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6 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas Hey cool pull, congratulations! 

I can tell you something: After waiting one year of waiting for BB!Cordelia finally to arrive and playing her in recent TTs, I recognized she is still very strong, but there are other archers who can do her job very well. Lyn on the other hand has got her own niche with her candle, Dazzling/Wrathfull combo and great art. 

Yeah that’s fair, i’ve been doing well with Klein so far with his dancer squad. And yeah only needing a Dazzling refine is great for my lack of Gennys

speaking of at least I got an extra 3 star Klein fodder for my efforts

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45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

And yeah only needing a Dazzling refine is great for my lack of Gennys

Don't forget the candle. She can prevent enemies from counterattacking her teammates. It's like mass-Firesweep on Player Phase. 

/Edit: on another note: Seeing @Vaximillian getting his Deirdre, I've decided to use 20 of my 40 orbs on the BHB banner. The legendary banner didn't give me anything and I'm done with the brides. 

Four circles (free pull this morning was a Camilla) and only one green orb at all: Cecilia.

No Cherche, Caeda or Cordelia either. I'm only getting Matthildas and Florinas these days. 

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@mcsilas My condolences. At least you can make a Razzle Dazzle healer if you want to.

As for me. Nothing of note. I'm up to 4.25 on the Bride Banner sniping blues and my free pull on the Mom and Daughter banner was a *4 Boey.

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Yeah OK, I paid for one last full pull on Ryoma’s banner.



[is doing my best to restrain my VG salt]

Yeah, this banner really doesn’t want to give me anyone new. Though again, it’s at least something (this one got +Atk/-Spd and, like the previous one, was merged into my neutral one).

I also tried a YOLO for bride Ninian and...



It actually ended up being worth it! He didn’t get anything spectacular (+Res/-Def) but now I’m back to only missing 5* exclusives.


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Well, Julia and Deidre on a banner? shame I spent most of my orbs already. With 57 on hand I need to save for the new FE7 banner. I'll take whatever greens there are.

  1. 4* Selena: And of course there are 4 reds and 1 blue. But Reposition fodder is always handy. Not having to spend any orbs isn't so bad either.
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Free pull was 4*Gunter so hone cav fodder, and since I still had that 10.50% pity rate on the legendary banner and have had a really horrid two days of my dog getting out of the yard and me having to fix the fence for the 5th time in as many days I decided to try one more time to break my pity rate.  I finally managed to pull flying!Ryoma with +atk,-hp IVs to boot.  Now if my pain in the butt dog (I love her, but I am not too happy with her right now) will stay in the yard tomorrow all will be right in my world:)

Edited by EricaofRenais
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I guess it's a good thing that there aren't really any banners I'm interested in pulling on, aside from the Legendary one right now.  I have exhausted my methods for getting more free orbs, so I'll be schlepping on the summons.

Most recently, managed to get Legendary!Robin and New Years!Takumi.  I already had a New Years!Takumi, so I was hoping to get Innes FINALLY but of course not.  My Arthurian luck insists that I must get the other 2 units, not the one I was sniping for.  Legendary!Robin has proven to be quite helpful, though.

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Good news: Finally pulled Bride Cordelia.

WTF news: +res/-spd IVs. Ugh.

Meh news: Pulled another NY!Azura from the Legendary Banner. This partially blows due to the fact that it'll kill my chances to get another Fallen Hardin. But then, I merged her into my +spd/-res one (which I got last January) and moved on.



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Another try in the Legendary banner, might try to mass summon a little later on, but with just 20 orbs, I got...

Another Tiki. +Res -Atk, somehow even worse than my first +Spd -Atk Tiki.

Guess this means whatever Tiki I inevitably run, she will be +2 merge.

But more importantly, I managed to get another Sothe, which means Life and Death 3 on someone.

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

But more importantly, I managed to get another Sothe, which means Life and Death 3 on someone.

L&D @ 4-stars is always a cause for celebration; more so because I only pull Sothe after about 20-25 colorless orbs.


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Well, I'll be honest and admit I bit the bullet on a purchase. If this doesn't work out I'll be sick.

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (Of course)

3* Selena (Least it's Reposition. +Atk/-Res, I already have this), 4* Cordelia (Well crap. +Res/-HP, no thanks.)

3 Blue, 2 Colourless (So, my luck for Gunnthra still sucks. Ryoma also eludes me. Can I get something?)

4* Peri (I swear she shows up to taunt me. +Spd/-HP, nope.), 5* Chrobin (Well, HOHOHO! +HP/-Atk sadly.), 3* Abel (It's Swordbreaker 3. +HP/-Atk, well he's not useful as anything else), 5* Innes (Well that's an odd gap broken! +Res/-Spd though, you idiot.), 5* Newkumi (AND ANOTHER GAP WAS FILLED! All the NY units now! Well, that's a way to end the banner. +Spd/-Res, So close to amazing)

Well, that's one way to end the banner. IS, you're lucky this time.


Edited by Dayni
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Went through the Legendary banner with 188 orbs, and here are the most interesting results...

>2 Fjorm. +Atk -Spd on one, +Spd -Atk on the other. Summoned on the same banner, so it was kinda funny.

>2 4* Roys. That is 2 separate Triangle Adept 3s I can give to my units.

>Seliph 3* +Atk -Res. I'm not sure what his most ideal Divine Tyrfing nature is, but this is honestly the best Seliph I've ever had... which is kinda sad.

>2 WE!Chroms. One +Spd -Res, the other +Res -HP. Between these two and the +HP -Def I summoned before... I'm gonna use +Res.

>Another Sigurd, +Def -HP. I'm thinking I might want to merge into this Sigurd since +Spd -Def kinda hurts his physical bulk, even if it hurts his Spd just as much...

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I decided to do a YOLO session on the leg banner before it disappeared, and... well... this happened:



I'm so happy I could sing... but I won't.

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Scrounged up five orbs and attempted to pull from the Stance banner (daily bonus + one Ursula quest). Pulled a 5* +def/-spd Shigure. Merged into my 5* +atk/-spd one. Not half bad, as I'm building a second flier team to begin with. :^_^:

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While having good luck on this legendary banner I did not get the unit I wanted most Hardin. This made me regret not pulling for him on fallen heroes just cause I was so against Fallen Robin, Fallen Celica.  I will have to wait for the next regular banner he arrives and hope he doesn't color share to have as good a chance as there was on fallen heroes.  What is a man if he doesn't learn from his mistakes?

I have no flying tome users.  Though I have Flying Azura, Bridal Ninian is the only flying tome dancer in the game and I've always liked the character of Ninian ever since playing FE7.  So I decided not to let the Sanaki fiasco stop me from pulling for Ninian.  40 orbs later, she arrived.  +HP/-def. Needless to say I am very happy.

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

While having good luck on this legendary banner I did not get the unit I wanted most Hardin. This made me regret not pulling for him on fallen heroes just cause I was so against Fallen Robin, Fallen Celica.  I will have to wait for the next regular banner he arrives and hope he doesn't color share to have as good a chance as there was on fallen heroes.  What is a man if he doesn't learn from his mistakes?

Oh man. Tell me about it. I wanted to pull Hardin so bad on this banner too. Halloween Jakob is waiting, twiddling his thumbs, just pining for that Bold Fighter. xD

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17 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Oh man. Tell me about it. I wanted to pull Hardin so bad on this banner too. Halloween Jakob is waiting, twiddling his thumbs, just pining for that Bold Fighter. xD

In all seriousness I am seeing a lot of people on reddit asking "Should I sacrifice Hardin to unit x for bold fighter"?  Which I have trouble understanding.  Hardin is an S+ tier unit, up there with the best in the game, and he has bold fighter.  Sacking only copy?  Do people sacrifice their only LA Hector for distant counter or their only Fallen M! Robin for ward dragon or Vengeful fighter?  I guess some do.  

Winter Lissa is likely on the next legendary banner so their is hope.  Personally though I would only fodder her if I get multiples, she is real good too and art is top notch.  Plus I want to complete christmas emblem, just need her and W! Tharja.  

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35 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Sacking only copy?  Do people sacrifice their only LA Hector for distant counter or their only Fallen M! Robin for ward dragon or Vengeful fighter?  I guess some do.  

  1. I have one Hardin I don't intend to sack. Got two of them on the Fallen Heroes banner, and I've sacked one for Zephiel.
  2. There are a few folks who don't see the need to build up a character like Hardin—probably because they have an efficient red check (I do, in the form of LA!Lyn), or because the team they fielded runs contrary to having Hardin in it.
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35 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Sacking only copy?  Do people sacrifice their only LA Hector for distant counter or their only Fallen M! Robin for ward dragon or Vengeful fighter?  I guess some do.  

  1. I have one Hardin I don't intend to sack. Got two of them on the Fallen Heroes banner, and I've sacked one for Zephiel.
  2. There are a few folks who don't see the need to build up a character like Hardin—probably because they have an efficient red check (I do, in the form of LA!Lyn), or because the team they fielded runs contrary to having Hardin in it.
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I pulled two Deirdre. One is +Atk, -Def. The other +Atk, -Spd. I’ll hold on to the latter until I can *finally* get Spring Lucina (hopefully)

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