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Did a single free pull on the new Sacred Stones banner.

Got Innes.

He was the one I wanted (why else pick colorless?) so I'm delighted. Wish I could check his IV. I want to know his nature before I level him. 

Edit: Looks like he's +HP/-SPD. So I got unlucky... hopefully SI can fix that. Right now I only have one other 5 star archer & it's a -ATK Faye. So I've got the motivation to work with a less than ideal IV here. 

Edited by Personette
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So, I think my "beginner's luck" has run out. Spent 96 orbs so far trying to get Amelia, which is more orbs then I've spent on the game in total so far, when suddenly...



...I mean, I know I shouldn't be mad about getting a 5*, looking a gift-horse in the mouth and all that, but that's not the axe armour I was gunning for. Gonna take a break now and try later, see if my luck recharges at all.

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Wow. This banner was a little rough on me, but I got what I needed! Surprisingly, my second pull was Tana which was super awesome!!  Her stats are 16/9/10/6/6. She may actually be neutral. But I'll wait and see what the wikis say. :3 And my final pull was Amelia. Her stats are 19/6/9/9/3. I'm thinking she's definitely -ATK...So I think I'll keep searching for a second one. Other notable pulls include: 5 star Raven and Cordelia (both repeats). Cordelia can give her Brave Lance+ to Effie perhaps. Raven may merge since I've already given a Brave Axe+ to Cherche. Aaaaaaaand Saber who is +SPD -HP. Not bad. I also got a Sheena. >.> She's also a repeat who appears to be neutral. IDK what I'll do with her. 

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I just had some really fantastic luck this morning! (Spoilers because the images are huge)



Fucking finally! Now I have all of the dancers and I could cry with relief! She's +hp/def. I have ten 5*'s with -hp now, I think I'm the @Rezzy of -hp at this point!



Yes! Another Ike! Also -atk... and +res... keeping my original +spd/-atk! That's alright he does just fine anyway and now he has an extra attack point! c:


And finally my free pull on the SS banner!RmkT7aZ.png

Woo finally Klein! Now I'm torn though. Julia needs Death Blow 3, but this Klein is +Spd, and I was beginning to think I was never going to actually pull him!


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All right. Looks like the nature info stuff is up on the wiki if anyone's interested. Did some more summons and got a couple more peeps. Tana is +ATK -HP. Amelia #1 is +SPD -HP. Amelia #2 is +SPD -DEF. I also managed to get 2 copies of Innes. #1 is +RES -DEF. #2 is +SPD -ATK. 

I'll probably go with Amelia #1 since her RES isn't anything amazing anyway. But I'm not sure about Innes. With -ATK he'll still have 44 ATK so +SPD is tempting. +RES -DEF isn't crippling at all...and that means Iceberg will really hurt. I'm not sure which copy I'll go with.

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Honestly, I wish IV's didn't exist. They only make the game's meta worse, in my opinion. I just spend all of my orb trying to get a better Ike after the game dropped an - ATK on me, and I didn't get crap. I've wanted to move on so badly, but I just can't feel satisfied with a bad IV, so I wish they didn't exist at all.

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Yay! I got him, guys! I got Ike!!!


...I was pulling for Seth. On the Sacred Stones banner -.-

Oh well. Can't complain at my third DC sword xD Not sure on his boons/banes at the moment but my luck has been crappy of late (Nohrian Summer aside) so he'll probably be -Spd.

Otherwise, in over 140 orbs, I mostly got cruddy units with only a few good for fodder. I think Klein was the best pull - hopefully he won't be -Spd like my last one. Will check when I get home.

Why do I keep getting such stupid luck of late >.< In such a bad mood this morning 'cos of it >.<

Good thing is, Seth will likely end up being demoted at least. And Innes will be lost forever to me...

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Fuck, I pulled a 5-star Sheena on the Magvel banner. I'd normally be fine with this ... but I already have a perfect +atk -HP Sheena who is 4-star and was going to be promoted once I could ;/

The rest of the summons weren't too noteworthy. My free summon was a 4-star Lucius when I already have one. Game, give me Sakura already!

EDIT: Ahahahahaha ... fuck. The new Sheena is +atk -def. You know what, screw it, -def or -HP doesn't really matter to me. She will still have a lot of defense and I'm running iceberg on her anyway. Now I don't have to promote the 4-star Sheena and I save 20k feathers. I'm keeping the new one.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I did two full pulls on Sacred World but didn't luck into any of the new Magvel peeps. I was able to add vun voman (4*, +HP/-Res) to my collection though. Additionally, I did get a spare Cain so Ninian can now rock WoM 3.

My free pull gave me hot garbage for the record (3* Serra).

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No *5's in the last two full pulls but it matters not! The first pull!



HE FINALLY CAME! GOD FIRST ROY EVER. Been looking for this guy for the longest. Sophia, Ninian and Raven all want Triangle Adept but he's neutral roy. He's... decent. So I think I'm going to hold on to him for a little while. Never gotten a Leon either but I don't see the use for him and I got another one in my 2nd pull on the SS banner. My number of Florinas is growing and I don't know what to do with all this darting blow fodder. Got a Raigh in the other pool too as well as 3 Selenas. Can't say no to Reposition fodder though, I needed it bad. No new troopers but tons of usable fodder. I regret nothing from these pulls, although Leon might get sent home unless I seriously need Ignis fodder.


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Decided to stop doing Hero Fest pull for now, and start pulling the new banner... and holy hell. I'm not regretting my choice! :D

Free summon: Cherche 4* (-SPD +RES) My first Cherche! Neutral at best... I do have Frederick as my Brave Axe 5* user, so...


Tana 5* (-SPD +DEF) Whoaaa! Ehem... I mean... greetings, Princess of Frelia! You'll be a great physical tank for me! :D (Screams internally~)
Donnel 3* (+DEF -ATK) Draw Back, Reciprocal Aid & Brave Lance fodder. One of the better 3* at least ^_^
Amelia 5* (Unknown spread: 19/6/7/10/4) Oooh yes. Luckiest pull ever!! Amelia... ridicilous ATK, SPD, and DEF. And her super cuteness. T-This is too much aaahhhh~ <3
Gordin 3*

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Sacred Stones Banner

Free Pull: 4* Hinata

Other Pulls: 3* Sophia (2), 5*Katarina (surprisingly; and she's +SPD/-DEF to boot)

I'm focusing on Red for reasons...

EDIT: I got another Sophia but at 4* and... 3*Olivia... I HATE HATE HATE HATE THIS!

Edited by Frosty
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Time to pull for Sacred Stones units. It was my first FE game, so hopefully the RNG will smile upon me.

  1. 5* Tana: Indeed it has! The main unit I wanted from this banner too! +Atk/-Spd like my Lucina, but at least she'll do crazy damage, and her A skill does soothe that bane a little.
  2. 3* Florina: Meh. Maybe somebody can use Darting Blow.
  3. 4* Sakura: Meh.
  4. 3* Henry: I could use his breaker on my 5* Cecilia, come to think of it.
  5. 5* Titania: Not Amelia, but damn, double 5*! +Atk/-Def where my current version is +Def/-Hp, so I think I'll be using this new Titania.
Edited by KMT4ever
Wrong bane. -Spd, not -Def.
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3 hours ago, Sproutling said:

Pulled Seth. He's one of my favorite characters from SS so I can't really complain too much, but I really wish that he didn't get so shafted in Heroes. Oh well, horse buffs will make him at least decent.

As long he's not -ATK; he's going to be decent.

I already have a good build for him whenever I get to pull him; but unfortunately the game is throwing shit at me.

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Took another 119 orbs after Sheena broke the streak, but I got her.



If the stats I found on the FE Heroes wiki are correct, and I'm not bungling anything up, she seems to be +ATK/-DEF.

I kinda wanted Innes and Tana as well, but considering how many orbs it took to get Amelia, I think it's time for me to stop, and start stockpiling for the next time a character I like gets added.

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