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53 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Since I got Azura, I decided to go for the 4 greens in hopes of nabbing a Hector

See, that was your mistake. You were supposed to give those orbs to me so I can roll an Azura too!

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3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

See, that was your mistake. You were supposed to give those orbs to me so I can roll an Azura too!

Are you saying that all the Beruka's I've been summoning have been a sign from the RNG Goddess to give you my orbs, and only then will I get a Minerva?

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Time for my one pull from this banner. Don't particularly care for any of the units, but Wynaut?

  • 4* Cecilia: Escape Route 3 fodder.
  • 3* Cecilia: Wat?
  • 3* Bartre: Bleh.
  • 4* Virion: Eh.
  • 4* Kagerou: Finally! +Spd/-HP, which is pretty good. She's not 5*, but an actually new unit is nothing to complain about.

All in all, not bad.

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The Hero Fest Banner was the best banner so far. Been saving my orbs (118 banked) since I really wanted my Azura and finally she came and the best part of this banner I don't have any of the heroes on it either. On my very first summon session I got a 5* Ogma, I was like okay I don't really care about this guy so I'll either send him home or feed his skills to some other of my units. And thus on my 4th summon I managed to find my love Azura (+spd/-res) and with her I managed to grab Ryoma (+Atk/-Def) as well, which is very nice indeed.





Now the question is should I try and save up and try my chances to get Takumi and Hector or just save up my orbs to special heroes that will be released down the line...

Edited by FoliFF
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40 minutes ago, Astellius said:

Are you saying that all the Beruka's I've been summoning have been a sign from the RNG Goddess to give you my orbs, and only then will I get a Minerva?

It seems you're finally understanding how this game truly works.

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Gave the Hero Fest banner a try.

Got a Selena and Hinata I needed for skill inheritance and a +HP, -Def Lucina.

Got the skills to finish my flier emblem team (just need to get Palla to 5 stars) and a really solid unit in addition.

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Okay... I weaked out and decided to go for it using some money I had saved for another game I probably won't play for another year or two anyway xD 

Finally, my second five star appeared after only a few summons...

Sakura -.- 

Well... I didn't have her, so yay? Not really who I was hoping for... So I went screw it and pulled again, since I had a fair few orbs left. 

Four characters later... 


So I was finally happy... Or was I? Weeeelll....

Four more characters later...


Geez yes!!! Finally :D The one character I have wanted since day one!

And then, because I had a few more orbs left rolling around, I decided to do a pull on the other banner, since my percentage was up a little on that from previous summons, though I didn't expect much...

Soren joins the team, four characters later (no, I don't know why my game loves fours so much, but I'm not complaining!). 

So, finally, my luck comes in. Several pulls too late, but I am left no longer bitter and a lot happier. Don't think I'll be putting money into the game for a while though...

...I say... 

Before *insert one of many favourites* comes out. 

Geez, I wish I only had one or two favourites. It's hard, liking so many :( Kent is top but there really are so many I want xD 

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Four characters later... 


So I was finally happy... Or was I? Weeeelll....

Four more characters later...


People are pulling heroes left and right in this thing. That 2% increase is nuts!


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Just now, Arcanite said:

People are pulling heroes left and right in this thing. That 2% increase is nuts!


Honestly, the amount I pulled, it was not my best banner. That still sits with the previous one. Gaiden love, all the way xD 

I think Ice Dragon said it actually works out worse than a normal summon with two or more of the same colour, so I think I'm going to stick with banners like that from now on (and pray Cormag, Kent and Rhys... plus a hoard of others... come in on banners like that. Rhys with a bow user or dagger user... or both, though xD)

I wish you luck with your pineapple now ^.^ I gave my friend my remaining last pull luck and he pulled Sanaki and Minerva in one go, so if there is any of that left over, I send it your way :D 

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Geez, I wish I only had one or two favourites. It's hard, liking so many :( Kent is top but there really are so many I want xD 

I have the same problem. I was lucky early on that they were adding banners from older games I hadn't played, so I was able to hoard orbs for a while, since last month they've been nuking us with banners I want multiple things from..

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4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I have the same problem. I was lucky early on that they were adding banners from older games I hadn't played, so I was able to hoard orbs for a while, since last month they've been nuking us with banners I want multiple things from..

Again, I wish I hadn't played all of the games because I have favourites from all. It's both awesome and not fair at all lmao 

I hope they do bring out some more from old games, partly to see their characters and hopefully to get more people interested in them ^.^ Though FE8 deserves some love next, so hopefully that'll have some soon. I'm betting FE2/15 will continue, though. 

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Alright, I purchased 23 orbs, let's see what I'll get

2 reds and 3 greens :O


I got...

4 star sophia

4 star corrin m

3 star nino

5 STAR HECTOR OMG <333 -hp +def not bad



Best. Summon. Ever. 

Now I'm confused and dunno which one to use...


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22 minutes ago, Lukas said:

Alright, I purchased 23 orbs, let's see what I'll get

2 reds and 3 greens :O


I got...

4 star sophia

4 star corrin m

3 star nino

5 STAR HECTOR OMG <333 -hp +def not bad



Best. Summon. Ever. 

Now I'm confused and dunno which one to use...


I want one of those Hectors, not gonna lie...

Also, after getting the F!Robin hard map finally finished, I think I'll pull again.

2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue and Colourless

3* Ceclila (Just... Why? Why?), 4* M!Robin (Again, no need, but least Bonfire's a cool skill to sacrifice for), 4* A!Tiki (Dupe, but she might be worth either merging or inheriance if her nature's poor), 4* Lachesis (New, +Spd/-Att, I think that'll be fine), and a 5* HECTOR (FINALLY A GREEN UNIT! Neutral, but it's still fine)

Alright, this might be among the best summoning I've had in a while. 2 5* units in a day, first dancer and first green units. Today was a good day for summoning.

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On 4/26/2017 at 8:30 AM, unique said:

i was pretty happy to see soren was in, so I finished all the new chapters and did all the quests so I could try to summon him. tried right when I hit 20 orbs, although I still had 5 more I could get after that

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a bit unfortunate, but I tried again after getting back up to 20 

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i don't even know if I put these in the right order

i did try again after this but there were no greens so I just got a 3 star henry

i hit 14 orbs today, so I decided to try again



i think this is proof that life is meaningless

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3 minutes ago, unique said:

i hit 14 orbs today, so I decided to try again

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i think this is proof that life is meaningless

I'm sorry, I'm a bad person... I laughed out loud xD 

I shall wish you better luck. My luck was crappy until I'd spent more than I had hoped -.- 

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8 hours ago, Lyrai said:
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And I got just what I needed. Hector with +RES and -DEF! (Thanks for the blessing @Ryu Yuki~)

Can you guys compare it with my +SPD and -RES Hector? Which one is better?

Oh wow, congrats on your pull there! It's not an Azura or Ninian, but hey, it's Hector. That's still a really nice pull you got there.

Also, I'm not the best analyst ever for non-dragon units, but +Spd/-Res actually sounds pretty good for an Armor Emblem team. Hector gets +4 Speed with that boon, and while 28 Speed isn't amazing it does save him from a number of doubles. I think such a nature would work best with an Armor Emblem team, where a single buff can bring it up a way better 34 Speed. It'd definitely work I think, if you're ever planning on that kind of long-term goal.

As for +Res/-Def, I believe that would work better if you're using him as a standalone. He has way more than enough Def, and Res is what his lacking. So that nature is certainly decent by itself. I would use that if you're not planning on an armor emblem team. Of course, someone more knowledgeable might want to chip in if I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Either way, congrats on your Hector! I'm glad you got something out of the banner! 

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After 180 orbs pulling reds for Ike and not even one 5* I gathered 20 orbs and tried in the new banner and got this. Now I am thinking of gathering orbs until the next 5% banner because I think I already broke the game today



Sanaki is +atk -hp, Azura +hp -spd, Takumi +spd -atk and Hector is +def -spd. Not the best IV's but I can't complain


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4 minutes ago, DevLink said:

After 180 orbs pulling reds for Ike and not even one 5* I gathered 20 orbs and tried in the new banner and got this. Now I am thinking of gathering orbs until the next 5% banner because I think I already broke the game today

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Sanaki is +atk -hp, Azura +hp -spd, Takumi +spd -atk and Hector is +def -spd. Not the best IV's but I can't complain


That is the exact kind of monstrosity I'm jealous of.

Congrats! Any amazing boon/bone combos?

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7 hours ago, DarkLordIvy said:

I decided to do a before class summon with my leftover orbs from last night. First one :IMG_0904.thumb.PNG.3141ddd058236c62e073ceb645dc2abc.PNG


Although @Rezzy your -ark luck seemed to have rubbed off on me cause he is -atk/+spd. Which is kind of a wired one but I can work with it!


Oh, I guess you got my - Atk Ike.  I was wondering why mine wasn't - Atk.

And today's news has been crazy.  I was going to try to get a better Soren, but with Ryoma and Azura in a 5% Focus, I need to try to get them.

RIP wallet.  I guess being 30 years old comes with some benefits.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

I guess being 30 years old comes with some benefits.

More like, having baller money comes with some benefits

I think you should kind of chill though since you just pulled like, what, 215 five stars not too long ago?

I said you were turning into a whale

Slowly but surely Rezzy, slowly but surely


Your skin turn to blubber yet?



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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

More like, having baller money comes with some benefits

I think you should kind of chill though since you just pulled like, what, 215 five stars not too long ago?

I said you were turning into a whale

Slowly but surely Rezzy, slowly but surely

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Your skin turn to blubber yet?



You know the whole blubber thing is a myth. 

The blowhole is nice, though ^.^'' 

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2 hours ago, DevLink said:

After 180 orbs pulling reds for Ike and not even one 5* I gathered 20 orbs and tried in the new banner and got this. Now I am thinking of gathering orbs until the next 5% banner because I think I already broke the game today

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Sanaki is +atk -hp, Azura +hp -spd, Takumi +spd -atk and Hector is +def -spd. Not the best IV's but I can't complain


...Damn, dude. That's got to be the luckiest session anyone on this site has ever had. o.o

I'm still trying to resist throwing more money at this for Ryoma... I probably will again in a few days. xP

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So while I didn't get them all in one pull, like DevLink, I did get four 5* today:




I pulled today while focusing on Reds and Green since I already had Azura and Takumi. Despite getting tons of reds and no green orbs in the first few pulls, Hector was the first to appear. The pull right after Hector was blue/grey only and I picked 1 random blue to reset the roll who turned out to be Azura. Pulled a couple of reds looking for Ryoma, found what was my 5th Lucina instead and finally I got the Lobster Lord himself. 

As for their nature,

Hector is +Atk/-Res
Azura is +Spd/-Res
Lucina is +Spd/-HP
Ryoma is +HP/-Def

So 3 of them have amazing natures, though Lucina got merged in my first Lucina since they shared the exact same nature. As for Azura, I think I'll merge my previous +Spd/-HP one into my new one since I think the Res bane is slightly better than the HP bane. And while Ryoma's nature is not the best, at least it's not -Atk or -Spd, so I'm fine with what I got. 

With that, I'm done pulling from this focus and I'll save my orbs for Julia whenever the gauntlet starts.

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