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Went grabby on the tempest banner, and did a couple of free pulls somewhere.  Up to 869 total pulled units.


Stahl (+Atk/-Res): I pulled a neutral Luke, who ironically works better with Panic Ploy than Actual Luke.
Morgan (+Def/-HP): He's essentially neutral.  Given his statline, that's not a bad thing.

Abel (+Atk/-Def): This is. . .damn good.  He can keep his lance!
Mathilda (+HP/-Atk): This, however, will be Hone Atk fodder one day.
Donnel (+Spd/-Atk): That's. . .bad.  Especially that bane.

Clair (+Spd/-Res): That's another good one!  But I'm not sure if she likes +Atk better.
Peri (+Spd/-Atk): It didn't work for Donnel, and it ain't gonna work for you, either.

Robin (+Spd/-Res): +Spd is more defensive, so I think it evens out.  Would've preferred +Atk.
Sophia (+Atk/-HP): Not the best bane, but it's her best boon by a mile.
Chrom (neutral): The best thing about his rarity drop is that I can consider giving units I like Aether.  Like Seliph.
Florina (+Atk/-Res): Very workable!  I'm out of Darting Blow fodder, though.

Seth (+Atk/-HP): And I end this by pulling Sigurd. . .well, a really frail Sigurd, but still.  I'm impressed!

Once again, I whiffed on rarity, but more than made up for it with boons and banes!


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My free pull was just a 3* Tiki, +atk -hp. -4 bane, yet she's still the best IV out of the now 8 copies of her I have.

If only I liked her art more I'd build her, since the game seems to really want me to.

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After the summoning pool changes I thought I would never be disappointed in off-focus units ever again.... and then came Eldigan on todays banner and my usual full summoning session...

What role does he even offer when you already have a Xander? He is so pointless and the 12 damage Fury 6 is just a meme. Sigh, new lvl 40 conversation, I guess.

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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

Now between red and green, I choose green cause you never know. 

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~ Lo and behold. Like Celica, a unit I never thought I'd have in my barracks, but unlike Celica, one I never actually pulled for specifically. And what the heck she's +SPD/-DEF. It literally doesn't get any better than that.


Looks like we both hit the free summon jackpot today!





It was as if the game is compensating me for everything I put into the Cooldown banner. haha. 

That was my exact thought when I saw her show up, only with the Thracia and TT banners x)

Edited by DLNarshen
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^(Re: Eldigan) I'd guess higher merge-ability? But 5-exclusives aren't really the best at merge-ability. Honestly, he's exactly the kind of unit that should be a 4-5.

Free pulls, both 4-stars. My main gets Jeorge and my alt gets Raven. Grinding out for more orbs, the alt ends up with a 4-star +Atk -Def Mae.  I guess she's worth promoting.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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So I summoned on the Tempest Trials banner hoping to get Olwen…


Don't get her.


Game gives Ayra on the very next banner.


Don't get her either.


This becomes even worse when you realize that two of the people I am still looking for Katerina and Leo…


Now here's hoping one of the now hero banners is not Ishtar at this point, because right now I'm almost utterly broke, Orb wise…


I'm hoping the 5* pool continues to be reworked, because the amount of people that are locked to 5* is still rather ridiculous…

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Being a Xander backup isn't so bad, my Eldigan gets some use in AA for when I need a QR2 sword on demand for a guaranteed kill on a speedy axe unit like Anna or Axura. Sure, more recent units like Sigurd and Chrom have powercreeped him, but both have their B-slot taken by good native skills so I don't use them in the same way. He's superior to Seth and Stahl so that earns him a spot, even with an awful nature of +spd -atk, and being a horse is often important for positioning correctly for the turn 1 bait.

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On my free summon pulls I got an Ogma, but I tried another red orb and got m! Corrin who I didn't have. He's not a great unit but I really like his character design and I really wanted him for a while now (-spd +hp :(, but I still like him. And have no idea how to build him). (Also tried a colorless orb that had a Serra, RIP).

Gonna grind TT for a while to get orbs for the Hares at the Fair banner to get another Alfonse. Wish me luck :"D

Edited by vionks
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Well... uh... that was awkward.

Pulling from the new banner, free pull was Bartre (3* of freaking course), and the only other orb worth pulling from was colorless, so I pull from it.

...a movie starts playing after the smoke emerges.

+Def -HP Takumi, which... I mean, it's not BAD, certainly better than +Res on Takumi at least. I'm in this awkward spot where I don't necessarily need anyone to have Close Counter, but at the same time it'd feel like a waste to merge my old Takumi into this new one...

Dangit, couldn't I have just gotten a terrible Brave Lyn? At least Swift Sparrow would be easier to fodder off.

I also got 4*s of Jagen, Abel, and Tailtiu, all good fodder.

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Well, I threw a few more orbs into the spring banner, seeing if I could get Alfonse and Sharena. Nope.

At least I got spring Kagero, although I'm slightly miffed that I barely got any greens when I wanted the two green units the most. Maybe I'll get them on the legendary banner, I hope.

Decided to use my free pull to try to get an Ayra. No reds. Very funny.

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Congrats :D She's one I never pulled for but ended up being pity broken by... I think on a seasonal banner, but I could be wrong. I'd probably be able to see which 5*s of mine came before and after her. The ivs on mine aren't as good as yours, but she's still very useful for taking down a certain person who loves his magic (enough to swap it out with a sword at the first possible chance).

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@Zeo Congrats on the Brave Ike and Sonya! It's kind of a bummer that you didn't get exactly what you wanted, but I'm happy you got something at least. Your endgame team is that much closer to perfection. I'm excited to see it!


@mcsilas Oddly enough, I've never had that much trouble with reds. I'm glad a lot of them came at low percentage rates. When I was pulling for LA!Lyn, all of my pitybreakers came at like...4.25%. I think I'm happiest about Lucina. She's now my highest merged 5 star exclusive. While I'd much rather get Mia to +10 by accident, I won't complain if it happens to Lucina.

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The Combat Bonus banner hit a weak point in me. Ayra, Sonia, AND Brave Lyn!? All of them are great and I don't have the former two, so I decided to pull a bit.

~80 Orbs later, I didn't get any of the focus units, but I did get a Zelgius, normal Ike, and Horse!Eirika :D

Zelgius and Ike came one after the other in the same session. It seems they truly are bound by fate. Also, a new unit in horse-mounted Restoration Lady, so I'm happy! I just hope that I can get as lucky on the next Legendary banner if Winter Tharja is on it.

All of them had sub-par/terrible IVs compared to my present units, so I'm pondering merging Ike, and wondering who would like Fierce Stance the most...

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Well since I was at 4% from pulling off and on on the Tharcia banner I decided to focus on it this weekend to see if I could get the pity to break. It broke today and I got


Eldigan. Dangit. And he is +RES/-DEF. I hardly use the neutral one I already have and he is useless for inheritance so all I can do is merge him into my neutral. I think I would have been better off letting the pity flush itself down the drain.

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@Zeo Did my YOLO last day pull for the Spring banner in hopes of a Spring Kagero.

Probably shouldn't have since the Kinshi Knight reveal but hey at least I got a Setsuna fodder and an interesting +Def/-Res Saizo out of it? He;s 3 star though so it will take a while to fully build him but wow, he has a sweet Def stat. I want to try Smoke Dagger+ some day.

Main account gave me a -Atk Felicia and a Gordin. Brave Bow fodder is nice at least and I kind of want to build a memey Green Egg + Renewal + Breath of Life Spring Camilla for fun.

Looks like I'll be visiting the colourless pull more frequently soon.

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13 hours ago, Grandosco said:


All of them had sub-par/terrible IVs compared to my present units, so I'm pondering merging Ike, and wondering who would like Fierce Stance the most...

I've found Fierce Stance to be brutal on my M!Grima. Just saying.

Pull Session:

I was pulling for BH!Lyn by sniping colourless orbs, because I only needed one more merge to +10 her. I was pity-broken by Genny, which isn't so bad because now I have Wrathful Staff fodder. 27 non-5★ units later, and BH!Lyn appears! She had terrible IVs, too, so I felt no sadness merging her in. Woo!

Since then I've been sniping green and red, because I have one Sonya but I want more of her for merges and better IVs, and Arya because both of the ones I have are -SPD which is less than ideal. I was pity-broken by a +ATK/-DEF Mia (I already have a +SPD/-RES Mia, so one of them is now Flashing Blade fodder) and Fallen Celica (who may either be merged or used for Chill Spd fodder).

None of my pity breakers have been bad, so I'm not disappointed in my pulls overall thus far. I really want Sonya above all, so I may start sniping green alone. In summary:

1. Genny
2. BH Lyn
3. Mia
4. FH Celica

Not bad.

Edited by Reddazrael
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6 hours ago, Reddazrael said:

I've found Fierce Stance to be brutal on my M!Grima. Just saying.

That's a fantastic idea! 66 Atk with no buffs other than the A-skill? Yes please :3

And congrats on your great pity breakers!

Also, I somehow managed to get a 4-star Hinata among the influx of red 4-stars, but you know? I'll take the lowered rarities any day.

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@mcsilas Not the nature I'd personally go for (I have both a +ATK/-HP Saizo and a +SPD/-HP one to choose from) but 36 DEF is pretty ridiculous. All the same, sorry you didn't score a Kagero, but at least you got something you can potentially work with. I'm not all that invested in Bow Flyer personally.

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18 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@mcsilas Not the nature I'd personally go for (I have both a +ATK/-HP Saizo and a +SPD/-HP one to choose from) but 36 DEF is pretty ridiculous. All the same, sorry you didn't score a Kagero, but at least you got something you can potentially work with. I'm not all that invested in Bow Flyer personally.

Yeah well it only took this long to get a good natured Saizo in this account so I’ll take what I can get. I prefer +Spd like my main account’s Saizo but i can somewhat emulate that with a Spd refine I guess. Although +Spd with +Def refine would be interesting.

i’ll just wait for the legendary banner for flying dagger. I could’ve been pitybroken by the old summon pool’s many healers so I’m not too bummed out about it.

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Funny that Nanna got demoted today, because when summoning from a horrid session of Wings of Fate (3 red orbs and 2 colorless), I got her +Atk -Def, which by my calculations is... 100% better than the +HP -Spd trash I had before.

Never was I so excited to get 2,000 more feathers.

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I know there's probably gonna be some incredible banners coming up, but when I saw the orbs I felt like there was something there and turned them all over. In the grey was Faye. +Res/-Def which is worse than the one I got, but hey, that's a spare Firesweep bow so she can stick around until I get somebody who wants that. Nothing else of note, but definitely worth the fifteen orbs.

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I went broke on the new banner hoping for Shigure, but got Hinoka instead. She’s +HP - Def, which isn’t best, but not the worst. I’ll be playing the story mode before attempting again.


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