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On 3/8/2019 at 7:35 AM, mcsilas said:

Yeah the amount of stats for those Corrins are insane. 

@daisy jane  Yeah Alm is really tempting since the last banner was an all red Flachion banner but... need to be strict in orb-saving right now since we have slightly less orbs lately. 

Oh yeah I forgot to say how that last pull gave me twoBinding Blade units that have been super rare for me (Shanna/Lilina). Funny that...since now it's time to pull for the new Binding Blade banner!

Since I'm in strict saving mode, I just went for reds if I saw them with the free summon and tickets. Sadly no Idunn but that's fine, H!Myrrh serves me well.

However on my main I did get my second Elincia on my 2nd ticket (3rd summon overall)! Finally i can fix my +Res/-Spd one!!!!....funnily enough the new one is also +Res/-Spd, but getting rid of that -Spd will feel so good. Now I feel silly trying for a second Elincia in her recent banners when I get her on a ticket. Also got a 4 star Ares which is always welcome.

Second account gave me no 5 stars but I did get a Selena (Reposition is always nice). Free summon was a BB unit...normaly Roy (and TA is always nice since it's rare for me). Was hoping for a good boon Ares as well on the way but nothing.

Yeah I know. LOL I really hope that my theory of there being another game mode (thus those orbs are given there) is true. I don't mind giving the game some money but if they reduce the orbs, then i'm less likely to spend. and really, i always have plans on saving to +10 something but this game is really shiny!! 

That's kinda funny. hehe Shanna is as rare as a 5* unit sometimes. 
lol well i can beat your Elincia story. 

3 weeks ago - blazing light banner! ooh Celica!!
Pull for Celica, get 2 Celicas
2nd summon Ticket, out comes.... 

LOL but i am happy to have more merges on her. (I could play the "I wish she was Duma Celica, or Brave Celica, or... the dream... Flying Olivia" card but i figure. Free 5* is a Free 5* and I've always said on these be someone useful, or someone I need, and adding more celica to my +1 copy is def. a great thing. lol i thought for a moment to do a @mampfoid and keep her unmerged for Celica Emblem Clears (this one is +atk/-res), but then i figured that would require a lot of resources to make her awesome, and so.. yeah she can just be +2 instead.   so basically anything else on this banner is just winning to me. 




16 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

“Ugh. Well I only got one 5 star from the Roy banner. I’ve got five more orbs a day too late. Okay, looks like the wolfskin and kitsune banner is almost gone. ...Might as well take the chance that I’ll make something of that 4% pity rate? Alright, I’ll try for Keaton or Velouria. ...Two red, one clear. Seeing how I want Vel more and I don’t want to be haunted by the “what if I picked the wrong orb” question, I’ll go cle-“




oh look at you. lucky!

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Notable from the BInding Blade banner:

Main: 4-star Reyson +Def -Res. Used up all tickets.

Alt: Leo +HP -Spd. Opposite of the spread I got on the main. He doesn't need that speed anyway. Among 4-stars, Soleil +HP yet again (useless for her, it only gets her to mid-40s). Two tickets left.

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So, here's my plan. I have enough for 4 full pulls thanks to the tokens. Goal: get something. If I have enough for the fifth pull, alright I guess.

3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green.

4* Cherche (If I decide to merge beyond +1... +Res/-Def), 3* Donnel (I do not need pothead. +Spd/-HP)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

3* Wendy (I have not gotten her in a while. Maybe I should consider a merge.... but why for launch units? +Def/-HP), 3* Fir (Seriously, wrong BB units! +HP/-Atk), 4* A!Tiki (Is her IVs good? +Atk/-Def, good enough while I'm not bothering with a 5* version.)


3 Red, 2 Blue

4* Henry (Cursed unit. +Atk/-Def), 4* M!Robin (Well, it's Bonfire. +Spd/-Def), 3* Caeda (Fortify fliers? +HP/-Def), 3* Marth (Not really worth much. +HP/-Res), 4* Est (Dammit all, I still don't know what to do with her! +Atk/-Res)


2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

3* Frederick (It's Luna. +Atk/-Spd), 4* Mathilda (I wish she was better fodder without being 5*. +Def/-Spd), 3* Stahl (Stahl the ball, I would like better. +Res/-Atk)

4 Green, 1 Red

4* M!Corrin (M!No-rrin. +Res/-Def), 3* Soren (Noren. +Atk/-Res), 3* Soren (Noren to you too. +Atk/-Res, Oh fuck off.), 4* Merric (Can... can he get out of the pool? +HP/-Spd), 3* Arthur (This I can stand. +HP/-Def)

3.75% so far. Yay.

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Summon Tickets got me Keaton and Idunn for free! Unfortunately they both have -Atk flaws. Oh well, Sonya would really like Keaton's Special Spiral especially with the refine her weapon recently got. Not sure what is the best skill to fodder off of Idunn though since Fort. Def/Res 3, Vengeful Fighter and Ward Dragon and Bonfire are all good skills but I guess I could still keep her to fight Surtr and other annoying armor units in Arena Assault even with an Atk flaw.

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Did some more tries for Alm:

  • 4* Raigh (ugh)
  • 3* Hinata (I'll always take Fury fodder)
  • 4* Hana (meh)
  • 4* Roy (mehhh)
  • 3* Hana (more meh)

Pity rate of 3.50%. Sigh, last chance is tuesday since we only get like 3 orbs tomorrow. Don't think I'm gonna make it but should at least try still. Man everyone summoning awesome stuff with their tickets makes me want to use them, but gotta have patience and wait till Alm's banner is done so I can spend orbs for Sue.

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I'm out of Tickets and pulled the entire session on every ticket, and in addition to the Sue I pulled when the banner dropped, I have a second Sue now. The new one's +DEF/-RES, so she's either getting merged into my +ATK Sue or used for Hone SPD 4 fodder.

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Got a neutral Mia on a session with no greens.

I mean, I like her enough but I already had one and I really want Sue. And off-focus too.

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Sigh, last chance for Alm got me a 3* Raigh and a 4* Lilina, nothing I care for. I can only hope Alm demotes now (I doubt it) or else I will probably never get him :( If only IS wasn't so damn stingy with their orbs right now, I would've had another chance at least. I got two Cains (WoM) and a Hinata (Fury) out of it at least so it wasn't all for nothing. Getting my last Soleil would've really made up for it but alas. Man I'm just depressed now.

Only 3 free orbs tomorrow too, so I'll have to wait two days before I can even start using me free summons for Sue sigh.

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Is it just me or is IS becoming more stingy in general?  From what I've seen just about everyone was pissed with the second anniversary summons (heck I was super pissed off about the fact I pulled two units I already had and they had natures to top it all off) and the sort of voted banner?


Is this going to be a trend or will we get lucky enough it won't?  I'm really hoping so especially since the summoning pool has been bloated beyond a joke at this point and even getting focus units is near impossible.


On topic I have noticed the latest banner is an absolute pain to pry units from (Pity Break Brave Celica ruined my shot at Idunn though I did get her in the end with likely trash IVs).

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Quantity over Quality continues:

Following my last post and while sniping for Lugh got me: 4Head Olwen, my third Sue (well, someone is getting Hone Speed 4, that's for sure) and B!Ike. 

I appreciate getting 5* units for low amounts of orbs (This banner is wild; 8 5* units with free summon, 4 tickets and 48 orbs), but I cannot reiterate enough how I'm not getting what I'm aiming for. This game is such a weird experience sometimes.

2019 5* count: 41

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Since there aren't any interesting banners for a while, I think I'm going to start sniping greens again. I still want Lugh, and a Sue that isn't -Spd would be great. 103 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Hinata: More Fury fodder.

Useful, but not what I want. 98 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: Worthless.

That was exactly the same color distribution: 4 reds and 1 grey. 93 orbs left.

  1. 3* Laslow: Meh.

Still no greens...88 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: Maybe someone could use Earth Boost.
  2. 4* Arthur: Feathers.

Nothing useful this time. 79 orbs left.

  1. 4* Merric: Meh.

Still nothing. 74 orbs left.

  1. 5* Sue: Excellent! +Atk/-Def, so she'll be a good merge for my +Atk/-Spd copy. Now let's see if the other two greens hold Lugh.
  2. 4* Bartre: Another FE6 unit, but not the one I wanted.
  3. 4* Camilla: Haven't seen you in a while.
  4. 4* Seth: Garbage.
  5. 5* Thea: And so my awesome luck here continues! She's hardly a great unit, but a cheap 5* is always a gift. +HP/-Res, so middling IVs.

Alright, I've gotten enough from this banner. 72 orbs plus the tickets for a Giga!Nino merge, a great Ayra, a great Sue+1, and a decent Thea.

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2 hours ago, KMT4ever said:

Since there aren't any interesting banners for a while, I think I'm going to start sniping greens again. I still want Lugh, and a Sue that isn't -Spd would be great. 103 orbs to start.

  1. 4* Hinata: More Fury fodder.

Useful, but not what I want. 98 orbs left.

  1. 3* Tharja: Worthless.

That was exactly the same color distribution: 4 reds and 1 grey. 93 orbs left.

  1. 3* Laslow: Meh.

Still no greens...88 orbs left.

  1. 3* Boey: Maybe someone could use Earth Boost.
  2. 4* Arthur: Feathers.

Nothing useful this time. 79 orbs left.

  1. 4* Merric: Meh.

Still nothing. 74 orbs left.

  1. 5* Sue: Excellent! +Atk/-Def, so she'll be a good merge for my +Atk/-Spd copy. Now let's see if the other two greens hold Lugh.
  2. 4* Bartre: Another FE6 unit, but not the one I wanted.
  3. 4* Camilla: Haven't seen you in a while.
  4. 4* Seth: Garbage.
  5. 5* Thea: And so my awesome luck here continues! She's hardly a great unit, but a cheap 5* is always a gift. +HP/-Res, so middling IVs.

Alright, I've gotten enough from this banner. 72 orbs plus the tickets for a Giga!Nino merge, a great Ayra, a great Sue+1, and a decent Thea.

Congrats on Sue and Thea!

4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Is it just me or is IS becoming more stingy in general?  From what I've seen just about everyone was pissed with the second anniversary summons (heck I was super pissed off about the fact I pulled two units I already had and they had natures to top it all off) and the sort of voted banner?

Is this going to be a trend or will we get lucky enough it won't?  I'm really hoping so especially since the summoning pool has been bloated beyond a joke at this point and even getting focus units is near impossible.

People are speculating we may be getting a new mode this month or next month that will make those Orbs up, but it's just speculation~

There's also thoughts that since the Free Summon Tickets are essentially 4 extra free pulls, they've cut back on Orbs because of that~ Which, I could see that logic, but if you have no interest in the Banner with the Tickets, it's hardly a valuable trade off in the place of like 11-15 Orbs you could have used on a Banner you care about.

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Yeah, I did say I was going to pass on this banner......then my desire to get Reyson sidetracked me hard also, boo that's not Reyson. Nah, I'm perfectly cool with getting the green who both has no chance at demoting and belongs to a much more scarce unit type. Also:



Huh, guess it's a Sacaen thing or something.


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Finally scrounged up 20 again.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Nino (No, just stop. +Def/-Res), 4* Odin (O Din of irrelevance, please allow other good fodder to grace me. +Res/-Def), 4* Henry (No, I don't want a 5* Henry. +Res/-Def), 3* Caeda (That's 3 this banner I think. I want some fucking Red Variety, Please. +HP/-Spd)

17 orbs, nothing of value. 4%

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:


Yeah, I did say I was going to pass on this banner......then my desire to get Reyson sidetracked me hard also, boo that's not Reyson. Nah, I'm perfectly cool with getting the green who both has no chance at demoting and belongs to a much more scarce unit type. Also:

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Huh, guess it's a Sacaen thing or something.


LOL who needs res when they are dead ;) 
Reyson is a myth. 

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36 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

LOL who needs res when they are dead ;) 
Reyson is a myth. 


And yup, he is to the point where I ended up getting his sister off-focus while he still has yet to show up as a 4-star even once. My luck concerning the 4 or 5 star units seems to vary rather wildly (currently sitting on 19 L’Arachel manuals and 10 Nanna ones while I’ve pulled Silas only twice to date and to think I was scared that he’d block me from getting Ophelia and Legault just once).

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


And yup, he is to the point where I ended up getting his sister off-focus while he still has yet to show up as a 4-star even once. My luck concerning the 4 or 5 star units seems to vary rather wildly (currently sitting on 19 L’Arachel manuals and 10 Nanna ones while I’ve pulled Silas only twice to date and to think I was scared that he’d block me from getting Ophelia and Legault just once).

I'm with you. 
I now have enough Soleils for +10. Silvia's are rare treasures
Tailitu, L'arachel (except when she pity breaks me when I am LAZURA HUNTING) and Silas (and also Shigure) - rare treasure
Nanna comes and goes. 
Legault and Libra are mean mean stalkers (even 2 5* version of him)

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


Yeah, I did say I was going to pass on this banner......then my desire to get Reyson sidetracked me hard also, boo that's not Reyson. Nah, I'm perfectly cool with getting the green who both has no chance at demoting and belongs to a much more scarce unit type. Also:

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Huh, guess it's a Sacaen thing or something.


Ayyye congrats!

Well, Lyn can be Sue's mom~

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26 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Ayyye congrats!

Well, Lyn can be Sue's mom~


That's certainly plausible. I do have to sometimes remind myself that Sue is Rath's kid given that the game is far more interested in highlighting that she's Dayan's granddaughter. Though since Rath didn't exist in Binding Blade, that choice does at least make sense.

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