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6 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I tried to yolo for a Yune this morning, since she is one of my favorite Defensive Mythic Heroes, and I got this, at 8%:

e9f2RCX.jpgwlUVlb0.jpgZUthVOW.jpg iX2L5c3.jpg

I cannot complain.

Incredible luck, congrats!


I got tempted and spent some orbs yesterday, but at least I got something:


+Def -HP, not that great but it's fine. She's not the unit I wanted most, but I didn't have her so I'm happy she showed up. She probably won't be that useful to me, but luckily I got something else on the banner that will be!


My 11th Ross! Now he's +10, I've been really lucky with getting copies of him. Really pleased with that!

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1 hour ago, BoaFerox said:

Incredible luck, congrats!


I got tempted and spent some orbs yesterday, but at least I got something:


+Def -HP, not that great but it's fine. She's not the unit I wanted most, but I didn't have her so I'm happy she showed up. She probably won't be that useful to me, but luckily I got something else on the banner that will be!


My 11th Ross! Now he's +10, I've been really lucky with getting copies of him. Really pleased with that!

Congrats on Yune and finishing up your Ross!

On 1/30/2020 at 10:04 AM, Diovani Bressan said:

Got her in the free summon circle (not free summon):


I have two now... Still don't know what to do with her. But at least I have another Ruptured Sky in case I need it... and Fury 4.


8 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I tried to yolo for a Yune this morning, since she is one of my favorite Defensive Mythic Heroes, and I got this, at 8%:

e9f2RCX.jpgwlUVlb0.jpgZUthVOW.jpg iX2L5c3.jpg

I cannot complain.

Congrats on your Yolos! 

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Not my own pull, but when I was playing VG earlier today I found that one of my friends had pulled a perfect Lif. And when I looked through my friend's list, I realized that the friend who got a perfect Lif is the same friend who has a +2 Mareeta and a +5ish Surtr.

I should not be surprised.

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Great, Valor skills. That sure is useful...Anyway, going grey on the off chance I'll get Norne.

  1. 4* Jeorge: Close, but not quite.

So much for that. Well, F!Morgan should be appearing on a New Power banner soon, so there's something to look forward to.

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Still no Líf...I guess like Thrasir he won't be coming on his debut banner- which is such an annoying outcome, but one I fully expected.  Still would be nice to have all my Alfonses for collection's sake...and he's got good skills damn it!

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2 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

If I didn’t get Maribelle on her debut, I would be trying SO hard right now for her. Staff valor is a godsend.

I was kinda scared they'd share her with Nina, which actually wouldn't have been bad for me, because I'd lowkey Like a Nina)

but she was alone, and I finally have her. 
I got 3 Tethyses and a Mercedes too (always the same IVS. +def or +res I swear the game is trying to tell me something). 

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The pulls didn't go all that bad. 

I got a +Atk Deirdre from the weekly banner and another dancing Ishtar (+Atk -Spd) from the free 5* banner. The other two gave me nothing of value.

Both are an upgrade from their old natures so I'll take that as a win even if I wanted Picnic Flora.

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Bad news: I wanted colorless on the seasonal pull thing. Got none.

Good news: My second choice was blue, and I did get blue.

Better news: I got Alfonse and Sharena, whom I wanted!

More bad news: ... They're +spd -atk. Literally the worst nature they could've gotten.

Fuck you too, Heroes.

EDIT: At least I got my first Duo Hero, although I'm not sure if I'll use them for the "proper duo usages".

Edited by Sunwoo
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And my free Special Hero is...

Picnic Genny +HP -Atk! Okay, there were heroes I wanted more, but there were heroes I did not want at all. Genny fell... skewed more toward wanted, but not necessarily at the top of the wanted heroes list.
Consider me pleased.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Better news: I got Alfonse and Sharena, whom I wanted!

You disgust me.

As for me? There were 3 blue stones so that made choosing difficult, I went with the top.


Can't complain. Yeah I already have both LA!Lyn and H!Ilyana and of course it's not NY!Alfonse. But I love Nino and I didn't want literally half of the units in this color pool, so it could have been worse. She's +DEF/-RES and her kit is basically fully built already so she's ready to go out the gate. I'll pair her with W!Jaffar.

Also got this on the Lif banner.


Ironically there was one blue stone and it was the only stone I wasn't going to pull but I did it anyway and it was the only one that had anything valuable. So it was neat, or at least it would have been if I didn't already have a +10 OG Lukas. This is a bit redundant, but at least he's new. He'll likely collect dust but he's +ATK/-RES so, it's fine. 

Trying not to sound ungrateful but after a bit more summoning on the NY Banner I got my 3rd and final *5... this time it was blue.



Yep. It's another pitybreaker, and yep it's another *4-5 unit. I'm not even mad. I feel literally nothing at this point. I didn't even expect to get him. She's +SPD so it's the first workable nature Thea I've ever pulled and the 2nd *5 pitybreaker copy. Whatever.

So I'm going to give up here. 400+ orbs clearly means this is in fact not my year for NY!Alfonse. It's a bitter feeling but I'm not flushing any more orbs down this toilet of a banner.

Maybe he'll get in the top 8 of AHR but chances are it'll just be Altina who, while nice has no value for me since I have her already.

No where to go but up from here. Gonna ride out all these discounted summons with what's left of my orbs and then back to saving. This time though, I won't be tempted by an appealing seasonal. I'm not doing this again. Ever.

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                                  2019                                                                         2020  

Boy, history sure does love repeating itself huh?

The slight no Ishtar disappointment aside, I actually pulled a 5* with a ticket for once:



I suppose this would be my first time actually pulling CYL Camilla since I used my freebie on her. Unfortunately, this one is +HP/-Atk so I'll likely just fodder this one.

This one was yesterday, but I did at least get DC in the form of Hector from Lif's banner:



I'm open to suggestions as to who should get DC as I'm not sure who to give it to myself at this point.

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Free pull gave me GreenLethe which is on the one hand the latest possible green unit to get, but on the other hand I already had her. Still a merge of the kitty is very nice and I have no real high opinions about seasonals in general. 

Anyways I pulled B!Eliwood, but unfortunately not from the banner where to expect, but from the TMS banner. Means RIP TMS units. He's -atk, so fodder anyways...

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I got a free Brave Hector +Def-Spd from the Brave banner lol. I have my natural one still, however, so...


Anyway, disappointed in my my free seasonal. I had like a 60% chance of getting a new unit in red or green... went for red in hopes of H Hector. Got a repeat, sadly: Picnic Flora. She is opposite IVs of my first one at +Res-Def lol. Oh well. More tickets to come! I plan on sniping all colors but green to see who I get.

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My free pull was a Halloween L'Arachel. I ought to have gone for colorless for the New Year Selkie come to think of it; I have no use for L'Arachel, sadly. 

Still, I got a free Nagi yesterday, so it's fine. 

Now, save for Lysithea or go for kitty kimonos... 

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Alright, time for the deluge of banners to begin. Weekly Revival 15 first.

  1. 3* Cherche: Bleh.

Now the Alm & Celica BHB banner.

  1. 4* Azama: Garbage.

And lastly the free Special Hero. Going red since it has the fewest characters I dislike.

  1. 5* SS!Ishtar: And of course it's a unit I already have. Well, merge time then.

That was disappointing. Maybe the tickets will prove more fruitful if I use them all at once.

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Tried again for Líf, no such luck.  Yeap I'm just going to give his banner up now....and leave an annoying pity rate behind me.

Male Morgan, 3 star Camilla who didn't have the decency to be +Atk and a pointless Gwendolyn who really should have been Bowcina to erase my girl's -Res.


Free pulls got, Gwendolyn × 1

Kjelle was the shock free ticket summon.  +Res/-Hp Essentially Neutral Attack, I'll take it.

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