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Finally got Shiro after far too many orbs. It's made me reconsider whether I really want to pull on these banners or wait for seasonals, even if I don't want statistics from my pulls just to show the seasonals. Who knows. It's left me a bit disheartened just with the run of bad luck I've had lately (though I did have a run of good luck before this, which I keep trying to remind myself).

Oh well, I'll see how the Christmas banner goes. If I still feel like this, I'll rein back my spending.

I've not checked stats yet. Since my Siegbert was -Atk, I'm expecting the same of Shiro. My main hope is that the additional Abel I pulled with him is the +Atk I've been hoping for (I will promote if he is. I really want a +Atk Abel to run alongside the 5* Cain I pulled a few yonks back).

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Well free pull was 4*Cordelia so brave lance fodder:)  I am saving orbs right now for the next legendary banner, but if they put a Christmas Kaze in the game I will be saying bye bye to all my orbs before then.  

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For my free summon I got a 3-star Florina! Hooraaaay...

It's also funny that they'd release a weapon refinement banner the day after I decide to upgrade my Julia's Naga tome. I don't regret it at all even though I have a Takumi and Lyn already. Maybe someday you guys! :D Even though Takumi's weapon upgrade isn't the most stellar, I'm very glad they do allow it to be improved by that much. Really makes him and his weapon unique.

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With my free summoning on the Lyn banner I got a 5* Seliph (+att/-res) which is pretty cool. As tempting as it is to try for another Lyn I'm planning on saving orbs for the legend banner at the end of the month.

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3 hours ago, Prince Endriu said:

What legend banner?

On Fjorm's banner, there was something that indicated both that Fjorm would only be available for summoning on Legendary Hero banners, and that she would next be available near the end of December, making it likely that there will be such a banner around that time.

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11 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

Finally got Shiro after far too many orbs. It's made me reconsider whether I really want to pull on these banners or wait for seasonals, even if I don't want statistics from my pulls just to show the seasonals. Who knows. It's left me a bit disheartened just with the run of bad luck I've had lately (though I did have a run of good luck before this, which I keep trying to remind myself).

Oh well, I'll see how the Christmas banner goes. If I still feel like this, I'll rein back my spending.

I've not checked stats yet. Since my Siegbert was -Atk, I'm expecting the same of Shiro. My main hope is that the additional Abel I pulled with him is the +Atk I've been hoping for (I will promote if he is. I really want a +Atk Abel to run alongside the 5* Cain I pulled a few yonks back).

Well, this latest banner of forgable legendary weapons, I've pulled a Florina :dry:. Man, I want another surprise Elincia pull like I did a while ago XD

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I wanted Shiro in my main, so I scratched my summoning itch with the free orbs:

2 blues.

1st blue was a +Atk/-Def Shanna at 4 star! Wow, that's pretty nice.

2nd blue-


HOLY WHOA. You're not Shiro but I'll take it! Unfortunately -Spd (my most common bane in main account...just like Ninian, too), she's +Atk at least I guess.

Left the summon. 1 blue- 3 star Shanna with +Spd/-HP....that's actually not too bad as well. Now I'm not sure if I go +Atk or +Spd. Shanna's showered me with blessings from her victory in the last VG?!?

@Cute Chao That's a shame it took you so long for Shiro. At least you have him now though!

Edited by mcsilas
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Unbelivable... 38 orbs. Ready to jump in for Lyn.

1st session: 2 red orbs, freebie is *4 Palla and other is *4 Draug.

2nd Session: 1 red orb, *4 Ogma. Fine.

3rd Session: 0 red orbs. Seriously?.... *3 Donnel.

4th Session: 0 red orbs. ARE YOU KIDDING? *3 Serra!..... -SPD again...

5th Session: 0 red orbs.... .....*4 Peri

6th Session: 2 red orbs. Finally. *4 Laslow and *3 Selena. Great.

Only 5 orbs left... I've been getting nothing so I may as well go for it.

7th session: 2 red orbs.


I went for the top one, *3 Olivia. I will never know if that other one had Lyn. Never have I wished I'd had money to spend as much as I did in that moment.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

Unbelivable... 38 orbs. Ready to jump in for Lyn.

1st session: 2 red orbs, freebie is *4 Palla and other is *4 Draug.

2nd Session: 1 red orb, *4 Ogma. Fine.

3rd Session: 0 red orbs. Seriously?.... *3 Donnel.

4th Session: 0 red orbs. ARE YOU KIDDING? *3 Serra!..... -SPD again...

5th Session: 0 red orbs.... .....*4 Peri

6th Session: 2 red orbs. Finally. *4 Laslow and *3 Selena. Great.

Only 5 orbs left... I've been getting nothing so I may as well go for it.

7th session: 2 red orbs.


I went for the top one, *3 Olivia. I will never know if that other one had Lyn. Never have I wished I'd had money to spend as much as I did in that moment.

Oh, hey look, where are those red ones when I'm going for Elincia? Oh, right, trying to get me to summon a Tharja in this banner.

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3 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

Oh, hey look, where are those red ones when I'm going for Elincia? Oh, right, trying to get me to summon a Tharja in this banner.

When I was pulling for Dorcas in the Farfetched banner, I was getting nothing but reds and blues.

When I was pulling for S!Camilla in the Legendary Heroes banner, I was getting nothing but reds, even after pulling all 3 of the red heroes at *5.

Now I'm pulling for a red specifically, and I'm not getting any red orbs. Words can't describe how I feel. And what makes it worse is that this isn't just any red. It's literally my favorite character in the entire series. I've never felt so blocked.

Edited by Zeo
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I felt like doing some YOLO pulls because I kind of want Firesweep Bow fodder....for reasons. I knew the odds were stacked against me, but I still think my efforts were rewarded. Spent about 40 orbs and managed to get another Leon (for my super merge), a Klein with a decent nature (+SPD -DEF), and....a Priscilla. Now, I would have been disappointed, but she was +ATK which was way nicer than my +RES one. XD This makes her the 4th 5* Priscilla I've pulled... With +ATK, she officially outclasses my Elise and her lovely -SPD. For some reason, these healer gals love me. I wish Lucius would show up more often. But I kind of want to see if I can make my +7 Maria scary at all...

So some good pulls. My harem boys get another club member, and Priscilla gets some love at last. ^^ 


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On ‎07‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 6:11 PM, EricaofRenais said:

Well free pull was 4*Cordelia so brave lance fodder:)  I am saving orbs right now for the next legendary banner, but if they put a Christmas Kaze in the game I will be saying bye bye to all my orbs before then.  

Honestly, I so wish they'd chosen Sully, Stahl, Kaze and Saizo for the xmas units because yay Christmas units (I mean, they acknowledge the archetype, after all) :D

Ofc, that's more men than women, so they won't. Also, I don't think Sully is very popular, unlike Tharja, etc. And I chose only out of Fates and Awakening units. I'd love to see a banner with Kent, Sain, Abel, Cain, personally ^.^


On topic: Did a pull on the new banner. Got a 4* Fir. Yaaaaay. To the trash pile you go.

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I'm still salty af that I didn't get a single 5* unit from that giant summoning event we had recently.  My pity rate was 10%.  No 5* units.  I'm filled with irrational rage at the very thought.

More recently, I summoned Shiro after just a couple pulls on the Children banner, but this does not make up for all my fury.  I'm done with that banner, even though I'd really like to pull Siegbert.  Him and Shiro are my babies, but I'm scared to pull red in case I get Soleil.  I think I'm just going to wait for another banner in the future to get Siegbert.

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Mfw when a YOLO pull actually worked.

I apparently have selectively good luck with this game since I get Rhajat (+Res/-HP btw), Mia, Ayra, Delthea, etc. practically immediately. But others like Bridelia, Leo, Hector, Ike, Elise, Azura, NS!Elise, Elincia, yada yada? Either had to wait months on end for (Leo, Hector, Ike), had to pay up for (NS!Elise, Elincia), or still don't have despite my best efforts (Bridelia, Elise, Azura). Regardless, this latest instance of that dumb luck of mine means I once again have every green mage the game currently has to offer, so that's cool at least.

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So on my second pull on the Fates Kids banner, I got a +Res -Def Soleil. I'm happy with that pull but I wanted to try for another to see if I could get a nice Nature, since I really want to use Soleil. That said 43/43 offenses with LaD3 and Fjorm's Water Blessing is pretty great. 46/43 or 43/46 with seals is even more great.

Suddenly Siegbert.

Not even a bad nature, neutral. So I guess I have a new Red horsey to stand alongside Xander and Zigludo. Plus Attack Tactic is pretty great.

Also what's with me and neutral natures lately? Within my last 8 5*s, 6 of them have been neutral. The other two both happen to be +Res, go figure.

I might consider trying for Shiro to complete the trio, but honestly I'd rather save up for the Christmas banner.

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