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Ok, seems like I won't get Elincia or Nephenee. Today I pulled Est, 2 Odins, Oboro, F!Corrin and Selena today... Most notable pull a Roderick with +ATK and -HP. Is he any good on his own or should I just consider him to be future fodder? Now I'll save my orbs. My barracks are full anyway.

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7 minutes ago, pullofthebush said:

Ok, seems like I won't get Elincia or Nephenee. Today I pulled Est, 2 Odins, Oboro, F!Corrin and Selena today... Most notable pull a Roderick with +ATK and -HP. Is he any good on his own or should I just consider him to be future fodder? Now I'll save my orbs. My barracks are full anyway.

Regarding Roderick, 34/34 offenses is damn good, especially on a horse. His base set is also pretty decent, rally def/res means that one Hone Cav replacement in the C-slot and he's a 6/6/3/3 buffer for whatever horse mage floats your boat, alternatively you can keep drive def for general purpose use.

Of course, his real 'selling point,' as it were, would be his lance & drag-back combo, playing more like an infantry archer than a melee horse---4 range of threat, but only moves 2 squares a turn, rarely takes a counter, rarely counters (for Roderick the 'rarely' turns into 'never'). It's... alright. Probably very useful---I use Klein and B!Cordelia etc. and they do fine---but also nothing special. He would pretty much be a worse bow lyn for most intents and purposes---Bow Lyn, whether it's vanilla, firesweep, or brave bow would have better coverage and reach---but being a worse bow lyn isn't really a bad spot to be.

I rate him 'perfectly fine for AA use' tier, being one of those 5*s that require little investment to contribute meaningfully, but not one of the all-stars that would fit into a 'do everything' team unless my box was pretty lackluster.

Mind, all-star tier is basically all freaks of nature like Reinhardt, B!Lyn, dancers, fully supported -blade users (meaning Reinhardt is a double all-star), and maybe some very exceptional galeforce users. (A galeforce user can take less than 1 unit-turn to kill a unit, which is difficult to reliably replicate barring stuff like -blade, vantage, and full buffs, but I'm honestly not sure if that small niche could push the whole category into 'freak of nature' tier.)

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So birthday summon- no 5 stars.

of note though was a -HP/+Spd Eliwood at 4 star, a 3 star -Spd/+Atk Sophia and a 4 star -Def/+Atk Est after getting two -Def/+HP Ests in a row last week. 

Also had a Donnel whose Brave Lance quickly went to Est.

so a fairly OK summon actually despite the disappointment of no Crimeans

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I didn't notice that I took this screenshot before she finished her dialogue. Is she the voice of the goo? The voice of the gobstoppers? Who can say? Other than the Catalog of Heroes, of course.

Y-you're... not Elincia...

...But you're not Tharja, so I'll take it!

I was sick and having trouble sleeping when I pulled her last night, so I almost thought it was just a dream, but this screenshot (and the fact that she's in my barracks) proves it to be real! She's +HP/-Def, which may not be the best boon, but it's definitely her best bane, so I am very okay with a meh boon. I also got a 3-star +Res/-Def Oboro in hopes of getting Nephenee or Oscar too, but this more than makes up for that. Hooray for being unable to resist saving enough orbs for three summons? At least I can wait for the next banner without leaving a pity rate on this one.

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I still want to try for Elincia. I know, desperate.

2 Blue, Colourless, 1 Green (Will this happen again?)

3* Est (TO THE TRASH!)

2 Red, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Henry (Fodder's up!), 4* Raigh (Trash? REALLY? 14 total now, can you just go away?)

4 Red, 1 Colourless (Maybe...?)

4* Sophia (A unit to pass Dragon Fang I guess), 5* Elincia (Ho my, I didn't see this coming so soon! +Def/-HP sadly, but better than -Spd), 4* Cain (+Res/-Def, so WoM fodder for me!), 3* Hana (+Att/-Res, I think I've got her covered there. So L&D can be nice), 3* Felicia (BoL fodder is nice)

So I get her faster than expected. And yet no +Spd or +Att. Oh well, not going to push further for now.

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After pulling and pulling on the Dauntless Crimeans banner for days and getting all the way up to 4.5% with no 5-stars to show for it, I managed to scrounge up 5 orbs and did a Leeroy Jenkins pull.

and I got a 4-star Effie! :D No problems there! She has an Atk bane... and a Res boon... but you know what? I'm fine with that. Her Atk is sky-high already so I doubt it will matter much in the long run, and the extra Res might actually save her from certain mages.

Then I did a bad and bought the orbs for the rest of the summoning session because they were all blue and red... aaaand nothing of note. Dang it!

But I had a few orbs left over from the purchase and Clarisse has made her dramatic return so I decided to do her relevant quests and get 9 orbs to pull for two units, hoping for them to be Nephenee and Elincia. A bit of a long shot, but since the banner leaves soon and that 4.5% chance was taunting me, I felt compelled to get something at least.

I scrounge up the 9 orbs and BAM! 3 Blue orbs, a single Red orb, and a Green orb. Not bad! I'd better choose the right ones.fullsizeoutput_228.thumb.jpeg.bc02b86f84e4347e7b59fbb158d97f71.jpeg


The RNG giveth!

Oscar has a Def bane and a Res boon.
Elincia has an Atk bane and a Def boon. (Rezzy why)

The RNG taketh away XD

But still, I am overjoyed to have both of these units. Sure, would have preferred Nephenee over Oscar, but Oscar was a total beast in Path of Radiance and definitely one of my best units through the whole game, so he gets a pass.

Looking forward to October's banners! Hoping everyone gets their desired units without too much hassle!

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19 hours ago, Grandosco said:

After pulling and pulling on the Dauntless Crimeans banner for days and getting all the way up to 4.5% with no 5-stars to show for it, I managed to scrounge up 5 orbs and did a Leeroy Jenkins pull.

and I got a 4-star Effie! :D No problems there! She has an Atk bane... and a Res boon... but you know what? I'm fine with that. Her Atk is sky-high already so I doubt it will matter much in the long run, and the extra Res might actually save her from certain mages.

Then I did a bad and bought the orbs for the rest of the summoning session because they were all blue and red... aaaand nothing of note. Dang it!

But I had a few orbs left over from the purchase and Clarisse has made her dramatic return so I decided to do her relevant quests and get 9 orbs to pull for two units, hoping for them to be Nephenee and Elincia. A bit of a long shot, but since the banner leaves soon and that 4.5% chance was taunting me, I felt compelled to get something at least.

I scrounge up the 9 orbs and BAM! 3 Blue orbs, a single Red orb, and a Green orb. Not bad! I'd better choose the right ones.fullsizeoutput_228.thumb.jpeg.bc02b86f84e4347e7b59fbb158d97f71.jpeg


The RNG giveth!

Oscar has a Def bane and a Res boon.
Elincia has an Atk bane and a Def boon. (Rezzy why)

The RNG taketh away XD

But still, I am overjoyed to have both of these units. Sure, would have preferred Nephenee over Oscar, but Oscar was a total beast in Path of Radiance and definitely one of my best units through the whole game, so he gets a pass.

Looking forward to October's banners! Hoping everyone gets their desired units without too much hassle!

Oh, funny. I pulled desperately with 6 orbs, and I got Elincia with the opposite bane/boon. 

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Scraped together 20 orbs for another pull at the TT banner. 4.00% pity rate ho!

  1. 4* Lilina: Meh. I'll either promote and merge or use you for Spur Atk 3.
  2. 5* Seth: There's a nice surprise! +Spd/-HP, so he's actually pretty usable. I might make a Gem Horse Emblem team from him, Titania, and Oscar for lulz.
  3. 5* Elise: Another surprise! Neutral, so she works as a Horse Emblem healer. Definitely a keeper.
  4. 3* Gordin: Bleh.
  5. 3* Saizo: It wouldn't be one of my pulls without him...

So for 95 orbs I picked up two serviceable 5* units. Could have been better, but definitely could have been worse. Hopefully the next banners aren't tempting so I can save again.

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Made my final attempt at the Dauntless Crimeans, and got myself a 5* princess beginning with the letter 'E'.


Wrong game, though. It's Eirika, +HP -Atk.

I had a 4* +Res -Spd version I had given Rally Resistance to ahead of time, and was planning to promote. Not sure what to do with her now...


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I made one last go for Oscar since I won't be pulling on that singer and dancer banner. Didn't get him. :(

But I did get a 5 star Abel and a +Atk 4 star Cordelia! She's also -Spd, but I'm using her anyway. I also already had a 5 star Abel that's +Atk, -Res that I'd upgraded fairly recently, so I merged the new one into him. Yay for stronger Abel. :D

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Unsurprisingly, my search for Elincia ends with disappointment, a 4% pity rate that I'm forced to leave behind and a bunch of wasted time. The last circle I got only had one red which spat out 4* Lon'qu and since I only had 8 orbs left I opened two other stones in that set just to be further disappointed by the sight of 3* Clarine and 4* Bartre. *sigh* This is all Lucina's fault because I need someone to be a scapegoat here for ruining my pity rate a couple days ago...... 

1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

But I did get a 5 star Abel and a +Atk 4 star Cordelia! She's also -Spd, but I'm using her anyway. I also already had a 5 star Abel that's +Atk, -Res that I'd upgraded fairly recently, so I merged the new one into him. Yay for stronger Abel. :D

Did you happen to get those two in the same set? Just wondering since I also happened to get a 5* Abel and a +Atk/-Spd 4* Cordelia (now a 5*) at the same time a couple months back.

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40 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Did you happen to get those two in the same set? Just wondering since I also happened to get a 5* Abel and a +Atk/-Spd 4* Cordelia (now a 5*) at the same time a couple months back.

No, not in the same session. I think it was back to back sessions though. And My Cordelia is also -Spd lol wow.

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Pulled Inigo on my second summon on the banner lol

(+Atk -HP)

Edit: Got a shigure literally 9 orbs later. Wtf is this?


I guess I finally have some limited heroes now!

Edited by Korath88
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Shin just pulled Shigure for me on the first summoning session. Swag.

EDIT: His stats are 16/7/4/4/5.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Summoned a completely neutral Axura.

A huge fucking relief considering I was going to spend my 140+ saved orbs (saved up since the Brave banner ended) on trying to get her. Now I can continue saving for FE7/8/Mia banner.

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Well I finally get to join the free 5* pull club. With a Camilla. Honestly I’m a little disappointed. There are just so many other green units I’d rather have, and while I don’t dislike her as a character her art in this game really puts me off. 

But wait there’s more! Hello second Brave Lucina and Oscar! I really did not want or need a second bLucina and she’s -Spd so looks like someone (Soren) will be getting Ather at least. 

And finally I am genuinely glad to have Oscar! The guy spent about 70% of my PoR run proving to me that he desperately needs glasses, but he came to end game all the same.


Now to truly begin the hunt for Ingo and Shigure...

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Two full summons, nothing.

Third summon...5* Tharja. +Spd -Att. Not sure I like that on her as much as I like that on Nino, but... I dunno, maybe I can make it work... on some other Red Mage.

Blue orb... Shigure. +Def -HP, coulda been worse I suppose, but whatever he's a Singer, not a fighter.

4* Fir +Spd -Def. Guess I won't need to use the neutral Fir we are sure to get.

A while later... another Shigure. +Att -Res this time, so...I either have Merge fodder or the ability to feed someone Geyser Dance or B Tome Valor.

4* Oscar the next pull... can confirm, he gives Lancebreaker 3 at 4*. Awesome.

So... no Azura, but 2 Shigures, one good the other bad, and one Tharja, who I can feed to someone for Rauorblade... I guess I do have all month to snipe Green orbs...

Edited by Xenomata
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Free pull on the dancer banner with the only green orb in the session was...5* Axura -hp + spd. No more green orbs so I got out. I went again hoping to get a Barst, Beruka or Bartre for merging purposes and Reposition fodder and...I got a 5* Inigo. He's -atk +hp...

Maybe the TA Raven build can help him a little...

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Spent basically all of my 100 orbs sniping green and colorless. I actually rolled a lot of greens, and 60 orbs in I got Azura, +res -def. Not bad, I'll take it.

Wanted Olivia too so I kept going, but got nothing else. Sucks to get only 1 5* out of 100 orbs, but at least it was Azura and not Inigo.

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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Spent basically all of my 100 orbs sniping green and colorless. I actually rolled a lot of greens, and 60 orbs in I got Azura, +res -def. Not bad, I'll take it.

Wanted Olivia too so I kept going, but got nothing else. Sucks to get only 1 5* out of 100 orbs, but at least it was Azura and not Inigo.

I basically had the same 5-star ratio you did, and also got the dancer I wanted. I'd say we were both pretty lucky, once the horror stories of 200+ orb sessions with nothing to show for it come out. 

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull had no greens: three reds, a blue, and a grey. I chose grey for some reason and got a 4★ Res/Atk Leon. Anna why.

I’m so done with this banner already.

I feel you, man.

Since Azura is the one I want the most, of course the game gives me no greens (two reds, three blues) in my free pull either. I pick one of the reds for unknown reasons and get a 3* Henry that was promptly sent home. The rest of the pull was pretty sub-par as well with it resulting in 3* Draug (also immediately sent home), 3* Sully (decent at least), 4* Nowi (-Atk so Threaten Res fodder I guess...) and 4* Gwendolyn (bleh).

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