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I was crashed by a +HP -Res Tharja in 3.75% before, but kept pulling on CYL anyway because it's worth the orbs for the OP people on it

Who do I get?





So a special thank you to @SatsumaFSoysoy for swapping brave Roy for a Tharja. And another thank you to Rezanator for giving me this +Atk Lucina :):

2 5 stars in one banner, plus 3 Hinatas AND my first Rein

Animal sacrifices friends

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:


I was crashed by a +HP -Res Tharja in 3.75% before, but kept pulling on CYL anyway because it's worth the orbs for the OP people on it

Who do I get?

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So a special thank you to @SatsumaFSoysoy for swapping brave Roy for a Tharja. And another thank you to Rezanator for giving me this +Atk Lucina :):

2 5 stars in one banner, plus 3 Hinatas AND my first Rein

Animal sacrifices friends

Tfw my Lancina is +Res -Spd

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After choosing Brave Ike as my hero, I knew I wanted to get Brave Lyn since everyone was talking about her.  After spending all my free orbs trying to pull her, I ended up not getting her, but a 2nd 5* Seth and a Brave Roy, to my surprise.  

Also picked up a 2nd 4* Klein (merged with my other Klein), a 4* Leon (eww I sent him straight back), a 2nd 5* Lucius (ugh sent him back), THREE MORE 3* Saizos (wtf why), and a 2nd 4* Seliph (merged).

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After choosing Brave Ike as my hero, I knew I wanted to get Brave Lyn since everyone was talking about her.  After spending all my free orbs trying to pull her, I ended up not getting her, but a 2nd 5* Seth and a Brave Roy, to my surprise.  

Also picked up a 2nd 4* Klein (merged with my other Klein), a 4* Leon (eww I sent him straight back), a 2nd 5* Lucius (ugh sent him back), THREE MORE 3* Saizos (wtf why), and a 2nd 4* Seliph (merged).

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Since I managed to get 3 out of 4 of the CYL Brave Heroes, I wanted to try for the final one, B!Lucina.
I'm 100% positive that I have never before pulled so many Ests in a row as these final few days of the CYL banner. There must have been about 5. And they're all 3-star! The game is taunting me...

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1 hour ago, Thane said:

5% pity rate on CYL, 0 orbs, waste all 69 that I had. 

Well that's fine, I didn't want the gamebreaking Heroes anyway.

This makes me feel slightly less terrible than I did about my last 50 on the CYL banner.

Well, to start I got a full set of fodder. Camilla, Lon Qu, Donnel, Stahl, Robin. Bonfire, Draconic Aura (potential Brave Axe+), Vantage, +1 to my *4 Donnel project and even the mostly useless Stahl has at least swap. Obviously... not what I'm going for.

Going for my last full set and hear the 5 stars on a red unit. Peek over the top and see a bit of red hair and get excited for CYL Roy and-



Yep, nope. This is a thing instead. See now... now I have to rant. Bear with me. I spent SO MANY ORBS on the Tempest banner going for her and Gray and was rewarded with a *5 Marth. But now I'm going for a banner with a bunch of busted heroes, wasted a PLETHORA of Orbs on the Tempest banner going for Lyn instead of broken heroes that are clearly better and was rewarded with 2 Eliwoods (...), now a last ditch effort for a brave unit with my 50 orbs and now she comes. I wanted Celica when I was pulling for Celica. Anyways... there she is and she's +HP/-DEF so she's workable and now I have a red mage alternative to Sophia. Great. 

The whole haul.



I feel so hollow right now. I got 2 Eliwoods, an Ike and a Celica from the Tempest and CYL Banners. It's just like... wow. The game threw me a bone, but I didn't get my favorite character in the entire series between the 2 banners she was on and I didn't get any of the busted characters from the banner that everyone says to blow all your orbs on. It's... kind of a loss regardless. I'm... just kind of outdone, really.

I think after a few tries at this New Heroes banner I may actually be able to take a crack at saving. Maybe Lyn'll show up for the BHB Hawkeye and Ninian banner as the red unit.

EDIT: Oh yeah, had a couple orbs left over and got a Titania. Never got her before but she's -ATK and I already don't care about her so eh.

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My last chance summon with the Brave Heroes banner netted me a +Spd, -Res Alm. Also, my first Roderick who is also my first Firesweep unit. +Res, -Atk, though...

Off the top of my head, dumping all my orbs to get the other CYL units only resulted in a +Res, -Def BH Roy, but I ended up getting new units*, so that's fine. I could do another summon if I could get 1 more orb by the time I get 50k points in the mini-TT, but I'm more than satisfied with what I got even though I didn't get BH Ike or Lucina.

* Alm, Klein, Leon, Mathilda, Nowi, Ogma, Roderick, regular Roy, Seliph, and Takumi including freebie BH Lyn and the BH Roy I summoned. Might have missed someone else, but that's a lot of new units for me considering I had 112/168 units before the BH banner.

@Zeo, just saw your post and with me summoning Alm, let's get married. :p

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

This makes me feel slightly less terrible than I did about my last 50 on the CYL banner.

Well, I'm not interested in the Tellius banner, so I'll just lick my wounds, scavange orbs and then hope for better luck during the Halloween banner!

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After 2 weeks of sniping colorless and a 5.5% focus rate, I finally got her



+Speed/-Resistance too, which makes me sigh in relief at my luck.  

Pulled the blue after I got her and got Nowi, who's one of the only faves I have in FE13 and new, so I'm good with that.

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So I wasn't super tempted with the new banner, so I wanted to get one pulled CYL unit from my main.

Sadly nothing, and rate is almost 5%. I just want ANY 5 star at this point :( Not sure if full pulls vs. green hunts is better to get rid of the rate, only have 29 orbs left (I want at least 20 left)

At least the 4 stars were okay.

-I received a +Def/-Res Oboro. Already trained a +Spd/-HP one and planning to merge, should I use the +Def as the base even though +Spd has less loses? @Arcanite you're the expert, may thee shed some light?

-Also received a 4 star +Atk/-Res Fae, which I'm not sure is better than neutral since I want Fae to Restank...

-Finally a better +Def/-HP Sheena came, so now I can replace my weirdly natured one. Training her back up to 40 is going to be a pain though.


That said, second account continues to be luckier. CYL hunting for Lancina instead gave me a -Spd/+HP Leo! More cavalry it is, good thing I did a full pull.

Since the pity rate is gone, I decided to try for Ninian/another Hector on mini-TT. No green orbs, 2 red and 3 blues. And I got her! -Atk/+Spd Ninian as well!!!!!

Other pulls were also great, like a -HP/+Spd 4 star Draug and a better -HP/+Def Nowi to replace my -Spd one.

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

-I received a +Def/-Res Oboro. Already trained a +Spd/-HP one and planning to merge, should I use the +Def as the base even though +Spd has less loses? @Arcanite you're the expert, may thee shed some light?

Well first things first, which set does she have? Standard counter killer?

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Swap, Killer Lance and Bonfire. Planning Quick Riposte once I get more Subakis. 

+Spd has less losses, but +Def probably has more wins

The +Def is -Res as opposed to HP which is also better in my opinion

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15 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

+Spd has less losses, but +Def probably has more wins

The +Def is -Res as opposed to HP which is also better in my opinion

Okay, maybe +Def then? She's not going to tank mages anyway and I'll wait for a -HP. So far she's going to be a 4 star+3 :)

Also congrats on your Celica at least @Zeo :D

edit: @Arcanite Okay, noted then! Time to train her up all the way to 40 again with the SP weekend!

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5 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Okay, maybe +Def then? She's not going to tank mages anyway and I'll wait for a -HP. So far she's going to be a 4 star+3 :)

Also congrats on your Celica @Zeo :D

Sorry I meant that -Res is better XD

-HP gives her like... nothing to work with :/

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1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

OMFG over 200 orbs I finally got Brave Lucina!!!!!!

& I got the worse possible version of her! I fucking hate this game!  :(:

A -spd one? Peace brother, I just got a -def +res Ike after 200+ orbs trying to get Lucina to no avail. I think that's probably his worst nature. RNG hell is basically my home now.

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Goodbye CYL banner. While you were kind in 5*, most of them were non-focus. The one CYL unit I managed to pull was Lyn and she is -spd +atk....oh well. And with this, I choose you, B!IKE! Would have liked a Roy but Ike had higher priority since I don't have many greens.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

A -spd one? Peace brother, I just got a -def +res Ike after 200+ orbs trying to get Lucina to no avail. I think that's probably his worst nature. RNG hell is basically my home now.


Actuall I got -atk & +res   -_-.

I'm just irritate as hell bcuz it so damn hard to get these focus units despite how easy it is with the summon simulator on game press.

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12 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:


Actuall I got -atk & +res   -_-.

I'm just irritate as hell bcuz it so damn hard to get these focus units despite how easy it is with the summon simulator on game press.

I find the simulator just gave me false hope.. I used to test my luck with it too, but now I know it'll just taunt me by getting what I want in 50 orbs while I end up with 200 orbs in the actual game to get nothing..

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16 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I find the simulator just gave me false hope.. I used to test my luck with it too, but now I know it'll just taunt me by getting what I want in 50 orbs while I end up with 200 orbs in the actual game to get nothing..

At this rate why can't we just buy the damn unit itself instead of gambling on luck on it. They still profit either way.

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Bye CYL Banner as well. You were great to me. 4 Brave Ike, 3 B Lyn, 4 B Roy, and 2 B Lucina. On top of that, I also got Takumi and Innes. I bought a lotto ticket for this weekend. I have orbs saved up for the next banner but I'm tempted to go for one more B Lucina dupe. 

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