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Wanted to spend 50 orbs, but in the end it took 136 orbs to get this:



She is +HP/-RES and extra-fluffy

Can't complain because I got Steady Breath fodder on the way plus my first Reyson (+DEF/-RES) and some Repositions. 

Edited by mampfoid
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1,730 total pulled units.


Beruka (+Res/-Spd): Wrong asset!

Shanna (neutral): I think I'm gonna need that Desperation.

Olivia (+Atk/-Res): Not bad!   Maybe when I have the feathers.
Kaze (neutral): I think I'm gonna need that Iceberg, too.
Priscilla (+HP/-Atk): Uhhh. . .no.  Not by a long shot.
Bartre (+Res/-Atk): And he can't even pass a full Fury without serious investment.
Cherche (+Spd/-Res): I'm sure this would make a funny gimmick, but no.

Maria (+Atk/-Def): FINALLY!  Now, let's see if this'll work.
Bartre (+Spd/-HP): See Cherche's entry.  But minus the funny.
Donnel (+Spd/-HP): Huh, this might work.
Mathilda (neutral): She's decent fodder, at least.
L'arachel (+Atk/-Def): Oh, this is great!  I can get rid of that stupid -Res on my original one!

Eirika (+Atk/-Res): Nice, but I think I already have her.
Lilina (+HP/-Res): Not nice, and will be turned into. . .something.
Silvia (+HP/-Atk): I think I'll merge her with my original one, and just have her be stupidly fast.
Ares (+Atk/-Res): Why do you do this to me?  I want to get you to +10 while having a bunch of Brazen Atk/Def, but this is just beautiful!
Setsuna (+Spd/-Res): She could probably swap with Olivia and be happier.

Hana (+Atk/-HP): Hey, she's even glassier, but this is pretty good!
Roy (+Def/Atk): Uh, who wants TA?
Sothe (+Spd/-Def): One day, he'll be +Atk.  But I will be thankful for this one for the time being.
Cecilia (neutral): PERFECT!  I need Escape Route fodder!
Soren (+Atk/-Def): Hey, not bad!

Hana (+Res/-HP): This, on the other hand, isn't worth much of anything.
Seth (+Atk/-Res): Let's see how you do with your personal sword!
Eliwood (neutral): This. . .works as fodder?  Sort of?
Barst (+HP/-Spd): WOOHOO, Reposition fodder!
Merric (+Res/-Def): Unlike Barst, I can't make a good fodder comment.

Maria (+Def/-Atk): Hey, time to get rid of my other Maria's flaw!
Jakob (+HP/-Atk): More flaw erasers!
Priscilla (+Def/-HP): The third eraser!
Klein (+Atk/-Spd): I, uh, have seriously mixed feelings on this, especially since I have a couple of good ones, and Death Blow is still relevant to me.
Shanna (+Res/-Def): More Desperation fodder!

Veronica (+Spd/-HP): She looks like she wants offense.  WOOHOO!   Stats willing, she's getting Desperation and Iceberg.
Camilla (+Def/-Res): Wear some bunny ears, and we'll talk.
Shigure (+Atk/-Spd): I'm getting rid of this flaw one way or another!
Subaki (+HP/-Atk): Someone can make use of QR!
Effie (+Res/-Atk): Maybe I'll throw Wary Fighter on something. One day.

That's a surprising amount of competent units.  And I have a bonus unit, to boot!  AND she's a green horse!  Titania can finally take a break!


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Free unit is a 5* -atk Sothe, and 50 orbs later is a +Spd -Def Bruno. Not sure if I want to continue pulling for another better IV or just call it a day since Bruno's stats pretty much means he is just gonna be for collection sake.

Edited by MagicCanonBalls
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10 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That's a surprising amount of competent units.  And I have a bonus unit, to boot!  AND she's a green horse!  Titania can finally take a break!

Congrats on Veronica, +SPD is awesome!

(She is a Flier though)

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Just now, mampfoid said:

Congrats on Veronica, +SPD is awesome!

(She is a Flier though)

(psst, pointing out that I messed up a totally verifiable fact that I should've taken a better look at is grounds for crossed-out text and a stuck-out tongue smiley!) :P:

Now I have options when it comes to fliers!  Just pulled Nino, too, so Camilla doesn't have to be the lone green tome flier.  But she's so darn good against arrows. . .ah, decisions!

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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

 is grounds for crossed-out text and a stuck-out tongue smiley!) :P:

Totally deserved that, lol. 

4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Now I have options when it comes to fliers!  Just pulled Nino, too, so Camilla doesn't have to be the lone green tome flier.  But she's so darn good against arrows. . .ah, decisions!

Since I'm missing Nino, I'll keep TA/Gronnraven on Camilla and make Veronica my offensive option. 

Edited by mampfoid
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@mampfoid Oooh congrats on the flying green bunny!

I was planning to only do my free pull trying to save for the legendary but Palla is my favourite Whitewing so I just had to try a session with a red orb (first orb had two greens and Veronica was my backup option.)

Ended up spending 17 orbs with nothing (all 3 stars on 2nd session) so I think I'll stop now, unless I get H!Mia early.

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Was going to try for Marisa on the free pull, but as usual the free pull did not include the color I want. Pulled a red instead for Palla's trap skill but nope, a useless Seth. Well, so far the bunny banner for me.

A whole new bunch of orbs today though, so more tries for Sue:

  • First session, no greens for the fourth time now, sigh. Red gives me 3* Tharja, whatever.
  • Again no greens, oh joy. Palla in red now, oh well Moonbow is always nice.
  • Finally a green, though only one. Gunter, already have more Hone Cavalry than I have Cavalry units so please leave.
  • NO GREENS JFC. This time an A!Tiki in red, meh.
  • .....fuck this game I'm uninstalling it. Again no fucking greens. Laslow, whoopteedoo.

I'm so fucking done. Five sessions and only one had a green. Seven sessions with no greens total so far. Pity rate of 3.75%, I'm just going to be pity broken by some stupid red sword again aren't I, as always when I try for a green unit. I should just quit right here, if only I didn't want to replace BowLyn so badly sigh.

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Another year, another set of bunnies. 

I'd actually like to get Palla. Not enough to be pulling all the time (no more orbs these days, y'see)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue

4* Hinata (A fine free pull. +Def/-Atk), 4* Seliph (Not so fine. +Res/-Spd)

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

@mampfoid Oooh congrats on the flying green bunny!

I was planning to only do my free pull trying to save for the legendary but Palla is my favourite Whitewing so I just had to try a session with a red orb (first orb had two greens and Veronica was my backup option.)

Ended up spending 17 orbs with nothing (all 3 stars on 2nd session) so I think I'll stop now, unless I get H!Mia early.

Thanks! I'm happy with her, she'll be my green flying nuke. 

Sorry you didn't get anything, perhaps Palla will visit you on a legendary banner? 

33 minutes ago, Mau said:

I'm so fucking done. Five sessions and only one had a green. Seven sessions with no greens total so far. Pity rate of 3.75%, I'm just going to be pity broken by some stupid red sword again aren't I, as always when I try for a green unit. I should just quit right here, if only I didn't want to replace BowLyn so badly sigh.

Ouch, that's hard. Hope TT orbs will give you something better, ideally a Sue. 

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Full circle with three green orbs, I really hoped for Veronica after seeing that, but it was "just" a Bruno, with an atrocious -Att flaw. And nothing on my quest for Lugh after getting all the orbs (not even green options XD)

The rest next to Bruno was garbage that I almost immediately forgot after turning them into manuals: a Titania, Frederick, Cecilia, Odin, Adult Tiki, Stahl (The usual crap). Funny, considering I could use some common units again like Gunter, Camilla, Jagen, Est, and what not, but I manage to summon around those, while they kept infesting my barracks in the past. Such is life.

2019 5* count: 43

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I caved and bought some more orbs and FINALLY I got Bruno.  Hallelujah! +HP/-RES but I don't give a fuck I finally got the freaking rabbit for TT.  Like seriously this banner was the fucking pits...and now to wait for Springfonse...

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Datamine spioilers:


Turns out IS are terrible and the next TT won't have Bunnero.

I guess I'll have to try. Fuck.

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless

4* Lissa (Eh. +Atk/-Spd)

2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red (I see it's that kind of day)

4* Athena (Moonbow. +Atk/-Res)

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

4* Eliwood (Well, it's Ward Cav. +Res/-Def), 4* Tharja (I have so many units with DaB. +Def/-Res)


2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless

3* Stahl (Least he's better as 3*. +HP/-Res), 4* Seliph (Seliph, please don't. +Spd/-Atk)

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green

4* Soleil (It's not bad fodder. +Spd/-Res)

2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green

4* Ares (THIS IS MORE LIKE IT FODDER WISE. +Res/-Spd), 4* Athena (Moonbow. Again. +Def/-Spd)


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Bunny time once more. I've picked up two from each previous banner along the way, so let's see if one set will oblige me quickly. 79 orbs to start.

  1. 3* Lon'qu: Worthless.
  2. 3* Frederick: Also worthless.
  3. 4* Wrys: Useful SI fodder.
  4. 3* Femui: Trash.
  5. 3* Peri: Also trash.

Wow, that was actually horrible. Well, better that I get bad luck here than on a banner I actually care about. Not going to bother coming back.

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Free pull was Maria.  I finally after getting to a 4% pity rate pulled Idunn on the FE6 banner!  She is +spd-res so she is usable and I have my favorite dark dragon:)  I will be trying for Bruno later on, once I grind the CC for its orbs.

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After my awful luck on the last seasonal, I was dreading this one. I wanted Bruno so much more than I ever wanted Ike or Soren. 

Katarina pitybroke me when there were no colourless. Legault also still remained firmly missing. Klein became surprisingly abundant, though, which is always good, and more Wryses came for live to serve fodder. Plus I got my first Lissa in heaven knows how long. Will probably keep her unmanualled for a bit, since I only have my 5* one otherwise.

I ran out of orbs - 86 wasn't enough -.-

However, did a quick run of the Chain Challenges and finally, finally got him! 

Bruno appeared at +HP -Spd. Not the best ivs, but not the worst either, since I don't think his speed is all that great. He's so pretty, and the wrathful refine really matches him well. So happy to have him <3 I usually wait to have 4 5*s to level up but I really wanted him ready to go so I power levelled and refined him straight away ^.^

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My free pull ended up being...Celica. lolwut. Now I have two extra Celicas. I'm not sure whether to merge or fodder for Distant Def. I don't really use DD except in seal form, so probably the former.

I got no more 5 stars after that when I went down to my final orbs. I had two reds to pick from, as I didn't have enough orbs left to pull both, and at this point I was certain I wasn't going to get best Whitewing in her bunny outfit and would have to wait several days until I can access my money again. :(

I go with my gut to pull the top red since pulling others first has not given me as much luck, weirdly. And:



I just had to hope her IVs weren't horrible since I wouldn't be able to try for another one before the TT starts. So I look, and...


AAAAAH. THEY'RE PERFECT! My IV luck returned! She's gonna be my new best dagger, without a doubt. Sorry Summer Freddy. xP But I still love you!

Also, I love that she uses Sharena's little bunny nickname of Bun-Bun. XD I have two Bun-Bun pals now, I guess, since I also have Bunny Sharena!

Edited by Anacybele
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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I caved and bought some more orbs and FINALLY I got Bruno.  Hallelujah! +HP/-RES but I don't give a fuck I finally got the freaking rabbit for TT.  Like seriously this banner was the fucking pits...and now to wait for Springfonse...

but you have a month, why did you buy orbs?

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Almost the end of the Delthea Banner and I thought I'd sacrifice 50 Orbs for her since I really need the rest to go for Palla's dagger~

Turns out I only needed 19~


YES, my favorite Miwabe Sakura unit arrives! I'm super lucky she came home quickly and with essentially Neutral IVs (+Res, -HP), I usually have better luck in the morning, so I'm glad I went for it~ Now I'll wait for TT Orbs to try to snag a Palla~

8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Wanted to spend 50 orbs, but in the end it took 136 orbs to get this:

  Reveal hidden contents


She is +HP/-RES and extra-fluffy

Can't complain because I got Steady Breath fodder on the way plus my first Reyson (+DEF/-RES) and some Repositions. 


Congrats on the FUZZYYYY and good fodder along the way!!

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And my luck continues~ Only about 30 Orbs in


Sooo, guess I'm done with this Banner~ I feel bad because she's a fairly nice +Spd but Elise weeaally want that Dagger~ Maybe I'll get another to keep on a Legendary Banner~

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