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On 12/14/2017 at 1:51 AM, mampfoid said:

I always thought it was her best nature, mine is of the same. She is great with LnD/Firesweep and also with Triple Close Def. 

Uuugh... And I just built my LnD3 Firesweep Catria to...

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Having had a couple of shitty days in a row, coupled with a bad run of summoning the past two months, I succumbed to temporary idiocy and spent for the 23 orb pack on the Refinery banner. Fortunately, some luck returned and I got Ephraim!  


Neutral, too.  I can now run a team of neutral summoned units:

Red: Sanaki/Athena/H!Nowi

Blue: Ephraim

Green: Brave Ike (wasn’t from the free pull)

Colorless Brave Lyn (one from the free pull, AND a neutral summoned one). 

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Finally, FINALLY, FINALLY!!!! I finally got Ephraim, I've spent so many orbs trying to get him. I wouldn't be able to remember, but I know that I spent over 200 orbs trying to get Ninian, but I've definitely spent more trying to get Ephraim in total. I always was getting random blue five star characters when he appeared, but finally I got him! Now the only characters left that I'm dying to get are Hector and Brave Lyn.

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A while back when I did my free summon on the Heroes With Weapon Refinery banner I pulled on a red and got a Ryoma lol.

More recently I brought some orbs and tried pulling on the Fates banner again. I didn't get a good IV Siegbert or Shiro, which is what I wanted the most. Instead I got a good IV (+Atk/Res) Soleil (and another one +Res/-HP later on) and a +Atk/-Res Mae in the same summon. A (again and exact same) garbage IV Celica (+HP/-Atk) and Leo (-Def/+Res; not sure how I feel about that) in the same summon. And I think that's pretty much it.

Edit: Oh yeah and my free summon on the Tana/Amelia banner got me a Boey as well (+Def/-Res; again not sure how I feel about that).

Edited by Logos
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21 minutes ago, Logos said:

A while back when I did my free summon on the Heroes With Weapon Refinery banner I pulled on a red and got a Ryoma lol.

More recently I brought some orbs and tried pulling on the Fates banner again. I didn't get a good IV Siegbert or Shiro, which is what I wanted the most. Instead I got a good IV (+Atk/Res) Soleil (and another one +Res/-HP later on) and a +Atk/-Res Mae in the same summon. A (again and exact same) garbage IV Celica (+HP/-Atk) and Leo (-Def/+Res; not sure how I feel about that) in the same summon. And I think that's pretty much it.

Edit: Oh yeah and my free summon on the Tana/Amelia banner got me a Boey as well (+Def/-Res; again not sure how I feel about that).

You can fodder the units for their skills, like Distant Defense for instance. I'm jealous with the Leo though, he's my most favorite in Fates (out of all three paths), and I don't have him yet. ): 

As for Boey, he likes his Res to survive, so I think the best to lose is HP. 

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1 minute ago, Aera said:

You can fodder the units for their skills, like Distant Defense for instance. I'm jealous with the Leo though, he's my most favorite in Fates (out of all three paths), and I don't have him yet. ): 

As for Boey, he likes his Res to survive, so I think the best to lose is HP. 

Meh Takumi looks cooler Kidding Leo's my favorite from Conquest, but his unit in FEH is very hard to work with (especially with my IVs). Hope you can get one though, I would give you mine, but he only likes to be either a) Blended and added to other units or b) Sent home. Also yes, for Boey -Res gives him 4 less Res so that significantly reduces the ability of TA 3 to patch up the damage he takes from Blue mages. This could be remedied though, if they had just added Weapon Refinery to Raven tomes in addition to the other useless ones. 

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I'm gonna go for Robin.

... 2 red, 3 colorless.... well maybe Tharja. Nope *4 Olivia, not spending more orbs in this pool.

Next try... 4 green, 1 colorless.... -_-. Chrom and Lissa are both good though so why not.

2 Camillas, 1 Cecilia, one Barst.

Yep. Waste. It's like the game always knows what color you want now. That's 16 orbs down the drain. 19 orbs left and going to save for now.

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I still have no interest in the current banner even though the new units look like they'll perform pretty well. Good luck to everyone who's looking for a fave! My free pull was good to me however. I got a THIRD Lucina. I prayed to the heavens that she'd have a good nature. My first was +RES -ATK. The second was +RES -HP. Heck...even my Chrom is +RES -SPD. Must run in the family or something. 

She's +ATK -DEF!!!!!! I'll take it! Now my Lucina is going to be +2 and hit hard. XD

I pulled the other two reds in case Soleil was hiding in there and got 3* Palla and Adult Tiki. XD Oh well. 8 orbs wasted isn't bad, especially since I finally got a good Lucina. :3 Back to saving!

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Was planning to do one round, ended up doing two.


Round 1: Green, green, red, grey, blue, I just go clockwise as usual.

4* Beruka +Atk -Spd. Well, my existing one is Def Res, not sure which to use as a base for a potential 4* +10 as a future project.

4* Cecilia +Spd -HP. Already have a 4* +10 who is +Spd -Def, so eh.

5* Elincia +HP -Atk. Identical to my existing one, arrrgh.

3* FCorrin +Atk -Spd. Fodder.


Round 2: Blue, green, green, grey, grey.

5* Mathilda +Atk -HP. Not sure I have a role for her, but can't complain about this at all. Glad I did this second round on impulse.

5* Santa Chrom. +Spd -HP. It would be churlish to complain about his IVs at this point, so I won't.

4* Frederick +Def -HP. Fodder.


Unless the next banner turns out to be a damp squib, I'm done for now.

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Went green orb sniping (and as usual, there were hardly any green orbs) for Chrom and 60 orbs in, I get my rate broken by a dupe Shiro (+hp/-res) Can't decide if I want to merge him to my existing Shiro, or use him as skill fodder. I did manage to get a 4* Soleil though

Think I'm done with this banner so it's back to saving orbs

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I did it! I avoided the despair train this banner. It took my 120 orbs of my 200 saved, but Tharja came home! +res -spd, which seems pretty damn nice for her. It was really getting gloomy past 100 and getting only 2 reds per session each time, but I'm glad I still got her with orbs left over.

I also got my pity rate broken at 70 orbs in by +spd -def Elincia. Might just be merge fodder since I already have a +atk -def one and don't plan to run Firesweep on her or anything. Also of note I got a couple more Hinatas, which is real nice. And a Cain for WoM. So decent fodder from this splurge.

I have 81 orbs left, and a few more to collect from the new maps. I really want Lissa as well, but I think I'll wait to see what the end of the month looks like with the potential legendary banner + new years banners.

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Well, this sure did happen on my first Winter's Envoy pull.


The Lonk was the freebie because my freebies are required to be a 3* at least half of the time, but I also got my first 5* Lilina for my troubles. Her combo is +Res/-Spd, which I guess is kinda alright since her Spd was already in the pits to begin with. Oh, and this cool dude decided he wanted to crash my party a banner late on the very next pull. He got +Atk/-Spd, which I can certainly live with. 


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91 orbs down the drain for one Winter Robin! I want Chrom more, but I’ll still take him.

Got really lucky with his nature too, +atk/-hp. Now I get to be conflicted because having a blue armor that isn’t 4* Effie and pre packaged with Armor March is really nice, but Soren would really like that Brazen Atk/Spd. Hmmmm. 

Ah well I’ll do a bit more pulling for Chrom once I get some more orbs. Probably on Christmas or Christmas Eve because I’m a sentemental sap, and I might get more Soren’s. 

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I used 112 orbs.

My results:

Christmas!Chrom +Spd -Res

Christmas!Chrom +Res -Def

Christmas!Chrom +HP -Spd

Christmas!Robin +Def -HP

Christmas!Robin +HP -Atk

Christmas!Robin +Res -Atk

Chirstmas!Lissa +Res -Spd

And the rest will be inherited skills! I finally got Klein, lmao.



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Sigh. Among the summons in around 80 orbs I got my first Seliph, who appeared at 4*. I did get two 5* units, however they were Lilina and Tailtiu, both units that I already have, though my first Tailtiu wasn't at 5* so that's nice! Free summon was a 4* Ogma. Also got two more Athenas, one neutral and the other +Def/-Res. The natures weren't great.

So all in all, no Winter's Envoy units. I'm a bit heartbroken, but this is always a possibility. Besides, the banner is young! I have time :) Good luck to everyone and congrats with the good luck that has already been brandished!

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Full circle #1



Full circle #2



Full circle #3



Full Circle #4



Full Circle #6



Full Circle #7



In my attempt to summon Tharja. I got 2 Hanas, Marth, 2 Caedas, Henry, Fredrick, Soren, 2 Stahls, Saizo,Serra, Virion, Soleil, Cain, Florina, Lissa (wrong one), Sophia, Bartre, Mae, Clair, Reinhardt, Raigh, mCorrin, Eliwood, Arthur, Rebecca, Selena, Cecilia, Sheena. Ninian who killed my pity rate with a Chrom on the same circle that is -hp, +def . And a Winter Tharja that is +res, -spd and a  Winter Lissa on the same circle that is +atk,-hp double nice! My wishes has been answered in 150 orbs.

But I still need Christmas Robin.

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4 minutes ago, Aera said:

I used 112 orbs.

My results:

Christmas!Chrom +Spd -Res

Christmas!Chrom +Res -Def

Christmas!Chrom +HP -Spd

Christmas!Robin +Def -HP

Christmas!Robin +HP -Atk

Christmas!Robin +Res -Atk

Chirstmas!Lissa +Res -Spd

And the rest will be inherited skills! I finally got Klein, lmao.



Like..... how?

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