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My 10% was broken by a Spring Camilla, the one unit I didn't want, and she has the opposite IVs of my current S! Camilla, +Atk/-Spd. I don't know how I feel about this.

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13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Well, we already know that the first banner will have Tharja, Rhajat, Faye, and Priscilla. But there are rumors that Rhajat may drop to 4-star, and since I know that Faye isn't available at 4-stars, I wouldn't mind trying for her, since I don't have her yet. I have a 4-star Priscilla, but getting her at 5-stars would save me some feathers, at least. And maybe give some good fodder to others, now that 5-star healers have some fodder potential. I don't care much for any of the Fates kids, so it really just depends on what the second VG banner has for whether I pull on this one or that one.

I actually like getting units as 4*s, since they might have a good nature, and 5*s only come as -Atk.  Feathers come often enough that it's not much of an issue any more.

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32 minutes ago, Logos said:

My 10% was broken by a Spring Camilla, the one unit I didn't want, and she has the opposite IVs of my current S! Camilla, +Atk/-Spd. I don't know how I feel about this.

You feel very angry like I did because that Nohrian scum showed up and ruined your chance at getting a Deidre or Hector 

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Just now, Mackc2 said:

You feel very angry like I did because that Nohrian scum showed up and ruined your chance at getting a Deidre or Hector 

I know everyone say's this banner is a good chance to get good units, but I've only gotten a +Def/-Atk Celica, +Spd/-Atk Ayra, and +Atk/-Spd S!Camilla so far after spending 74+ F2P orbs. All I've seen are bad pulls from other people too lol. This was the most unlucky banner I've ever had. Also yeah I'm very angry, I needed another Hector for DC, since I don't want to kill off my only Hector, even if he is +HP/-Def. Sigh...

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It could be worse I guess...

  • Doga: Idc
  • Batre: neutral   Will be merged into the + atk one I have already
  • Eliwood: - HP / + spd   It's my very first Eliwood, so I'll use him. But no idea what skills to give him since I have no experience with his skill building.
  • Deidre: - def / + res    People say + res shall be really good, so I take it.
  • Lyn: - HP / + atk  Heck yeah! I can merge my free Brave Lyn into this one.


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It's really annoying listening to everyone complain about getting S!Camilla when that's the unit I wanted the most from this banner and I got a Hector and the 3 reds. 2 of which I already had.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

It's really annoying listening to everyone complain about getting S!Camilla when that's the unit I wanted the most from this banner and I got a Hector and the 3 reds. 2 of which I already had.

I know right? I was just about to comment on how annoying it is when everyone is complaining about getting a unit that you want the most. Also are you wanting S!Camilla. Cause if you want, mine could send some luck. 

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I don't care for anyone on the Block A banner, so might as well go for Rhajat with the free pull.

  1. 4* Fae: Not what I was looking for, but Renewal fodder is always welcome.

I plan to make at least one full pull from Block B, so my remaining 20 orbs are going into the Legendary banner.

  1. 3* Azama: Go away.
  2. 4* Henry: Bleh. Maybe somebody'll need Ignis.
  3. 3* Raigh: At least Henry's useful for SI...
  4. 4* Chrom: Eh.
  5. 3* Est: Useless.

Hopefully I can scrape together enough orbs to make one last pull. I'd hate to leave here with a pity rate.

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Block A freebie: 3* Frederick
Block B freebie: 4* Cain

Eh, I've gotten worse. I also pulled a second green on Block A and got Reposition for my troubles (3* Barst) and probably left behind a Rhajat under a third green which I couldn't pull.

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Freebie from block A was 4* Raven, presumably happy I was finally able to upgrade Lucius’s staff. 

Freebie from block B was 3* Hana. There was a second red and since I still really want Sigurd I went for it. 


wrong red focus! She’s +Res/-Spd too, so I don’t feel very bad that I’m probably going to end up using her to give Soren Atk Ploy. 

Back to saving for one last pull on the mega banner!

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My freebie on Block B was 4* Seliph (apparently my first one), and then I went about spending orbs on Block A for Rhajat. I had to spend about 250 orbs, but I got her (+SPD, -RES). Of course, not before first being pity broken twice by a Faye (+DEF, -HP) and a Boey (+SPD, -ATK). Also got my first Camilla, not that I particularly care for her, so the only cutscene characters I'm missing are Tiki, Lyn and Takumi.

Now all I can do is hope that the information going around is accurate and that Soleil ends up dropping to 4*, because I don't feel confident enough in my orb count to try pulling on Children of Fate.

Edited by C. Turtle
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I pulled for Rhajat. And I got Elise, than I had to draw grey. I also did draw Rhajat after that and both in under 40 orbs. I can't complain. I'm pretty happy. =)

Rhajats boon/bane is atk+/spe-. A bit of a shame. But I can user her in arena assault. So I'm happy enough.

Edited by Stroud
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Was planning on going only for Rhajat, though B Block seems really good!

Free pull on Block A, no greens. Got a 4* Klein though! So that's good.
Second attempt at Block A. No greens... okay game.
Third atte- Nope, no greens again. FINE! I hope she gets demoted to 4-stars :/ We'll see how many orbs I can scrounge up and go from there.

Good luck in the Voting Gauntlet everyone! Maybe Priscilla will win this time?

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No greens for Rhajat banner so no new bonus unit for now (I assume she'll be bonus). Had 4 reds and 1 blue...picked a red and it's my 3rd 4 star Marth in a week. I think I'm turning into @Zeo

Other banner had better choices. Couldn't really decide between Sigurd or Dorcas and there was 1 red and 1 green. I went for green for Dorcas and it was a -Atk Cherche. 

Almost tempted to pull red but I'll fight the urge and save for Shiro. Or 1 last chance summon for 8%.

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Only care about Rhajat on Block A.

Block A gives me 3 red and 2 colorless, colorless gives me Azama.

Only care about Sigurd and Dorcas on Block B.

Block B gives 3 blue and 2 colorless. Colorless is *3 Matthew(!)... but not +ATK or +SPD. Another +DEF/-RES Matt. Go for the other grey, *3 Wrys.


...Screw this game sometimes.

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A new voting gauntlet means two more free summons:

Block A:



Welp.  At least my 4* Super Bartre is at +7 now.

Block B:



Not really sure what to do with this guy anymore.  I have three now at 4* Lv. 1, and I don't particularly need Ward Cavalry on anyone...


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