouettes. Looks like Nils on the right and...Clarine or someone on the left? In a Nohrian maid's outfit... So, they're not going for Ice Tribe traditional wear but rather the working garb of those sent to serve Nohr? Hrm...

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

Ah, new silhouettes. Looks like Nils on the right and...Clarine or someone on the left? In a Nohrian maid's outfit... So, they're not going for Ice Tribe traditional wear but rather the working garb of those sent to serve Nohr? Hrm...

One could argue the clan is so bland they're kinda more defined by its representatives being maids than anything else. That said Nils seems to be wearing a cape like their dad does.

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6 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Ah, new silhouettes. Looks like Nils on the right and...Clarine or someone on the left? In a Nohrian maid's outfit... So, they're not going for Ice Tribe traditional wear but rather the working garb of those sent to serve Nohr? Hrm...

Eh, the announcement specifically says "Special Heroes leaving a chilly breeze in their wake," so I'd expect Ice Tribe.

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17 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

One could argue the clan is so bland they're kinda more defined by its representatives being maids than anything else. That said Nils seems to be wearing a cape like their dad does.

11 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Eh, the announcement specifically says "Special Heroes leaving a chilly breeze in their wake," so I'd expect Ice Tribe.

Obviously it's Ice Tribe. I was never arguing that. I was arguing the costume choices. They're representing a subsect of Nohrian society (or at least the girls seem to be) instead of their own native dress. Giving someone a servant's uniform instead of traditional garb just because they've been subjugated by a more powerful nation is kind of... Hmm I can't quite find the word, but it's sort of mortifying. We know they have traditional garb, we just haven't seen much of it. This was a good opportunity to show more of it.

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I think I might have missed Panette's GHB. I don't see her in my barracks anywhere. But she does seem to be in the Catalog of Heroes either. Has it not been released yet? I Google it and I see the map does exist. How long will it be until she's released as a Grail unit?

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8 hours ago, Jotari said:

I think I might have missed Panette's GHB. I don't see her in my barracks anywhere. But she does seem to be in the Catalog of Heroes either. Has it not been released yet? I Google it and I see the map does exist. How long will it be until she's released as a Grail unit?

Panette's GHB expired about two weeks ago.

She should get added to the Grail shop (along with Yukata Takumi) in next month's update. Grail units have a two month wait before they get added to the Grail shop. For example, the update this month added Summer Dedue and Glen (who both released in July).

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I think I might have missed Panette's GHB. I don't see her in my barracks anywhere. But she does seem to be in the Catalog of Heroes either. Has it not been released yet? I Google it and I see the map does exist. How long will it be until she's released as a Grail unit?

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September 2024's Limited Hero Battles begin tomorrow. Here are the maps for this round:


- LHB Azura / Sacred Stones 

- GHB Fallen Lloyd / Awakening 

- LHB Micaiah / Blazing Blade 

- BHB Kaze & Midori / Genealogy & Thracia

- MHB Loki / Echoes


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I'd just like to point out that Legendary Ephraim, after this current Remix appearance, will not be seen again until January 2026.

And he is not the only one from this current group who has more than a year until their next re-run. Gunnthra, Hrid and L!Julia will all not been seen again until November 2025.

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A bit late, but a new Hall of Forms rerun is up, and since it's a new month, this one adds skills through Eikthyrnir and Heidrun to the pool. The most notable are:

  • Gust
  • Fierce Beast
  • Stronghold
  • Atk/Def Excel
  • Clever Fighter
  • Spd/Def Crux
  • Even Atk Wave N
  • Even Res Wave D

The units are Halloween Female Grima, Nah, Desert Tharja, and Awakening Anna:



Grima has the highest Atk and Res of all dragon fliers at maximum Dragonflowers and only fall behind the newer versions of Myrrh in Def. Her exclusive weapon only has Distant Counter and passive healing, but will be up for a refine in a few months. Her exclusive A skill grants her +6 Atk/Def/Res, Iote's Shield, and Pledge, which is still competitive with modern A skills.

Halloween Female Grima [+Res / +Atk]
New-Sun Stone+ [Res] / Dragonbloom+ [Res]
Dragon's Roar
Def/Res Scowl 4 / Atk/Res Scowl 4 / Stronghold / Flared Mirror
High Dragon Wall / Counter Roar 4 / Quick Riposte 4 / Brash Assault 4
Atk/Res Crux / Even Res Wave D / Breath of Life 4

New-Sun Stone and Dragonbloom are the standard inheritable weapon options for slow dragons.

Scowl 4 is the default for enemy-phase dragon fliers since there aren't really any other options besides Catch 4. Stronghold sacrifices some Atk for the ability to nullify start-of-turn stat penalty and Panic applications. Atk/Res Clash 4 and Atk/Res Excel 4 don't exist yet, so the only real player-phase option for the A slot is Flared Mirror.

High Dragon Wall and Counter Roar 4 are standard options for dragons.

Grima doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up on her weapon or exclusive A skill, and so the most efficient way to get the effect is Crux in the C slot. However, Quick Riposte 4 and Brash Assault 4 are options if you want to run a different C skill. Alternatively, you can hope that she gets a guaranteed follow-up on her refine, though with Dragon's Ire in her base kit, it's uncertain if she will.

If you aren't running Crux in her C slot, Even Res Wave D is probably her next-best option, which lets her have the Scowl effect while still running her exclusive A skill, though Breath of Life 4 can be used for even more passive healing and its support effect.



Nah's HP and Def are both in the top 5 among dragon infantry with maximum Dragonflowers, and while her Res isn't the most impressive, it's still usable. Her refined weapon grants her +11/8/8/8, Bonus Doubler 4's effect, and grants her and nearby allies +6 Def/Res and Pledge at the start of the turn.

Nah [+Res / +Atk]
Oracle's Breath [unique] / New-Sun Stone+ [Res] / Dragonbloom+ [Res] / Dragon's Stone [Res]
Dragon's Roar
Def/Res Scowl 4 / Atk/Res Scowl 4 / Def/Res Finish 4 / Atk/Res Finish 4 / D Bonus Doubler / Bonus Doubler 4
Laguz Friend 4 / High Dragon Wall / Counter Roar 4
Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Incite Atk/Spd / Pulse Up: Blades / Even Res Wave D / Infantry Pulse 4 / Breath of Life 4

As usual, Oracle's Breath is an option if you haven't already refined her weapon and want to save Dew. New-Sun Stone and Dragonbloom are the standard inheritable weapon options for dragon, but because Nah has middling Spd and Bonus Doubler, I think Dragon's Stone is still a viable option if you want its additional effects instead.

Scowl 4 and Finish 4 are standard for infantry dragons, but because Nah already herself and her allies stat boosts with her weapon, she has a stronger argument for D Bonus Doubler and Bonus Doubler 4 than most other units.

Laguz Friend 4 is notably an option for Nah because her weapon doesn't have the Slaying effect, which makes it compatible with Dragon's Roar. High Dragon Wall and Counter Roar 4 are the other standard options. Unfortunately, Atk/Res Bulwark doesn't exist, but you could substitute in Spd/Res Bulwark if you want Bulwark 4's effect, but it's a more niche option.

Oath 4 and Incite are the best options to give her a full +6 to all stats at the start of the turn, as she already grants herself the Pledge effect. Pulse Up: Blades needs to ramp up at the start of the map, but lets Laguz Friend 4 fully charge Dragon's Roar for the opponent's first attack in the first round of combat on each enemy phase. Infantry Pulse 4 does the same as Pulse Up: Blades, but without the Atk/Spd stat bonuses and instead uses Nah's high HP to charge up allies' Specials. Even Res Wave D gives her Scowl's effect without tying up her A slot. Breath of Life 4 is Breath of Life 4.



Tharja's 43+/45+ offenses with maximum Dragonflowers isn't quite as impressive anymore with Teatime Ferdinand having 44+/47 as a 4-star Special Hero, but it's still quite good. Otherwise, she's just a fast tome flier without an exclusive weapon.

Desert Tharja [+Spd]
Teatime Set+ [Spd] / Teacake Tower+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Flared Sparrow / Remote Sparrow
S/R Far Trace 4 / Desperation 4 / Occultist's Strike
S/R Crux / Deadly Miasma / Atk/Spd Oath 4

I'm pretty sure the Teatime weapons are still the best inheritable green tomes in the pool.

Mastery isn't in the Hall of Forms skill pool yet, so Flared Sparrow and Remote Sparrow are still the best options in the A slot.

There similarly aren't many options for the B slot for flying tomes. Far Trace 4 and Occultist's Strike are your offensive options, and Desperation 4 is your survivability option. Tharja's relatively low Res means she can't really run Sabotage/Ploy.

The C slot options are also pretty standard, as well.



Anna has solid 40/45+ offenses and a modern refined weapon that gives her +9/12/8/8, an additional +2 to all stats for each non-stat Bonus up to +8, stat penalty nullification, additional damage based on Spd, passive healing, and Grimoire teleportation. She also grants Canto (1) and Dodge to herself and nearby allies at the start of the turn.

Awakening Anna [+Spd]
Apotheosis Spear [unique] / Nabata Lance+ [Spd] / Kumo Naginata+
Gust / No Quarter / Ruptured Sky
Atk/Spd Excel / Atk/Spd Finish 4 / Atk/Spd Prime 4 / D Bonus Doubler
Spurn 4 / Phys. Null Follow / Spd/Def Tempo 4 / Laguz Friend 4 / Potent 4
Incite Atk/Spd / Atk/Spd Pledge / Breath of Life 4 / Time's Pulse 4

As usual, Apotheosis Spear is an option if you haven't already refined her weapon and want to save Dew. Nabata Lance and Kumo Naginata are still the best inheritable options.

Her teleportation effect lends itself well to running Excel, and it's probably her best-in-slot skill overall. Finish 4 is still an option for its passive healing, and Prime 4 and D Bonus Doubler are the best Distant Counter options.

Spurn 4, Phys. Null Follow, and Spd/Def Tempo 4 speak for themselves. Laguz Friend 4 is an option because her weapon doesn't have the Slaying effect on it, which makes it compatible with both Gust and No Quarter, though its damage reduction nullification is obviously wasted with No Quarter. Potent 4 is a bit of an iffy choice since without the Slaying effect, there's a higher chance that she'll activate her Special on her Potent Follow 40% attack and lose a good portion of its damage.

Similar to Excel, her teleportation effect naturally works well with Incite. Pledge and Breath of Life 4 speak for themselves. Time's Pulse 4 is specifically an option when running Laguz Friend 4 with Gust.


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