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18 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

@Elieson As you're a fan of the Askr trio, why don't you give it a shot and give Aether to Alfonse and Galeforce to Sharena/Anna. That'll bump your arena score, won't it?


1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

It'll bump your arena score, but that makes their special trigger nigh useless. 5 turn procs are just too much dude


Actually, it's been my secret plan that I guess I'll unveil now:


I've been quietly saving up to build an Alexander with:

  • Wo Dao +
  • Swap
  • Aether
  • Heavy Blade 3
  • SwordBreaker 2 (well 3 but I don't have easy 3 access right now)
  • Threaten Atk 3

Crunching numbers gives Fat Albert -3 per swing on EP and -9 per swing on PP, but since his innate 35 + 13 Atk (48) before buffs is still pretty stinkin high, Aether prox come up ridiculously fast. This turns Alcatraz into a much slower but more res-heavy Ike, which arguably still isn't that great but is rarely outclassed without going against pure Atk-based reds. The additional res and near-identical stats everywhere else are neat to draw comparisons to, primarily because vs swords that Ike's got SwordBreaker for anyway, Alfheim with +1 HP is hilariously more bulky.

Long story short, he misses that Death Blow's flat +6 damage, but Wo Dao's offset of +10 and innate -3 Mt from Folkvangr at credible HP can result in higher than 50% HP Alan doing more damage with Aether than at sub 50% with Folk's Defiant bonus. This isn't a stretch, since Algo Star System thrives on eating swords to charge his meter and unless they have 54 attack+, they're not doing it. It's not an uncommon scenario since not being doubled provides the Wo Dao setup with some validity.

Running this on an atk support team aka with Sharena (please, she's the bae'est), bumps it up to 52 and by the time Alfred hits combat vs a sword, he's got Aether set to explode on standby and heal himself up by dealing like at minimum, 35 damage.

The more I type this out, the more I laugh at the gimmick, as it'd never work defensively and depends on opponents having a sword to mooch Cooldown through. Still, if I had an Ike and a Karel to make this happen with, I'd totally do it just to show hilarious screenshots of it actually happening.

Though to tell you the truth, since Ike can push Heavy Blade's effectiveness up with a +Atk nature and running -Res on his already abyssmal res isn't that bad, he's technically better, but can Ike survive a single hit to the face from Furyless +Spd Linde? I don't think so.



11 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

@Elieson If you want procs for the Askr trio, you're better off going with Draconic Aura for Alfonse, Bonfire for Sharena, and Iceberg for Anna. 

5 cd moves like Aether and Galeforce aren't worth it imo

FWIW I gave Alkaline Battery Draconic Aura already (and to Sharena as well) with Moonbow on Anna. The damage difference to turn ratio matters to me on a Fury build, which is all I have the means to access right now. For what it's worth, Iceberg's 15 dmg & extra time vs Moonbow's -1 cooldown and ...average 9-10ish damage boost is a tough nut to crack, but with Fury sucking away HP every time, I want access to prox as often as possible since in unfortunate circumstances, there are times that Anna might not even see four strikes worth of combat, but she'll almost always see 3.

I'm also preparing to run numbers but for what it's worth, Sharena can drop the support role and run a pretty intimidating build that's very similar to Minerva with Life & Death + Desperation rather than any breakers, earning +15 per strike vs +12 from Bonfire (even though Bonfire gives +16 on Fury Sharena and Draconic only gives +14), so it's not that much of a difference. Sharena loses some of her tanking potential but if Sharena goes full offense then someone else can pick up the slack as a supporter, which I'm inclined to test out myself to see what the results really might be. 37spd and 24 def on 43 HP can generally swallow two hits no matter how you look at it, and by doing this, Anna can adopt a much more supportive role by taking a Rally + Spur (Spd or Atk, I'd probably go with Rally Atk and Spur Spd), letting Anna be a flying support bot while Sharena takes on the brunt of the combat.



Anna running

  • Noatun
  • [Insert Assist Here]
  • Galeforce
  • Death Blow 3
  • Vantage 3
  • Threaten Speed 3 (Alternatively, Savage Blow or Breath of Life in this build)

runs a hilarious 51 strike per hit on her S-tier 38 base speed. She loses out on the added damage from prox but gives herself a pretty big pile of potential area coverage with Warping and slightly added bulk due to not running Fury/L&D. She misses that 40+ speed though and won't catch herself doubling a ton of foes, but it's useful when going toe to toe with virtually every common blue that isn't Linde.

5 Turn Cooldown is still terrible, but if she's hit once and counters, she's basically automatically put into Vantage range at worst and put into cooldown of 3, meaning that her next attack doesn't set her up for Teleforce, but if she doubles her opponent on the initial counter and comes back to attack somebody else and.

tl;dr you're basically never getting Galeforce Anna to activate Galeforce and thus Teleforce is at best a match closer one off only useful against teams running 3 blues or dedicated bravebow archers/Dire Thunder users) Having a Dance would make this realistic, but having a dance can make anything realistic.

You're probably asking "Why not Desperation? That's easy; she needs to hit to proc Galeforce and in two rounds of combat, she needs to generally get hit twice & double her opponent in order to do it, and if she uses Desperation, then the only way that's happening is if she gets attacked by someone who doubles her, which lol.

Iceberg on a Life & Desperation setup is my ideal Anna but until then, Fury Moonbow it is until I can come up with some L&D 3 fodder

I made an alt account on another phone to work on these guys but goodness it's gonna take a while to make these three 5*

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5 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Actually, it's been my secret plan that I guess I'll unveil now:

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I've been quietly saving up to build an Alexander with:

  • Wo Dao +
  • Swap
  • Aether
  • Heavy Blade 3
  • SwordBreaker 2 (well 3 but I don't have easy 3 access right now)
  • Threaten Atk 3

Crunching numbers gives Fat Albert -3 per swing on EP and -9 per swing on PP, but since his innate 35 + 13 Atk (48) before buffs is still pretty stinkin high, Aether prox come up ridiculously fast. This turns Alcatraz into a much slower but more res-heavy Ike, which arguably still isn't that great but is rarely outclassed without going against pure Atk-based reds. The additional res and near-identical stats everywhere else are neat to draw comparisons to, primarily because vs swords that Ike's got SwordBreaker for anyway, Alfheim with +1 HP is hilariously more bulky.

Long story short, he misses that Death Blow's flat +6 damage, but Wo Dao's offset of +10 and innate -3 Mt from Folkvangr at credible HP can result in higher than 50% HP Alan doing more damage with Aether than at sub 50% with Folk's Defiant bonus. This isn't a stretch, since Algo Star System thrives on eating swords to charge his meter and unless they have 54 attack+, they're not doing it. It's not an uncommon scenario since not being doubled provides the Wo Dao setup with some validity.

Running this on an atk support team aka with Sharena (please, she's the bae'est), bumps it up to 52 and by the time Alfred hits combat vs a sword, he's got Aether set to explode on standby and heal himself up by dealing like at minimum, 35 damage.

The more I type this out, the more I laugh at the gimmick, as it'd never work defensively and depends on opponents having a sword to mooch Cooldown through. Still, if I had an Ike and a Karel to make this happen with, I'd totally do it just to show hilarious screenshots of it actually happening.

Though to tell you the truth, since Ike can push Heavy Blade's effectiveness up with a +Atk nature and running -Res on his already abyssmal res isn't that bad, he's technically better, but can Ike survive a single hit to the face from Furyless +Spd Linde? I don't think so.



This little "plan" of yours has changed my view of you. For better or for worse? I'm not going to say

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Anyone gave Fortress Defense on Adult!Tiki a try?

She pretty much becomes some sort of 1-2 range red Lukas that deals magic damage (stronger bonfire compensates slightly for the lower overall damage output).

Combined with Fortify Dragons and a unit with Spur Defense neutral Def Tiki has a ridiculous 50 defense.

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@Elieson ho ho ho that's a pretty large amount of investment. if it's for fun, it's for your glory

@Arcanite I know procs with 5 cd are rarely even used. Heck I don't even proc 3 cd specials on matches. I rarely proc specials on the arena unless I'm spamming a specific unit, which makes me even consider specials as the least important thing on arena matches when most units are one rounded.

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3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

@Elieson ho ho ho that's a pretty large amount of investment. if it's for fun, it's for your glory


Yea...the thousands of required SP for Wo Dao/Wo Dao+/HeavyBlades 1-3 and Aether could make a grown Hector cry.

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He's actually spelled it out a few times in his "Elieson talks" topic a while back

I'm still waiting for my mother flipping Anna analysis

3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Also Nowi is so slow ughhhhh maybe I should have someone Rally Speed her

5 words:


Quick Riposte


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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:



Is this the only time you actually spelled out Alfonse's name?

Also Nowi is so slow ughhhhh maybe I should have someone Rally Speed her

I think it was a typo


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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Ten words


2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Good point

So you got any spare Subakis you can toss into ye olde "Inheritance-O-Tron"?

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

So you got any spare Subakis you can toss into ye olde "Inheritance-O-Tron"?

You mean this? 



Yeah I have a few. Finally he'll be useful for something! I sacrificed my Leo for Catria when I was building her up. Should Nowi get Bonfire for her special?

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41 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Yea...the thousands of required SP for Wo Dao/Wo Dao+/HeavyBlades 1-3 and Aether could make a grown Hector cry.

Isn't Aether locked to Lucina, Chrom and Ike?

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3 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Isn't Aether locked to Lucina, Chrom and Ike?

ya what Smokey said. I've got a spare Chrom I can dump Aether out of on my primary account, but it's still a disaster of a build

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

It's not, but anyone with the Sol / Luna chain can inherit Aether easily.

Huh, I guess I assumed since it was such a rare skill in the actual game that it would be tied to their respective characters. I learned something new today. Though the amount of 5* sacrifices required to complete Elieson's build is just as likely to make someone cry as its SP cost.

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14 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Huh, I guess I assumed since it was such a rare skill in the actual game that it would be tied to their respective characters. I learned something new today. Though the amount of 5* sacrifices required to complete Elieson's build is just as likely to make someone cry as its SP cost.


3 Ike and a Karel SeemsGood

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28 minutes ago, JSND said:


3 Ike and a Karel SeemsGood

it's only 1 Ike (HB 1/2/3) and 1 Karel (Wo Dao/Wo Dao+) and 1 Chrom (just Aether, really). 


Though I like where you're going with this.

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Just finished training my Hana for the new season!

(Spoilered to avoid clutter)



+Atk, -Spd. She'll be replacing my Lucina this season since I'm lacking a bonus unit. A shame I couldn't get a Brave+ on her though.


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An arena team with a Vantage Takumi and a Reinhardt? Seriously? There's no way to counter that. My team stood zero chance no matter what I did. It's a good thing I wasn't on any winning streaks. I want to say combinations like that should not be allowed, but it's probably impossible to disallow it at this point.

Also, I'm deciding to remove Reposition and such from my units. They're not that useful and all I do with them is use them by mistake and screw myself over. Sometimes my units don't attack when I want them to either. I'm not sure why. It's either a bug or I just didn't register the desired move properly or something. Note, I'm not using this as an excuse for losing. I'm just pointing it out. It doesn't only happen in the arena, it happens in the tower and stuff too.

EDIT: @Quintessence I think the 4th, but I'm not entirely sure.

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