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21 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

The old one was +hp -res. -spd doesn't really hurt her offense since she one shots anyway, but it does make her more vulnerable if she's got to take a hit. Oh well, 60 attack is kinda too good to pass up.


haha that is so true. 

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8 hours ago, Landmaster said:

That's a lot of good pulls, I'm envious of your Elise and Myrrh~

Both were not new to me, but yeah, they are absolutely appreciated pitybreakers, especially Myrrh who is awesome.


With my gained tap battle orbs I could manage one last circle. Got no single red which was perfect.

First pull gave me Ophelia. She's +atk / -spd, so not too great. Though I also pulled an Abel in this summoning session, so she definitely could benefit from swordbreaker - if she still shouldn't be able to oneshot a sworduser.  

Also pulled my second Priscilla in a row. Before she hasn't shown up one single time in 14 months of playtime.

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@SatsumaFSoysoy +ATK is boring, quads are the way to go with her. Even the bane is perfect (her RES is bad anyway). 

@Alkaid Too bad about Eir, but +ATK Ophelia is sweet. How will you build her? 

 -SPD puts LnD in a strange spot: 35 SPD is okey-ish, but you'd give up the meager rest of her bulk. Death Blow doesn't count for AoE specials and Fury would make you loose out 2 ATK which is nearly her boon. Would still go with LnD. 

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Despite initially planning to skip out on Christmas banners entirely, I dropped about 40 orbs on the new one. I guess it was all the disappointing free-pulls lately, since they spoiled me in Summer and my head decided I was due for something shiny again. 

Got a Winter!Eirika out of it though. +Def -Res, which mostly just evens out her defenses a bit more. Definitely moving on now though.

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Now up to 1,432 total pulled units!


Beruka (+Atk/-Def): I'm conflicted.  This is a great boon and awful bane.  I'll keep her around for now, I guess.
Maria (+Def/-Spd): She needs to swap with Beruka. ;/
Caeda (+Res/-Def): Eh, I'd rather have +Atk.
Olivia (+Res/-HP): I still use her for Hone Atk!
Seliph (+Res/-Atk): Absolutely NOT.

Lachesis (+Spd/-Def): This would be great, if her Speed wasn't already awful.
Draug (+Spd/-Def): This is hilarious.  An armor with Desperation amuses me greatly.
Donnel (+Atk/-Spd): The perfect Brave lancer!
Chrom (+HP/-Def): AETHER FODDER~!

Jeorge (+HP/-Spd): WHY.
Virion (+Def/-Atk): Hey, long time no see~!  But that bane isn't gonna cut it.
L'arachel (+Spd/-Atk): A handful of units can run this.  You're not one of them.
Ephraim (neutral): YES!  I'm gonna have fun with him~!  I'll figure out a build for him as I grind through the tempest.
Nino (+Res/-Spd): DRAW BACK FODDER!

Nanna (+Atk/-Res): Huh.  Not the worst thing that can happen to her, but hardly ideal.  I think I like +Spd better.
Ogma (+Def/-Res): That's. . .not going to work.  Sorry.
Olivia (+Def/-Spd): Even more Hone Atk fodder~!
Lissa (+Atk/-HP): Did someone say "pair her with an Armor March unit and give her the QR seal?"  Because I think that's what I heard.
Reinhardt (+Def/-Atk): Man, what do I even DO with him?  This is literally the worst bane possible!

Wasn't expecting two Christmas armors, but I'll take 'em~!  Now, what to do about Ephraim?


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Alright, old banner first. Aiming for Chrom/Lissa since I don't need Robin and Tharja is...ugh.

  1. 4* Soren: Meh.

And now for the new banner. Don't particularly care who I get, so pulling all but red. 148 orbs on hand.

  1. 4* Jakob: Nope.
  2. 4* Catria: Luna fodder.
  3. 3* Bartre: Bleh. And now for these two reds, since I might as well get full use from the free summon.
  4. 4* Henry: Meh.
  5. 5* Karla: And the reds were worth it! Of course her IVs are terrible, +Def/-Atk, but I prefer that to +Atk/-Spd since she lives and dies by Speed.

That was a very pleasant surprise! Now back to actual sniping. 133 orbs left.

  1. 4* Subaki: Okay.
  2. 3* Sheena: Meh.
  3. 3* Jeorge: SP fodder.
  4. 3* Klein: More DB fodder.
  5. 3* Kaze: Bleh.

That was a trash pull. Well, balances out Karla I suppose. 113 orbs left.

  1. 5* Hardin: Okay, that's nice. And unlike Karla his IVs are actually good: +Atk/-Spd.
  2. 3* Cherche: Pivot for Hardin.
  3. 3* Lachesis: Feathers.
  4. 4* Virion: Here to join Cherche, I suppose.
  5. 3* Niles: Meh.

55 orbs for 2 5* units on a normal banner? Too lucky. But I'm here for a TT-bonus unit. 93 orbs left.

  1. 4* Nino: Draw Back fodder.
  2. 4* Kaze: Again?
  3. 4* Nanna: Good SI fodder.
  4. 3* Leon: SP fodder.

Ugh, I wasn't planning on spending this much. Still, IS is sending a flood of orbs our way right now, so let's keep going. 76 orbs left.

  1. 4* Wrys: No thanks.
  2. 3* Boey: Worthless.
  3. 3* Raven: Also worthless.

Just got to persist...63 orbs left.

  1. 5* Christmas!Fae: And there's my bonus unit! I was hoping for Eirika, but Fae's great too. IVs are +Spd/-Def, which definitely aren't good, but I wouldn't necessarily call them bad either. Now for the rest of the set.
  2. 4* Titania: Haven't seen you in a while.
  3. 3* Athena: Moonbow fodder.
  4. 4* Sophia: Meh.
  5. 4* Fir: Nope.

And there we go.105 orbs for 3 5*s and a few SI fodder units. All in all, a good haul. Now to save for the Legendary banner.

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18 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Despite initially planning to skip out on Christmas banners entirely, I dropped about 40 orbs on the new one. I guess it was all the disappointing free-pulls lately, since they spoiled me in Summer and my head decided I was due for something shiny again. 

Got a Winter!Eirika out of it though. +Def -Res, which mostly just evens out her defenses a bit more. Definitely moving on now though.


i was the same. i was like let me just wait and see what to do - and i'm summoning. 
I too got Winter Eirika out of it - mine is the reverse - +res/-def. (so i figure, A slot gets Def 3 from Stahl since it's her super bane) and she's only 1tick shy from being neutral.  works for me this banner is done and done.  and more orbs for Tharja. :)

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:


@Alkaid Too bad about Eir, but +ATK Ophelia is sweet. How will you build her? 

 -SPD puts LnD in a strange spot: 35 SPD is okey-ish, but you'd give up the meager rest of her bulk. Death Blow doesn't count for AoE specials and Fury would make you loose out 2 ATK which is nearly her boon. Would still go with LnD. 

I gave her Blazing Wind, LaD, Special Spiral and Savage Blow. She's a nuking machine. 61 atk (64 with the atk seal glued on) is insane.

Also, as for my free pulls for Christmas, I didn't get any of the new units. But I did get a Veronica (+atk -spd) instead of Eirika on the sole colorless. And I have no problem with that IV, since I think I'll feed her to my Halloween Mia for Wrathful Staff. Maybe now I can properly use her on some teams(Haven't found her that useful with my current Dazzle-only setup).

Edited by Alkaid
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16 minutes ago, daisy jane said:


i was the same. i was like let me just wait and see what to do - and i'm summoning. 
I too got Winter Eirika out of it - mine is the reverse - +res/-def. (so i figure, A slot gets Def 3 from Stahl since it's her super bane) and she's only 1tick shy from being neutral.  works for me this banner is done and done.  and more orbs for Tharja. :)

Congrats on also getting something from the impulse summoning session! Even with a def bane, Eirika is pretty sturdy for a healer so it shouldn't be a problem. Since her main role is buffing others you might also want to consider Fortress Defense for her. 

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Spend more orbs than planned (80 instead of 50) which puts me to 0 orbs once again. 

Sniped green and colorless which got me nothing. Better stop now, Tharja and Cecilia will do for TTs. 

13 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I gave her Blazing Wind, LaD, Special Spiral and Savage Blow. She's a nuking machine. 61 atk (64 with the atk seal glued on) is insane.

Also, as for my free pulls for Christmas, I didn't get any of the new units. But I did get a Veronica (+atk -spd) instead of Eirika on the sole colorless. And I have no problem with that IV, since I think I'll feed her to my Halloween Mia for Wrathful Staff. Maybe now I can properly use her on some teams(Haven't found her that useful with my current Dazzle-only setup).

Woa, I wish I had 1-2 Lewyns. Sounds great, have fun with her. 

Congrats on your Wrathful Staff fodder! I'm running Mia with Gravity+(Dazzle) which is quite useful, even without Wrathful. 

Edited by mampfoid
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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

Congrats on also getting something from the impulse summoning session! Even with a def bane, Eirika is pretty sturdy for a healer so it shouldn't be a problem. Since her main role is buffing others you might also want to consider Fortress Defense for her. 

Oh that's an idea. and I do have some Seths.. 
would the -atk impact her wrazzle/dazzle capabilities? (I mean it doesn't matter, because as you said the main role is to buff - and her attack is more of self preservation). 
(haha and boo hoo she's 45 attack afterwards. cry me a river ;) 

and yah for sure. I mean. yay i got the unit i wanted. seriously when i saw the staff i was like thank you thank you thank you..

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7 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

Oh that's an idea. and I do have some Seths.. 
would the -atk impact her wrazzle/dazzle capabilities? (I mean it doesn't matter, because as you said the main role is to buff - and her attack is more of self preservation). 
(haha and boo hoo she's 45 attack afterwards. cry me a river ;) 

and yah for sure. I mean. yay i got the unit i wanted. seriously when i saw the staff i was like thank you thank you thank you..

Yeah, it really doesn't matter too much. I suppose Fortress Def/Res is even better, but that's very premium. So unless you find yourself with an expendable Kliff or two, that's not in the cards. Still, it's nice to imagine just how cancerous she would be.

I was glad to see her too, considering she was in the last orb before I would have called it quits anyway (or was supposed to at least).

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1 minute ago, Nanima said:

Yeah, it really doesn't matter too much. I suppose Fortress Def/Res is even better, but that's very premium. So unless you find yourself with an expendable Kliff or two, that's not in the cards. Still, it's nice to imagine just how cancerous she would be.

I was glad to see her too, considering she was in the last orb before I would have called it quits anyway (or was supposed to at least).

haha i know that feeling too! 
yah no Kliffs. but that is also an idea. if i get an extra one... options!

once i get her a tonne of sp, i can play around with this. 
seriously i'm just giddy i got what i wanted because i still have Mia PTSD. that was one gong show trying to get her

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Well, I would have passed on this banner. After all, I have plenty of Christmas units. But no, we had to get a staff armour. Least I have plenty of orbs because Hero Fest went pretty well.

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

4* Gaius (Things that suck: him. +Atk/-Def, he is the nature I was looking for though.)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

3* Wrys (Humble, but meh. Neutral), 3* Kaze (Eh. +Atk/-HP), 3* Matthew (Ugh. +HP/Atk)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

3* Azama (Man, asshat always likes showing up. +HP/-Atk, could be the good option)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Clarine (Still no idea what would work for her. +Spd/-Atk, not that.), 3* Klein (Oh how cute. Also nice, some decent fodder. +Res/-Def)

2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

5* Jaffar (FUCK! DAMMIT ALL! +HP/-Spd, USELESS!), 3* Jagen (Another merge. +Atk/-Res), 3* Mathilda (Could really have been better. +Atk/-Spd)

3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless

3* Serra (Bleh. +Def/-Res)

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Rebecca (Eh. +Atk/-HP)

3 Green, 2 Blue

3* Roderick (That's not great at fodder. +Atk/-Res)


2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (It's like the game's trying to piss me off.)

3* Laslow (Axebreaker? +Spd/-Res)

3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless

3* Klein (Hey, he showed up more than once! That never happens! +Res/-Spd)

2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green

3* Lachesis (3* Colourless is hell. +Atk/-Def), 4* Lissa (Meh. Neutral)

3 Green, 2 Colourless

4* Matthew (Eh, He's not really common for me. +Def/-Spd), 4* Legault (Good fodder! +Atk/-Res, great nature.)


3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless (That's three times this shows up)

4* Nanna (Oh look! +Atk/-Spd, if only she were -Def)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green

4* Jeorge (Eh. +Def/-Res), 4* Niles (Bleh. +Def/-HP), 3* Felicia (Better than a lot. That's sad. +Spd/-Atk)


2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red

3* Clarine (Time was she'd be a regular 4*. +HP/-Spd), 3* Sakura (Sakurnah. +HP/-Spd)

3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue

4* Azama (Asshat. Stop. +HP/-Atk. Be +Spd for once), 4* Setsuna (Not much better. +Res/-Atk), 3* Serra (Serrnah. +Spd/-HP)


2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Maria (Marinah. +Res/-HP), 3* Klein (Nice. +Res/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Jeorge (I wish there was less bad fodder. +Atk/-HP, maybe the new base?), 3* Felicia (Can you at least be good. +HP/-Spd, Nope.)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Gaius (More crap. +Atk/-HP), 4* Wrys (WRYYYYYYYS +Def/-Atk)


2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless

4* Virion (I thought I'd avoid him. +Spd/-Res. I have better)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Priscilla (Priscillnah. +HP/-Spd), 3* Virion (That wasn't an invitation. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

5* Nanna (AH FUCK! AGAIN! +Def/-Spd, JUST MY LUCK TO GET ANOTHER BAD NATURE!), 4* Oboro (Obono. +Atk/-HP), 4* Reinhardt (Rein I guess. +HP/-Atl), 4* Bartre (This seems like fate. +HP/-Atk), 4* Nino (Ninah. +Atk/-Res)

I hit over 180 there. I got 2 pitybreakers in exchange. And after how well Hero Fest, this banner had to remind me of Gacha being the 10th circle.

Anyways, last year's is up too. I'd like a free Chrissa. I might forgive this misery if that happened.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Barst (Hey, not bad. +HP/-Atk)

Still the 10th circle though.

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Well, I got Hinoka, normal Hinoka, with +Atk -HP.

That's great, finally get rid of the old Hinoka that was +Def -Spd! But... uh...

Okay Hinoka, just kill off your pegasus and put on some heavy yet still really revealing christmas garbs, and we'll call this pity breaking okay.

Terrible things happening to Hinoka's pegasus aside, I also managed Holiday Dear Fae +Spd -HP, which... well it's not so horrid that I can't work with it, like +Spd -Def on Halloween Myrrh would have been.

Edited by Xenomata
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I want to spend less money on the game since they don't seem to care much for female players, but not pulling is sooo boring. 80 f2p orbs....


Free pull: Mist. Second grey orb, Mist. Whaaaat...

Next round: Kaze (-def +res, I want +spd or maybe +atck for +10 merging), Niles.

Next round: no grey orbs. Santa Ephraim. +spd -hp which is not good, but Im used to bad natures.

I would have preferred any of the other two since Eph seems boring, but with that Im ready to stop.


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14 hours ago, Zeo said:


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And a pitybreaker stands before me. Sadly no Owain for me yet again.


Whereas Owain pity broke me twice for Kliff! Never got Kliff in the end >.<

Fingers crossed you get him at some point. He'll probably pitybreak you when you desperately want someone else xD

In other news, I got weak and decided to go for Ephraim, even if I have no use for him whatsoever. I have every male seasonal so far and it would be a shame to stop that with my second favourite lord (especially since I'll still be surprised if Sigurd, my favourite lord, ever got a seasonal alt). Blew all of my orbs and only have a stupid Hinoka to show for it. She's not even a new unit for me, and I don't use the one I have. I guess fodder, but I barely use fliers >.<

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Spend more orbs than planned (80 instead of 50) which puts me to 0 orbs once again. 

Sniped green and colorless which got me nothing. Better stop now, Tharja and Cecilia will do for TTs. 

Woa, I wish I had 1-2 Lewyns. Sounds great, have fun with her. 

Congrats on your Wrathful Staff fodder! I'm running Mia with Gravity+(Dazzle) which is quite useful, even without Wrathful. 

I'm surprised to see you're pull on the banner.(since it's armors) Are you just trying to fill in some armor team needs or are you looking for their skill fodder?

And thanks! As much as I wanted a flying healer all year, I haven't used my Mia much since getting her. Hopefully having Wrath/Dazzle combo finally being on her feel more useful more often.

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1 minute ago, Alkaid said:

I'm surprised to see you're pull on the banner.(since it's armors) Are you just trying to fill in some armor team needs or are you looking for their skill fodder?

Well, currently I don't know what to pull for. The predictions for December legendary don't sound too good for me and I will have enough orbs from TTs to pull on NY2019 (if there is someting nice on it). 

Just wanted a bonus unit for TTs (since this time I can't promote an unused 4* unit) and arena. Tharja and Alfonse will do. 

3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

As much as I wanted a flying healer all year, I haven't used my Mia much since getting her. 

That happens with so many new units I get. :-/ 

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