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Had 19 orbs and was going to back out of stuff anyway so tried for any lucina or camilla and...

3 star Jagen. Which is at least new, I guess.
4 star Est. My second 4 star variant; i have 2 other 3 stars too.
3 star Sully. Have three of these things now! I guess i'm good if i ever want to pass along normal sapphire spears and spur defense. will probably never promote these
3 star Arthur. kill me

Hopefully the 20 orbs from the gauntlet comes before the banner swaps out...I really want Spring Lucina or Spring Camilla

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Thankfully, @Arcanite was wrong about the timing of the 20 orbs. Even more thankfully, lady Anna decided to finally give me what I wanted. Future flier quests will now be more pleasant, because FLYING MAGE.

Now to hoard all of the orbs for the next limited-time unit banner. Fool me once, IntSys, and I'll never spend orbs again. So there.

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Was hoping to pull at least one Spring Hero before the banner expired, and was doing controlled pulls for that very purpose. Didn't get any of them, but I can't exactly say I'm not happy either.




Edited by Ryu Yuki
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12 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Surely that's better than pulling the Spring bunnies, no?

Well, in a way, yes. Hector was a way rarer pull and much more useful. But something about not seeing the Spring Heroes again until next year just kinda leaves a sour taste in my throat, since I failed to get even one of them.

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3 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Well, in a way, yes. Hector was a way rarer pull and much more useful. But something about not seeing the Spring Heroes again until next year just kinda leaves a sour taste in my throat, since I failed to get even one of them.

Join the club.


Then again, in my case, it's a lack of trying.


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Up to 128 units pulled.  Thank you voting gauntlet~!





- Lucina (+HP/-Atk): I. . .need to think about this.  I suppose she can pull off a -blade build, but it's gonna be a little painful.  Still, she's 5* number 8.
- Corrin (+Atk/-Res): WELCOME TO THE TEAM!
- Fir (+Res/-Spd): Jakob will deeply appreciate Speed +3, and I don't even need to spend feathers for it~!
- Fir (+Spd/-Res): Oh WTF.  I think I have a +Atk/-Def one, though. . .so oof.
- Matthew (+Atk/-Res): Definitely keeping him!  Any other dagger is a marked improvement, so I need to figure out what weapon to give him.

I'm happy that Lucina exists, since it's one more unit that I didn't have until now.  Everyone else either has godly natures or another use.  Overall, this was a great way to reset my 5* percentage one last time.



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2 hours ago, Ryu Yuki said:

Was hoping to pull at least one Spring Hero before the banner expired, and was doing controlled pulls for that very purpose. Didn't get any of them, but I can't exactly say I'm not happy either.

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Hate and envy... but mostly envy.

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I didn't pull until today for the Spring Banner, but after receiving the 20 orbs I decided to do a pull session, which led to another pull. On the second one, I got this. I didn't really want the Spring characters, but it is nice anyway.

I've been playing since Eirika banner and the only pull I really want is Nino, but have never got even a 3* one.


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4 hours ago, Seafarer said:

Thankfully, @Arcanite was wrong about the timing of the 20 orbs. Even more thankfully, lady Anna decided to finally give me what I wanted. Future flier quests will now be more pleasant, because FLYING MAGE.

Now to hoard all of the orbs for the next limited-time unit banner. Fool me once, IntSys, and I'll never spend orbs again. So there.

You know, I feel like whenever I say something that isn't for the better, it just happens the complete opposite way......

Even so, I feel happy for you and your hoarding!

Meanwhil, I have 71 orbs now

Edited by Arcanite
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2 hours ago, Red Shrike said:

I've been playing since Eirika banner and the only pull I really want is Nino, but have never got even a 3* one.

Nino has been evading me as well.  Maybe because she knows I just want her so I can feed her to Cecilia....

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Pull number 21 I think?  I wasn't originally going to pull on this banner, but I'm somewhat indifferent to Gaiden right now, so I'll give this a go.



Gordin: +Res/-Def, Olivia: +Res/-Hp, Gaius: +Spd/-Atk, Azama: +Res/-Spd, Oboro: +Atk/-Hp

Now I wish I hadn't.  My luck has been absolutely miserable since I pulled Eldigan and Catria last month.


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Well, I'm out of orbs on my main account. As resident bunny lord, it's simply bunacceptable (credit to @Elieson) that I do not have any of the buns.

So I boot up that side account I used to play Heroes (with Lyn and Abel) before I rolled Ryoma on my now-main. I have a ton of shit I didn't do and the recent 30 orbs. Let's go.

So I roll a bunch of times. Nothing good. I keep autopiloting through paralogues and story and rolling. And then


Fucking did it. Fuck yes. I have bunnies now, even if they're not on my main account. Also rolled Nino and Lachesis whom I'm fond of.

I think I might actually train up that account too. Ryoma's not there, but now I have a sizable cast of people I like. 

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Well, I decided to Pull today, since I didn't want to "waste" my bonus percentage on the Bunny Banner.

How did I do?



Yay, I have Buncina now, but she's the Rezzy Trademark -Atk variety.  I suppose even with -Atk, she can be decent with her Swift Swallow or whatever it's called.  And she's +Spd, so it's not a complete loss.

Yay, a second 5* in the same Pull.  Male Corrin, he's -Def,+Res, which I think is okay.  I'll raise him up, after I've gotten all these Seal Characters taken care of.

Gordin and Gaius can go back home, Tharja is -HP,+Def, which is better than the -Spd Tharja I currently have, so I might merge into her.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I decided to Pull today, since I didn't want to "waste" my bonus percentage on the Bunny Banner.

How did I do?

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Yay, I have Buncina now, but she's the Rezzy Trademark -Atk variety.  I suppose even with -Atk, she can be decent with her Swift Swallow or whatever it's called.  And she's +Spd, so it's not a complete loss.

Yay, a second 5* in the same Pull.  Male Corrin, he's -Def,+Res, which I think is okay.  I'll raise him up, after I've gotten all these Seal Characters taken care of.

Gordin and Gaius can go back home, Tharja is -HP,+Def, which is better than the -Spd Tharja I currently have, so I might merge into her.

Heh remember when you said -Atk was like patent pending for your units cause it happened all the time?

That was a while ago

Congrats, anyway! Looks like you can hook her up with the good ol' Desperation, swift sparrow combo.

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Heh remember when you said -Atk was like patent pending for your units cause it happened all the time?

That was a while ago

Congrats, anyway! Looks like you can hook her up with the good ol' Desperation, swift sparrow combo.

Yep, -Atk is drawn to me for some reason.  Maybe because I'm a healer in real life, and they think that's the best bane for me.

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Round 33 [Spring Festival]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 3* Serra || 4* Saizo || 5* Spring Camilla (+ATT, -SPD)

Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)
Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)
* * * * * * * * * *
It seems as if I have been suddenly blessed after going through the despair of Blazing Shadows (10.6 full pulls on that banner, no 5* unit.) Since Blazing Shadows passed and the Spring Festival popped up, I got four 5-star units (Spring Lucina, Peri, Olwen, Spring Camilla) in three pulls. Not only that, they also happen to have good natures (save for Peri, who was fed to Minerva, Cherche's Wyvern).

I went into the Spring Festival with the mindset of "why not," because these heroes are likely to be limited until next year. While I am interested in the next banner, there is always the chance I can pull them "normally" down the line when they get incorporated into the default pool. So, did a full pull for the Spring Festival, hoping for either Chrom (for the +ATT & DEF skill, as well as the Axe EXP), or Camilla (flying mage, extra Tower shards).

So, for this pull, Sophia is useful for passing on Fortify RES or Dragon Fang. Serra I already have optimized (+SPD, -DEF) and I do not need an army of Serras. I have a feeling the Serras I retired previously just decided to come back on their own. Saizo is good for passing on Poison Strike, which will likely go on Kagero so she can still help out against non-Infantry targets.

As for Spring Camila, the -SPD will initially look to be undesirable. However, S!Camilla is on the slow side anyway at 25 base SPD, so moving her to 22 SPD is not that bad. The reason to go for a speedy S!Camilla is to take advantage of her innate Defiant SPD skill. A +SPD Camilla has 29 SPD while Defiant SPD will bump that up to 36 SPD! All that -SPD does is lock out the "easy build" for Spring Camilla.

As for some build ideas for Spring Camilla, see the spoiler. Otherwise, until next time!


S!Camilla (Basic Inheritance): Green Egg+ || Ignis*, Rally Attack || Defiant SPD, Live for Bounty, Breath of Life*
S!Camilla (Spring Fury): Green Egg+ || Ignis*, Rally Attack || Fury*, Renewal*, Threaten SPD* (or Threaten RES*)
S!Camilla (Egg Adept Riposte): Green Egg+ || Ignis*, Rally Attack || Triangle Adept*, Quick Riposte*, Threaten Atk*
S!Camilla (Egg Close Riposte): Green Egg+ || Ignis*, Rally Attack || Close Counter*, Quick Riposte*, Threaten Atk*

* * * * *

Basic Inheritance - Best used on a +SPD Camilla and not with a -DEF one. This build takes advantage of Camilla's high DEF for Ignis and helps her heal allies and herself with Breath of Life and Green Egg+.

Spring Fury - The Green Egg and Fury almost cancel each other out, making Camilla only take 2 damage from Fury when on the offensive. Renewal helps Camilla stay alive, while Threaten SPD helps Camilla not be doubled and to help her double her foes. If the SPD manipulation is not to your tastes, try Threaten RES for extra damage output.

Egg Adept Riposte - Takes advantage of Camilla's huge tracts of land bulk to tank Blues while relying on her high ATT power for Quick Riposte. With Threaten Atk reducing enemy damage and the Green Egg + healing Camilla, this helps Quick Riposte stay active. (Sire plans on using this particular build for his +ATT, -SPD Camilla.)

Egg Close Riposte - Exactly like the above, but replaces Triangle Adept with Close Counter. Spring Camilla is rather bulky and can take physical hits, but she does suffer from her poor SPD. Close Counter will allow Camilla to tank more effectively against general melee units, but Triangle Adept is better with dealing with Blues. Considering the amount of good Red units in the meta, I personally lean more towards Triangle Adept so Camilla can deal more damage against Blues while taking less damage in return.


* * * * *

Past Pulls


Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* Jegan || 3* Oboro || 3* Lissa || 4* Arthur
Round 8 [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* Barte || 3* Florina || 3* Niles || 3* Saizo
Round 9 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Serra || 4* Caeda || 4* Caeda || 4* Subaki || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Selena || 3* Selena || 3* Robin || 3* Henry || 4* Chrom
Round 11 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gordin || 4* Nowi || 4* Odin || 4* Beruka || 4* Clarine
Round 12 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Subaki || 3* Cherche || 4* Jegan || 4* Chrom || 5* Chrom
Round 13 [Family Bonds]: 3* Cherche || 3* Viron || 4* Jegan || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Seliph
Round 14 [Family Bonds]: 3* Subaki || 3* Barst || 3* Serra || 3* Arthur || 5* Ephraim
Round 15A [Family Bonds]: 3* Fir || 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Azama || 4* Niles || 4* Serra 
Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Hana || 4* Marth || 4* Palla || 4* Cherche || 4* Kagero
Round 17 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama || 3* Beruka || 3* Frederick || 3* Olivia || 3* Odin
Round 18 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin || 3* Gunter || 4* Palla || 4* Camilla || 5* Erika
Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa || 3* Oboro ||  3* Viron || 4* Clarine || 4* Hawkeye
Round 20 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin || 3* M!Robin || 4* Marth || 4* Azama || 5* Kagero
Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Donnel || 3* Beruka || 3* Nino || 4* Draug || 4* Jakob
Round 22 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Gaius || 3* Sophia || 4* Draug || 4* Gunter || 4* Abel
Round 23 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Wrys || 3* Saizo || 4* Jeorge || 4* Viron || 4* Stahl
Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 4* Erika || 4* Subaki || 4* Jeorge
Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna || 3* Selena || 4* Cain || 4* Chrom || 4* Jeorge
Round 26 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki || 3* Azama || 3* Serra|| 4* Maria || 4* Matthew
Round 27 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Florina || 3* Shanna || 3* Palla || 3* Celicia || 4* Beruka
Round 28 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa || 4* Clarine || 4* Lon'Qu || 4* Selena
Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin || 4* Barst || 4* Eliwood || 4* Nino || 4* Hana
Round 30 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Hinata || 3* Olivia || 3* Selena || 3* Nino || 4* Arthur
Round 31 [Spring Festival]: ??? || ??? || 3* Beruka || 4* Tharja || 5* Spring Lucina
Round 32 [Pegasus Knights]: 3* Cecilia || 3* Lissa || 3* Shanna || 5* Peri || 5* Olwen
Round 33 [Spring Festival]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 3* Serra || 4* Saizo || 5* Spring Camilla

= = = = =

Round 30A [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Shanna || 3* Eliwood || 4* Subaki

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28 orbs and off I went

Round 1: 3 blues. a good start
3 Star Donnel, 3 Star Robin (WHY DOES THE MOVIE PLAY ON A THREE STAR), 3 Star Robin

well. shoot.

Round 2: 2 blues
5 star spring Lucina. YES. Decided to back out since I still had 10 orbs left and I'd like to try for a camilla

Round 3: 3 star nino. yeah ok, hubris and all

Round 4, the final pull: Another 5 star spring lucina!


I wont be able to earn enough orbs before it goes away for another pull barring a surprise gift, but even though I didn't get Camilla it's really hard to complain about 2 Spring Lucinas. Now to figure out what to do with the spare...

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Its funny how so many people are pulling Spring Lucina here, and when I tried fishing for her this evening (blue stones only) all I got were 3* units. Rip the dream. Guess I'll have to make do with my +1 Spring Xander and Spring Chrom that I got from the banner, and I do have regular Lucina anyway and she's enough of a boss already. So I haven't done too bad. Now to save for whenever Celica shows up.

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