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I had an embarrassing and frustrating moment of weakness. I was frustrated by the gaping Valentine Lyn shaped hole in my armor team (I needed a blue armor with armor march reeeeeaaallly badly) and after looking in horror at the overpriced orb purchase screen after basically milking the free orbs dry, it suddenly occurred to me that if I translate what I’d pay to time spent at my job, the time I’d spend getting money back for the best-value 75 orb bundle would be nothing to the grinding I’d be doing to squeeze more orbs out. So I did my first non-bundle orb purchase this morning... rolled the dice...

And got jack shit.

I immediately set about re-constructing my armor team to not need Lyn so desperately, got myself to calm the fuck down and think about what just happened, and resolved to step back and think about alternatives before I convince myself I absolutely need this one specific character. Part of the appeal of this style of game is working to assemble the best team you can from random parts.

Never. Again. I’m almost grateful I didn’t get Lyn. Who knows what I might have done if that decision was rewarded.

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So I decided to blow out all my orbs for Ike and Soren, since I have a need of more male tome cavalry and I wouldn't mind another sword armour. 

So far, I've got Sylvia (fodder -.-), Celica (didn't want but +spd so I guess meh, not that I'll use her), Ike (the wrong one - already had, have no use for... aether fodder, I guess), and Flying Olivia - who again I didn't want but appeared in a double pull with Ike. 

Seems today is just the day of not getting what I want >.< 

Can't complain too much, though, as I did get such good luck with previous banners. 

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Honestly, I'm running out of things to say. I keep expecting the worst getting up to like a 5.5% on the laguz banner will do that, yet I keep getting what I want rather painlessly. I am most certainly not complaining though, especially not when this absolute unit of a man got his Atk super-asset! That Def flaw is unfortunate, but I'll take at the cost of having 45 Atk before weapons and skills are even considered.

So, only his daughter remains now. That shouldn't be a problem so long as I can ride this hot streak for just a little bit longer.

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As there's no Tibarn in Find & Vote banner, I decided to go in on the Valentine Greil Mercs banner. I like the characters but also a lot of things about it as a banner: more men than usual and fairly reserved clothing designs for a special banner.

Anyways, in ~80 orbs I got Ike, Mist and Soren. Getting them so fast felt refreshing after all the orbs I poured into the Laguz Royals banner. Would like Greil but I'm not sure how I feel about hunting for green orbs.

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8 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

So I decided to blow out all my orbs for Ike and Soren, since I have a need of more male tome cavalry and I wouldn't mind another sword armour. 

So far, I've got Sylvia (fodder -.-), Celica (didn't want but +spd so I guess meh, not that I'll use her), Ike (the wrong one - already had, have no use for... aether fodder, I guess), and Flying Olivia - who again I didn't want but appeared in a double pull with Ike. 

Seems today is just the day of not getting what I want >.< 

Can't complain too much, though, as I did get such good luck with previous banners. 

sorry that you didn't get who you wanted, but OMG. the Jealous. I'd love more Sylvia's, KIll to have a Celica and Flying Olivia. I hope she gets a banner soon, she keeps avoiding me


8 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


Honestly, I'm running out of things to say. I keep expecting the worst getting up to like a 5.5% on the laguz banner will do that, yet I keep getting what I want rather painlessly. I am most certainly not complaining though, especially not when this absolute unit of a man got his Atk super-asset! That Def flaw is unfortunate, but I'll take at the cost of having 45 Atk before weapons and skills are even considered.

So, only his daughter remains now. That shouldn't be a problem so long as I can ride this hot streak for just a little bit longer.

way to go! :) I hope you can hold on to get Mist :)

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5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

sorry that you didn't get who you wanted, but OMG. the Jealous. I'd love more Sylvia's, KIll to have a Celica and Flying Olivia. I hope she gets a banner soon, she keeps avoiding me


To be fair, I'm sure there was someone I really wanted that I saw you pull xD 

Luck of the game, I guess. I probably won't even use Celica, but I might end up using Flying Olivia if Reyson maxes out quickly and Azura doesn't turn out to be my free pull on the banner (I don't want her, but I'm assuming I'm going to get anyone that isn't Duma). Sylvia holds no interest at all - I already have one I've 5* lvl 40 and she just doesn't interest me as a character. I'd've been much happier if the Jugdral non-5* exclusive had been Ares, 'cos I'm fully intending to +10 him :) 

I wish you luck with future pulls :D Hopefully you can get Olivia and more Sylvias, especially. I'll give you my luck in the future so I can hopefully pull more of the guys I want xD 

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Valentine's banner has been quite generous to me in terms of pulled 5* units.
Pulled five for ~120 orbs (Soren and Greil twice and Helbindi) and my very first Silvia and Reyson (latter was foddered because of bad IVs though).

Still I am waiting for my two favorites of this banner coming home.
Mist's art is gorgeous and Ike is definitely the best of this pool in terms of statspread.

Edited by Necrofantasia
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Alt: I continue my perfect record of being able to pull a better copy to unbench a seasonal unit. So glad I did the Chain Challenge, putting me at 13 orbs in hand. Three red stones showed up. Two contained Ike and one was feathers. +Def and +HP were the choices of IVs. I went +Def.

Now grinding out orbs to be ready to try for Azura on the Find and Vote banner and fix that -Atk.

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Welp, I went back to shoot for Ike/Greil one more time before the new banner comes...

And got Lewyn. Neutral Lewyn. This would be mildly annoying due to not being Greil/Mist, but I already have a Lewyn with an acceptable nature (+HP/-DEF), so this means I now have Special Spiral fodder. Only one, so I'm gonna take a while to decide who's gonna get it (Lilina seems like a solid choice to maximize the one hit she's gonna get with an AOE, but Merric might be a good choice too since Excalibur has -1 cooldown so he wouldn't need Heavy/Flashing Blade to constantly Blazing Wind once he gets one off, and I probably have someone else who would like Spiral that I'm not thinking of...), but that's one more than I had before.

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Back to Ike.

4 Red, 1 Blue

5* VA!Ike (THERE WE ARE. I hope I'm his friend. Also +HP/-Res, bit of a shame.), 3* Eliwood (Ward Cav. +Def/-Spd), 4* Sylvia (I wish I pulled other dancers. +Atk/-HP), 3* Sophia (Just... stop. +HP/-Res), 4* M!Robin (Should I make a +10? +Atk/-HP)

We got him. Thank you, good night

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On 2/15/2019 at 10:52 AM, daisy jane said:

way to go! :) I hope you can hold on to get Mist :)

Thanks, and I actually got her already so I'm now done with this banner!



Of course, there had to be one dud of an asset/flaw combination in there but ah well.

So, now I guess I'll just wait for the next banner reveal and, depending who is on it, might just stand by and wait for the Find & Vote banner to snipe for Duma after I get my Lyn free pull.

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The game really wants to make me work through colourless hell for flying healers. The hunt for Flying Sakura on my second account just gives me a painful 4.25% rate so far, since the game knows you want colourless this time and gives like, 1 or 0...

At the very least my last session gave me a nice +Atk/-Res Legault whenever I decide to build him. Also got two Lissas very near to each other, which is acceptible since Gravity+ fodder is rare in my second account. A painfully funny coincidence was getting 3 star +Spd/-Def Jeorges in a row when there was only 1 colourless orb per session.. he doesn't really have good fodder unlike Lissa.

Getting hard to save until the banner trailer whenever I look at that pity rate. Need to keep myself busy to forget about it for a while..

Edited by mcsilas
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@mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster

I am done with this shit:


To think it'd climb this high again...

This is it. I am so done now. I'll now start pulling all colours in equal measure. Getting an Elise, another Ryouma or even some random bottom feeder like Luke is a WHOLE lot better than letting this banner get away with that kind of pity rate.To think I was happy when this banner was announced... It's been sitting over my head like a dark cloud whenever I opened the game. Two Tempest Trials went into this, as well as all the remaining challenge maps. I just want it to be over with. Oh and I won't be pulling from this next year either. It's clearly cursed. Hinoka can go screw herself and a very spiteful part of me feels like foddering my Senkura, since she's sarting to seem like a cheap knockoff from the dollar store. I won't, but I still have trouble feeling positive over her after this ordeal. 

Edited by Nanima
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2 hours ago, Nanima said:

I am done with this shit:

Ouch, I'm very sorry. This banner is a real torture. Not only doesn't it give to you what you want, it also spoiles the fun with what you got. 

Btw: I got a Ryoma after 120 orbs, his flag will go to Cordelia soon. 

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2 hours ago, Nanima said:

@mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster

I am done with this shit:


To think it'd climb this high again...

This is it. I am so done now. I'll now start pulling all colours in equal measure. Getting an Elise, another Ryouma or even some random bottom feeder like Luke is a WHOLE lot better than letting this banner get away with that kind of pity rate.To think I was happy when this banner was announced... It's been sitting over my head like a dark cloud whenever I opened the game. Two Tempest Trials went into this, as well as all the remaining challenge maps. I just want it to be over with. Oh and I won't be pulling from this next year either. It's clearly cursed. Hinoka can go screw herself and a very spiteful part of me feels like foddering my Senkura, since she's sarting to seem like a cheap knockoff from the dollar store. I won't, but I still have trouble feeling positive over her after this ordeal. 

This banner for you reminds me of the Halloween Banner.  you will not believe how high my rates got several times w/o getting Mia. i truly truly feel for you Nanima. I also get that feeling of hating the unit that did come because you had such bad luck. I didn't really use myrrh or some of my pity breaks from that banner for a while, but then you start and it's like okay - but you always have that cloud

that is so not fair :(


5 hours ago, mcsilas said:

The game really wants to make me work through colourless hell for flying healers. The hunt for Flying Sakura on my second account just gives me a painful 4.25% rate so far, since the game knows you want colourless this time and gives like, 1 or 0...

At the very least my last session gave me a nice +Atk/-Res Legault whenever I decide to build him. Also got two Lissas very near to each other, which is acceptible since Gravity+ fodder is rare in my second account. A painfully funny coincidence was getting 3 star +Spd/-Def Jeorges in a row when there was only 1 colourless orb per session.. he doesn't really have good fodder unlike Lissa.

Getting hard to save until the banner trailer whenever I look at that pity rate. Need to keep myself busy to forget about it for a while..

and honestly, While I'd still like a Mia i know Sakura is better, and i just have this feeling that the next flying healer is gonna be like Legendary Elincia or something. for whom, I'd whale for. 
this game. it knows. the next few banners are gonna be so tough... especially if i don't get free pull Azura :( 

9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Thanks, and I actually got her already so I'm now done with this banner!

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Of course, there had to be one dud of an asset/flaw combination in there but ah well.

So, now I guess I'll just wait for the next banner reveal and, depending who is on it, might just stand by and wait for the Find & Vote banner to snipe for Duma after I get my Lyn free pull.

omg yay!! :)
i was tempted to go for Ike. I have an Amelia who would adore his entire kit LOL

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@daisy jane Thanks. Yeah, it simply sucks to have to deal with this. Sorry to hear about Mia. I'll get over it eventually, but it just leaves such a bad taste. Here's to hoping I can get at least something that doesn't suck before the end.

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13 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Thanks, and I actually got her already so I'm now done with this banner!

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Of course, there had to be one dud of an asset/flaw combination in there but ah well.

So, now I guess I'll just wait for the next banner reveal and, depending who is on it, might just stand by and wait for the Find & Vote banner to snipe for Duma after I get my Lyn free pull.

Yay, congrats on Mist!

9 hours ago, mcsilas said:

The game really wants to make me work through colourless hell for flying healers. The hunt for Flying Sakura on my second account just gives me a painful 4.25% rate so far, since the game knows you want colourless this time and gives like, 1 or 0...

At the very least my last session gave me a nice +Atk/-Res Legault whenever I decide to build him. Also got two Lissas very near to each other, which is acceptible since Gravity+ fodder is rare in my second account. A painfully funny coincidence was getting 3 star +Spd/-Def Jeorges in a row when there was only 1 colourless orb per session.. he doesn't really have good fodder unlike Lissa.

Getting hard to save until the banner trailer whenever I look at that pity rate. Need to keep myself busy to forget about it for a while..

6 hours ago, Nanima said:

@mampfoid @daisy jane @Landmaster

I am done with this shit:


To think it'd climb this high again...

This is it. I am so done now. I'll now start pulling all colours in equal measure. Getting an Elise, another Ryouma or even some random bottom feeder like Luke is a WHOLE lot better than letting this banner get away with that kind of pity rate.To think I was happy when this banner was announced... It's been sitting over my head like a dark cloud whenever I opened the game. Two Tempest Trials went into this, as well as all the remaining challenge maps. I just want it to be over with. Oh and I won't be pulling from this next year either. It's clearly cursed. Hinoka can go screw herself and a very spiteful part of me feels like foddering my Senkura, since she's sarting to seem like a cheap knockoff from the dollar store. I won't, but I still have trouble feeling positive over her after this ordeal. 

This Banner is treating you both pretty harshly for those Senkuras >_> Sorry for both of those high pity rates~ I gave up myself after getting an Innes pitybreaker (not that I mind him) since I'm more than content to wait for a Legendary banner but it sucks when it's a Banner with your favorite characters that you just can't seem to get. T^T

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On 2/14/2019 at 11:39 PM, Alastor15243 said:

I had an embarrassing and frustrating moment of weakness. I was frustrated by the gaping Valentine Lyn shaped hole in my armor team (I needed a blue armor with armor march reeeeeaaallly badly) and after looking in horror at the overpriced orb purchase screen after basically milking the free orbs dry, it suddenly occurred to me that if I translate what I’d pay to time spent at my job, the time I’d spend getting money back for the best-value 75 orb bundle would be nothing to the grinding I’d be doing to squeeze more orbs out. So I did my first non-bundle orb purchase this morning... rolled the dice...

And got jack shit.

I immediately set about re-constructing my armor team to not need Lyn so desperately, got myself to calm the fuck down and think about what just happened, and resolved to step back and think about alternatives before I convince myself I absolutely need this one specific character. Part of the appeal of this style of game is working to assemble the best team you can from random parts.

Never. Again. I’m almost grateful I didn’t get Lyn. Who knows what I might have done if that decision was rewarded.

i didn't comment on this. this sounds like me - and how i spent. way way too much money trying to get Myrrh and Mia on halloween. and i snagged a Myrrh  but no Mia and it was just like. holy crap i spent this much for Myrrh (whom i i love and adore and use her all the time) but it just puts this big pit in your stomach of "did i really do this?" I also have a big Valentine Lyn hole in my armour team but my orbs are earmarked for other things so i hope she really gets a re-repeat or that's a bummer no Lyn for moi. but i just wanted to say - i get it. 

I also. don't mind getting packs when i need to try even if it's a nope - didn't happen - IF it works within my budget. (and ideally i get either a good break, or great fodder/unit i am building) but i totally get what you went through. 


20 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

This Banner is treating you both pretty harshly for those Senkuras >_> Sorry for both of those high pity rates~ I gave up myself after getting an Innes pitybreaker (not that I mind him) since I'm more than content to wait for a Legendary banner but it sucks when it's a Banner with your favorite characters that you just can't seem to get. T^T

it seriously does. like. i got to 6.25 before i got buckets, and i mean - at this point i'm glad she was basically neutral, i can figure out how to give her better atk/spd buffs (why do i feel 'swift sparrow" is the answer - right now she's okay with Legault's "swift strike" and "the cleaner" but ideally as a Dragon slayer she needs to be fast or she needs to hit hard. but no way would i go in now. not with everyone's horror stories. my hope is she has a great green duet on Legendary and i score some more - but i'd also want to scalp her for air orders....)

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11 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

it seriously does. like. i got to 6.25 before i got buckets, and i mean - at this point i'm glad she was basically neutral, i can figure out how to give her better atk/spd buffs (why do i feel 'swift sparrow" is the answer - right now she's okay with Legault's "swift strike" and "the cleaner" but ideally as a Dragon slayer she needs to be fast or she needs to hit hard. but no way would i go in now. not with everyone's horror stories. my hope is she has a great green duet on Legendary and i score some more - but i'd also want to scalp her for air orders....)

6% OML Swift Sparrow will be best on her or L&D for the big damage since she doesn't need her defenses as much and they can be taken care of with Flier buffs~

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Thanks for the sympathy, @daisy jane


4437801F-397A-4F40-AA2F-993013A62AE4.thumb.png.00ed6ec4ba6564ebc24c4b51015d413e.pngYep, still no luck, after more than 100 orbs total in attempts (counting the 75 I paid for, I haven’t bought more since then). Thankfully I didn’t get any pitybreakers, but I’m starting to seriously doubt I’ll get her. Ah well. At least I managed to get the Valentine Ike that made me want a blue Armor March unit in the first place. But it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if I didn’t get her. Like I said I restructured my team. Initially the plan was to have Brave Ephraim and Winter Eirika as one armor march support pair, and Valentine Ike and Lyn as the other. After the “what the fuck have I done” moment I had, I made Ike and Ephraim S rank bros instead, gave Eirika armored boots since there’s no reason for her to need to take damage, and then threw in Ophelia as a sort of filler unit for auto-charging nuke purposes in case of emergencies. With two doubling Aether-using distant counter tanks and a healer who can buff both of them ( I rigged their atk to be the same), I no longer care as much who my blue unit is

Still, I’m gunning for Lyn so I can have a legit full armor team for the sake of it and also for potential quest challenges.

Edited by Alastor15243
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@Landmaster Thanks. Yeah it's so frustrating. I've had bad experiences in the past. (like when I got pity broken by Jaffar after spending 250+ orbs on the WoF banner), but I haven't seen a pity rate go this high twice in a row. I suppose there's always a first time. Really I just want the whole thing behind me, so I can gain back my orbs stash..

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I... I... I don’t know what to think of this. I like Celica and she’s a fantastic +spd/-def but I really wanted Valentines Ike merge to get rid of that -def.

At this point I’m just considering giving up on the extra Ike and just summoning on the remaining orbs hoping I get Soren or Greil and be done with it regardless of results but ugh, I don’t know. My pity rate this banner has been pretty bad as it’s gotten to 4.25 twice now already and my luck could be worse but it’ll feel so bad if I just quit after already having dumped orbs in it without getting what I want.

Also, of course the game showers me in Greens whenever I want to pull red. Just my luck.

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Tried for V!Ike one last time and ended up with....Fallen Celica -_- Every other Celica I would've been happy with but of course I get the one I already have and really don't care about. Oh well more Chill Spd fodder I guess.

Rip V!Ike and V!Mist, their dad protected them until the end by coming to me three times. Fates Beasts are a huge priority though, so gotta wait until the valentines' repeat on the Legendary Banners, where hopefully their dad won't be ¬¬ Let's hope some of those beasts want Fury 4...

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