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Just now, Chelone said:

@Birdy A full summon of al 3's is the worst... especially if they are duplicates >.< Got Ephraim on my second pull which im happy with. 

I know right! I hope it will balance out on my next pull >.>. Congrats on Ephraim, I hope he does well for you! =D

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My sister just got a five star Ephraim lol

When we were younger we started this silly rivalry about which sibling/route was better(it was all in good fun). I guess it was meant to continue.

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I still didn't get any focus characters yet either... I only wanted Ephraim out of the four (Eirika's boring, not familiar enough with Seliph and Julia), but still.



This is definitely my best roll yet.

Despite STILL not getting a single five star.

I don't like that both the colorless summons were fucking Matthew because I still want more archers not named Virion or Niles (I don't like Niles at all), but at least I can ditch the 2 star one we start with and merge him and the 3 star with the 4 star. As soon as Kaze is in the game and I get him though, I'm benching Matt. Kaze is best thief-type character!

Oh, but Effie is going bye-bye because I hate her voice. I mean, I'm okay with deep female voices, but on her, it just doesn't work. I also don't give a damn about Nohr.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, but Effie is going bye-bye because I hate her voice. I mean, I'm okay with deep female voices, but on her, it just doesn't work. I also don't give a damn about Nohr.

Effie is freaking amazing though! I don't like her voice either, but she's seriously super strong and one-shotting reds all around her xD

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2 minutes ago, Chelone said:

Effie is freaking amazing though! I don't like her voice either, but she's seriously super strong and one-shotting reds all around her xD

I'm aware she's known for a lot of strength, but I have other powerhouses in Freddy, Sharena, Virion, and Stahl (Sharena has the highest attack of all!), and two of those also have three movement because horses. Still, I won't get rid of Effie JUST yet. I may find a use for her in the future, I suppose. Who knows.

I need to have Caeda team up with Freddy though. Her Rally Speed with his attack and def? That's gotta be killer!

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11 minutes ago, Gee said:

I got Eirika and Ephraim from 8 orbs today I'm happy with that :D:

You are super Lucky! Send me some of your luck haha


Used another roll... I got 3 charas of 4 stars and 2 of 3 stars... 3 stars were Odin and Belka, I keep Belka, Odin is gone now lol (I need feathers haha). The 4 stars mmm... One is Cecilia, the other is Catria and... Errr... I forget who was the other haha...

Still this game hasn't blessed me with a 4 star axe user haha

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Only noticable pull last night was a 4-star Hawkeye. Incidentally, I already have 3 of the 4 proposed Focus heroes ( Adult Tiki, Fir and Hawkeye ) coming out after the er... incestous siblings. Released a day after Valentines Day? Coincidence. I think not lol. I have 3 5-star swordLords already, so I'm not too worried about pulling Eirika.

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1 hour ago, Nimue said:

My sister just got a five star Ephraim lol

When we were younger we started this silly rivalry about which sibling/route was better(it was all in good fun). I guess it was meant to continue.

Is your sister Percival, to your Aglovale? :P:

Sorry, couldn't resist.  Grats to both of you, though!


Thanks to nine additional orbs, I was able to do another pull!

- 4* Frederick
- 4* Donnel
- 3* Raigh
- 3* Beruka
- 3* Eliwood

Frederick looks interesting - Wings of Mercy make him extremely mobile.  This is something like the third Donnel I've pulled - hopefully, his 4* incarnation fixes the problems of his 3* ones.  Raigh will be fed to the other Raigh (unless this one has a really good boon/bane).  Beruka will take some practice - I'm not a fan of blind Lunging, especially with her arrow weakness.  Eliwood looks like a solid front-line unit. . .art aside.

Better than my last pull, but not by much.  I think I'll get something interesting on my third pull, assuming I have enough orbs left!

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Freddy is awesome, eclipse! He's a bit slow, but super strong and durable, and can also help his allies' defense. Luna is a good offensive skill too. And you can help his speed by putting him on a team with someone who has Rally Speed or something, like I'm gonna do. I got Caeda who has that skill.

I admit I'm a bit biased though. XD But I won't say that he's the best unit in the game or anything.

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I pulled one more time today, this has to be like my 10th pull (incidentally, my worst pull yet? haha...)

All 3 star versions of Gwendolyn, Shanna, Olivia, Serra, and Frederick.  I already have 4 star versions of Olivia and Serra, and the 3 star Frederick is a repeat.

I marvel at y'all people's luck.  I mean, I really do.

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6 minutes ago, mewyeon said:

I pulled one more time today, this has to be like my 10th pull (incidentally, my worst pull yet? haha...)

All 3 star versions of Gwendolyn, Shanna, Olivia, Shanna, and Frederick.  I already have 4 star versions of Olivia and Shanna, and the 3 star Frederick is a repeat.

I marvel at y'all people's luck.  I mean, I really do.

It's always darkest before the dawn.  Don't give up!

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Assuming this group lasts 2 weeks like the other 2 before it, it should be possible to pull at least one 5* unit before it ends, even as f2p. But then some people are just that unlucky.

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Alright, here are my first two pulls under this new banner.

Round 8 Pulls



Round 8 [Family Bonds]: 3* Gordin || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 3* Lon'qu || 4* Cherche || 4* Gwendolyn

Hmmm... I've got mixed feelings about this one.  Tiki/Cherche/Lon'qu were among my favorite characters during my Awakening playthroughs, so I am quite pleased to have them in my army (less so for Tiki, as this is my 4th copy of her across both the Young and Adult forms).  However, in terms of their combat usefulness, their niches are all filled by better units at the moment (aside from maaaaaybe Gordin, idk if Jeorge > Gordin or not), so I don't think they'll be used for quite a while.

Round 9 Pulls




Round 9 [Family Bonds]: 4* Saizo || 3* Stahl || 5* Cain || 4* Camilla || 3* Frederick

Ooooooo, this is a rather neat set of pulls.  Cain is a) far and away the best cavalry unit I have pulled thus far (my second best is an incredibly squishy 3* Cecilia), so *fingers crossed* I might actually get to complete that one blasted Lunatic quest, b) a rather enjoyable looking unit in his own right (I will have a blast messing around with Wings of Mercy + 3 movement + fairly well-rounded stats), and c) likely not "main team material", but well worth including on a secondary squad.  Likewise, Saizo is the first promising dagger user I've gotten (i.e., not 3* Matthew), so I will gladly take part in the debuff and poison shenanigans that are all the rage these days.  The rest are less interesting - the repeat Camilla will be promptly fed to my main one (though she did confirm that apparently Focus movies still pop for units even under the current banner... very curious indeed), and Frederick and Stahl will be back-benchers for the foreseeable future.

I was hoping for some of the new units (Julia in particular looks cool), but I'll happily take what I got :)

Edited by red-and-soulless
Due to reaching my attachment limit, all the pretty summoning pictures will be stored here: http://imgur.com/a/Ftyat
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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

Is your sister Percival, to your Aglovale? :P:

Sorry, couldn't resist.  Grats to both of you, though!

Hah, nice one! :P

And thanks. We got really, really lucky this round!

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So I finally got my first 5* unit! I wasn't expecting it, given that the chance reset with the focus change.

(Image: +Atk -Res Kagero)

Apparently Kagero's rated quite highly on the tier list, so I'm pretty pleased. I'm thinking of upgrading Nino and Sharena to go with her.


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12 minutes ago, Raven said:

Assuming this group lasts 2 weeks like the other 2 before it, it should be possible to pull at least one 5* unit before it ends, even as f2p. But then some people are just that unlucky.

*waves* Still 5 star-less here...

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50 minutes ago, Raven said:

Assuming this group lasts 2 weeks like the other 2 before it, it should be possible to pull at least one 5* unit before it ends, even as f2p. But then some people are just that unlucky.

How would you suggest going about collecting more Orbs besides the Paralogues and the 2/day 1/weekend collections? I think I'll be able to have enough for 2 full sessions during these two weeks. I unfortunately blew all my orbs that I collected from all those quests and clearing all the chapters on each difficulty in the last focus pull, which was definitely a mistake because all 8 Focus characters are able to be drawn normally. ;-;

Just afraid that I won't get my FE4/FE8 characters b/c only 2 full sessions, and with some bad luck I won't see them. ; - ; 

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23 minutes ago, Iris said:

How would you suggest going about collecting more Orbs besides the Paralogues and the 2/day 1/weekend collections? I think I'll be able to have enough for 2 full sessions during these two weeks. I unfortunately blew all my orbs that I collected from all those quests and clearing all the chapters on each difficulty in the last focus pull, which was definitely a mistake because all 8 Focus characters are able to be drawn normally. ;-;

Just afraid that I won't get my FE4/FE8 characters b/c only 2 full sessions, and with some bad luck I won't see them. ; - ; 

I'd say it's very likely they're gonna be added to the 'general' 5* pool after their Focus ends.

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I was hoping they would split the units into different specialised packs.

E.g.: Blazing pack, where you can pull nothing but FE7 units. Awakening pack for FE13 units, Binding pack for fe6 units, etc.
Maybe even Axe, Sword, lance packs, etc.

A man can dream, I suppose. I guess such packs may come along when they eventually manage to get most/all of the (playable) units into the game.

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