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Less than thirty orbs down and colorless hell took pity on me!


He’s +Spd/-Def!

I think this is the least painful it’s ever been for me pulling on a seasonal banner. For the other three seasonals in my collection it took at least like 60+ orbs. 

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The New Year's banner has arrived. Time to make the free pull.

  1. 4* Merric: Oh well.

Now to try for Gunnthra again.

  1. 5* Gunnthra: That was quick...and she's +Spd/-Atk. Awesome boon, but a lousy bane. Her special tome means she isn't very dependent on her own Attack to do damage, but it's still very disappointing. Might as well pull from the rest of the set to see if I get lucky.
  2. 3* Bartre: Useless.
  3. 3* Est: Also useless.
  4. 4* Catria: Again? Luna fodder is nice, but enough is enough.
  5. 4* Leon: SP fodder for my 5* copy, I suppose.

That was a fruitful pull. Shouldn't have tried for the other 4 orbs, but whatever.

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Good news: I got her in about 35 orbs which is awesome!

Bad news: She's +Atk -Spd. 33/32 isn't bad per se (it's 38/37 with LnD and 44/43 with a Hone Fliers buff) but it's meh I guess. She looks like a green Palla with Dance.


Edited by Alexmender
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Oh wow, I can't believe this.

My main goal is definitely Takumi. But would you guess it, no colorless stones lol. Decided that I do want Azura, so picked one of the two green stones. Got a 4-star regular Camilla. Figured why not, picked the other one. You guessed it ...


Where were you when I wanted you on the dancer banner, lol? I'm happy. Her stats are 15/7/9/4/4. I have no idea what she is.

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My free New Year's Eve pull was 4* Caeda, so not bad. Then things got a bit weird when I decided to go back into the New Year's banner with just eight orbs.


@Rezzy: Apologies that this Titania couldn't find it's way to you while you were still building your Tentania and save you 20,000 feathers.

Funny thing here is that the hero I summoned just before this was a 4* Titania and now here's the first 5* of her that I've pulled. I already had a Titania (+Atk/-HP) promoted but this one here happens to be +Spd/-HP, so this kinda puts me in an impasse as to which is the better option.

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I just got lucky on the New Year's Banner!

Third pull of the banner was Flying Azura!
She's +HP/-DEF too, which is pretty great as far as I can tell.

Also I broke a 9% pity rate today on the Legendary Banner
It was Spring Chrom
+ATK/-HP, which is pretty nice I think.

Also I have a neutral and +SPD/-ATK Mae, which is the last Owler I was missing, so that's nice.

There was some other stuff, but really I'm just super happy 'cause I got Azura since she's the only one I needed off this banner (so now I could stop if I wanted to) and I also managed to get a 5-Star off the Legendary Banner, and I wanted an infantry axe user so Chrom should do nicely in that role.

@Sunwoo +ATK/-DEF
Pretty good, I say! Congrats!
And good luck getting Takumi!

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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My first summon on the new year banner... And I get New Years Azura! What a good way to start a new year!

EDIT: She’s + Def, - Res, which is funny, because that’s the reverse of my Peforming Azura.

Edited by ZeManaphy
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I did pretty well this time!  (Makes up for reaching 12.50% on the legendary banner.)  I wanted Azura the most & kinda wanted either Takumi or Camilla too (prefer Takumi).  I had some orbs to start with and bought a 75 orb pack.  

  1. 4* Camilla
  2. 3* Clarine
  3. 4* Beruka
  4. 4* Frederick
  5. 4* Nino
  6. 3* Bartre
  7. 5* Regular Camilla (+Res/-Atk)
  8. 3* Cecilia
  9. 3* Gordin
  10. 3* Cherche
  11. 4* Chrom
  12. 4* Olivia
  13. 3* Nino
  14. 5* NY Azura (Neutral)
  15. 5* NY Azura (+HP/-Atk)
  16. 3* Lissa
  17. 4* Serra
  18. 4* Lilina
  19. 4* Seliph
  20. 4* Lissa
  21. 4* Raigh
  22. 4* Leon
  23. 4* Klein
  24. 5* Jeorge (+HP/-Res)
  25. 4* Kagero
  26. 3* Henry
  27. 3* Selena
  28. 4* Marth
  29. 4* Priscilla
  30. 5* NY Takumi (+Def/-Res)

Happy. :):

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OK, first, let me start by saying that a few days ago I had a terrible whaling session on the 8% banner. Eventually I got Innes, Spring Chrom and Gunnthrá, but there were so many pulls that sharing that here with pictures isn't worth it. I left after I pulled Gunnthrá with plenty orbs for the NY banner, and the luck I got just now... it really need to be seen to be believed. This is insane:








So yeah, 70 orbs spent net me all three seasonals as well as two extra 5s, one of which is new. This is probably my craziest luck yet and totally makes up for the shitty sessions in the 8% banner.

As for IVs:

New Year Takumi: +Res -Spd
New Year Azura: +Atk -Spd
Saber: +Def -HP
Mia: +HP -Spd
New Year Camilla: +Atk -Res


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Wow to this poster above me ^

Got a NY!Takumi and NY!Azura within 50 orbs!

Those, in addition to the WE!Chrom and Soleil I pulled earlier today made me do a YOLO summon for WE!Tharja one last time, but to no avail.

Oh well, now I get to just save for the next 2 weeks and see what is in store for the next banner :D!

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23 Hours left on the Winter Banner and I'm stuck at 4% with 3 orbs (and this is after I spent all of my F2P orbs from the TT, some that I had left over from a bunch of other missions and hte dailies, PLUS the new orbs from the New Year's Paralogue)... I hate this game sometimes. I was supposed to have enough orbs left over for the new years banner, but noooo... this game decided to shit on me again. And I really badly need Azura too...this is such bull shit.

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Spent 40 orbs pulling nothing but greens and got NY Azura rather quickly.


She's +HP/-Res, not too bad I guess. Considering the banner will be up for the whole month I might pull for more Azuras later. Other honorable pulls were a better nature Nino with +Spd/-Def, another Cherche to bring up to +7 merges, and more Boeys for whenever I get around to training him.

Edited by NSSKG151
need mb room
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Got burned badly, about 100 orbs broken by Eirika at the end. Bleh.


3* Matthew +Atk -HP

4* Cherche +HP -Spd

3* Beruka +Def -Atk

4* Jakob +Res -Atk

3* Bartre +Res -HP

3* Frederick +Def -HP

4* Klein +Spd -HP

3* Olivia +Def -Atk

3* Selena +Atk -Res

3* Cherche +HP -Def

4* Priscilla +HP -Spd

3* Selena +Atk -Spd

4* Klein Neutral

3* Virion  +Atk -Def

3* Lissa +Def -Atk

3* Lon'qu +Atk -Res

5* Eirika +Res -HP

4* Raven +Res -Spd

4* Hawkeye +Atk -Res

4* Seth +Def -HP

4* Roderick +Def -Spd


Only thing that I might level is a Selena. Eirika is a merge, Olivia finally gets to +10, and Cherche goes to +5 albeit still with a bad IV. The two Kleins and one other Selena are the only notable fodder. That hurt, and with two orbs in the bank I'll wait until the mid-month banner to decide what to do next.

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Spent five orbs and got Azura. +SPD -red. Not bad. And another 8 orbs in the same session to see if I could get Camilla, but I did get Athena so it's all good.

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Thanks to two free pulls, I'm up to 611 total pulled units.




One of these was from the New Year's banner, and one was from the Bound Hero banner.  Take a guess at which is which.

For boons/banes:


Cherche (+HP/-Atk): Amelia will appreciate this.
Boey (+HP/-Res): Time to have fun with Earth Boost~!
Sophia (+Spd/-HP): Alas, no one in this pull wants this!  Well, maybe Boey, but eh.
Lilina (+Def/-Res): Unless you're on a wyvern and in a bunny suit, this won't work.

Klein (+Spd/-HP): THE SECOND ONE!  No, really, I have another 5* with an identical nature.  That one's waiting for a Firesweep Bow.  This one. . .I'll do some stat research.  Having variety is a good thing~!

My luck with seasonal banners is bad.  When will we get new characters?


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